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1.sheaf:n. 1.(谷物捆成的)束,捆 2. (物品扎成的)捆,扎 2.shear:v. 1. 剪羊毛 2. 折斷 The farmer is shearing his sheep.(那農(nóng)夫正在給他的羊剪毛。) 3.sheath:n. 1.(刀、劍等的)鞘 2. 避孕套 4.she [查看全文]


1.self-effacing:a. 謙遜的 She's brilliant but self-effacing.(她才華橫溢而不露鋒芒.) 2.self-opinionated:a. 固執(zhí)己見的,剛愎自用的 He is far too self-opinionated to yield to argument.(他太固執(zhí)己見的,不肯聽從勸說。) 3.self-possessed:a. 沉著的,有信心的 She appeared composed and self-possessed before the [查看全文]


1.scupper:v. 1. 故意弄沉(自己的船)2. 使(某事物)失敗,摧毀 The project was scuppered by lack of money.(由于缺乏資金, 這項(xiàng)計(jì)劃落空了。) 2.seclude:v. 使隔離,使隱退(尤指自己) seclude oneself f [查看全文]


1.scenario:n. 1. 劇本,腳本2. 概要 2. schizophrenia:n. 精神分裂癥 3.scintillation:n. 1. 才智橫溢2. 閃爍 4.scoff:v. 嘲笑;狼吞虎咽n. 1. 嘲弄的話2. 笑柄 A hundred years ago people scoffed at the idea.(一百年前人們曾嘲笑過這種想法。) 5.scour:v. 徹底搜索(某地) The police are scouring the countryside for the es [查看全文]


1.salvage:v. 1. 救助,營救2.回收利用 All attempts tosalvage the wrecked ship failed.(搶救失事船只的一切努力都失敗了。) 2.sanguine:a. 1.充滿希望的,樂觀的2.紅潤的 He seemed quite sanguine about his chances of success.(他看上去對成功的可能性十分樂觀。) 3.sap:n. 地下戰(zhàn)壕v. 暗中削弱,破壞 Lack of planning is sapping the c [查看全文]


1.sabotage:n. v. 陰謀破壞 They tried to sabotage my birthday party.(他們企圖破壞我的生日晚會。) 2.sadism:n. 1. 虐待狂2.性虐待 3.sag:v. 1.下沉,下彎2. (精神)萎靡n. 下陷,松弛 The shelf was beginning to [查看全文]


1.iterate:v. 反復(fù)說,一再提出 iterate a warning(反復(fù)予以警告) iterate an objection(再三表示反對) 2.itinerant:a. 巡回的,流動的 In the past itinerant merchants sold harmful products.( 過去,流動的商人出售有毒的產(chǎn)品。) 3.itinerary:n. 旅行路線 4.ivy:n. 常春藤 ivy league 美國高校聯(lián)盟 5.irreverent:a.(對神圣之物)不敬的,不虔誠的 [查看全文]


1. invocation:n. 1. 禱告祈求,援用 2. 禱告詞 2. invoice:v. n.(開)發(fā)票,(開列)貨品清單 When we invoice customers, we usually quote prices f.o.b. Guangzhou. (當(dāng)我們開發(fā)票時,我們通常報(bào)價是廣州的離岸 [查看全文]


1. intractable:a. 倔強(qiáng)的,難對付的,難駕馭的 It emerged as the mostintractable issue of our era.(它成了我們時代最難解決的問題。) 2. intransigent:a. 固執(zhí)己見的,不妥協(xié)的 He can be intransigent and pig-heade [查看全文]


1. inkling:n. 暗示,模糊的概念(印象) 2. inmate:n. (尤指監(jiān)獄、醫(yī)院等機(jī)構(gòu)中)同住的人 3. inoculate:v. 接種,打預(yù)防針 A pedigree pup should have been inoculated against serious diseases before its sold.(純種 [查看全文]