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2011-05-21被狗咬的人 The Mischievous Dog

A DOG used to run up quietly to the heels of everyone he met, and to bite them without notice.His master suspended a bell about his neck so that the Dog might give notice of his presence wherever he went.Thinking it a mark of distinction, the Dog grew pro [查看全文]

2011-05-20徒勞的寒鴉 The Vain Jackdaw

JUPITER DETERMINED, it is said, to create a sovereign over the birds, and made proclamation that on a certain day they should all present themselves before him, when he would himself choose the most beautiful among them to be king. The Jackdaw, knowin [查看全文]

2011-05-04獅子,老鼠,狐貍 The Lion, the Mouse, and the Fox

A LION, fatigued by the heat of a summer's day, fell fast asleep in his den. A Mouse ran over his mane and ears and woke him from his slumbers. He rose up and shook himself in great wrath, and searched every corner of his den to find the Mouse. A Fox seei [查看全文]

2011-04-30牛和屠夫 The Oxen and the Butchers

THE OXEN once upon a time sought to destroy the Butchers, who practiced a trade destructive to their race. They assembled on a certain day to carry out their purpose, and sharpened their horns for the contest. But one of them who was exceedingly old (for [查看全文]

2011-04-29運鹽的驢子 The Salt Merchant and His Ass

A PEDDLER drove his Ass to the seashore to buy salt. His road home lay across a stream into which his Ass, making a false step, fell by accident and rose up again with his load considerably lighter, as the water melted the sack. The Peddler retraced his s [查看全文]

2011-04-28那個生病的鹿 The Sick Stag

A SICK STAG lay down in a quiet corner of its pasture-ground. His companions came in great numbers to inquire after his health, and each one helped himself to a share of the food which had been placed for his use; so that he died, not from his sickness, b [查看全文]

2011-04-11孩子和青蛙 The Boys and the Frogs

SOME BOYS, playing near a pond, saw a number of Frogs in the water and began to pelt them with stones. They killed several of them, when one of the Frogs, lifting his head out of the water, cried out: Pray stop, my boys: what is sport to yo [查看全文]

2011-04-09青蛙求王 The Frogs Asking for a King

The Frogs Asking for a King THE FROGS, grieved at having no established Ruler, sent ambassadors to Jupiter entreating for a King. Perceiving their simplicity, he cast down a huge log into the lake. The Frogs were terrified at the splash occ [查看全文]

2011-04-07驢和騾子 The Ass and the Mule

A MULETEER set forth on a journey, driving before him an Ass and a Mule, both well laden. The Ass, as long as he traveled along the plain, carried his load with ease, but when he began to ascend the steep path of the mountain, felt his load [查看全文]

2011-04-06勞動者和蛇 The Laborer and the Snake

A SNAKE, having made his hole close to the porch of a cottage, inflicted a mortal bite on the Cottager's infant son. Grieving over his loss, the Father resolved to kill the Snake. The next day, when it came out of its hole for food, he took [查看全文]