一開始我準備的argument,因為我3月過生日和很多朋友分別聚了下,就耽誤了快一個星期吧,所以我準備5天寫寫argument,熟悉下,然后花15... [查看全文]
1.必須研究新GRE寫作范文,尤其是5分和6分的范文,他們真的非常重要,因為那是權(quán)威的輔導資料!不是簡單的熟讀和背誦,而是逐字逐句的體... [查看全文]
第一,文章開始點明中心句。 在每一段開始的第一行,最好能明確地表達你想說什么,也就是中心句?! ∵@做法雖然死板,但往往有奇效... [查看全文]
一、邏輯問題: 大體上來說,同學們的邏輯問題是最多的。邏輯問題有三種,通篇邏輯,段落之間,段落之中?! ∑鋵嵾@可能和我們高中... [查看全文]
題目: The study of history has value only to the extent that it is relevant to our daily lives." 只有... [查看全文]
題目: Success in any realm of life comes more often from taking chances or risks than from careful and c... [查看全文]
題目: Success, whether academic or professional, involves an ability to survive in a new environment and, e... [查看全文]
題目: Rituals and ceremonies help define a culture. Without them, societies or groups of people have a dim... [查看全文]
題目: It is possible to pass laws that control or place limits on people's behavior, but legislation c... [查看全文]
題目: The study of an academic discipline alters the way we perceive the world. After studying the discipl... [查看全文]