Although it is nothing new for companies to build relationships with customers, it has generally been done on a... [查看全文]
The Scientific Approach to RecruitmentWhen it (20) to selecting candidates through interview, more often than not ... [查看全文]
憤世嫉俗的cynical豐富多彩rich and colorful豐功偉績(jī)great achievement豐衣足食have ample food and clothing風(fēng)花雪月sentimental... [查看全文]
多愁善感的moonstruck 、spoony多此一舉bring owls to Athens、 hold a candle to the sun多多益善the more the better咄咄逼... [查看全文]
顛三倒四confused disorderly雕蟲(chóng)小技insignificant skill調(diào)兵遣將move forces調(diào)虎離山lure the enemy away from his base掉以輕... [查看全文]
得天獨(dú)厚的advantaged得心應(yīng)手handy with facility得意忘形、得意洋洋 bloat get dizzy with success得意洋洋elated、 elation、 ... [查看全文]
大顯身手、大顯神通strut one's stuff大言不慚、夸夸其談fanfaronade rodomontade大義凜然inspiring awe by upholding justice... [查看全文]
口譯成語(yǔ)(五)從容不迫的leisured unhurried從容不迫地by easy stages粗枝大葉careless slapdash sloppy粗枝大葉的broad-brush措手不及... [查看全文]
口譯成語(yǔ)(四)吃苦耐勞tough吃里扒外live on sb. while helping others secretly癡心妄想、胡思亂想wishful thinking持之以恒preserv... [查看全文]
Pricing Strategy1.the product itself: the cost of producing plus your expecting profit2.similar products, the rival... [查看全文]