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Science in the News教程匯總和更新

2014-12-09VOA慢速英語: 高新技術(shù)材料給建筑降溫,將熱量送入太空

High-Tech Material Cools Buildings, Sends Heat Into SpaceThis illustration shows a reflective p... [查看全文]

2014-12-04VOA慢速英語: 美國航空航天局測試新的航天飛船

NASA Tests a Successor to the Space Shuttle美國航空航天局測試新的航天飛船The United States plans... [查看全文]

2014-12-02VOA慢速英語: 忽視重力的懸浮板

Hoverboards Ignore Gravity忽視重力的懸浮板Can you imagine riding around the streets of your home... [查看全文]

2014-12-01VOA慢速英語: 肯尼亞研究者研發(fā)瘧疾疫苗

Kenyan Researchers Developing Malaria Vaccine肯尼亞研究者研發(fā)瘧疾疫苗Malaria control efforts depend... [查看全文]

2014-11-25VOA慢速英語: 荷蘭人試驗在海水中種植蔬菜

Dutch Experiment Grows Vegetables in Sea Water荷蘭人在鹽水里試驗種植蔬菜Climate change has caused... [查看全文]

2014-11-17VOA慢速英語: 韓國嘗試重新利用更多的電子垃圾

South KoreaAttempting to Reuse More E-Waste韓國嘗試重新利用電子垃圾South Koreais dealing with incr... [查看全文]

2014-11-13VOA慢速英語: 飛船歷史性的在彗星上著陸

Spacecraft Makes Historic Landing on a Comet宇宙飛船歷史性地在彗星登陸After traveling 10 years an... [查看全文]

2014-11-13VOA慢速英語: 飛船歷史性的在彗星上著陸

Spacecraft Makes Historic Landing on a Comet宇宙飛船歷史性地在彗星登陸After traveling 10 years an... [查看全文]

2014-11-10VOA慢速英語: 年輕的技術(shù)專家努力阻止汽車失竊

Young Technology Expert Works to Stop Car Thefts年輕的技術(shù)專家努力阻止汽車失竊Kenyais East Africa&... [查看全文]

2014-11-03VOA慢速英語: 蛇形機器人像真蛇一樣

Snake Robot Acts Like Real SnakeFive years ago, the Mars Rover Spirit got stuck in sandon the red planet. Spiri... [查看全文]