【新詞】n.share 曬客A group of people who are keen on sharing their words or photos as well as personal effects.... [查看全文]
【新詞】最近霧霾這個話題又重新火了,我們的生存環(huán)境正在面臨極大的考驗!!fog and hazen.The combination of "fog"and "haze". It... [查看全文]
在西方,一口整齊潔白的牙齒不僅代表健康,也是身份的象征。但有些人美白牙齒到了癡狂的地步,連牙醫(yī)都受不了了。For an increasing num... [查看全文]
日前,12306官網(wǎng)在京滬穗深四地高鐵動臥正式推出車票"購買整包"、"女賓包房"服務(wù),相關(guān)車票可直接在官網(wǎng)或車站窗口購買。China's rail... [查看全文]
1元景點門票、1元出境游……這些低價旅游產(chǎn)品如同天下掉下來的餡餅,但餡餅背后可能存在陷阱,不僅涉嫌低價傾銷,還可能誘騙游客另行購物。... [查看全文]
看《唐頓莊園》的時候,最羨慕的就是老爺太太小姐們起床后一拉鈴就有仆人上來伺候,太任性了。亞馬遜難道是受了啟發(fā)?因為它最近推出了一個... [查看全文]
Vehicles, coal-burning, airborne dust and industrial production account for 85 to 90 percent of the major airborne... [查看全文]
新詞Asia Infrastructure Investment BankAsia Infrastructure Investment Bank,縮寫為AIIB,中文全稱為亞洲基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施投資銀行,簡稱... [查看全文]
新詞fassagen. A spa treatment that includes both a facial and a full-body massage.全套礦泉療法神馬,伐殺雞是全套礦泉療... [查看全文]
Landmarks in Virginia Beach and all throughout Virginia will illuminate blue on the evening of Thursday, April 2... [查看全文]