WASHINGTON — Severe winter weather is affecting the lives of people in many parts of the world. Stormy we... [查看全文]
STATE DEPARTMENT — Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has failed to meet Wednesday's deadline for turning ov... [查看全文]
Female Blues Singers Shine in Memphis MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE — When the first blues recordings appeared in the... [查看全文]
New Yorkers React to Actor Hoffman's Death NEW YORK — Philip Seymour Hoffman, the award-winning actor w... [查看全文]
The United States and Pakistan are committed to strengthening their relationship through the U.S.-Pakistan Strat... [查看全文]
The end of the Cold War ushered in an era of unprecedented growth in democracy and with it civil society. ... [查看全文]
NewresearchisunderwaytodevelopanadvancedvaccineagainstEastCoastfever–aparasiticdiseasethatkilledmorethanone-millioncattl... [查看全文]