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BBC News: 白宮通訊主任辭職 特朗普律師遭調(diào)查





BBC News.
The White House communications director has stepped down in what suspects to be the first step in a wider shakeup of President Trump’s presidency. Michael Dubke’s resignation after three months in the job follows reports of disarray in Mr. Trump’s team as allegations of collusion between his election campaign staff and Moscow persist.
白宮通訊主任辭職,此舉被懷疑是特朗普總統(tǒng)任期內(nèi)更大規(guī)模調(diào)整的第一步。因各種報道指控特朗普競選團隊和莫斯科之間串通共謀導致其團隊內(nèi)部混亂,邁克·達布奇(Michael Dubke)上任三個月后便辭職。
Two US congressional panels investigating alleged Russian meddling in American Presidential election are reported to have expanded their inquiries to include President Trump’s lawyer. US media say Michael Cohen has confirmed he’s been asked to provide information and testimony about any contacts he had with the Kremlin to investigators and House Representatives assigned. Mr. Coryn said he turned down the request.
據(jù)報道,調(diào)查俄羅斯干預美國總統(tǒng)選舉指控的兩個美國國會工作小組將調(diào)查范圍擴大到特朗普的律師。美國媒體表示,邁克爾·科亨(Michael Cohen)證實他曾被要求向調(diào)查人員和被委任的眾議員提供關于他和克里姆林宮之間接觸的一切信息和證詞。科亨稱,他已拒絕了該要求。
The UN Security Council has heard that after more than 2 years of civil war, Yemen is spiraling towards total social, economic and institutional collapse. The UN humanitarian Chief said the country’s people will be subjected to deprivation, diseases and death while the world watched.
Ariana Grande will return to Manchester on Sunday to headline a concert in memory of those killed by a suicide bomber after her show last week. The American signer will be joined for the benefit by Miley Cyrus,Coldplay and Katy Berry.
周日,愛莉安娜·格蘭德(Ariana Grande)將重返曼徹斯特領銜舉辦一場音樂會,以紀念其上周演出后遭遇自殺式爆炸襲擊的遇難者。麥莉·賽勒斯(Miley Cyrus),酷玩樂隊(Coldplay)和水果姐凱蒂·佩里(Katy Berry)也將加入這場慈善音樂會。
A white police officer who faintly shot a 12 year old black boy in the US State of Ohio has been sacked. Timothy Loehmann fired on Tamir Rice since he played with a Kelly gun in 2014. He’s been fired for lying in his cadet up application.
美國俄亥俄州一名警察因“疑似”槍殺一名12歲黑人男孩而被解雇。2014年,蒂莫西·勒曼(Timothy Loehmann)警官因塔米爾·賴斯(Tamir Rice)手中拿著一把玩具氣槍將其槍殺。他因在申請中說謊被解雇。
Europe’s top human right watchdog, the council of Europe has appointed three former judges to investigate allegations that a member of service parliamentary assembly has taken bribes from Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan denies wrongdoing but human rights group accuses it of conducting cayard diplomacy.

BBC News.
The White House communications director has stepped down in what suspects to be the first step in a wider shakeup of President Trump’s presidency. Michael Dubke’s resignation after three months in the job follows reports of disarray in Mr. Trump’s team as allegations of collusion between his election campaign staff and Moscow persist.
Two US congressional panels investigating alleged Russian meddling in American Presidential election are reported to have expanded their inquiries to include President Trump’s lawyer. US media say Michael Cohen has confirmed he’s been asked to provide information and testimony about any contacts he had with the Kremlin to investigators and House Representatives assigned. Mr. Coryn said he turned down the request.
The UN Security Council has heard that after more than 2 years of civil war, Yemen is spiraling towards total social, economic and institutional collapse. The UN humanitarian Chief said the country’s people will be subjected to deprivation, diseases and death while the world watched.
Ariana Grande will return to Manchester on Sunday to headline a concert in memory of those killed by a suicide bomber after her show last week. The American signer will be joined for the benefit by Miley Cyrus, Coldplay and Katy Berry.
A white police officer who faintly shot a 12 year old black boy in the US State of Ohio has been sacked. Timothy Loehmann fired on Tamir Rice since he played with a Kelly gun in 2014. He’s been fired for lying in his cadet up application.
Europe’s top human right watchdog, the council of Europe has appointed three former judges to investigate allegations that a member of service parliamentary assembly has taken bribes from Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan denies wrongdoing but human rights group accuses it of conducting cayard diplomacy.

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