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Trump upends decades of policy on Israel

In deciding to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and trigger plans to move the US embassy there from Tel Aviv, President Donald Trump has defied warnings from allies across the world and overturned decades of US foreign policy.

美國(guó)總統(tǒng)唐納德•特朗普(Donald Trump)不顧世界各地盟友的警告,決定承認(rèn)耶路撒冷為以色列首都,并啟動(dòng)將美國(guó)大使館從特拉維夫遷往耶路撒冷的計(jì)劃。此舉推翻了美國(guó)數(shù)十年來的外交政策。

The US president said he would take the landmark step yesterday afternoon, describing it as a long overdue move that would advance the peace process and declaring the US would support a two-state solution for the Palestinians and Israelis should the sides embrace such an outcome.


The decision allows Mr Trump to demonstrate resolve on a hugely symbolic issue and redeem a pledge to supporters and donors that he first made during the presidential campaign. The president dismayed some backers in June when he continued with previous practice by signing a six-month waiver to a congressional requirement demanding that the US embassy be moved.


“It is clear he doesn’t like exercising these waivers, and he doesn’t like to look like other presidents; he is showing he does it his way,” said Dennis Ross, a former Middle East adviser at the White House who is now at the Washington Institute.

“顯然,他不喜歡行使總統(tǒng)的法律條款臨時(shí)中止權(quán),他不喜歡看起來像是其他總統(tǒng);他正在展示他以自己的方式行事,”白宮前中東顧問、如今任職于華盛頓近東政策研究所(Washington Institute for Near East Policy)的丹尼斯•羅斯(Dennis Ross)表示。

Mr Trump portrayed the decision as an inevitable recognition of reality, and advisers dismissed warnings from the Palestinians and allies including Jordan that it could derail the peace talks. The US was not pre-empting future discussions over how Jerusalem could ultimately be divided up, and nor was it questioning ultra-sensitive areas including the area known as the Temple Mount to Jews and the Haram al-Sharif to Muslims, they insisted.

特朗普將這一決定描繪為對(duì)現(xiàn)實(shí)不可避免的承認(rèn),同時(shí)他的顧問們對(duì)巴勒斯坦以及盟友(包括約旦)有關(guān)此舉可能破壞和談的警告不以為然。他們堅(jiān)稱,美國(guó)并沒有阻止各方在未來就耶路撒冷最終如何分割的問題進(jìn)行討論,美方也沒有質(zhì)疑一些極其敏感的地區(qū),包括被猶太人稱為“圣殿山”(Temple Mount)、被穆斯林稱為“謝里夫圣地”(Haram al-Sharif)的地區(qū)。

Moving the embassy could take years to achieve, and the president will meanwhile once again sign another six-month waiver under a congressional law requiring it to be relocated. The move would help the peace process by demonstrating the president’s credibility to the world, said one White House official. “It rectifies this historic wrong. He’s not a man who makes excuses.”


Leaders around the world — among them Mahmoud Abbas, the president of the Palestinian Authority, King Abdullah of Jordan, and Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan — warned the move would have dangerous consequences. The Saudi state news agency quoted an unnamed foreign ministry official as saying the recognition will have “serious implications and will be provocative to all Muslims”.

世界各地的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人——包括巴勒斯坦民族權(quán)力機(jī)構(gòu)主席馬哈茂德•阿巴斯(Mahmoud Abbas)、約旦國(guó)王阿卜杜拉二世(King Abdullah)和土耳其總統(tǒng)雷杰普•塔伊普•埃爾多安(Recep Tayyip Erdogan)——紛紛警告此舉將會(huì)帶來危險(xiǎn)后果。沙特阿拉伯的國(guó)家通訊社援引一名不愿透露姓名的外交部官員的話稱,承認(rèn)耶路撒冷為以色列首都將產(chǎn)生“嚴(yán)重潛在影響,并且對(duì)所有穆斯林都具有挑釁性”。

The status of the divided city is hugely delicate and its fate is one of the thorniest issues of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. Israel regards Jerusalem as its undivided capital and claims sovereignty over the whole city. But the international community views East Jerusalem as occupied land and the Palestinians consider it their future capital.


No nation has an embassy in Jerusalem. The international community’s position has long been that Jerusalem’s status should be determined by peace talks.


While the decision was commended by pro-Israel lobby groups including the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, some analysts predicted it would put parties including Mr Abbas on the defensive while emboldening extremist groups.


Hassan Abu Hanieh, a Jordanian security analyst, said it could enable a recruitment bonanza for jihadi groups, who will use the move as a symbol of aggression against Muslims.

約旦安全分析師哈桑•阿布•哈尼(Hassan Abu Hanieh)表示,此舉可能給了圣戰(zhàn)組織進(jìn)行招募的大好機(jī)會(huì),他們將把此舉說成是欺壓穆斯林的標(biāo)志。

Mr Trump has promised to broker what he has described as the “ultimate” deal to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Trump advisers, led by his son-in-law Jared Kushner, have been hoping to unveil plans for a new peace process as soon as early 2018.

特朗普已承諾要斡旋達(dá)成他所稱的“終極”協(xié)議,結(jié)束以巴沖突。以他的女婿賈里德•庫(kù)什納(Jared Kushner)為首的特朗普顧問們希望最快在2018年初公布啟動(dòng)新和平進(jìn)程的計(jì)劃。

A person with ties to Saudi officials said Mr Kushner had in recent months met Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman and Abu Dhabi’s crown prince Mohammed bin Zayed in an effort to formulate a new peace settlement. They discussed pushing the Palestinians into making deeper concessions, he said.

與沙特官員有聯(lián)系的一名人士說,庫(kù)什納最近幾個(gè)月會(huì)晤了沙特王儲(chǔ)穆罕默德•本•薩勒曼(Mohammed bin Salman)和阿布扎比王儲(chǔ)穆罕默德•本•扎耶德(Mohammed bin Zayed),謀求擬定一套新的和平解決方案。他稱,他們討論了推動(dòng)巴勒斯坦人作出更大讓步的問題。

However he added this had not been connected with the Jerusalem issue.



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