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聽美劇學(xué)英語_生活大爆炸第四季 第19集 (下)




《生活大爆炸第四季》中Leonard和Penny分手后,決定繼續(xù)做普通朋友。與此同時(shí),經(jīng)過幾個(gè)月的短信交流,Sheldon終于決定和神經(jīng)生物學(xué)家Amy約會(huì),這可是他人生中的首次約會(huì)。和他堪稱絕配的 Amy,最終是否能成為他的女朋友?Penny對(duì)“謝米戀”大感興趣,卻發(fā)現(xiàn)自己成了尷尬的電燈泡。本季中,Howard的女友Bernadette也將回歸,而他的好基友Raj還停留在不能和女人正常交流的階段。
聽美劇學(xué)英語 生活大爆炸第四季

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Hold on, you're thinking of going there?

等等 你要去那兒?jiǎn)?/div>
Carlsbad is only a couple of hours away.
Fine. You walk up to the house, knock on the door and demand your stuff back. What if he says no?
好吧 你走到門口 敲門然后要你的東西 他要是拒絕怎么辦
I don't know if you've been following the news, Leonard, but there have been some terrific advancements in the field of torture.
我不知道你最近看沒看新聞 萊納德 最近在拷問領(lǐng)域有很多很棒的進(jìn)展
No one's getting tortured.
Fine, we'll abide by the Geneva Convention. But ask yourself this: in the course of our lives, how much lunch money has been taken from us? How many kites? How many Scooby-Doo Trapper Keepers?
好吧 我們會(huì)遵守日內(nèi)瓦公約 但是 問問你自己 我們的一生中多少午飯錢被人搶走了 多少風(fēng)箏 多少史酷比活頁(yè)夾
I totally had one of those.
Of course you did. It was a fun and practical way of organizing your school work. But the bullies took it from us. Well, no more. Tonight, we take back our dignity, our birthright and our pride. What do you say? Who's with me?
當(dāng)然了 那是整理學(xué)校作業(yè)最有趣又實(shí)用的工具 但是那些惡霸從我們手里搶走了它 再也不會(huì)了 今晚 我們要重拾尊嚴(yán) 我們與生俱來的權(quán)利和自尊 怎么樣 誰跟我一起
I have a hip-hop aerobics class at 5:00; could we go after?
5點(diǎn)我有節(jié)hip-hop健身操課 我們能結(jié)束后走嗎
Sure. Also, tonight's the Sabbath and my mother and I have a tradition of lighting the candles and watching Wheel of Fortune, so...
當(dāng)然 還有 今晚是安息日 我媽和我的傳統(tǒng)是點(diǎn)亮蠟燭 一起看《幸運(yùn)之輪》
If we could leave at 8:00, we'd still be able to regain our birthright at 10:00, 10:30 latest.
如果我們我們8點(diǎn)出發(fā) 我們還能在10點(diǎn) 最晚10:30重獲我們的權(quán)利
Oh, geez, I-I don't know if I can ditch Priya two nights in a row.
完了 我不知道能不能連續(xù)兩晚都放普麗婭鴿子
Oh, come on, man. Bros before... ...my sister.
拜托 伙計(jì) 男人如手足 女人如衣服 我妹亦然
Aw, screw it. I'm in.
不管了 我去
Me, too.
And me.
One moment. I'm hell-bent on catching a cyber criminal, not the common cold.
稍等 為了抓住網(wǎng)絡(luò)罪犯 我會(huì)不顧一切 至于流行性病毒感冒 還是算了吧
I'm sorry, I thought this delay was so you could watch Wheel of Fortune with your mother.
抱歉 我以為有事耽擱是因?yàn)槟阋湍銒寢屢黄鹂础缎疫\(yùn)之輪》
I am. She's just bleaching her mustache. Check it out. Hey, Ma! "Before and After!" Four words, 17 letters, two N's, one V!
確實(shí)如此 她正在漂胡子呢 不信你聽 媽 "給兩頭猜中間“游戲時(shí)間” 4個(gè)詞 17個(gè)字母 有兩個(gè)N 一個(gè)V
"Fanny pack of wolves!"
That's incredible.
Yeah, she's kind of a Wheel savant.
對(duì)啊 她差不多算是這個(gè)節(jié)目的專家
Uh-oh, that's Priya.
啊哦 普麗婭打來了
Sitar music for her ringtone is not cool, dude.
你用西塔琴作為她的鈴聲可不好哦 兄弟 (西塔琴是北印度最重要發(fā)弦樂器)
Hit the...Hey, sweetie. Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm gonna be working late. Yeah, I-I miss you, too. Okay, sure, I'll call you when I get home. Okay, bye-bye.
小點(diǎn)聲 寶貝 真的很抱歉 我今天要工作到很晚 對(duì) 我也想你 沒問題 等我到家了我會(huì)打給你的 好的 拜
Very nice. You lie to my sister.
干得好 你欺騙了我的妹妹
That's the nicest thing he does to your sister.
Oh, guess who.
Cover for me.
Hello, Priya. What's up? How would I know if Leonard's at work or not? Don't be suspicious. Look, if you want your relationship with Leonard to continue, you're going to have to believe whatever wild-eyed, cockamamie excuse the white devil has the nerve to offer you. Okay? Yeah, bye-bye. You owe me.
普麗婭 怎么了 我怎么會(huì)知道萊納德是不是在工作 你疑心病不要太重啦 聽著 如果你想繼續(xù)你和萊納德的戀情 無論是讓你怒目而視的或是荒謬可笑的借口 你都得信任這白惡魔所說的懂了嗎 好的 再見 你欠我個(gè)人情
New puzzle, Ma! "Same name"! One N, two D's, three O's!
新猜謎 媽 “同姓不同名” 一個(gè)N 兩個(gè)D 三個(gè)0
Whoopi and Rube Goldberg!
烏比·戈德堡和魯布·戈德堡 (前者為美國(guó)著名黑人女星 后者為美國(guó)漫畫家)
That's uncanny.
I know. It's her superpower.
我知道 這就是她的超能力
Well, that and jiggling her arm fat.
錯(cuò) 還包括她會(huì)顫抖的臂脂肪區(qū)
I can't believe we're going all the way to San Diego to confront this guy.
Yeah, we're kind of bad-asses, aren't we?
就是 我們就像壞蛋 對(duì)不
Hey, how about we stay the night and hit Legoland in the morning?
我們?cè)谶@過夜 然后一早去樂高積木樂園 怎么樣
Sea World is better. It has Shamu, who is literally tons of fun. But for the moment, let's stay focused on Todd Zarnecki.
海洋世界更好玩 那里有虎鯨明星莎木 絕對(duì)給你帶來重量級(jí)的樂趣 不過目前 咱們還是把注意力集中在托德·札內(nèi)基身上
Yeah, we're coming for you, Todd Zarnecki.
就是 托德·札內(nèi)基 我們來抓你啦
And for the record, Legoland is more interactive.
我鄭重聲明一下 樂高積木樂園有更多互動(dòng)
I almost feel sorry for the poor fool, sitting in his split-level suburban ranch, unaware that a vengeful horde is barreling down the San Diego Freeway at 71 miles an hour.
我?guī)缀鯙槟莻€(gè)傻坐在錯(cuò)層的郊區(qū)農(nóng)場(chǎng)的可憐蟲感到抱歉 完全沒意識(shí)到有一群復(fù)仇的人們正以每小時(shí)71邁的速度 飛馳在圣地亞哥的高速上
Ease up there, lead foot. You trying to get us killed?
開慢點(diǎn) 快車手 你想車毀人亡呀
I took the liberty of burning us a mix of heroic questing music.
恕我冒昧 我們先用這張英雄出征任務(wù)的混音CD熱熱身吧
This says "Beyonce Bootylicious Dance Mix."
It's a re-writable CD. Just put it in.
這是張可重寫CD 別廢話 快放進(jìn)去
Beyonce? Really?
碧昂斯 坑爹呢
She's curvy and she owns it. I like that.
她曲線動(dòng)人 而且她身材是好 我喜歡這點(diǎn)
Oh, yeah, I'm feeling it. We are winged fury!
沒錯(cuò) 我感受到那份激情了 我們的憤怒張開雙翅
Which is still no excuse for going over the posted speed limit.
即便這樣 還是沒有任何理由超過高速公布的速度限制標(biāo)準(zhǔn)
Next time we go to kick someone's ass, we take the train. I always prefer the train.
下次我們?nèi)ソ逃?xùn)某人的時(shí)候坐火車去得了 火車總是我的第一選擇
Sheldon, let's go. Coming. Why did you bring that?
謝爾頓 走吧 來了 你為什么要帶上這個(gè)
No weapon strikes more fear into a man's heart than a Klingon bat'leth.
Okay, let's get clear on something. We're just going to tell this guy to transfer all of your stuff back into your account and then be on our way. No one's bat'lething anybody.
好吧 我們先把話說清楚 我們來這是為了告訴那個(gè)家伙把你的東西全部轉(zhuǎn)回你的賬戶上 然后我們就回家 沒人要用榮譽(yù)劍扎任何人
So my blade shall not taste blood tonight?
Well, now I just feel silly holding it.
好吧 現(xiàn)在我覺得舉著這東西很傻逼
Come on.
Can I at least kick down the door?
You're welcome to try, but the other day, it took you 15 minutes to get into a FedEx box.
隨便踹 但某天你打開個(gè)聯(lián)邦快遞的盒子都花了十五分鐘
Who is it?
Your doom!
Don't say "your doom." Who opens the door for their doom?
別說“你的末日” 誰會(huì)給自己的末日開門
Good point. Basket of puppies.
說得有道理 一籃小狗狗
What? Uh... Sheldon?
有事嗎 呃 謝爾頓
Are you Todd Zarnecki?
Yeah. Who are you?
是 你是誰
I am Sheldor of Azeroth. I want my things back.
我是艾澤拉斯的謝耳朵 我要你把我的東西還回來
I don't think so. Let me see that.
我可不這么認(rèn)為 給我看看
Careful. That's a collectible.
小心點(diǎn) 那可是珍藏品
I know. I've always wanted one.
我知道 我一直很想要一個(gè)
Well, he's even more cunning than we thought.
You know, the joke's on him. Without the certificate of authenticity, that bat'leth is worthless.
知道嗎 鬧笑話的是他 沒有真品憑證 那把榮譽(yù)劍分文不值
Yeah, he walked right into our trap.
對(duì) 他正中下懷 進(jìn)了咱們的圈套
Legoland seems like a hollow dream now. Uh-oh.
樂高積木公園如今成了遙不可及的夢(mèng)了 完了
What's the matter?
Something's wrong. I'm not getting any gas. I'm not getting any gas.
出事了 車不吃油了 有人知道內(nèi)燃機(jī)嗎
Of course. 19th-century technology. Very basic.
當(dāng)然 19世紀(jì)的老科技 非?;镜某WR(shí)
Does anybody know how to fix an internal combustion engine?
No. No. Not a clue.
不懂 不懂 完全不懂
Well, we'd better call somebody to come pick us up.
It'd be swell if they had a train.
如果那人有輛火車的話 那真是一級(jí)棒
Thank you, Penny.
謝謝你 佩妮
No problem. So, Leonard, I think it's interesting you didn't call your girlfriend to come get you.
不客氣 對(duì)了 萊納德 你沒有讓你女朋友來接你 這事有點(diǎn)兒意思
Uh, I kind of told her I was working.
So you lied to her. Also interesting.
所以你對(duì)她撒謊了 真有意思
Yeah, she doesn't really understand the whole Warcraft adventure-role-playing thing.
對(duì) 她不是很懂魔獸爭(zhēng)霸的整個(gè)冒險(xiǎn)角色扮演游戲
Well, doesn't matter if she gets it, as long as she's pretty.
她不懂沒關(guān)系 只要她漂亮就好了嘛
This one's funny, Leonard. How come you couldn't make it work with her?
這事兒才有意思呢 萊納德 你怎么會(huì)跟這么懂事的女孩分手呢
So did you at least get Sheldon's fake stuff back?
No. We failed in our noble quest.
沒有 我們偉大的尋物征途失敗了
How come?
Todd Zarnecki was mean.
All right. Hang on.
好了 坐穩(wěn)了
What are you doing?
I'm gonna show you how we finish a quest in Nebraska. Oh. Beyonce. This ain't no Beyonce.
我要讓你們見識(shí)下 在內(nèi)布拉斯加是怎么完成尋物征途的 哇 碧昂斯 這可不是碧昂斯
Now what?
Give my friend his stuff back.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Well, then, good news. Today's the day a girl's finally going to touch you in your little special place.Now give him his stuff back. Okay.
好吧 告訴你個(gè)好消息 今天你那個(gè)私密的小地方 終于有女人光臨了 現(xiàn)在把他的東西還給他 好好
We did it! I said, "we."
我們做到了 我都說了是"我們"
Oh, hold the door. Oh, hi.
讓門開著 哦 你好
Going to see Leonard?
How have you been? Fine.
你近來如何 很好
Very well, thank you.
非常好 謝謝
All right, well, great seeing you.
終于到了 很高興見到你
Yeah. You, too. Amy's right. I do want to fling my poop at her.
我也是 艾米說得對(duì) 我真想拿屎甩她


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