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聽美劇學(xué)英語_生活大爆炸第四季 第24集 大結(jié)局 (上)




《生活大爆炸第四季》中Leonard和Penny分手后,決定繼續(xù)做普通朋友。與此同時(shí),經(jīng)過幾個(gè)月的短信交流,Sheldon終于決定和神經(jīng)生物學(xué)家Amy約會,這可是他人生中的首次約會。和他堪稱絕配的 Amy,最終是否能成為他的女朋友?Penny對“謝米戀”大感興趣,卻發(fā)現(xiàn)自己成了尷尬的電燈泡。本季中,Howard的女友Bernadette也將回歸,而他的好基友Raj還停留在不能和女人正常交流的階段。
聽美劇學(xué)英語 生活大爆炸第四季

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Hey, you guys ready to order?

Uh, sure.
Okay, Priya?
好的 普麗婭
Uh, I'll have the shepherd's pie. You want to split that with me?
我來一份肉餡土豆泥餅 你想和我分著吃一份嗎
Oh, no, no, no, he doesn't.
別別別 他不會愿意的
Why not?
Well, you have milk in the taters, milk in the gravy, parmesan crust. Your lactoseintolerant boyfriend will turn into a gasfilled Macy's Day balloon.
土豆泥里面有牛奶 肉汁里面有牛奶 還有帕爾瑪干酪餅皮 你這位乳糖不耐的男朋友會變成一個(gè)充氣的感恩節(jié)大氣球
Not quite accurate. The Macy's balloons are filled with helium, whereas Leonard produces copious amounts of methane.
你說的不全對 感恩節(jié)氣球里充的都是氦氣 而萊納德肚子里造出來的是大量的甲烷
So, no, on the shepherd's pie.
所以 還是別點(diǎn)肉餡土豆泥餅了
Can we move on?
Yeah, a little tip: he says he can eat frozen yogurt. Do not believe it.
行 再給一條小貼士 他說自己能吃凍酸奶 千萬別信
Sea bass! I'll have the sea bass!
海鱸 我想來份海鱸
You gotta like this, the girlfriend and the exgirlfriend bonding over your rootytooty stinky booty.
你得習(xí)慣啊 現(xiàn)任女友和前任女友通過聊你的糗事來聯(lián)絡(luò)感情
Kill me.
It wouldn't help. The human body is capable of being flatulent for hours after death.
沒用的 人體能在死亡數(shù)小時(shí)內(nèi)一直制造氣體
Guys, sorry I'm late. I have amazing news.
各位 抱歉來晚了 我有個(gè)好消息
Bernadette, before you change the subject, does anyone have any final comments on Leonard's faulty digestive system?
伯納黛特 在你換話題之前 有人想對萊納德糟糕的消化系統(tǒng)來個(gè)終極吐槽嗎
So, what's your news, Bernadette?
啥好消息啊 伯納黛特
The thesis committee accepted my doctoral dissertation. I'm getting my PhD!
論文委員會接受了我的博士論文 我拿到博士學(xué)位了
Wow! Oh, congratulations.
哇 恭喜恭喜
Wow, so that means you're a doctor, you're a doctor, you're a doctor, you're a doctor, and Howard, you know a lot of doctors.
哇 這就意味著你是博士 你是博士 你也是博士 你還是博士 而霍華德 你認(rèn)識不少博士啊
Congratulations, honey.
祝賀你呀 親愛的
Thank you.
So, Howard, tell us, how's it feel knowing that when you two get married, you'll be referred to as Mr. and Dr. Wolowitz?
霍華德 跟我們說說當(dāng)你得知 等你倆結(jié)婚了 大家得叫你們 沃羅威茨先生和沃羅威茨博士 你作何感想
Unless he takes Bernadette's last name. And considering her advanced status, that could open some doors for him.
除非他能隨伯納黛特的姓 考慮到伯納黛特的地位更高 這么做未嘗不可
Please, this isn't about me. I'm proud of you.
拜托 今天的主角不是我 我真為你驕傲
Well, you'll be really be proud of this. I was headhunted by a big pharmaceutical company. They're gonna pay me a buttload of money! What?
還有更讓你驕傲的呢 我被一家大型醫(yī)藥公司看中了 他們要給我提供巨額薪金 什么
Bernadette, that's great. Howard, do you make a buttload?
伯納黛特 這太好了 霍華德 你能掙巨額的錢嗎
Better than what you've got a buttload of.
Hey, if I roll down the windows in the car, everything's peachy. If you do it, you're still not a doctor.
喂 要是我搖下車窗玻璃 一切都還是很美好的 可如果你也這么做 你還是當(dāng)不了博士
Yeah, just a headsup on the car window deal. It helps, but everything is not "peachy."
嗯 車窗戶這這句我得吐個(gè)槽 雖然說得對 但不是每件事都那么美好
Oh, if there was a problem, you can't solve it* *Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it* *Ice, Ice, baby* *Ice, Ice, baby*
*如果你有問題 你又不能解決**接受這誘惑 讓我的DJ來解決* *冰 冰 寶貝* *冰 冰 寶貝*
Oh, God, I feel ridiculous in this dress.
天啊 我覺得穿著這件衣服顯得好傻啊
You look beautiful, Lieutenant Uhura. Now prepare for... inspection.
你看起來美極了 烏胡拉少尉 那現(xiàn)在開始準(zhǔn)備 檢查
Shh, my brother's going to hear you.
噓 別讓我哥聽見了
Relax, he's got headphones on. And we're ten miles above Earth in a starship.
放心吧 他帶著耳機(jī)呢 而我們正在距地球16公里遠(yuǎn)的星際飛船里呢
Really, ten miles? You're orbiting inside the atmosphere? Moron.
開玩笑吧 才16公里 還在大氣層里轉(zhuǎn)悠啊 腦殘
I can't believe I'm wearing my brother's Halloween costume.
I can't believe you think he only wears it on Halloween. Open the landing bay doors, shuttle craft approaching.
我真不敢相信你真以為他只在萬圣節(jié)的時(shí)候穿 打開"降落艙門" "航天飛機(jī)"正在進(jìn)入
Okay, gotta go.
好吧 我得撤了
Hey, what's up?
嗨 怎么了
Is that my future daughter-in-law, the doctor?!
No, Ma! It's Raj!
不是 媽 是拉杰
He's a doctor too, right?!
他也是博士 對嗎
Like Leonard and the skinny weirdo!
Sheldon, yes! Everybody's a doctor but me!
那是謝爾頓 沒錯(cuò) 除了我 大家都是博士
Well, whose fault is that?!
What's up?
Leonard's putting disgusting memories in my memory foam mattress. Can I stay here tonight?
萊納德在我的記憶海綿床墊上 制造惡心的記憶 我今晚能睡你這兒嗎
Sure, but I'm going out with Bernadette. It'll just be you and my mother.
行 但我要去見伯納黛特 所以就你和我媽在家
I guess that's okay.
Ma, can Rajesh sleep over?!
媽 拉杰能睡這兒嗎
Of course, he and I can play doctor!
行啊 他可以和我玩扮醫(yī)生的游戲
She's kidding, right?
她在開玩笑 對吧
I don't know, she's pretty feisty since they put her on hormonereplacement therapy.
我不知道 自從接受荷爾蒙替換治療之后 她就變得精力充沛了
Paging Dr. Cutie Pie!
I must say, Amy, I was very impressed to see that Bernadette got her PhD.
我不得不說 艾米 我對于伯納黛特拿到博士學(xué)位感到非常驚訝
It's indeed admirable. Although, it is... microbiology.
確實(shí)令人欽佩 雖然 她是搞微生物學(xué)的
Your doctorate is in neurobiology. I fail to see the distinction.
你的博士學(xué)位是神經(jīng)生物學(xué)的 我看不出什么差別
I'll make it simple for you. I study the brain, the organ responsible for Beethoven's Fifth Symphony. Bernadette studies yeast, the organism responsible for Michelob Lite. Is there something wrong with your neck?
我就這么跟你說吧 我研究的是大腦 這是能讓貝多芬寫出《命運(yùn)交響曲》的器官 而伯納黛特研究的是酵母菌 是用來制造Michelob Lite啤酒的有機(jī)體 你的脖子不舒服嗎
It's a little stiff. What a remarkably fragile structure to support such a valuable payload. Not unlike balancing a Faberge egg on a Pixie Stick.
有點(diǎn)僵硬 如此不堪一擊的結(jié)構(gòu)卻要支撐如此價(jià)值連城的設(shè)備 這無異于用精靈粉末糖來支撐皇室珠寶彩蛋
Have you considered massage?
I'd like to respond to that sarcastically: Yes, I relish the thought of a stranger covering my body with oil and rubbing it.
我想用諷刺的口吻來回答你的問題 是的 讓一個(gè)陌生人給我的身體涂油并按壓 這個(gè)想法很不錯(cuò)
I was proposing you massage your muscles with your own hands.
Still sounds like a lot of unnecessary touching.
Trust me. With your right hand, locate the spot where the scapula meets the acromion process.
相信我 伸出你的右手 找到肩胛骨和肩峰的交界處
All right.
Now push your third finger along the ridge of the shoulder blade, making a small rotation as you do so.
然后用右手中指沿肩胛的突起進(jìn)行按壓 同時(shí)小幅度揉動
You should feel a small nodelike object rolling back and forth along the bone.
You mean the myofascial point?
Obviously. Now bear down on it like the seventh grade noogies we all know too well.
不然呢 接著向其施力 就像我們熟悉的七年級生欺負(fù)人用的經(jīng)典按頭動作
Oh, dear Lord, yes, yes, oh, yes! Amy, I've never been touched like this before!Oh! My hands are magic!
額滴神啊 爽 爽 爽 艾米 以前從來沒人這么摸過我 我的手簡直是神來之手啊
Don't flatter yourself. Your hands are blunt tools guided by my knowledge of the nervous system. I could just as easily have paralyzed you.
別自吹自擂了 你的手不過是在本人神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)知識指導(dǎo)下的一個(gè)愚鈍的工具而已 我剛也可以輕易地讓你癱瘓
There's someone at my door.
That doesn't interest me. Goodbye.
我對此不感興趣 拜拜
Can I sleep here tonight?
Leonard's having astronomically inaccurate Star Trek sex with my sister.
萊納德正和我妹妹進(jìn)行星際迷航式的性交 那從天文學(xué)角度來說很不科學(xué)
I can see how that would be upsetting. Come in. I'll get the sheets and blankets for the couch.
的確很令人心煩意亂 進(jìn)來吧 我去拿鋪在沙發(fā)上的床單和毯子
Oh, don't bother. I'll just sleep in Leonard's room.
不用了 我去萊納德的房間睡就行
No, I can't authorize that.
不行 我不能授權(quán)
Well, he's in my bed.Why can't I be in his?
他能睡在我床上 我為啥不能睡在他床上
The Hammurabic Code is "an eye for an eye," not "a bed for a bed."
漢謨拉比法典上規(guī)定可以"以眼還眼" 而并非"以床還床"
Come on, dude, I'm exhausted, and Tyra Banks says the most important item in your makeup bag is a good night's sleep.
行行好 哥們 我快累死了 提拉·班克斯說過化妝包里最重要的一樣?xùn)|西 就是夜晚香甜的睡眠
All right. This is a form indemnifying me from your use of "Leonard's bedroom." Sign here, indicating that I tried to stop you and did so using a stern facial expression.
好吧 要想使用"萊納德的臥室" 需要先簽署這張我的免責(zé)表 在這里簽字 說明我試圖阻止過你 并擺出過嚴(yán)厲的面部表情
Good night, Sheldon.
晚安 謝爾頓
Wait. Not yet. We still have to go over safety procedures. Now, the apartment has three emergency exits located here, here, and here. In the event of a power outage, luminous paint will guide you to the nearest exit.
等等 還沒完 我們還要重溫一下安全規(guī)程 這間公寓里共有三個(gè)緊急出口 分別在這里 這里和這里 萬一遇到停電事故 夜光漆可指引你從最近的出口逃生
You're kidding.
I never kid about safety.
在安全問題上 我從不兒戲
What are you doing here?
I was sleeping.
In my bed?
Well, I would've slept in my own bed, but it was being used to bring shame to my family. And the memory of Gene Roddenberry.
我也想睡在自己的床上 但它卻用來給我的家庭帶來恥辱 還讓我想起來了吉恩·羅登貝瑞
Oh, you heard? "Scotty, I need more power."
你聽見了嗎 "史考特 我需要更多的能量"
Sorry. Does Sheldon know you're sleeping in here?
抱歉 謝爾頓知道你睡在這里嗎
Are you kidding? He made me sign a waiver, participate in an emergency fire drill and take a refresher course in CPR. Thank God he had a dummy.
怎么可能不知道 他逼我簽了免責(zé)書 參加了緊急消防演習(xí) 還復(fù)習(xí)了心臟復(fù)蘇術(shù)的課程 還好他有個(gè)人體模型
Oh, yeah. MouthtoMouth Mona. You know, she used to date Howard?
是啊 嘴對嘴的莫娜 知道嗎 她和霍華德談過戀愛
Oh, my God, she's that Mona? Why can't you and my sister spend your nights here?
天啊 她就是那個(gè)莫娜嗎 你和我妹妹為什么不能在這里共度春宵呢
We tried. She doesn't get along with Sheldon.
我們試過 但是她和謝爾頓合不來
Sheldon doesn't get along with Sheldon.
It's still no reason for me to have to listen to you arm your photon torpedoes every night.
但那也不足以說服我聽你的話 每晚都要裝備上光子魚雷
Okay, well, how about this: until Priya gets her own place, you stay here and I'll stay at your apartment.
好吧 不如這樣 在普麗婭找到自己的住處之前 你住在這里 而我住在你家
Can I bring girls here?
You? Sure. Bring as many as you want.
就憑你 當(dāng)然了 想帶多少帶多少
Okay, deal.
好的 就這么定了
Just not against their will.
You really think you should be eating that cake? Why?
你覺得吃那塊蛋糕合適嗎 怎么了
If you're gonna be a trophy husband for a rich wife, you might want to watch your waistline.
鑒于你即將成為富婆的小白臉老公 你可要注意自己的腰圍啊
He's right. A minute on the lips, a lifetime on the hips.
他說得對 嘴上一時(shí)享受 臀上一世肥肉
Yeah, haha. First of all, I'm not threatened by my fiance's success. I'm proud of her. And secondly, I have my own career.
是啊 真幽默 首先 我未婚妻的成功并沒對我造成威脅 我為她感到驕傲 其次 我擁有自己的事業(yè)
Until you have kids.
Good news, Raj. I got the blood work back from the lab. You're okay to stay for a while.
好消息 拉杰 我剛從實(shí)驗(yàn)室取回了你的血樣報(bào)告 你可以在我家待上一段時(shí)間了
When did you take my blood?
Not important. Your sugar was a little high. I'd follow up with your regular physician. In the meantime, I have some paperwork here for you to go over.
這不重要 你血糖有點(diǎn)偏高 我會跟你醫(yī)生保持聯(lián)系的 同時(shí) 這里還有些文件要請你過目
What the hell is this?
Boilerplate stuff. A modified roommate agreement for a temporary house guest. And a living will and durable power of attorney.
都是些陳辭濫調(diào)啦 針對臨時(shí)住客的改良版室友協(xié)議還有生前遺囑和永久委托書
This says you can make "end of life" decisions for me.
As your friend, let's hope it doesn't come to that. Please sign.
作為朋友 希望事不至此 簽名吧
Did you sign this?
There's a reciprocity clause. You get to pull the plug on him, too.
上面有互惠條款 你也可以終結(jié)他的
Well, that seems fair.
好吧 這樣挺公平


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