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生活大爆炸 第六季:第15集:新室友(上)





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I don't know why I avoided the Harry Potter books for so long.

These are great.
I just started number six.
That's a good one.
Dumbledore dies in that one.
Yeah, I know, I didn't see it coming, either.
我懂你的感覺(jué), 我當(dāng)初也沒(méi)料到
Why would you say that?
You brought up the subject.
I contributed an interesting fact on that subject.
It's called the art of conversation.
Okay, your turn. That was a huge spoiler. Good. What is wrong with you?
If I did that, you'd bitch about it for weeks. Oh, really, Leonard?
換做是我劇透, 你肯定會(huì)嘰歪一整周。不是吧, 萊納德
Are you going to have another one of your hissy fits?
Hissy fits? I have hissy fits?
小暴脾氣, 我有小暴脾氣嗎
Yes, and I have a theory why.
沒(méi)錯(cuò), 而且我還得出個(gè)推論
Because of your lactose intolerance, you switched over to soy milk.
Soy contains estrogenmimicking compounds.
I think your morning Cocoa Puffs are turning you into a hysterical woman.
You are unbelievable. I don't know why I put up with you.
You're controlling, you're irritating... There you go againnag, nag, nag.
又是控制狂, 又超級(jí)欠扁。又開(kāi)始嘰嘰歪歪了, 嘰嘰, 歪歪, 嘰歪
You're only proving my point, little lady.
越嘰歪越顯得我說(shuō)得對(duì)哦, 小三八
You know what? Screw you, Sheldon.
謝爾頓, 滾你丫的
You are the most annoying person I have ever met.
What? I'm annoying?
什么, 我哪里煩人了
You criticize my behavior all the time.
"Sheldon, don't talk about your bowel movements over breakfast."
"謝爾頓, 吃早飯時(shí)別提你排便的事"
"Sheldon, when the president of the university is giving a eulogy at a funeral, don't yawn and point at your watch."
"謝爾頓, 我們大學(xué)校長(zhǎng)在喪禮上念悼詞時(shí)別打哈欠外加指手表催他"
"Sheldon, don't throw away my shirts'cause you think they're ugly."
"謝爾頓, 不要覺(jué)得我衣服難看就把它們拿去丟了"
You're impossible. That's it. I don't...
你才難搞好嗎?夠了, 我沒(méi)必要...
I don't have to put up with this.
Actually, I have your signature on a roommate agreement that says you do.
事實(shí)上, 從你在室友協(xié)議上簽名的那天起你就注定得忍受
Here's what I think of your roommate agreement.
You pick that up right now. No.
你馬上給我撿起來(lái), 不要
Roommate agreement, section 27, paragraph 5: The roommate agreement, like the American flag, cannot touch the ground.
室友協(xié)議第27章, 第五段寫(xiě)明室友協(xié)議書(shū), 與美國(guó)國(guó)旗一樣都不許落地
I don't care. I don't have to do anything you say because...
I don't think I want to live here anymore.
Where are you going? To live with Penny and not you, you crazy bastard.
你要上哪去, 去跟佩妮住不跟你這傻逼混球住了
Crazy bastard? Yes. Leonard, wait. What?
你罵我傻逼混球, 沒(méi)錯(cuò)。萊納德, 等等, 干嘛
Dobby the elf dies in book seven.
Here you go.Great. Come on in. What, you don't say thank you? It's my suitcase.
還你太好啦, 進(jìn)來(lái)吧。連句謝謝都不說(shuō)嗎?這本來(lái)就是我的
I lent it to you two years ago.
Well, then, I should tell you I broke the wheel and the handle.
行, 那我告訴你吧。我把輪子跟手把都弄壞了
So, is everyone from Bernadette's company going to Vegas?
No, just me, her and a couple of the big wigs.
沒(méi), 就我跟她, 以及一些高層
It's part of a bonus she got. Cool.
這是她公司的額外獎(jiǎng)勵(lì)啦, 不錯(cuò)
Did she discover a cure for something? going to Vegas?
They spent a ton of money developing this dandruff medication that had the side effect of horrible anal leakage.
Is there a good anal leakage?
Anyway, it was Bernie's idea to rebrand the stuff as a cure for constipation.
You know, from around the corner where fudge is made.
Hey, I got a favor to ask. Sure.
我有件事想請(qǐng)你幫忙, 說(shuō)吧
My mom's been kind of an emotional wreck since that dentist she was dating dumped her.
我媽被之前好上的那牙醫(yī)拋棄之后心情就落到了谷底, 郁郁寡歡
Dumped her? What, did he use a forklift? Sorry.
拋棄她, 得用叉車才能吧?對(duì)不起
There's nothing funny about morbid obesity.
She's huge. It was funny.
她肥爆了, 是很好笑啦
Anyway, I was just hoping that maybe you could check in on her tomorrow night and make sure she's doing okay.
我是希望呢你明晚能去她那里, 看看她確保以下她沒(méi)事
Dude, I'm a single man.
兄弟, 我可是黃金單身漢
Saturday night is my party night.
Really? What do you got going on?
是嗎, 你有什么安排
I don't know, maybe drive down to Hollywood, hit a few hot spots, see if I can get lucky.
不知道, 可能開(kāi)車去好萊塢那里去幾個(gè)泡妞圣地轉(zhuǎn)轉(zhuǎn), 看有無(wú)妹子上鉤
Okay, tell me if this sounds familiar.
You pay $15 to park, you stand on the sidewalk for an hour until you break down and give the bouncer20 bucks to let you in.
你花了15塊停車費(fèi)然后站在人行道一個(gè)小時(shí)猶豫直到你忍不住, 然后給了門(mén)衛(wèi)20塊門(mén)票費(fèi), 讓你進(jìn)去
You push your way to the bar, where you drink an $18 cosmopolitan, then you stare at a pretty girl and imagine your perfect life together.
Your children, grandchildren.
幻想你們的孩子, 孫子
Meanwhile, she leaves with a guy who claims he wrote Beverly Hills Chihuahua.
Then you give up on anyone ever loving you, go to Marie Callender's, buy a pie and eat it in your car in the parking lot.
然后你就自暴自棄跑去連鎖派店買(mǎi)了個(gè)派然后回到停車場(chǎng), 在車上默默吃掉它
What time should I be at your mother's?I told her around 7:00.
I swear, that man is the most egotistical, insufferable human being I have ever met.
我發(fā)誓, 那家伙是我這輩子見(jiàn)過(guò)最傲慢自大, 最難以忍受的人類
Yeah, but you two make such a cute couple. Like Burt and Ernie.
話是沒(méi)錯(cuò), 但你們這對(duì)很有愛(ài)呢。就像伯特和厄尼(《芝麻街》的兩個(gè)木偶角色同住在一起, 雖然經(jīng)常吵架但又很快和好)
You guys even teach me stuff about words and numbers.
Well, I've had it. I am done.
我受夠了, 真的夠了
I can't... I can't live with him for one more minute.
Where are you going to go?
I was thinking here with you. That a problem? No, not at all. No, it'sit's great. It's terrific. I...
來(lái)這里跟你住啊。有問(wèn)題嗎?沒(méi)有, 完全沒(méi)有。真沒(méi), 這樣很好啊。簡(jiǎn)直太棒了
You know, I just can't help feel bad about Sheldon.
I mean... how's he going to get by without you? Ernie.
He's got Amy now. Yeah, he does, but it's not the same. Why? Well, um, all right.
他現(xiàn)在有艾米了。的確, 但不一樣的啦。為什么?好吧, 這么說(shuō)吧
Youyou know how in Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince, Ron didn't abandon Harry just because Harry started dating Ron's sister?
Harry and Ginny get together? Sorry. Spoiler alert.
My point is, as much as I want to live with you, I can't do it knowing how much Sheldon needs you.
我的重點(diǎn)是, 盡管我很想跟你住在一起但謝爾頓需要你,我不能這么自私
Please, the only thing he needs me for is to be his whipping boy, his his stooge, his doormat.
拜托, 他唯一需要我的地方是當(dāng)他的替罪羔羊他的傀儡和出氣筒
Well, you know what they say: if it ain't broke...
人家不是都說(shuō),"不要沒(méi)事找事嘛"(源自諺語(yǔ)"If it ain't broke, don't fix it"意思是不要隨便改變現(xiàn)狀,小心弄巧成拙)
It sounds to me like you don't want us to live together. No. No, no, I do. I do. It's just...
聽(tīng)起來(lái)似乎你不想咱倆住在一起。不, 不是, 我想。我當(dāng)然想, 只是...
I mean, it's a really big step. Is it? We're together all the time.
Financially, it makes great sense.Can you think of one reason why we shouldn't do this?
Well... um... I'm just a little thirsty. Yeah. I got nothing. Great. I'll go get my stuff. Good.
這個(gè)嘛...我突然有點(diǎn)口渴,喝吧。想不到。很好, 我去收拾東西。好
Okay, all right, don't freak out. You can make this work.
好吧, 別慌別慌。你能搞定這件事的
Oh, could you clear off a shelf for me in the bathroom?
Oh, please let some of it be Xanax.
I take a lot of medicine.
Are you ready for dessert?
No, thank you, Mrs. Wolowitz.
不了, 謝謝, 沃羅威茨太太
As it is, I'm going to have to carry my stomach out of here like I'm a fireman rescuing an infant.
老實(shí)說(shuō), 我撐得都要抱著肚子走出去了就像消防員小心翼翼地救出嬰兒那樣
Oh, please. You're a tall glass of brown water. Have dessert. Well, II really couldn't.
But, uh, I've had a lovely time eating your brisket and hearing about the things you've had removed from your body over the years.
但我今晚過(guò)得很開(kāi)心, 邊吃你燉的牛胸肉邊聽(tīng)你說(shuō)你這些年從自己身上切除下來(lái)的各種東西
Didn't know you could have a cyst inside another cyst.
The doctor said they were like Russian nesting dolls.
Well, if you have to go, how about I put a little doggie bag together for you?
That would be lovely. Thank you.
那真是太好了, 謝謝你
Mrs. Wolowitz, uh... how about I put a little doggie bag together for you? Don't mind me.
I just cry when I'm lonely and have nothing to live for.
我一覺(jué)得孤單沒(méi)什么活頭, 就會(huì)想哭
I, uh... I suppose I could stay for some dessert. Great.
You like chocolate chip cheesecake? Sure.
你喜歡吃巧克力碎乳酪蛋糕嗎, 喜歡
I'll make one. One vintage Mr. Mxyzptlk action figure.
That's Leonard's. Children's toy.
One Game of Thrones collector's edition Longclaw sword.
Oh... Leonard and I bought that together.
That's a bit of an ethical conundrum.
Eh, I'll keep it. So, uh, what's your plan moving forward?
算了, 我留著吧。你接下來(lái)有什么計(jì)劃?
Uh, suppose I'll have to find and cultivate a new roommate.
估計(jì)我得找一個(gè)新室友, 然后教化他
What a task that will be.
Do you know how uncivilized Leonard was when I took him in? No.
Oh, it took me forever to get him on a bathroom schedule.
廢了好大功夫, 才讓他有固定的如廁時(shí)間
He would just go whenever the mood struck him.
他以前只要感覺(jué)一來(lái), 想去就去
Like a dogboy. Exactly.
就像小狗整天拉撒, 完全正確
What if you could find a roommate who was a scientist and already familiar and comfortable with your ways?
That would be ideal.
If a person like that existed, I would sign on, no further questions asked. Great. Here I am! Wait.
如果真有那么一個(gè)人存在我會(huì)什么都不問(wèn), 立馬簽協(xié)議。太好了, 那個(gè)人近在眼前。等等
Here who is where? Me. Aren't I your perfect roommate?
Think about it, Sheldon.
好好想想, 謝爾頓
I'm not a stranger, we're intellectually compatible, I'm willing to chauffeur you around town, and your personality quirks, and your personality quirks, I find cute as a button.
What do you think?


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