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《魔法師的外甥》 第九章 納尼亞誕生了






THE Lion was pacing to and fro about that empty land and singing his new song.It was softer and more lilting than the song by which he had called up the stars and the sun;a gentle,rippling music.And as he walked and sang the valley grew green with grass.It spread out from the Lion like a pool.It ran up the sides of the little hills like a wave.In a few minutes it was creeping up the lower slopes of the distant mountains,making that young world every moment softer.The light wind could now be heard ruffling the grass.Soon there were other things besides grass.The higher slopes grew dark with heather.Patches of rougher and more bristling green appeared in the valley.Digory did not know what they were until one began coming up quite close to him.It was a little,spiky thing that threw out dozens of arms and covered these arms with green and grew larger at the rate of about an inch every two seconds.There were dozens of these things all round him now.When they were nearly as tall as himself he saw what they were.“Trees !”he exclaimed.
The nuisance of it,as Polly said afterwards,was that you weren’t left in peace to watch it all.Just as Digory said“Trees !”he had to jump because Uncle Andrew had sidled up to him again and was going to pick his pocket.It wouldn’t have done Uncle Andrew much good if he had succeeded,for he was aiming at the right-hand pocket because he still thought the green rings were“homeward”rings.But of course Digory didn’t want to lose either.
“Stop !”cried the Witch.“Stand back.No,further back.If anyone goes within ten paces of either of the children,I will knock out his brains.”She was poising in her hand the iron bar that she had torn off the lamp-post,ready to throw it.Somehow no one doubted that she would be a very good shot.
“So !”she said.“You would steal back to your own world with the boy and leave me here.”
Uncle Andrew’s temper at last got the better of his fears. “Yes,Ma’am,I would,”he said.“Most undoubtedly I would. I should be perfectly in my rights.I have been most shamefully, most abominably treated.I have done my best to show you such civilities as were in my power.And what has been my reward ? You have robbed-I must repeat the word—robbed a highly respectable jeweller.You have insisted on my entertaining you to an exceedingly expensive,not to say ostentatious,lunch,though I was obliged to pawn my watch and chain in order to do so(and let me tell you,Ma’am,that none of our family have been in the habit of frequenting pawnshops,except my cousin Edward,and he was in the Yeomanry).During that indigestible meal-I’m feeling the worse for it at this very moment-your behaviour and conversation attracted the unfavourable attention of everyone present.I feel I have been publicly disgraced.I shall never be able to show my face in that restaurant again.You have assaulted the police.You have stolen-”
“Oh stow it,Guv’nor,do stow it,”said the Cabby.“Watchin’ and listenin’s the thing at present;not talking.”
There was certainly plenty to watch and to listen to.The tree which Digory had noticed was now a full-grown beech whose branches swayed gently above his head.They stood on cool, green grass,sprinkled with daisies and buttercups.A little way off,along the river bank,willows were growing.On the other side tangles of flowering currant,lilac,wild rose,and rhododendron closed them in.The horse was tearing up delicious mouthfuls of new grass.
All this time the Lion’s song,and his stately prowl,to and fro,backwards and forwards,was going on.What was rather alarming was that at each turn he came a little nearer.Polly was finding the song more and more interesting because she thought she was beginning to see the connection between the music and the things that were happening.When a line of dark firs sprang up on a ridge about a hundred yards away she felt that they were connected with a series of deep,prolonged notes which the Lion had sung a second before.And when he burst into a rapid series of lighter notes she was not surprised to see primroses suddenly appearing in every direction.Thus,with an unspeakable thrill,she felt quite certain that all the things were coming(as she said)“out of the Lion’s head”.When you listened to his song you heard the things he was making up:when you looked round you,you saw them. This was so exciting that she had no time to be afraid.But Digory and the Cabby could not help feeling a bit nervous as each turn of the Lion’s walk brought him nearer.As for Uncle Andrew,his teeth were chattering,but his knees were shaking so that he could not run away.
Suddenly the Witch stepped boldly out toward the Lion.It was coming on,always singing,with a slow,heavy pace.It was only twelve yards away.She raised her arm and flung the iron bar straight at its head.
Nobody,least of all Jadis,could have missed at that range.The bar struck the Lion fair between the eyes.It glanced off and fell with a thud in the grass.The Lion came on.Its walk was neither slower nor faster than before;you could not tell whether it even knew it had been hit.Though its soft pads made no noise,you could feel the earth shake beneath their weight.
The Witch shrieked and ran:in a few moments she was out of sight among the trees.Uncle Andrew turned to do likewise, tripped over a root,and fell flat on his face in a little brook that ran down to join the river.The children could not move.They were not even quite sure that they wanted to.The Lion paid no attention to them.Its huge red mouth was open,but open in song not in a snarl.It passed by them so close that they could have touched its mane.They were terribly afraid it would turn and look at them,yet in some queer way they wished it would.But for all the notice it took of them they might just as well have been invisible and unsmellable.When it had passed them and gone a few paces further it turned,passed them again,and continued its march eastward.
Uncle Andrew,coughing and spluttering,picked himself up.
“Now,Digory,”he said,“we’ve got rid of that woman, and the brute of a lion is gone.Give me your hand and put on your ring at once.”
“Keep off,”said Digory,backing away from him.“Keep clear of him,Polly.Come over here beside me.Now I warn you,Uncle Andrew,don’t come one step nearer,we’ll just vanish.”
“Do what you’ re told this minute,sir,”said Uncle Andrew.
“ you’ re an extremely disobedient,ill-behaved little boy.”
“No fear,”said Digory.“We want to stay and see what happens.I thought you wanted to know about other worlds.Don’t you like it now you’re here ?”
“Like it !”exclaimed Uncle Andrew.“Just look at the state I’m in.And it was my best coat and waistcoat,too.”He certainly was a dreadful sight by now:for of course,the more dressed up you were to begin with,the worse you look after you’ve crawled out of a smashed hansoncab and fallen into a muddy brook.“I’m not saying,”he added,“that this is not a most interesting place.If I were a younger man,now-perhaps I could get some lively young fellow to
come here first.One of those big-game hunters.Something might be made of this country.The climate is delightful.I never felt such air.I believe it would have done me good if-if circumstances had been more favourable.If only we’d had a gun.”
“Guns be blowed,”said the Cabby.“I think I’ll go and see if I can give Strawberry a rub down.That horse ‘as more sense than some ’umans as I could mention.”He walked back to Strawberry and began making the hissing noises that grooms make.
“Do you still think that Lion could be killed by a gun ?”asked Digory.“He didn’t mind the iron bar much.”
“With all her faults,”said Uncle Andrew,“that’s a plucky gel,my boy.It was a spirited thing to do.”He rubbed his hands and cracked his knuckles,as if he were once more forgetting how the Witch frightened him whenever she was really there.
“It was a wicked thing to do,”said Polly.“What harm had he done her ?”
“Hullo ! What’s that ?”said Digory.He had darted forward to examine something only a few yards away.“I say,Polly,”he called back.“Do come and look.”
Uncle Andrew came with her;not because he wanted to see but because he wanted to keep close to the children—there might be a chance of stealing their rings.But when he saw what Digory was looking at,even he began to take an interest.It was a perfect little model of a lamp-post,about three feet high but lengthening,and thickening in proportion,as they watched it;in fact growing just as the trees had grown.
“It’s alive too-I mean,it’s lit,”said Digory.And so it was; though of course,the brightness of the sun made the little flame in the lantern hard to see unless your shadow fell on it.
“Remarkable,most remarkable,”muttered Uncle Andrew. “Even I never dreamt of Magic like this.We’re in a world where everything,even a lamp—post,comes to life and grows.Now I wonder what sort of seed a lamp—post grows from ?”
“Don’t you see ?”said Digory.“This is where the bar fell-the bar she tore off the lamp-post at home.It sank into the ground and now it’s coming up as a young lamp—post.”(But not so very young now;it was as tall as Digory while he said this.)
“That’s it ! Stupendous,stupendous,”said Uncle Andrew, rubbing his hands harder than ever.“Ho,ho ! They laughed at my Magic.That fool of a sister of mine thinks I’m a lunatic. I wonder what they’ll say now ? I have discovered a world where everything is bursting with life and growth.Columbus,now, they talk about Columbus.But what was America to this ? The commercial possibilities of this country are unbounded.Bring a few old bits of scrap iron here,bury’em,and up they come as brand new railway engines,battleships,anything you please.They’ll cost nothing,and I can sell ’em at full prices in England.I shall be a millionaire.And then the climate ! I feel years younger already.I can run it as a health resort.A good sanatorium here might be worth twenty thousand a year.Of course I shall have to let a few people into the secret.The first thing is to get that brute shot.”
“You’re just like the Witch,”said Polly.“All you think of is killing things.”
“And then as regards oneself,”Uncle Andrew continued, in a happy dream.“There’s no knowing how long I might live if I settled here.And that’s a big consideration when a fellow has turned sixty.I shouldn’t be surprised if I never grew a day older in this country ! Stupendous ! The land of youth !”
“Oh !”cried Digory.“The land of youth ! Do you think it really is ?”For of course he remembered what Aunt Letty had said to the lady who brought the grapes,and that sweet hope rushed back upon him.“Uncle Andrew”,he said,“do you think there’s anything here that would cure Mother ?”
“What are you talking about ?”said Uncle Andrew.“This isn’t a chemist’s shop.But as I was saying-”
“You don’t care twopence about her,”said Digory savagely. “I thought you might;after all,she’s your sister as well as my Mother.Well,no matter.I’m jolly well going to ask the Lion himself if he can help me.”And he turned and walked briskly away.Polly waited for a moment and then went after him.
“Here ! Stop ! Come back ! The boy’s gone mad,”said Uncle Andrew.He followed the children at a cautious distance behind;for he didn’t want to get too far away from the green rings or too near the Lion.
In a few minutes Digory came to the edge of the wood and there he stopped.The Lion was singing still.But now the song had once more changed.It was more like what we should call a tune,but it was also far wilder.It made you want to run and jump and climb.It made you want to shout.It made you want to rush at other people and either hug them or fight them.It made Digory hot and red in the face.It had some effect on Uncle Andrew,for Digory could hear him saying,“A spirited gel,sir.It’s a pity about her temper,but a dem fine woman all the same,a dem fine woman.”But what the song did to the two humans was nothing compared with what it was doing to the country.
Can you imagine a stretch of grassy land bubbling like water in a pot ? For that is really the best description of what was happening.In all directions it was swelling into humps.They were of very different sizes,some no bigger than molehills,some as big as wheel barrows,two the size of cottages.And the humps moved and swelled till they burst,and the crumbled earth poured out of them,and from each hump there came out an animal.The moles came out just as you might see a mole come out in England. The dogs came out,barking the moment their heads were free,and struggling as you’ ve seen them do when they are getting through a narrow hole in a hedge.The stags were the queerest to watch, for of course the antlers came up a long time before the rest of them, so at first Digory thought they were trees.The frogs,who all came up near the river,went straight into it with a plop-plop and a loud croaking. The panthers,leopards and things of that sort,sat down at once to wash the loose earth off their hind quarters and then stood up against the trees to sharpen their front claws.Showers of birds came out of the trees.Butterflies fluttered.Bees got to work on the flowers as if they hadn’t a second to lose.But the greatest moment of all was when the biggest hump broke like a small earthquake and out came the sloping back,the large,wise head,and the four baggy-trousered legs of an elephant.And now you could hardly hear the song of the Lion;there was so much cawing,cooing,crowing,braying, neighing,baying,barking,lowing,bleating,and trumpeting.
But though Digory could no longer hear the Lion,he could see it.It was so big and so bright that he could not take his eyes off it.The other animals did not appear to be afraid of it.Indeed,at that very moment,Digory heard the sound of hoofs from behind; a second later the old cab-horse trotted past him and joined the other beasts.(The air had apparently suited him as well as it had suited Uncle Andrew.He no longer looked like the poor,old slave he had been in London;he was picking up his feet and holding his head erect.)And now,for the first time,the Lion was quite silent.He was going to and fro among the animals.And every now and then he would go up to two of them(always two at a time)and touch their noses with his.He would touch two beavers among all the beavers,two leopards among all the leopards,one stag and one deer among all the deer,and leave the rest.Some sorts of animal he passed over altogether.But the pairs which he had touched instantly left their own kinds and followed him.At last he stood still and all the creatures whom he had touched came and stood in a wide circle around him.The others whom he had not touched began to wander away.Their noises faded gradually into the distance.The chosen beasts who remained were now utterly silent,all with their eyes fixed intently upon the Lion.The cat-like ones gave an occasional twitch of the tail but otherwise all were still.For the first time that day there was complete silence, except for the noise of running water.Digory’s heart beat wildly; he knew something very solemn was going to be done.He had not forgotten about his Mother;but he knew jolly well that,even for her,he couldn’t interrupt a thing like this.
The Lion,whose eyes never blinked,stared at the animals as hard as if he was going to burn them up with his mere stare.And gradually a change came over them.The smaller ones-the rabbits, moles and such-like—grew a good deal larger.The very big ones-you noticed it most with the elephants-grew a little smaller.Many animals sat up on their hind legs.Most put their heads on one side as if they were trying very hard to understand.The Lion opened his mouth,but no sound came from it;he was breathing out,a long, warm breath;it seemed to sway all the beasts as the wind sways a line of trees.Far overhead from beyond the veil of blue sky which hid them the stars sang again;a pure,cold,difficult music.Then there came a swift flash like fire(but it burnt nobody)either from the sky or from the Lion itself,and every drop of blood tingled in the children’s bodies,and the deepest,wildest voice they had ever heard was saying:
“Narnia,Narnia,Narnia,awake.Love.Think.Speak. Be walking trees.Be talking beasts.Be divine waters.”

第九章 納尼亞誕生了

巨獅在空曠的大地上來回走動,并開始唱新的歌了。這次的歌聲比之前喚醒太陽與星星的更為溫柔、更為輕松,如同流水般潺潺而動,無比溫暖。隨著它的歌唱與走動,河谷中生長出碧綠的青草, 在它身邊如同水潭般蔓延,如同浪花般爬滿山坡。不一會兒,大山的斜坡上也長滿了青草,這個年輕的世界每一個瞬間都無比柔美。微風(fēng)吹拂,除了草,很快也出現(xiàn)了其他的東西。高坡上長出了石南屬植物, 顏色暗淡,河谷中則出現(xiàn)了片片綠色,毛茸茸的看著粗糙不平。迪格雷并不知道那是什么,直到它走到了與他很近的地方。原來那是一種又長又尖的東西,身上覆蓋著綠色的東西,且有幾十只手臂,并以每兩秒一寸的速度不斷增長。此刻,他的周圍處處都是這樣的東西。等它們與他的高度相仿時,他才明白,并大喊道:“樹!”
“停下,”女巫大喊,“站回原處。不能再往前走。誰要是走到與這兩個孩子不到十步以內(nèi)的地方,我一定敲碎他的腦袋。”她揮著那根鐵棒,從燈的柱子上拽下的鐵棒,做著隨時會扔出去的樣子, 當(dāng)然,他們相信她會扔得無比準(zhǔn)確。
終于,安德魯舅舅鼓足了勇氣,忍不住發(fā)火。“是,夫人,”他說, “的確,我就想這樣做。這完全是屬于我的權(quán)力。你一直羞辱我,讓我受到不公平的待遇。我曾那么尊重你,不顧一切地討好你,但你給我的卻是什么?你搶劫,而且搶的是被人尊重的珠寶商,我一定要重復(fù)說這兩個字。你讓我用最昂貴的午餐來招待你,也是最鋪張的午餐, 這樣,我只好賣掉了我的手表與表鏈。夫人,我們家可從沒人會常常光顧當(dāng)鋪,當(dāng)然,除了我的表哥愛德華,他曾是義勇軍的騎兵隊的一員。結(jié)果是去吃一頓很難消化的午餐,現(xiàn)在想起來我還是很難受, 還有你的言行舉止讓這里的每個人都不舒服。我更是在公眾場合丟臉了,再也不好意思去那個飯店。不僅如此,你襲擊警察,還偷竊……”
這段時間,巨獅依舊不停唱歌,依舊莊嚴(yán)地前后左右走動。令人驚奇的是,它的每一個轉(zhuǎn)身,都會靠他們更近。波莉發(fā)現(xiàn),歌聲愈加有趣,因為她已覺察到歌聲與眼前的事物有著聯(lián)系。她看到在百米外的山脊上,出現(xiàn)了一排墨綠色的冷杉樹,她感到這與一秒之前獅子那低且悠長的歌曲有著莫大關(guān)聯(lián)。隨著獅子唱出歡快的旋律時, 她看到周圍的報春花不斷綻放。她無比激動,用她自己的語言描述她相信這些都是“獅子用大腦所想出來的”。當(dāng)你去傾聽它的歌聲, 你就會聽到它所創(chuàng)造的事物——環(huán)顧四周的美麗風(fēng)景,你就能看見歌曲中所傳的東西。這個發(fā)現(xiàn)真令人激動,波莉似乎沒時間感到害怕。但是獅子每一次轉(zhuǎn)身,離他們更近時,迪格雷與馬夫都會略顯緊張, 安德魯舅舅則牙齒打戰(zhàn),雙腿發(fā)抖,卻無法逃跑。
女巫尖叫著跑了,消失在樹林中。安德魯舅舅也想轉(zhuǎn)身跑開, 無奈被一根樹樁絆倒,臉朝下,跌倒在了一條流向大河的溪流中,兩個孩子也無法動彈了。其實他們自己也不知道自己是否真的想過跑開,獅子根本沒有看他們。它只是張著血盆大口唱歌,并沒有任何咆哮。它從他們身邊走過,他們甚至能摸到它的毛發(fā)。兩個孩子怕極了, 更怕它會轉(zhuǎn)身向他們。但兩個孩子又盼望它能轉(zhuǎn)身。從最初到現(xiàn)在, 它根本沒有注意他們,他們就像是透明體。它從他們身邊走過去走過來,又返回去,來回兩次與他們擦肩而過,朝東方走去。

“不要。”迪格雷一邊說,一邊后退了幾步,“不要讓他靠近你, 波莉,來我這里?,F(xiàn)在,我要告訴你,安德魯舅舅,不要再靠近我們一步,不然我們現(xiàn)在就走。”
“喜歡!”安德魯舅舅大喊,“看看我現(xiàn)在的處境!這可是我最棒的一套外套與背心。”現(xiàn)在的他,的確狼狽至極。試想,一個人打扮得很漂亮,他從撞爛的馬車下鉆出來,再掉進小溪的泥巴里, 當(dāng)然狼狽不堪。“我說的是,”他接著說,“這個地方并不是沒意思。假如我再年輕一些,現(xiàn)在我也許應(yīng)該找一個年輕氣盛的人來這里。找一個專業(yè)的獵手,這里倒是很適合他們,對了,這里天氣宜人,我從來沒有呼吸過這樣新鮮的空氣,我覺得這樣對我有好處的。如果, 假如條件允許的話,我們擁有一支槍該多好。”
“要槍干嗎?”馬車夫說,“我是不是應(yīng)該給‘草莓’梳理下毛發(fā), 它比人還要有靈性。”他來到“草莓”身邊,用馬車夫與馬兒交流的語言,對它“噓噓”著。
“都是她的錯,”安德魯舅舅說,“那可是個什么都敢做的女人, 孩子,她實在太粗魯了。”他又開始“噼啪”著捏自己的手關(guān)節(jié),似乎暫時忘記他還是怕著女巫的。
安德魯舅舅跟了上來,他并非好奇,只是想緊緊跟著孩子們, 只有這樣他才更有可能偷到戒指。當(dāng)他看到迪格雷正在專心觀看的東西時,他也頓時著迷了。那是一個燈柱模型,小巧而且完美,當(dāng)他們觀看它時,它正不斷變高變寬,如同樹木,不斷生長。
“你不明白嗎?”迪格雷說,“鐵棒在這里掉下去,那是從我家門前的燈柱上拔下這鐵棒的。掉進土里,它就生成了小小的燈柱。” 迪格雷說這些時,此刻燈柱已經(jīng)不算小了,它幾乎和他一樣高。
“是啊,太神奇了,了不起!”安德魯舅舅比剛剛更為興奮地搓動手指,“哦!他們之前嘲笑我的魔法。我的傻妹妹更是把我當(dāng)成神經(jīng)病?,F(xiàn)在,他們還能說什么?我竟然發(fā)現(xiàn)了一個充滿生機的世界, 這里任何東西都可以在此生長。人們經(jīng)常談哥倫布,哥倫布。與這里相比,美洲算什么,這個世界的商業(yè)潛力,無法估量。帶破舊的鋼條來此,只要埋下去,就會長出新的火車頭,或是軍艦,或是你想要的任何事物。然后不用任何成本,我再拿著去英國賣掉,很快我就能成為千萬富翁。還有這里的天氣!都讓我覺得自己一下年輕二十歲, 我還可以在此建設(shè)一個療養(yǎng)院,好好經(jīng)營,一年就能賺幾百萬。我只允許一些人知道這里的秘密。當(dāng)然,首先我要開槍打死那頭畜生。”
“還要談?wù)勎易约海?rdquo;安德魯舅舅還在幻想美夢,“如果我定居在此,誰知道能活到什么時候。對我來說,已年過花甲,這才是最值得考慮的大事。這個地方,我也許永遠不會老去。這里實在太美! 如此年輕的土地!”
“??!”迪格雷大叫道,“年輕的土地!你真的如此認為?” 他一直記得,蕾迪姨媽與那位送葡萄的女人所說的話。他的腦海中勾勒出一個美好的期待。“安德魯舅舅,”他說,“你覺得這里的什么東西能治好媽媽的?。?rdquo;
“你一點都不關(guān)心我媽媽,”迪格雷憤憤不平地說,“我以為你會關(guān)心她,畢竟她是你的妹妹,我的母親。無所謂,我去問下獅子, 看它能否幫助我。”之后,他轉(zhuǎn)身,輕快地離開。波莉遲疑了一下, 然后跟了上去。
過了一會兒,迪格雷站在了樹林邊。獅子依舊在唱歌,歌聲又改變了。這次的歌聲與人類所謂的“聲調(diào)”很像很像,但歌聲依舊狂放不羈,讓人想跳舞,想去奔跑,想去攀登,想去喊叫,想沖向其他人, 與他們擁抱,或搏斗。迪格雷的臉在發(fā)熱,變得通紅。安德魯舅舅也深受影響,迪格雷模糊中聽到他說:“這是個活潑的女孩,兄弟。她的脾氣令人不敢恭維,但她的確是個漂亮女人,很是漂亮迷人。” 歌聲對這片土地所產(chǎn)生的影響,遠遠超越了對他們所產(chǎn)生的影響。
你會想象到草地如同水在壺中那般沸騰嗎?但這樣的比喻也許最恰當(dāng)不過。周圍的草地膨脹成了圓丘,它們大小不一,有的如同鼴鼠那般大,有的則如同獨輪小車,甚至還有兩個圓丘如同棚屋那般大。圓丘慢慢移動,慢慢膨脹,最終,泥土四濺,每個圓丘內(nèi)都鉆出來了一個動物。就像英國的鼴鼠出洞,這里的也一樣,狗從洞口鉆出腦袋, 像從籬笆的縫隙中鉆出,那么困難與掙扎,它一直在叫。雄鹿比較有趣,它的角出來了很久,身體還在里面,以至于迪格雷最初把它當(dāng)成了一棵樹。青蛙鉆出來之后,一直呱呱地叫著,蹦蹦跳跳地跳入河流?;ū⒑诒葎游飫t立刻坐下,在松土中抖后腿上的泥土,并站起身來,在一棵樹上磨它們的前爪。樹林中傳來鳥鳴聲,蜜蜂則立刻辛勤地飛翔在花上。最壯觀的當(dāng)屬最大的圓丘炸裂時,如同輕微的地震, 先是隆起大象斜坡一樣的脊背,智慧的大腦袋與四條像穿著肥胖褲子的大腿。此刻,你似乎聽不到獅子的歌聲了,因為從你的周圍傳來的是牛叫、馬嘶、狗吠與鳥鳴……
迪格雷雖聽不到獅子的歌聲,但依舊能看到它。它是那么威武, 那么雄壯,深深吸引了迪格雷,其他的動物看上去并不怕它。此時, 響起了一陣馬蹄聲,拉車的老馬從他身邊奔跑而過,站在了其他動物身邊。這里的空氣不止適合安德魯舅舅,也適合這匹馬,與在倫敦明顯不同的是,它正高昂著頭,揚起腿,不再像可憐的奴隸。獅子終于安靜。它開始了巡視,不時走近其中的兩只動物面前,每次都是兩只, 它用鼻子輕吻著它們的鼻子。并且在一群河貍中摩挲兩只河貍的鼻子,在所有花豹中親了親兩只的鼻子,在鹿群內(nèi)吻了吻一只雄鹿與一只雌鹿的鼻子。而有些動物,它只是從它們面前經(jīng)過;被它吻過的動物們開始成雙成對地跟在它的后面,離開了它們的群體。最后,獅子站住,被它挑選過的動物們走過來,將它圍成一個圈。而它沒有吻過的動物則向著四周跑去,叫著慢慢消失不見。它挑選出的動物安靜地站著,眼睛看向獅子。所有的動物一動不動,只有貓類動物偶爾會搖擺下尾巴。此刻,是那天最寂靜的時刻,能聽見淙淙流水聲。迪格雷的心快速跳動,他感覺到要發(fā)生一件神圣且隆重的事情。他沒有忘記關(guān)于媽媽的事情,但是,他明白,就算是為了她,在這件“大事”中, 他也不能插話。
獅子從未眨眼,它用灼灼的目光看向動物們。動物們開始變化了, 比如兔子、睡鼠之類的小動物突然變大了許多,龐大的動物們——其中大象最為明顯——小了許多。動物們用后腿坐著,它們大部分都偏著頭,試圖去理解一些東西。獅子沒有發(fā)聲,只是張著嘴巴。它的呼吸如同綿長且溫暖的氣息,像風(fēng)吹過排排大樹,似乎可以將所有的動物都能吹得不見蹤影。在遙遠的空中,那些藍色天幕后面的星星們, 又開始唱起了新的歌。歌聲令人難以理解,是如此純凈與清冷。然后, 在天上,在獅子身上,閃爍過一道火花。孩子們的血液在沸騰。這時, 一個粗獷、低沉的,他們從未聽到的聲音說:


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