上次種植牙手術(shù)只完成了第一期, 一共有三期的, 所以今天上午去了同步齒科做第二期. 上次的手術(shù)慘狀猶在眼前, 疼痛無比暫且不說, 流失的血喝一個(gè)月的人參雞湯也補(bǔ)不回來. 更慘的是, 打了不少麻醉藥, 麻醉過后傷口疼發(fā)炎, 疼痛難忍, 半邊臉還腫了, 又打了三天的點(diǎn)滴, 最后才漸漸平復(fù)了. 做手術(shù)后的那一周讓我整個(gè)人的靈魂仿佛被抽空了, 用 “元?dú)獯髠?來形容一點(diǎn)也不過分. 那時(shí)候由于身體虛弱, 整天軟弱無力, 很想睡覺. 當(dāng)時(shí)我想, 要是我早知道做這個(gè)手術(shù)會(huì)落到如此下場(chǎng)的話, 我真懷疑自己是不是還真的有勇氣去嘗試. 花了很多錢不說, 還要受一系列的罪.
生活平靜了三個(gè)多月, 今天第二期手術(shù)終究還是來了. 和主治醫(yī)生已經(jīng)很熟了, 她不斷安慰我, 叫我不要怕, 對(duì)我說這次手術(shù)比較簡(jiǎn)單, 不痛的. 可是當(dāng)我躺在那張牙科手術(shù)床上時(shí), 我仍然渾身發(fā)顫, 手把床沿抓得緊緊的, 好像準(zhǔn)備著受刑. 整個(gè)過程持續(xù)了大概二十分鐘, 的確沒有第一次疼痛和復(fù)雜, 可是也夠我受的了. 醫(yī)生為我打了麻醉針, 然后用各種尖的和鈍的器械鉆啊敲啊擠啊, 發(fā)生各種響聲, 讓我聽了心驚膽戰(zhàn). 可能麻醉藥打得不夠, 我漸漸地又感到疼痛了. 于是醫(yī)生又幫我打了一些, 疼痛消減了不少,可是還是隱隱作痛. 不消說, 這次還是流了一些血, 只是遠(yuǎn)沒有上次多. 當(dāng)整個(gè)手術(shù)都完成時(shí), 我才如釋重負(fù). 和醫(yī)生簡(jiǎn)單地閑聊幾句以后, 我逃亡似的飛奔出醫(yī)院, 仿佛里面有一顆定時(shí)炸彈準(zhǔn)備爆炸一樣.
回到家, 麻醉藥和流失的血再次讓我感到整個(gè)人都虛弱了不少, 而且由于麻醉藥漸漸退去, 我感到傷口慢慢地疼痛了. 我喝了樓下買的粥和一杯玉米汁, 就倒在床上像死尸一般昏昏沉沉地睡了兩個(gè)多小時(shí). 醒來后發(fā)現(xiàn)舌頭有不少的血跡, 嘗起來腥咸腥咸的, 估計(jì)是睡著的時(shí)候傷口有點(diǎn)流血了.
不過我的心情并沒有因?yàn)檫@些疼痛影響太多, 僅僅是有一點(diǎn)因?yàn)樘弁炊鸬氖? 有時(shí)我會(huì)突然意識(shí)到, 自己的心境變得越來越豁達(dá)和開闊了, 看待生活中的困境和不如意之事也不會(huì)太過在意與執(zhí)著. 或許這和我的經(jīng)歷有關(guān), 但我想, 更多的, 是和我最近讀的書有關(guān). 特別是讀到一些作者或者故事中人物的經(jīng)歷, 讓我感到收獲良多. 我體會(huì)越來越深的一個(gè)道理是: 其實(shí)每個(gè)人的背后都有不為人知的痛苦, 只是平時(shí)我們總覺得別人比我們過得好罷了. 前幾天在一本書上讀到這么一個(gè)小故事: 上帝讓一群自認(rèn)為是世界上最慘的人把自己的痛苦寫在一張紙上, 并且向他們承諾: 只要他們?cè)敢饣ハ嘟粨Q紙片, 互相交換彼此的痛苦, 他會(huì)讓他們?nèi)缭? 當(dāng)時(shí)大家都很開心, 以為自己是世界上最慘的人, 都想和別人交換痛苦. 可是當(dāng)他們拿到別人的紙條時(shí), 大家都迫不及待地要換回自己原來的那張.
由此可見, 其實(shí)我們應(yīng)該學(xué)會(huì)對(duì)生活感到滿足, 至少要保持樂觀向上的心境. 昨天讀完<<暗色>>, 里面有一句話也讓我品味良久: 我們可能得不到幸福, 但是我們可以得到快樂. 是的, 幸福是終生的, 快樂卻是眼前的. 我們更應(yīng)該把握好眼前的東西, 讓自己快樂起來.
Some scientists believe that they can tell whether a child will grow up to be a criminal by studying his or her behavior at the age of three. What is your opinion?
正文(賴小琪版, 279詞):
I do not agree with the view that scientists can judge whether a child will grow up to be a criminal merely based on his or her behaviors at the age of three.
Undeniably, a three-year-old child is still very innocent and childish that he would simply follow his instinct to do what he is into if left without any guidance and control. Therefore, some of his behaviors may be considered “criminal” such as stealing money from their parents, being cruel to some animals, etc.
However, it is far too early to make the judgment that a three-year-old child with the seemingly “criminal behaviors” mentioned above would become a real criminal after they grow up, because with proper parental guidance, he will correct his wrong doings and go on the right track again. For instance, when a child commits pilferage at home and is found by his parents, if the parents can seriously educate the child the harmfulness of stealing, the child would probably follow his parents’ advice and would not steal any more in the future. Another convincing argument bolstering my view is that after the child goes to school when they grow older, they would also be well educated by their teachers, which to a large extent helps them to become a good man for the society.
Therefore, whether a child will become a criminal in their adulthood is determined by his living circumstances, parental guidance, educational conditions and many other factors but his behaviors at the age of three. All members in our society including parents and teachers are entitled to educate and cultivate our children to become a good and able member for the society.