"Hem! it is too odd to please, I should think; I can promise you no more than three thalers."
Poor Samuel sighed deeply.
He had spent on that piece the nights of many months.
But he was starving now; and the pitiful sum offered would give bread for a few days.
He nodded his head to the auctioneer, and retiring took his seat in a corner. The sale began.
After some paintings and engravings had been disposed of, Samuel's was exhibited.
"Who bids at three thalers? Who bids?" was the cry. Duhobret listened eagerly, but none answered.
"Will it find a purchaser?" said he despondingly, to himself.
Still there was a dead silence.
He dared not look up;
for it seemed to him that all the people were laughing at the folly of the artist, who could be insane enough to offer so worthless a piece at a public sale.
"What will become of me?" was his mental inquiry.
"That work is certainly my best;" and he ventured to steal another glance.
"Does it not seem that the wind actually stirs those boughs and moves those leaves!