Most of life is maintenance. Paying bills, buying groceries, doing laundry, and so on. We're running around, juggling our responsibilities, while trying to have some fun, too. It becomes so easy to forget the little things that enrich our lives and make it better.
The start of each year is a time where we tend do a lot of soul searching. Most of us see it as an opportunity to wipe the slate clean, and make resolutions for the year ahead. In addition to those intentions though, there are a number of things that you can do over the course of the year that will drastically improve your life. Here are 10 things you should do at least once a year!
Number 1 – Declutter. Your wardrobe, your purse, the contact list on your phone, your email inbox. Everything. Get rid of everything you don't need or that brings back bad memories. Everything that's in your life should be useful, make you happy, or motivate you. If it isn't doing any of these things, it's just taking up unnecessary space.
Number 2 - Rearrange your space. The purpose of things and where they are placed change the whole ambiance of a room. Personal space carries energy, so change the orientation of your bed, move your TV, move your computer desk, put your favorite lamp somewhere else, and you'll probably perceive things differently from last year. Just make sure it's for the better!
Number 3 – Invest in some new clothes and shoes. Updating your wardrobe can be very satisfying. It will boost your confidence and improve your appearance. Fit is everything, so only buy clothes that are comfortable and shoes that make you feel like you're walking on a cloud all day. If you can afford it, don't hesitate to spend a little bit more on quality clothing, and always remember that quality doesn't necessarily mean the most expensive brands. Trust me, an $800 Gucci T-shirt won't be any more comfortable than a $20 one. If you hate clothes shopping or never know what to buy, take a friend with you, preferably one that has a good sense for color matching and wardrobe styling.
Number 4 – Clean up your e-life. Nowadays, almost everyone on the planet spends much of their time on a computer, and the more time that you spend on it, the more cluttered it becomes. You know what I mean. If your desktop or laptop is filled with icons from top to bottom, it's definitely time for a cleaning. You can start by creating a folder for various things. Create a folder for your music collection, where you can also create sub-folders for different genres, then a folder for your documents, another for movies, and so on. While you're at it, make sure to check that your security software is up to date. Once that's done, pull up your social networks and evaluate your connections. This is a good time declutter those as well. Yeah, it looks cool when you have 2000 Facebook friends, but how many do you actually talk to?
Number 5 – Reflect. Take some time to reflect on things you want more of. Be it romantic love, appreciation, better friends or whatever. Decide how you will actively give that to others. Perceiving lack from others is often a reflection of what we aren't giving enough of ourselves. Karma works magic in this department. The more you give, the more you will get.