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1. come a cropper **(從馬背等上面)重重地摔下來;慘敗

解 〈口〉習語;詞義溯源:出現(xiàn)[摔下、慘?。╟ropper)]的狀況

例 Norton has failed at everything else,so it's no surprise to see him come a cropper once again. 諾頓一事無成,所以這回看到他再次慘敗也毫不奇怪。

2. Come again? / come again **什么?請再說一遍;重新說明;回歸

解 習語;詞義溯源:[再一次(again)]來到

例 Ihad to repeat everything I said twice because after each sentence the old man would say “Come again?” 我每句話都得重復兩遍,因為每次我說完一句,那個老人就會說:“再說一遍?”

3. come along with sb. / come along ***和…一起來

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:與某人[一起(along with)]來

例 Tom wasn't invited to go with us, but if he wants to come along anyway, I guess we can't stop him. 沒有人邀請湯姆跟我們一起走,但是如果他想一起來的話,我想我們沒法不讓他來。

4. Come and get it! **(擺好了飯菜)過來吃吧!

解 習語;詞義溯源:來[吃(get)]這個

例 When dinner was ready, mother would call “Come and get it!” And we'd all rush to the table. 晚飯準備好之后,媽媽會喊:“過來吃飯了!” 然后我們就都沖到桌子旁。

5. come around 〔round〕 ***轉(zhuǎn)而接受;蘇醒;(順便)來訪;如期而至

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:去[周圍的、附近的(around)]地方或[環(huán)繞(around)]而來

例 The boy hated his new classmate, but by year's end he had come around and they were best friends. 那個男孩非常討厭他的新同學,但是在學期末的時候他竟然改變了態(tài)度,他們成了最好的朋友。

6. come at sb. or sth. ***攻擊;向…沖去

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:[針對(at)]某人或某物而來

例 In this dream, a man was coming at him with a knife and it seemed impossible to escape the attack. 在夢里,一個人用刀子襲擊他,他似乎無法逃脫。

7. come back ***回來,恢復原狀

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:來到[原來的狀態(tài)或位置(back)];參照go back

例 When you come back you should call and let me know you have returned. 你回來的時候應該打個電話,讓我知道你已經(jīng)回來了。

8. come by sth. ***找到或得到,得手

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:來到[旁邊(by)]

例 Thomas got most of his fortune from his parents and the rest he came by illegally. 托馬斯的大部分財產(chǎn)來自他的父母,其他的都是他非法得到的。

9. come by sth. honestly **遺傳(父母的性格特征等)

解 習語;詞義溯源:誠實地來到[旁邊(by)]

例 The boy comes by his hot temper honestly; his father is the same way. 這個男孩繼承了他父親的暴脾氣,他們父子倆一樣。

10. come clean with sb. *如實交代,坦白

解 俚語;詞義溯源:在某人面前變成[不虛假的、誠實的(clean)]狀態(tài)

例 After three days the man decided to come clean with the authorities and made a complete confession at the police station. 三天之后,那個人決定跟當局毫無保留地說清楚,在警察局把一切都坦白了。

11. come down *流傳;藥物(如大麻等)效力減弱

解 俚語;詞義溯源:降[下(down)]或藥物效力[down(減弱)]

例 Our liberty comes down to us from our forefathers who gave their lives on the battlefield defending democracy for their children. 我們的自由來源于我們的先輩,他們?yōu)榱俗訉O后代的民主,在戰(zhàn)場上流血犧牲。

12. come home **回家

解 習語;詞義溯源:回[家(home)]

例 Dad usually returns from the office around five o'clock, but last night he came home well past midnight. 爸爸一般五點左右下班回家,但是昨天晚上后半夜他才回來。

13. come in ***進入(說話人所在的地方)

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:來到[里面(in)]

例 You should always ask if it's okay for you to come in before entering someone's room. 你在進別人房間之前,應該先問一下你可不可以進去。

14. come 〔fall〕 in for sth. ***得到(份額、財產(chǎn)等);接受(贊揚、辱罵等);遭遇(苦難等)

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:[為了得到(for)]某物而來到[里面(in)]

例 Coach Walters came in for a lot of criticism for his decisions during the game. 沃爾特教練在這場比賽中的決定遭到了許多批評。

15. come into sth. ***繼承

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:來到某物[里面(into)];參照come in for sth.

例 Icame into this business when my father died, and my son will inherit it when I die. 我爸爸去世之后,我繼承了這家公司。而我死了之后,我兒子將繼承它。

16. come off ***(紐扣等)掉落,(頭發(fā)、牙齒等)掉落,(假發(fā)、油漆等)脫落,(結(jié))解開;舉行;成功

解 〈口〉短語動詞;詞義溯源:到達從…[脫落、掉下、分離(off)]或[完全、截止、徹底(off)]的狀態(tài)

例 Make sure you use a lot of glue, or the stamp might come off the envelope. 一定要用足夠的膠水,否則郵票會從信封上脫落的。

17. come one's way **發(fā)生在(某人身上)

解 習語;詞義溯源:某物出現(xiàn)(或某事發(fā)生)在某人的[路(way)]上

例 Most opportunities are not obtained by chance; they don't just come your way. You must seek them out! 大部分機遇都不是偶然獲得的;它們不會突然出現(xiàn)在你面前。你需要找到它們。

18. come out ***出來,出現(xiàn);發(fā)行,出版;結(jié)果是…;(在舞臺、社交圈等)初次露面,亮相

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:來到[外面、出版、出來、出世(out)]

例 Apolice officer using a loudspeaker tried to persuade the robbers to come out the bank with their hands in the air. 一位警官拿著擴音器,試圖勸說劫匪舉起手從銀行里面出來。

19. come out for sb. or sth. ***支持,支援

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:[出來(come out)] [支持(for)]某人或某物

例 Roger came out for Lynn, who was running for the mayor. 羅杰支持林恩參選市長。

20. come out of nowhere **從…突然出現(xiàn)

解 習語;詞義溯源:從[不知名的地方(nowhere)]出現(xiàn)

例 The man came out of nowhere and grabbed my bag, and just as suddenly disappeared into a dark alley. 那個人不知道從哪里冒出來的,抓起我的包,突然就鉆到一條黑暗的小胡同里面不見了。

21. come over ***改變立場;順便來訪

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:[越過、從一邊至另一邊、從遠方(over)]而來或來[到這里(over)]

例 Larry used to come over all the time when I was single, but since I got married he rarely visits. 我單身的時候,拉里經(jīng)常來看我,但是我結(jié)婚之后,他就很少來了。

22. come through ***穿透而入;以…為條件答應要求;熬過(傷病、危機等);成功,完成;顯得

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:[穿過、通過、完成后、經(jīng)過(through)]…而來

例 It was difficult for Sergeant Kim to get the supplies we needed, but he came through with nearly everything. 金隊長很難找到我們需要的物資,但是他最終幾乎準備好了所有東西。

23. come to ***蘇醒,恢復意識;停?。幌洛^;結(jié)果是;突然想起

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:來[到、達(to)]

例 After four days of being unconscious,the pilot came to and realized he had survived the crash. 昏迷四天之后,那個飛行員醒了過來,這時才意識到他在那次空難中幸免于難。

24. come to a bad end **遭遇不測;死于非命

解 習語;詞義溯源:到達[不好的結(jié)局(a bad end)]

例 Once a great football hero but now forgotten and homeless, Thompson's life had come to a bad end. 湯普森曾經(jīng)是一位著名的足球英雄,而現(xiàn)在他已經(jīng)被人們遺忘,無家可歸,落得悲慘的下場。

25. come to an end **結(jié)束,終止

解 習語;詞義溯源:到達 [終點(an end)]

例 The Democrat's 42 years' control of the House of Representative came to an end in the election of this year. 在今年的大選中,民主黨對眾議院長達42年的控制終于結(jié)束。

26. come to an untimely end **夭折;匆匆結(jié)束

解 習語;詞義溯源:到達[不是預期時間的、突然的(untimely)][ 死亡、終結(jié)(end)]

例 Everybody knew the Mafia leader hadn't died naturally, but had come to an untimely end at the hands of his own brother. 所有人都知道黑手黨頭目并不是自然死亡,而是被他的弟弟親手殺死的。

27. come to grief **失?。槐?

解 習語;詞義溯源:到達陷進 [悲痛(grief)]的狀態(tài)

例 Proctor Company rarely fails to successfully market a product, but their new Proton Chips have certainly come to grief. 普羅科特公司在推廣產(chǎn)品方面很少失敗,但是他們最新的普羅通芯片失敗了。

28. come to pass **發(fā)生,實現(xiàn)

解 習語;詞義溯源:到達 [經(jīng)過(pass)]

例 The revolution came to pass in 1782,but had been predicted many years before it happened. 革命發(fā)生在1782年。但是在許多年以前便已經(jīng)有人預見其將發(fā)生。

29. come to rest **停止

解 習語;詞義溯源:到達 [停止、停頓(rest)]的狀態(tài)

例 Alost weather balloon came to rest right in the middle of my garden!一個失去控制的氣象氣球正好落在了我家花園的中央。

30. come true **(夢想或愿望)實現(xiàn)

解 習語;詞義溯源:成為[現(xiàn)實(true)]

例 All your hopes and dreams can come true only if you work hard to make them real. 只要你努力工作,你的所有希望和夢想都會實現(xiàn)。

31. come unglued *情緒失控;心煩意亂

解 俚語;詞義溯源:變成[心煩意亂的(unglued)]狀態(tài)

例 It is not uncommon to see family members come unglued at a funeral. 家庭成員在葬禮上情緒失控的情況并不少見。

32. come upon 〔on〕 sb. or sth. ***偶然遇到,碰上

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:到達某人或某物的[上方(upon)]

例 We weren't planning to see Tom there, so imagine our surprise when we came upon him. 我們沒有計劃去那里見湯姆,所以你可以想象我們碰巧遇到他的時候有多么驚訝。


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