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LECTURE 23 基本動詞 GET 2





LECTURE 23 基本動詞 GET 2


1. get 〔have〕 a clean bill of health **(體檢后)拿到健康證明;(經(jīng)過調查后)拿到情況良好的證明

解 習語;詞義溯源:獲得[無病的(clean)] [健康證明(bill of health)];參照give sb. a clean bill of health

解 “We're pleased to announce that the government tax auditors have examined our accounting practices and have found nothing wrong with the way we've reported our taxes in the past. We got a clean bill of health. I hope this ends the suspicion and rumors about...”

2. get a dirty look from sb. / get a dirty look **遭人白眼,遭人厭惡

解 習語;詞義溯源:遭受某人的[白眼(dirty look)]

例 Men and women holding hands in public used to be illegal in this Islamic country. Nowadays it's not illegal, but still gets dirty looks from some of the older generation.

3. get a fair shake **得到公平待遇

解 習語;詞義溯源:得到[公平待遇(fair shake)];參照give sb. a fair shake

例 Without a lawyer, Song Ying, I'm afraid you won't get a fair shake. Please reconsider your plan to represent yourself without a lawyer.

4. get 〔have〕 a free hand with sth. / get 〔have〕 a free hand **全權負責

解 習語;詞義溯源:得到對某事物的[自由裁決權(free hand)];參照give sb. a free hand with sth.

例 Before you get a free hand, you'll have to prove you know what you're doing and can be trusted. That won't happen as fast as you would like it to because we have to be absolutely sure of you.

5. get 〔have〕 a grasp of sth. **理解,掌握,領會

解 習語;詞義溯源:得到對某事物的[理解、掌握、領會(grasp)];這里的grasp多數(shù)情況下與good,sound,solid等形容詞連用;參照give sb. a grasp of sth.

例 Computers in the classroom are helping students these days to get a grasp of math and sciences at a much earlier age—and in a fun way. Through exciting games, educational computer programs teach without the child ever realizing he's being taught!


(A) gets a clean bill of health

(B) get...dirty looks

(C) get a fair shake

(D) get a free hand with

(E) get a grasp of

1. A: The government is funding this research, but they let us decide everything ourselves about the conduct of the project. B: How did you manage to ______ it? The government usually wants to have absolute control of anything they fund.

2. A: It'll take you a few weeks to comprehend exactly what your job is. So don't worry if you feel confused for a while. B: I'm eager to ______ my job as quickly as possible. A few weeks seem much too long. I think I will have a full understanding of it in a couple of days.

3. A: How did your father's check-up go? Is he okay? B: I never worry about my father. He always ______. He's 65 years old and in perfect health. A: I hope I'm in that good physical condition when I grow old.

4. A: Don't you ______ a lot of ______ when you wear that T-shirt with the naked woman on it? B: Not in San Francisco. People there are liberal. They'd never look disapprovingly at anything anybody wears. Everything is possible there.

5. A: I really doubt we'll ______ from any judge in this country. B: Yeah, you're right. It's not likely he's going to treat us equally—to him, we're just a couple of foreigners. He's going to make us pay a huge fine and then split the profit with his police friends.


1. (D)

2. (E)

3. (A)

4. (B)

5. (C)


I. 1. “我們很高興地宣布,政府稅務審計員已經(jīng)對我們公司的會計實務進行了檢查,未發(fā)現(xiàn)我們過去報稅的方式有任何問題。我們是清白的。我希望這能夠使我們不再受到懷疑和非議……”

2. 過去,在這個伊斯蘭國家,男女在公共場合牽手是違法的?,F(xiàn)在,雖然這已經(jīng)不非法了,但是老一輩對此依然很厭惡。

3. 宋英,不請律師的話,我擔心你無法得到公平待遇。請再斟酌一下是否還打算不請律師,自己出庭陳述。

4. 在你全權負責之前,你必須證明你了解自己正在做的事情,證明你是值得信賴的。這不會有你想象中那么快,因為我們需要完全信任你。

5. 如今,教室里的計算機可以幫助學生在更小的年齡掌握數(shù)學和科學——并且以一種有趣的方式進行。計算機教育程序通過有趣的游戲進行教學,孩子們根本感覺不到他們正在接受教育!

II. 1. A:政府正在為這項研究投入資金,但是他們讓我們自行決定關于項目執(zhí)行的一切事宜。B:你們怎么做到全權負責的?政府通常會對他們投資的所有項目擁有絕對控制權。

2. A:你需要花幾周時間充分了解你的工作。所以,即使你偶爾感到迷惑也不用擔心。B:我很想盡快掌握我的工作。幾周時間似乎太長了。我想我?guī)滋熘畠染湍苋媪私饬恕?

3. A:你爸爸的體檢結果怎么樣?他還好吧?B:我從不擔心我爸爸。他一直都很健康。他已經(jīng)65歲了,但是身體非常好。A:真希望我老了以后也能保持良好的身體狀況。

4. A:你穿著那件印有裸體女人的T恤衫時,難道不會遭人白眼嗎?B:在舊金山是不會的。那里的人們非常自由開明。他們對于別人的任何著裝都不會表現(xiàn)出不喜歡。在那里,一切皆有可能。

5. A:我真懷疑我們能否受到該國法官的公平對待。B:是啊,你說得對。他可能不會給我們平等的待遇,對他來說,我們只是幾個外國人而已。他可能會讓我們支付大額罰款,然后跟他的警察朋友分錢。


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