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LECTURE 25 基本動詞 GET 4





LECTURE 25 基本動詞 GET 4


1. get 〔have〕 a reputation as sb. or sth. / get a reputation **得到…的名聲

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:作為…而得到[名聲、名譽(yù)(reputation)];注意這里的名聲可以指好名聲也可以指壞名聲;參照give sb. a reputation as sb.

例 Unfortunately, Hu Nan's art shop is getting a reputation as a place that sells pornographic materials. Some people can't appreciate the artistic beauty of nude paintings and photographs. They only think of it as pornography.

2. get 〔have〕 a reputation for doing sth. / get a reputation **(因…而)得到名聲

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:因做了某事而得到[名聲、名譽(yù)(reputation)];參照give sb. a reputation for doing sth.

例 Once he got a reputation for lying, nobody would believe a word he said. So when he cried “Wolf!Wolf!” nobody believed there really was a wolf outside and nobody came to help him. The wolf ate him up!

3. get a rise out of sb. **激怒…;捉弄…,和…開玩笑

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:從…得到生氣或歡笑等[高漲、激昂(rise)]的反應(yīng)

例 Comedians live on getting a rise out of the audience. If the audience just sits through his routine quietly, he's in big trouble.

4. get 〔have〕 a rough idea of 〔about〕 sth. / get 〔have〕 a rough idea **大致了解

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:得到對某事物的[粗略的、初步的(rough)] [理解、認(rèn)識(idea)];參照give sb. a rough idea of 〔about〕 sth.

例 I'm going down to the storage room to get a rough idea how much ketchup we have left. I'm afraid we might not have enough for the crowd I'm expecting this holiday weekend.

5. get a run for one's money **競爭

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:獲得與付出的錢相當(dāng)?shù)模鄹偁帲╮un)]

例 Surprisingly, the little hamburger shop, operated by a 65-year old widow, is still doing a booming business and the McDonalds across the street is getting a run for its money. “We've been coming here for years,” said one customer. “We're not going to change now just because some popular American shop opened across the street. ”


(A) getting a reputation

(B) gotten a reputation for

(C) get a rise out of

(D) get a rough idea

(E) get a run for his money

1. A: Customers will form an opinion of you and your business from their experiences in your shop. Good performance equals good image. B: But what if you've already ______ delivering poor quality service? Isn't it really difficult to change that perception?

2. A: I've tried everything—joking, tempting, teasing—everything, and I still can't get Lisa to react. She just sits there ignoring me. B: Mention the ice cream shop. That'll ______ her.

3. A: Jim, could you determine approximately how much beer and liquor we're going to need for the wedding party? B: Okay. I think I can ______ by looking at the list of who's coming. Men drink more—especially older men. So, if most of the guests are men, we'll need about, uh, approximately 30 cases of beer and 5 liquor cases.

4. A: It doesn't matter if you don't win, Chuck. Just so long as you prove that you are a worthy opponent. Make him work for his victory. B: But maybe I'm not. Maybe I can't ______.

5. A: Let me be frank—you're ______ as a man who can't be trusted, Simon. You can't go breaking contracts anytime you feel like it. B: If people think of me as untrustworthy as you say they do, why do I have more business than I can handle? You're wrong, people know me as a man who gets the job done.


1. (B)

2. (C)

3. (D)

4. (E)

5. (A)


I. 1. 胡楠的藝術(shù)工作室不幸得了個銷售色情作品的名聲。有的人不懂得欣賞裸體繪畫和攝影作品的藝術(shù)美,只是把它們當(dāng)淫穢作品來看待。

2. 一旦他得了撒謊的名聲,就沒有人會相信他說的話了。所以,當(dāng)他喊道:“狼來了!狼來了!”,沒有人相信真的有狼來了,也沒有人來幫他。他被狼吃掉了!

3. 喜劇演員主要是調(diào)動觀眾的情緒。在他表演的過程中,如果觀眾一直靜靜地坐著,那可就糟了。

4. 我去樓下的儲藏室看一眼還剩多少番茄醬??峙率O碌牟粔蜻@個周末要來的那么多人用。

5. 令人吃驚的是,那家由一位65歲的喪偶的老婦人經(jīng)營的小漢堡屋生意一直非?;鸨?,和路對面的麥當(dāng)勞一爭高下。一位顧客表示:“我們許多年來一直來這里吃。我們不會因為對面開了一家流行的美國店而改變?!?

II. 1. A:顧客光顧你們商店后會形成對你們和你們的商店的看法。好的表現(xiàn)等于好的形象。B:但是,如果你已經(jīng)有了服務(wù)差勁的壞名聲,那該怎么辦?要改變那種看法是不是真的很難?

2. A:我想盡了一切辦法——講笑話、誘惑、戲弄,莉薩就是沒反應(yīng)。她只是坐在那里,完全忽視我。B:跟她提一下冰激凌店。她會興奮起來的。

3. A:吉姆,你能大體確定我們的婚宴需要多少啤酒和高度酒嗎?B:好的。我想我看看來賓的名單就可以大體確定了。男士喝得多——尤其是上年紀(jì)的。所以,如果大部分客人都是男士的話,我們大概需要30箱啤酒和5箱高度酒。

4. A:輸了也沒關(guān)系,查克。你只要證明你是一位有價值的對手就行了。對方想要贏的話,就得努力。B:但我或許不是。我可能無法跟他競爭。

5. A:我坦白說吧——你有個不值得信任的壞名聲,西蒙。你不能想毀約就毀約。B:如果真像你說的那樣,人們認(rèn)為我不值得信任,那為什么我現(xiàn)在的業(yè)務(wù)多得都處理不過來呢?你錯了,在人們眼中,我是一個能夠把工作做好的人。


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