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LECTURE 47 基本動詞 GET 26





LECTURE 47 基本動詞 GET 26


1. get the go-ahead 〔green light〕 **開綠燈,獲許開始

解 習語;詞義溯源:獲得[正式許可、綠燈(the go-ahead,the green light)];參照give sb. the go-ahead 〔green light〕

例 Yeah, I know. I want to sell this excess stock too. I really want to get rid of it, but I don't have the authority to do it. Only headquarters can authorize such a scale. I've sent them a request and as soon as I get the green light from them, we'll sell it to the first bidder.

2. get 〔have〕 the hang of sth. **知道使用方法,掌握要領

解 〈口〉習語;詞義溯源:得知某事物的[要領、正確用法(hang)]

例 Istill haven't gotten the hang of using this new can opener. Honey, could you show me again how to operate it? It's a bit complicated.

3. get the hard sell **遭到強迫推銷;受到相當大的壓力

解 〈口〉習語;詞義溯源:得到[強迫推銷、難辦的勸說(the hard sell)];give sb. the hard sell表示“耐心勸說”

例 While you're on your camping trip, you'll probably be approached by somebody wanting to sell you a trip down the river or a helicopter ride or something like that. You'll get the hard sell, but if you're not interested, just don't pay attention to them and they'll go away.

4. get 〔have〕 the inside track **占據(jù)更有利的位置;得知內幕

解 習語;詞義溯源:獲得[競爭上的優(yōu)勢、內圈(inside track)]

例 It's illegal, but getting the inside track can be very advantageous. Try to get to know some of the people who have the decision-making power. And don't be afraid to pay for information.

5. get 〔have〕 the last laugh **笑到最后,獲得最終勝利;讓嘲笑自己的人傻眼

解 習語;詞義溯源:獲得[最后的勝利(last laugh)]

例 That's okay. Let them scoff at me. It doesn't bother me one bit. I know I'm right and that in the end I will be the one to get the last laugh.


(A) get the green light

(B) get the hang of

(C) get the hard sell

(D) getting the inside track

(E) got the last laugh

1. A: I want you to put an end to this practice of a few having special relationships with our employees or special knowledge of our operations which they use as an advantage over others. It's not fair. B: Yes sir. I'll do all I can to eliminate the practice of ______. I'll start on it right away.

2. A: They laughed at me when I said I'd start my own electronics company. Now I'm successful and laughing at them!I ______! B: Yes you did, dear. And I always knew that in the end you would prove that your critics and those who scoffed at you were wrong.

3. A: We're still waiting to ______ from the school board. Until we get that, we can't do any construction on the proposed library. B: Let's hope they give us permission to start before winter. We've got to pour the concrete for the foundation while it's still warm outside.

4. A: I quit!I'll never ______ swimming!Every time I try to take a breath, I choke on a mouthful of water. B: Maybe you're right. Some people just can't learn how to swim. Why don't you try running? It's a good exercise too.

5. A: Don't be afraid to use a lot of pressure to get them to accept the offer. B: But I've heard Thompson doesn't like to ______. I've heard if you push him too much, he gets angry and very difficult to work with.


1. (D)

2. (E)

3. (A)

4. (B)

5. (C)


I. 1. 是啊,我知道。我也想把存貨賣出去。我真的想擺脫它,但是我無權這么做。只有總部才能批準這么大的量。我已經提交申請了,一旦獲得批準,我們就把它賣給第一個出價的人。

2. 我還是不知道怎么使用這個新的開罐器。親愛的,你能再給我演示一下嗎?這有點復雜。

3. 露營的時候,可能會有人靠近你,向你兜售沿河旅行、坐直升飛機旅行或其他什么的。你會遭到強迫推銷,但是如果你不感興趣的話就不用管他們,他們會走開的。

4. 獲取內幕消息雖然違法,但非常有利。想辦法認識一些有決策權的人。別擔心開支問題。

5. 沒關系,就讓他們嘲笑我吧,我一點也不在乎。我知道我是對的,我將是那個笑到最后的人。

II. 1. A:我希望你能制止某些靠與我們員工有特殊關系,或者對我們運營有特殊了解而占據(jù)優(yōu)勢的行為。這不公平。B:是,先生。我會盡量消除這種獲得內幕消息的行為。我會馬上行動的。

2. A:我說要自己開電子公司的時候,他們都嘲笑我?,F(xiàn)在我成功了,我可以嘲笑他們了!我笑到了最后!B:是的,你確實做到了,親愛的。我就知道你最終將證明那些批評和嘲笑你的人都是錯誤的。

3. A:我們還在等校董事會的批準。在獲準前,我們還不能開始擬議圖書館的建筑工作。B:希望他們能夠在冬季到來之前批準開工。我們得趁外面還暖和的時候把混凝土注入地基中。

4. A:我放棄了!我始終學不會游泳!每次我要呼吸的時候,都會被嗆一口水。B:或許你說得對。有些人就是學不會游泳。你為什么不試試跑步呢?那也是不錯的鍛煉方式。

5. A:別怕給他們加壓讓他們接受我們出的價格。B:但是,我聽說湯普森不喜歡強迫推銷。聽說把他逼得太緊的話,他會生氣,很難對付。


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