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LECTURE 54 基本動詞 GIVE 1





LECTURE 54 基本動詞 GIVE 1


1. give an 〔one's〕 ear to sb. or sth. ** 專注地聽,傾聽

解 習語;詞義溯源:給某人或某物[耳朵、傾聽(ear)]

例 This teacher is willing to give an ear to his students' request for help, so all the students respect him very much.

2. give as good as one gets ** 回擊,毫不示弱地針鋒相對

解 習語;詞義溯源:給出的與[得到(get)]的[一樣好(as good as)];表示對某人以牙還牙

例 I didn't think Tom would have the courage to argue with his boss, but actually he gave as good as he got.

3. give birth to sb. or sth. / give birth ** 使…誕生,生(孩子)或產仔

解 習語;詞義溯源:給予某人或某事[誕生、出生(birth)]

例 The introduction of wifi connections gave birth to an era of instant information, since people can use laptops anywhere and anytime.

4. give credence to sth. ** 相信(某事)

解 習語;詞義溯源:給予某事物[相信、信用(credence)]

例 After the machine broke down , I remember swearing I'd never give credence to a Sears & Roebuck refrigerator advertisement ever again. Just then, one of their television advertisements appeared on TV as if to tease me.

5. give sb. an account of sb. or sth. ** 解釋說明,闡明某事的前因后果

解 習語;詞義溯源:對某人或某事給出[解釋(account)]

例 Lawmakers were ordered by President to give an account of their assets and how they amassed them. Within months several prominent lawmakers were forced out of the government because they could not justify their wealth.


(A) give...an account of

(B) give an ear to

(C) give as good as he gets

(D) giving birth to

(E) gave credence to

1. A: Everybody knows that Senator Crowley is not very good at answering his opponents in a way that's just as effective as their attack on him is. He needs to learn how to fight back in a debate. B: Perhaps we should have a professional debater come and teach him how to ______ while in debate. It's vital to his career.

2. A: Can anyone give me an example in history of a revolution ______ a new way of life? B: How about the American Revolution? It started the era of democratically-elected governments. And Martin Luther—his revolution was beginning of the protestant movement, which affected the lives of Europeans very much and still...

3. A: Oh, come on. Don't tell me you believe his excuse. B: I didn't say I ______ it. I just said we have to accept it.

4. A: After you've rested, I want you to give me a report on all the details of what happened yesterday. B: In writing or by voice? If it's by voice, I can ______ you ______ it right now.

5. A: I refuse to even ______ these radical groups until they change their ways. Tell them to stop staging violent demonstrations and then I'll consider listening to them. B: I think you're making a mistake. If you don't let them express their views to you soon, they're going to get even more violent.


1. (C)

2. (D)

3. (E)

4. (A)

5. (B)


I. 1. 這位老師樂意傾聽學生要求幫助的事,所以所有的學生都非常尊敬他。

2. 我原以為湯姆沒有勇氣與他的上司爭辯,但事實上他給予了回擊。

3. 無線網絡連接的產生帶來了一個即時信息時代。人們可以在任何時間、任何地點使用手提電腦。

4. 還記得冰箱出故障后,我曾發(fā)誓再也不相信西爾斯 & 羅巴克公司的冰箱廣告了。之后,電視上又出現了他們的電視機廣告,就像是在戲弄我一樣。

5. 總統(tǒng)要求立法委員們匯報他們的資產明細以及資產積累方式。幾個月內,幾名杰出的立法委員由于無法證明其財產來源而被迫退出政界。

II. 1. A:眾所周知,克勞利參議員并不怎么擅長有效地反擊對手。他得學會如何在辯論中回擊對方。B:或許我們應該找一位專業(yè)辯論員,專門教他如何在辯論中予以還擊。這對他的職業(yè)生涯至關重要。

2. A:有沒有人能舉例說明歷史上哪些革命帶來了新的生活方式?B:美國革命怎么樣?它開啟了民主選舉政府的新時代。還有馬丁·路德,他領導的革命是新教運動的開端,并且深刻地影響了歐洲人的生活,并且仍然……

3. A:哦,得了吧,別告訴我你相信他的借口。B:我沒說我相信,我只是說我們不得不接受。

4. A:休息完之后,我希望你給我詳細報告一下昨天發(fā)生的事情。B:用書面還是口頭的形式?如果是口述的話,我現在就可以向您匯報。

5. A:我不會聽取激進組織的意見,除非他們改變他們的方式。告訴他們要是停止暴力游行的話,我會考慮聽聽他們的意見。B:我想你錯了。如果你不盡早讓他們跟你說說他們的觀點的話,他們會變得更加暴力。


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