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1. have a bad effect on sb. or sth. / have a bad effect **對…有副作用,對…產(chǎn)生壞影響

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:擁有壞的[影響、效果(effect)]

例 Atragedy like this earthquake can have a bad effect on a child's sense of security. 像這次地震這樣的災(zāi)難會對孩子的安全感產(chǎn)生壞的影響。

2. have a bee in one's bonnet **入迷地老是想著;胡思亂想;精神失常

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:[無邊帽或兒童帽(bonnet)]里面有[蜜蜂(bee)];put a bee in one's bonnet表示“使有想法”

例 You certainly seem to have a bee in your bonnet about local politics. It is all you ever talk about! 你腦子里好像總想著當(dāng)?shù)卣叩氖?。你一直在談?wù)撨@個!

3. have a blowout **(汽車輪胎)爆胎

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:有[爆裂(blowout)]

例 The truck in front of me had a blowout in one of its rear tires and had to make an emergency stop. 我前面那輛卡車的后輪胎中有一個爆了,不得不緊急停車。

4. have 〔build, gather, assemble〕 a case against sb. **擁有(或搜集)不利證據(jù)

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:擁有對于某人[不利(against)]的[情況(case)]

例 Until investigators have a case against the dealer, he can not be arrested. 調(diào)查人員搜集到對這位商人不利的證據(jù)前,還不能逮捕他。

5. have a clean〔clear〕 conscience about sb. or sth. **問心無愧

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:擁有對于某人或某物[清白的(clear,clean)]良心

例 Ihave done nothing wrong so I can proudly say I have a clean conscience. 我沒有做錯任何事,所以我可以很自豪地說我問心無愧。

6. have a conniption / have a conniption fit **非常生氣

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:有[歇斯底里的發(fā)作(conniption,conniption fit)];參照have a fit

例 When we told Mr. Wright that sales had declined again, he had a conniption. 我們告訴懷特先生銷量再次出現(xiàn)下滑的時候,他非常生氣。

7. have a glass jaw **(拳擊選手)不堪一擊

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:擁有[拳擊選手的脆弱下巴(glass jaw)];本詞組只用于頭部被擊中而摔倒的拳擊選手

例 He's an excellent boxer, but he has been knocked out so many times that people say he has a glass jaw. 他是一名非常優(yōu)秀的拳擊手,但是他被擊倒的次數(shù)太多了,所以人們都說他不堪一擊。

8. have 〔need, want〕 a pick-me-up **喝了(或吃了)有刺激性的東西

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:吃(或喝)[濃烈興奮的飲料(pick-me-up)];本詞組中的me不能被其他詞替換

例 Around two or three o'clock in the afternoon I start feeling sleepy so I have a pick-me-up, usually coffee or a candy bar, and then I'm okay. 下午兩三點鐘的時候,我要是感覺困了,就會來點提神的東西,通常是咖啡或者一塊糖果,然后就精神了。

9. have a 〔the〕 right to do sth. **有權(quán)做

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:有做某事的[權(quán)利(right)]

例 As the owner of this company, I have the right to fire anyone, even the president. 作為這家公司的老板,我有權(quán)利開除任何人,包括總裁。

10. have a scrape with sb. or sth. / have a scrape **爭吵,起摩擦,起沖突

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:與某人或某物有了[斗嘴、沖突(scrape)];參照have a brush with sth.

例 Jack got a little drunk and had a scrape with one of the security guards at the hotel. 杰克有點醉了,跟酒店保安發(fā)生了點沖突。

11. have 〔need, want〕 a smoke **抽支煙,抽口煙

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:有(或需要)[煙(smoke)]

例 Nowadays if you want to have a smoke, you have to go outdoors or in a designated smoking area. 現(xiàn)在,如果你想吸煙的話,必須去戶外或者指定的吸煙區(qū)。

12. have a spaz *非常生氣;大發(fā)雷霆

解 俚語;詞義溯源:有[怪人(spaz)];參照have a conniption

例 Your mother is going to have a spaz when she sees the mess you've made! 你媽媽看到你把這里弄得一團糟的話,會大發(fā)雷霆的!

13. have a stroke **中風(fēng)

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:經(jīng)歷[中風(fēng)(stroke)]

例 People who suffer from high blood pressure are ten times more likely to have a stroke than those whose pressure is normal. 有高血壓的人患中風(fēng)的幾率是血壓正常的人的十倍。

14. have a whale of a time *玩得非常痛快;度過快樂的時光

解 俚語;詞義溯源:度過[精彩的時光(a whale of a time)]

例 We always have a good time at King's Island Amusement Park and this time was no exception: we had a whale of a time!我們每次到國王島游樂園都非常開心,這次也不例外:我們玩得非常痛快!

15. have an accident **遭遇不測;控制不住大小便

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:體驗[突發(fā)事故(accident)];第二個含義是婉約用法,通常用于兒童

例 Horace called in and said he had an accident on the way to work so he's going to be late. 霍勒斯打電話說他在上班路上發(fā)生了事故,所以他要遲到了。

16. have an argument **爭吵,爭論

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:進行[爭論(argument)]

例 Iknow my neighbors had an argument last night because I could hear their shouts through the wall. 我知道鄰居昨晚吵架了,因為我隔著墻壁都能夠聽到他們的叫喊聲。

17. have an in with sb. / have an in **獲得當(dāng)權(quán)人的寵愛;與某人有交情

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:與某人有[交情(in)]

例 Ipersonally do not have an in with the governor, but I think I know someone who does have influence with him. 我自己和州長沒交情,但是我想我知道誰能影響到他。

18. have an out **有借口;不受牽連

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:有了[(能夠免于非議的)借口、托詞(out)]

例 What they want you to do is illegal and if I were you, I would make sure I had an out before I accepted the job in case I get caught. 他們讓你做的事情是違法的,如果我是你的話,我在接受這份工作之前會先確定自己不會受牽連,以免被抓。

19. have bats in one's belfry **精神錯亂;異想天開

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:[頭腦中(belfry)]有[蝙蝠(bats)]

例 The man is a genius, but very strange. I think he has bats in his belfry. 那個人雖是個天才,但是性情古怪。我覺得他有點精神錯亂。

20. have clean hands ***無罪;清白

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:有著[干凈的(clean)] 手;可以聯(lián)想一下,犯罪的人沾滿鮮血的雙手

例 Thompson is the only one of the executives who was not involved in the scandal. He has clean hands. 湯普森是唯一沒有受丑聞牽連的主管。他很清白。

21. have got to do sth. ***必須要做

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:[必須(have got)]要做某事

例 All workers have got to fill out this insurance form by Friday, the 24th of July. 所有職員必須在7月24日周五前填好這份保險表。

22. have it all over sb. or sth. **比…好

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:[使某物(have it)]在某人或某物的[上方(all over)]

例 This room has it all over the other one, it is more comfortable. 這間房比另外那間好得多,它更舒適。

23. have no staying power **缺乏耐力

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:沒有[耐力(staying power)]

例 Ithink Brice Computers is strong enough financially to fight a price war for many years, but I really think Norton Computers has no staying power. 我想布萊斯電腦公司擁有足夠強大的財力,可以維持許多年的價格戰(zhàn)。但是我真的覺得諾頓電腦公司沒有耐力。

24. have none of sth. **拒絕;不允許

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:[沒有一點點(have none)]和某物[相關(guān)(of)]的東西

例 Your father doesn't approve of such behavior and will have none of it as long as you live in this house! 你爸爸不允許你有這樣的行為,只要你還住在這棟房子里他就不會同意!

25. have nothing on sb. or sth. **沒有證據(jù)證明…有罪

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:對于某人或某物擁有[無關(guān)的事(nothing)]

例 Having nothing on the man, the prosecutor had to set him free. 由于缺乏證據(jù)指控那個人有罪,檢察官不得不將他放了。

26. have one's druthers **有選擇權(quán)

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:有自己的[選擇權(quán)、喜好(druthers)]

例 You know I like working in accounting more than sales and that if I had my druthers I would be in the accounting department still. 你知道與銷售相比我更喜歡財務(wù),所以如果我可以選擇的話,我會繼續(xù)待在原部門做會計。

27. have one's hand in the till **挪用公款;監(jiān)守自盜

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:將[自己的手(one's hand)]放在[現(xiàn)金箱(till)]里

例 The report says that Baerg had his hand in the till for over ten years before he was caught and charged with embezzlement. 報告上說十幾年來貝格一直監(jiān)守自盜,直到他被逮捕并被指控挪用公款。

28. have one's hands tied **使動彈不得;無能為力

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:使雙手[綁著(tied)]

例 There's nothing I can do to change this decision. I have my hands tied. 我沒有辦法改變這個決定。我無能為力。

29. have one's head in the clouds **注意力分散;心不在焉

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:使頭在[高空中、發(fā)呆的狀態(tài)中、空想中(in the clouds)]

例 You need to concentrate on your job more. Lately you've had your head in the clouds. 你應(yīng)該更專注于自己的工作。你最近一直心不在焉。

30. have one's heart go out to sb. **同情

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:使得[同情心(heart)]向某人[傾瀉(go out)];one's heart goes out to sb. 表示“對某人感到同情”

例 Ihope that during this Christmas season each one of us will have our hearts go out to the less fortunate of the world. 我希望在今年圣誕節(jié)的時候,我們都能對世界上不幸的人表示同情。

31. have one's heart in one's mouth **非常緊張,焦急萬分

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:[嘴里(in one's mouth)]有[心臟(heart)]

例 As rescuers entered the collapsed building, the nation had its heart in its mouth wondering if any survivors would be found. 搜救人員進入倒塌的大樓時,全國人民的心都提到了嗓子眼,不知道能否找到幸存者。

32. have one's heart miss 〔skip〕 a beat **心砰砰亂跳

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:使[錯過(miss)+略過(skip)][心臟(heart)][跳動(beat)];one's heart misses 〔skips〕 a beat 表示“人的心臟不規(guī)則地跳動”

例 He thought he saw his late mother in the lobby and he had his heart miss a beat. 他以為自己在大廳看到了已故的母親,心怦怦亂跳。

33. have one's heart set against sth. **完全反對某事

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:使得[心臟(heart)][對抗(against)] 某物;set one's heart against sth. 表示“完全對立”

例 He has his heart set against your plan, so nothing you say can get him to support it. 他完全反對你的計劃,所以你不可能說服他支持你。

34. have one's heart stand still **提心吊膽

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:使得[心臟(one's heart)][保持靜止(stand still)]; one's heart stands still表示“心臟停止跳動”

例 Iheard the explosion and had my heart stand still, thinking it came from the train station where I had just left my family. 我聽到爆炸聲后提心吊膽,感覺爆炸聲是從火車站傳來的。我剛剛在那里送走了我的家人。

35. have one's hide *訓(xùn)斥,嚴(yán)懲

解 俚語;詞義溯源:得到某人的[皮革(hide)]

例 Father's going to have your hide when he gets home and sees your school report card. 爸爸回家后看到你學(xué)校的成績單,肯定會嚴(yán)厲懲罰你的。

36. have one's tail between one's legs **夾著尾巴逃跑;垂頭喪氣;害怕

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:使[尾巴(tail)]放于[兩腿之間(between one's legs)];one's tail is between one's legs 表示“膽怯或畏懼”

例 Look at that coward! He has his tail between his legs. 看那個膽小鬼!他夾著尾巴逃跑了。

37. have 〔keep〕 one's wits about sb. **精明

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:某人具備[智力(wits)]

例 Vince is a smart guy. He certainly has his wits about him. 文斯是個聰明人。他當(dāng)然非常精明。

38. have one's words stick in one's throat **(激動得)說不出話來

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:使得[話語(words)][粘在(stick)][喉嚨(throat)]里

例 Often I have something I want to say to you, but I have my words stick in my throat. 我經(jīng)常有許多話想要對你說,卻又說不出來。

39. have oneself sth. **吃,喝;選擇

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:[自己(oneself)]擁有、選擇某事物;常與myself, himself, herself等反身代詞一起使用

例 After finishing the lobster meal, we had ourselves a large dish of ice cream. 吃完龍蝦之后,我們吃了一大份冰淇淋。

40. have reason to do sth. / have reason **有原因(或理由)做某事

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:有做某事的[理由(reason)]

例 His father used to beat him everyday, so the boy says he had good reason to kill his father. 這個男孩的爸爸以前每天都打他,所以他說他有充分的理由殺掉他爸爸。

41. have rocks in one's head *愚蠢;瘋了

解 俚語;詞義溯源:[頭腦里(in one's head)]有[石頭(rocks)]

例 If you keep acting silly like that, everyone at school is going to think you have rocks in your head. 如果你一直表現(xiàn)得那么愚蠢,學(xué)校里所有的人都會以為你瘋了。

42. have sb. dead to rights **確信無疑地證明某人有罪;當(dāng)場抓獲

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:[確信無疑(dead to rights)]捉拿某人

例 With all of his secret bank accounts uncovered, the prosecution team has the former President dead to rights. 前總統(tǒng)的秘密銀行賬戶被發(fā)現(xiàn)之后,檢察官員將其當(dāng)場逮捕。

43. have sb. in one's pocket **擁有控制權(quán),完全控制

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:將某人放置于[口袋里面(in one's pocket)]

例 The labor union leader has to do whatever the management wants him to do. Management has him in their pocket. 工會主席不得不按照管理層的要求做。管理層控制了他。

44. have 〔leave, put〕 sb. or sth. in one's hands **握在手中;對…擁有控制權(quán)(或責(zé)任)

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:擁有(或抓住)某人或某物[在手中(in one's hands)]

例 The jury now has Mr. Simpson's fate in their hands. If they find him guilty, he will spend the rest of his life in jail. 現(xiàn)在辛普森先生的命運掌握在陪審團手中。如果他們認(rèn)為他有罪,那他的余生就只能在監(jiān)獄中度過。

45. have sb. or sth. in tow **牽引;引導(dǎo)

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:[用繩子(in tow)]移動某人或某物

例 The chairman came by our factory for a visit and as usual he had a large group of headquarters executives in tow. 董事長到我們工廠訪問,跟往常一樣,由一大群總部的主管陪同向?qū)А?/p>

46. have sb. or sth. on ***欺騙;穿戴

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:使某人或某物[進行(on)]

例 Surely you're having us on!This can not be true—it's impossible. 你肯定在騙我們!這不可能是真的——不可能。

47. have something doing 〔on〕 **有安排,有計劃

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:擁有[正在做的(doing)或正在進行的(on)]事

例 I'm afraid I have something on Friday, but Saturday I'm completely free. 恐怕我周五有安排,不過我周六沒事。

48. have something going for sb. / have something going **具有對自己有利的事(如才能、美貌、人事關(guān)系等)

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:擁有[對自己有利的事(something going for sb. )]

例 We always suspected Mrs. Vogel had something going for her besides her small shoe store, but we never imagined she was a drug dealer. 我們一直懷疑沃格爾夫人除了經(jīng)營小鞋店之外,還在做其他能謀利的事,但是從沒想過她會販毒。

49. have something going with sb. / have something going **有商業(yè)往來;談戀愛

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:有某事和某人一起[進行(going)];本詞組的第二個含義參照have a thing going with sb.

例 Ithink the Daily Economic News has something going with Steinberg Bank, maybe a kind of joint venture or something like that. 我覺得《經(jīng)濟新聞日報》與斯坦伯格銀行有商業(yè)往來,或許是聯(lián)營企業(yè)之類的。

50. have something to do with sb. or sth. **與…有關(guān)聯(lián)

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:有與某人或某物[有關(guān)(to do with)]的[某物(something)];參照have nothing to do with sb. or sth.

例 Some think the moon has something to do with a criminal's behavior, while others maintain there is absolutely no relationship between the two. 有人認(rèn)為月亮與罪犯的行為有關(guān),有人卻堅持認(rèn)為兩者之間沒有任何關(guān)系。

51. have sth. in common with sb. or sth. / have sth. in common **有共同點;一致

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:[共同、一同(in common)]擁有某物

例 Our companies have only one thing in common with each other and that is, we are both members of the Rotary Club. 我們兩家公司只有一點是一致的,那就是我們都是扶輪社的成員。

52. have sth. in hand **在手中;擁有

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:使得某物[在手中(in hand)];參照have sth. at hand

例 We have enough cash in hand. 我們手頭有足夠多的現(xiàn)金。

53. have sth. in stock **有庫存;待售

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:有[存入的、倉儲的(in stock)] 某物;stock表示庫存(物品)、買入的東西、儲藏品

例 Ithink we might have another color of these shoes in stock. Let me check the stock room. 我想這種鞋的另外一種顏色可能還有庫存。我去庫房看一下。

54. have sth. left **剩下

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:有[剩余的(left)]某物

例 We printed 500 copies of the brochures, but only 382 have been distributed so we have 118 of them left. 我們印了500份小冊子,但是只發(fā)出去了382份,現(xiàn)在還剩下118份。

55. have sth. made *使制作

解 俚語;詞義溯源:使得某物[被制作出來(made)];通常與it一起使用

例 Hong Kong is famous for its tailor shops where you can have a suit made in less than a day. 香港的裁縫店非常出名,你可以讓人不到一天時間做一套衣服。

56. have sth. on file **存檔,記錄

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:擁有某物的[記錄(on file)]

例 We always keep a copy of every job application in our records, so I'm sure we have yours on file somewhere. 我們一直把每一份求職申請都進行備案,所以我們肯定保存了你的記錄。

57. have sth. on the ball *聰明伶俐;有能力

解 俚語;詞義溯源:[球上(on the ball)]有某物;on the ball表示“有才能,不馬虎”;這里的sth. 可以用a lot,much等詞代替

例 Larry owes his cleverness to his father, who himself had a lot on the ball. 拉里把他的聰明都?xì)w因于他的父親,他父親本人也非常有能力。

58. have sth. on the brain *念念不忘;全神貫注

解 俚語;詞義溯源:[大腦(brain)]里有某事

例 I've had KFC on my brain all day, so let's go get some so I can stop thinking about it. 我一整天都在想肯德基,所以我們?nèi)コ园?,這樣我就不會再念念不忘了。

59. have sth. stick in one's craw **使生氣;難以接受

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:有某物[粘在(stick)][胃(craw)]里;sth. sticks in one's craw表示“某事惹怒某人”

例 The mention of his brother's many successes was meant to have his own failures stick in his craw. 他提到他哥哥的種種成功,因為他難以接受自己的失敗。

60. have sth. to spare **有多余的,有備用的

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:擁有[多余的(to spare)]某些東西

例 Ihave some extra printing paper you can have, but I'm afraid I don't have any disks to spare. 我有一些剩余的打印紙可以給你,但是恐怕沒有多余的光盤了。

61. have sticky fingers *有偷盜習(xí)慣,手腳不干凈

解 俚語;詞義溯源:擁有[黏糊的(sticky)][手指(fingers)]

例 If you have sticky fingers, you'd better not take a job at the place where you might be tempted to steal something. 如果你有小偷小摸的習(xí)慣,最好不要去會誘惑你偷東西的地方工作。

62. have the 〔an〕 advantage of sb. / have the 〔an〕 advantage over sb. **比…更有利,比…占優(yōu)勢

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:擁有超過某人的[優(yōu)勢、長處(advantage)];參照get the advantage

例 The three or four companies who have been in the recycling business since the 1940s have the advantage over those just now starting up. 從20世紀(jì)40年代以來一直從事回收業(yè)務(wù)的那三四家公司比現(xiàn)在新成立的公司更有優(yōu)勢。

63. have the courage of one's convictions **有勇氣堅持自己的信念

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:有著對[信念(convictions)]的[勇氣(courage)]

例 My father had the courage of his convictions and built a reputation for always pursuing his goals no matter what anyone else thought of them. 我爸爸勇于堅持自己的信念,不論其他人怎么想,他都始終追求自己的目標(biāo),因而獲得人們的贊譽。

64. have the feel of sth. **有觸感;有感覺

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:有和某物一樣的[感覺、觸感(feel)]

例 It has the feel of a luxury sedan, but is only the size of a sports car. 這輛只有跑車大小的汽車卻有豪華轎車的感覺。

65. have the gift of gab *有口才,語言能力強

解 俚語;詞義溯源:有[口才、嘮叨的天分(the gift of gab)];gab表示“多嘴,空談,瞎扯”

例 Unfortunately my roommate has the gift of gab and keeps me from doing my homework with his incessant talking. 很不幸的是,我的室友能說會道。他不停地講話,讓我沒法做作業(yè)。

66. have the right-of-way **擁有(公路特定區(qū)域的)通行權(quán),有優(yōu)先通行權(quán)

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:擁有[通行權(quán)(right-of-way)]

例 Traffic entering the expressway have the right-of-way in the first two lanes. 進入高速公路的車輛在前兩個車道可優(yōu)先通行。

67. have the time of one's life **度過美好的時光,經(jīng)歷人生最快樂的時期

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:度過能夠感受[活著的意義(one's life)]的[時間(time)]

例 It was a lot of fun. We had the time of our lives. 真的很好玩。我們玩得非常痛快。

68. have the wherewithal to do sth. / have the wherewithal **有必要的資金(或手段)

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:擁有做某事的[必要的資金、手段(the wherewithal)]

例 Running as an independent, you simply don't have the wherewithal to win this election. You need the support of a major political party. 作為獨立競選人參加競選的話,你沒有足夠?qū)嵙A得選舉。你需要一個大的政黨的支持。

69. have them rolling in the aisles *使觀眾笑破肚皮,使觀眾捧腹大笑

解 俚語;詞義溯源:使得觀眾笑得在[通道、樓道(aisles)][打滾(rolling)]

例 The guest speaker's address was so full of jokes and puns that he had them rolling in the aisles! 演講嘉賓的發(fā)言用了很多笑話和詼諧的雙關(guān)語,把聽眾逗得捧腹大笑!

70. have to live with sth. **只能忍受,沒有其他辦法

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:[只能(have to)][忍耐(live with)]

例 Bob is the only other person available for this project. So unless you want to work alone, I'm afraid you're just going to have to live with it. 鮑勃是唯一一位可以參與這個項目的人。所以,除非你想要單獨工作,否則恐怕你別無他法。


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