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LECTURE 103 基本動詞 KEEP 2





LECTURE 103 基本動詞 KEEP 2


1. keep cool **保持沉著冷靜

解 〈口〉習語;詞義溯源:處于[沉著的、冷靜的(cool)]狀態(tài)

例 Your job interview with Mega-Big Chemicals is tomorrow, isn't it? My best advice to you is just to keep cool. One of the biggest things the interviewer looks for is how you perform under pressure. If he sees you're perturbed, that's a point against you.

2. keep house **當家,管理家務

解 習語;詞義溯源:管理[房屋、家庭(house)]

例 You're so old-fashioned, Teresa. Your only aspiration in life is to marry a good man and keep house for him and your children? Come to your senses !This is the 21th century—no girl does that any more!

3. keep late hours **晚睡晚起;深夜不歸

解 習語;詞義溯源:保持到很晚

例 The first sign of Tom's delinquency was the people he was keeping company with . They were some of the lowlifes from the Monticello District—you know, rough and crude mannered. Next he started keeping late hours, coming home at three or four in the morning.

4. keep on doing sth. / keep on ***繼續(xù)做(某事)

解 短語動詞;詞義溯源:[持續(xù)、不停歇地、不間斷地(on)]維持做某事

例 Keep on bothering me and you'll never get permission to go out with that boy. I haven't said absolutely no yet—I'm still thinking about it. But if you bother me too much with your pleading, I'll say no for sure.

5. keep one's chin up **不氣餒,不灰心

解 〈口〉習語;詞義溯源:保持[下巴(chin)][向上(up)]

例 Do you want all the time and effort you've put into inventing this machine to come to naught ? That's what's going to happen if you don't keep your chin up. Don't let this one rejection discourage you. There are plenty of other companies I'm sure would be interested in your invention. Remember the proverb “If at first you fail...try, try again!”


(A) keep cool

(B) keep house

(C) keep...late hours

(D) keep on

(E) keep my chin up

1. A: Even when the bear was sniffing his feet, Grome remained calm and undisturbed. He just kept lying there and didn't make a move. B: He did the right thing. I've heard the best thing to do when you encounter a bear is to ______ and not move.

2. A: My father doesn't work—he was injured on his job three years ago. My mother brings home the bacon nowadays by working as a secretary. B: So who does all the cleaning and cooking and such? A: My father and I ______. You know, it's great for a father and son to work together—we've gotten close working together like that.

3. A: Don't stop now, Lynn. You've already invested four years of your life to medical school. Continue just one more year and you'll graduate. B: I can't ______ studying—my fiancé says he won't marry me if I become a doctor. He won't have a wife who earns more money than him.

4. A: How do you do it, Ming Hu? How do you stay awake and full of energy every day when you ______ such ______ studying? B: No problem. In my country, all students habitually stay awake studying very late into the night. I'm used to it.

5. A: For some people religious beliefs help them to avoid feeling sad, depressed and ready to quit when they are faced with disappointment or life's difficulties. B: Well as far as I'm concerned, I don't need religion to help me ______. I'm disciplined and confident—I never feel hopeless.


1. (A)

2. (B)

3. (D)

4. (C)

5. (E)


I. 1. 你明天去美佳比格化工公司面試,是不是?我建議你最好保持冷靜。面試官最關注的事情之一是你在壓力下如何表現(xiàn)。如果他看到你忐忑不安,那可對你不利。

2. 你太老土了,特雷莎。難道你對生活唯一的渴望就只是嫁個好男人,為他和孩子們操持家務?清醒點吧!現(xiàn)在是21世紀——再也沒有女孩會那么做了!

3. 首先,從湯姆結(jié)交的那些朋友就能看出他行為不良了。他們是蒙蒂塞洛區(qū)的下層人,你知道,他們又粗魯又缺乏教養(yǎng)。其次,他開始深夜不歸,凌晨三四點才回家。

4. 如果你繼續(xù)煩我的話,就別想讓我同意你跟那個男孩去約會。我沒說絕對不行,我還在考慮。但是如果你沒完沒了地求我、煩我,我肯定不讓你去。

5. 你想讓自己花費在發(fā)明這臺機器上的時間和精力都化為烏有嗎?如果你灰心了,那就會是這樣。別因為這一次被拒絕就氣餒。我肯定還有許多公司會對你的發(fā)明感興趣。還記得那句格言嗎:“如果一開始失敗了……要嘗試,繼續(xù)嘗試!”

II. 1. A:即使熊在嗅格羅姆的腳,他也保持冷靜沉著。他就躺在那兒,一動不動。B:他做得對。我聽說當遇到熊的時候,最好保持冷靜,不要動。

2. A:我爸爸不上班——三年前他受了工傷。現(xiàn)在靠我媽媽做秘書養(yǎng)家。B:那誰負責打掃衛(wèi)生和做飯之類的家務呢?A:我爸爸和我料理家務。你知道吧,父親和兒子一起做事真的很棒——我們一起做事的時候變得非常親密。

3. A:不要現(xiàn)在就放棄,林恩。你已在醫(yī)學院學了四年,再讀一年,就能畢業(yè)了。B:我不能繼續(xù)學習了——我的未婚夫說如果我以后當醫(yī)生,他就不會娶我了。他不想娶一個比他賺得多的女人。

4. A:明虎,你熬夜學習,卻每天都能保持清醒,精力充沛,你怎么做到的呢?B:沒什么。在我們國家,所有學生都習慣學習到深夜。我已經(jīng)習慣了。

5. A:對于一些人來說,宗教信仰可以幫他們在失望或遇到困難時,避免產(chǎn)生傷心、沮喪和想要放棄的情緒。B:對于我來說,我不需要宗教來幫我做到不灰心、不氣餒。我自律、自信——永遠不會感到絕望。


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