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LECTURE 116 基本動詞 MAKE 3





LECTURE 116 基本動詞 MAKE 3


1. make a go of it ** 干得出色,進(jìn)展順利,成功

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:把[它(it)]做[成功(a go)]

例 We took a look at the decrepit boat and had second thoughts about trying to use it to get ourselves off the island where we'd been stranded for three months. However, the approaching typhoon season pushed us to try and after spending three days repairing the vessel, we were ready to make a go of it.

2. make a great show of sth. ** 使顯眼,刻意(故意)做某事

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:做出[一次很棒的展示(a great show)];show表示“展示,表露”

例 The President has been accused of making too great a show of his support for the black community during this election year. “We appreciate the attention,” said James Whittle, a prominent black entrepreneur, “but it seems he's using us to get blacks to vote for him this fall. ”

3. make a hit with sb. or sth. / make a hit ** 得到好評,受歡迎;大獲成功

解 〈口〉習(xí)語;詞義溯源:對某人或某物做出[擊中、命中、成功(hit)]

例 In a summer with record high temperatures(averaging 37 degrees in July), Misael's new Double Ace Ice Treat has made a hit with young people. Sales of the product, which was introduced in April, have boomed, making Double Ace the number one frozen treat.

4. make a killing * (贏得大筆錢而)大獲成功

解 俚語;詞義溯源:做出[賺大錢、大成功(killing)]

例 Misael has strictly controlled its retailers to keep them from raising the price of Double Ace to take advantage of the treat's high demand. “We won't countenance any retailer making a killing with our product just because the weather is so hot,” said Jeff, general manager in charge of marketing.

5. make a living ** 維持生計,謀生

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:賺得[生計、生活費(living)]

例 My father made a living anyway he could. He worked as a construction laborer, restaurant dishwasher, garbage collector, security guard—you name it and he did it. I'm proud of him. He always managed to bring home the bacon no matter how bad the economy was doing.


(A) make a go of it

(B) makes a great show of

(C) make a hit with

(D) Make a killing

(E) make a living

1. A: Look at the equipment they expect me to work with!My God, how am I ever going to succeed under these undesirable conditions? B: I don't know—but if anybody can ______, it's you.

2. A: Do you think you can ______ as an artist? I mean a lot of people try but end up doing something else—like restaurant work or something. B: I think I can earn enough to eat, have a house and enjoy a healthy life. My uncle owns a studio where I can sell my works. That goes a long way toward earning enough money to survive.

3. A: Lisa made certain everybody noticed that she was wearing an Anne Klein dress. She must have mentioned it ten times! B: She always ______ her clothing. I think it shows her lack of confidence in who she is. She has to use brand names to define herself.

4. A: Excuse me, can you tell me what this book is about? It's written by Sandra Conners and it's titled How You Can ______ in Anything. B: Oh, it's an advice book. It gives advice on how you can find sudden success, especially monetary success, in whatever profession you're in.

5. A: Our program on cooking has surprisingly been popular among single men. We never expected it to ______ men. B: Why not? More and more men are living on their own, so a program which teaches them how to cook is bound to be very pleasing to them.


1. (A)

2. (E)

3. (B)

4. (D)

5. (C)


I. 1. 我們看了一眼那艘破船,再三考慮是否能靠它離開這個把我們困了三個月的小島。但是即將來臨的臺風(fēng)季節(jié)迫使我們不得不嘗試一下?;巳鞎r間修理好船艙之后,我們做好了成功到達(dá)的準(zhǔn)備。

2. 總統(tǒng)被指控刻意在今年選舉期間對黑人社區(qū)進(jìn)行支持。一位優(yōu)秀的黑人企業(yè)家詹姆斯·惠特爾說:“我們非常感謝他的關(guān)注。但是他好像是利用我們在今年秋天獲得黑人的投票?!?

3. 在一個高溫創(chuàng)紀(jì)錄的夏天(七月份平均氣溫為37攝氏度),米賽爾新發(fā)明的“雙料冰飲”深受年輕人的青睞。該產(chǎn)品自四月份推出以來,銷量急劇上升,成為最熱銷的冷飲。

4. 米賽爾對零售商進(jìn)行嚴(yán)格控制,防止他們利用市場對“雙料冰飲”的高需求而提高價格。負(fù)責(zé)市場營銷的總經(jīng)理杰夫表示:“我們不會因為天氣炎熱便支持任何零售商利用我們的產(chǎn)品去賺大錢?!?

5. 為了謀生,我父親做了各種工作。他做過建筑工人、餐館洗碗工、清潔工、保安——任何能叫上名字的職業(yè)他都做過。我為他感到驕傲。不論經(jīng)濟(jì)情況如何,他總是能掙錢養(yǎng)家。

II. 1. A:瞧瞧他們給我用的這些設(shè)備!我的天哪,條件這么不理想,我怎么能做好呢?B:不知道——但是如果說有人可以做到,那肯定是你。

2. A:你覺得你可以靠當(dāng)藝術(shù)家來謀生嗎?我的意思是,許多人都曾經(jīng)嘗試過,但最后都改行了——像餐飲業(yè)或其他。B:我想我能賺到足夠的錢吃飯、買房、享受健康的生活。我叔叔有一個工作室,我可以在那里賣我的作品。這樣我可以賺到足夠的錢維持生活。

3. A:莉薩讓每個人都注意到她穿了一件安妮·克萊恩牌連衣裙。她都說了十遍了! B:她總是炫耀她的衣服。我想這就證明她對自己缺乏自信,不得不使用品牌來撐面子。

4. A:抱歉,你能告訴我這本書是關(guān)于什么的嗎?這是桑德拉·康納斯寫的一本書,書名是《怎樣不費腦筋賺大錢》。B:哦,這是一本建議性的書,建議人們怎樣在任何職業(yè)上獲得意想不到的成功,尤其是金錢方面的成功。

5. A:我們的烹飪節(jié)目出人意料地受到了單身男士的歡迎。我們從來沒想到它會受男士的青睞。B:為什么?越來越多的男性開始獨自生活,所以一檔教他們?nèi)绾巫鲲埖墓?jié)目肯定非常合他們的意。


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