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1. put on the dog ** 擺架子,顯闊氣,耍派頭

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:帶著[闊氣、架子(dog)]

例 Weddings give everyone an excuse to buy a new suit of clothes so they can put on the dog and impress every-one else. 婚禮讓每個(gè)人都有借口買(mǎi)套新衣服,然后耍耍派頭,給人留下深刻的印象。

2. put on the feedbag ** 吃飯,就餐

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:把[馬脖子下的飼料袋(feedbag)]系上

例 We finally found time to put on the feedbag around 2:30 and had lunch delivered. 我們最后在兩點(diǎn)半才有時(shí)間吃飯,而且還是叫的外賣(mài)。

3. put 〔lay, set〕 one's hand(s) on sth. ** 找到,獲得

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:把某人的手放在某物[上(on)]

例 We would buy an apartment in the downtown area if we could put our hands on one, but nobody is selling. 如果我們能夠在市區(qū)找到一間公寓的話,我們就買(mǎi)了,可惜沒(méi)有人賣(mài)。

4. put one's hand to the plow ** 全力以赴做重要的事

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:把手放在[犁(plow)]上

例 I urge you to work harder. Put your hand to the plow and you'll be amazed at how much you can do. 我希望你能更加努力工作。腳踏實(shí)地,你會(huì)為自己取得的進(jìn)步感到驚訝。

5. put sb. down for sth. *** 填寫(xiě)姓名;登記認(rèn)捐

解 短語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞;詞義溯源:羅列出(名字)

例 Harry made a commitment to support the Youth Center with a $500 donation, and Mrs. Zenia said we could put her down for $750. 哈里承諾要為青年中心捐款500美元,而澤尼安夫人說(shuō)我們可以給她記上750美元。

6. put sb. through one's paces ** 考查某人的能力

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:使某人[根據(jù)(through)]自己的[步調(diào)(paces)]前進(jìn)

例 With the annual report due in two days and half of my staff out sick with the flu, I've really been put through my paces this week. 年度報(bào)告必須在兩天內(nèi)完成,而我的員工中有一半因?yàn)榈昧鞲姓?qǐng)了病假,這一周真是對(duì)我的考驗(yàn)。

7. put sb. to bed with a shovel * 埋葬;把(喝醉者)扶上床

解 俚語(yǔ);詞義溯源:讓某人[上床(to bed)],然后用鏟子埋掉

例 Anyone who dared to challenge the leader was quickly put to bed with a shovel by the leader's personal body-guards. 任何敢于挑戰(zhàn)領(lǐng)袖權(quán)威的人,很快就會(huì)被他的私人保鏢處死。

8. put sb. to shame ** 使某人蒙羞;使某人相形見(jiàn)絀

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:使某人走向[羞恥(shame)]

例 Bob's record-breaking 2 hours, 2 minutes time on the marathon put my 2 hours, 36 minutes to shame. 在馬拉松比賽中,鮑勃以2小時(shí)2分鐘打破紀(jì)錄,讓我2小時(shí)36分鐘的成績(jī)相形見(jiàn)絀。

9. put sb. wise to sb. or sth. * 提醒某人,使某人了解

解 〈口〉俚語(yǔ);詞義溯源:使某人變成對(duì)某人或某事[了解、知情(wise)]的狀態(tài)

例 An experienced player is assigned to rookies to help put them wise to the differences between collegiate and professional basketball. 一位經(jīng)驗(yàn)豐富的球員被派到新手隊(duì)伍中,幫助他們了解大學(xué)籃球與職業(yè)籃球的區(qū)別。

10. put 〔get〕 sb. or sth. across *** 成功地實(shí)現(xiàn);解釋清楚;使接受,使理解

解 短語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞;詞義溯源:[成功地、能理解地、能明白地(across)]表達(dá)

例 A speaker needs to possess good communication skills so he can put himself across well in the fewest words possible. 演講者必須掌握優(yōu)秀的溝通技巧,從而可以用最少的言語(yǔ)把事情表達(dá)清楚。

11. put sb. or sth. out / put out sb. or sth. *** 放出去,趕出去;熄滅,撲滅;麻煩,打擾;使生氣;出版,發(fā)行;【體】使球員出局

解 短語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞;詞義溯源:把某人或某物放到[外面(out)]

例 Andrew's parents put him out when they discovered illegal drugs in his room. 安德魯?shù)母改冈谒姆块g里發(fā)現(xiàn)非法毒品后,把他趕了出去。

This is a NO SMOKING area, so you are going to have to put your cigarette out. 這里是無(wú)煙區(qū),所以請(qǐng)您把煙熄滅。

I don't mean to put you out, but if it's not much trouble, could I stay at your house tonight? 我不想打擾你,但是如果不是很麻煩的話,我今晚能不能在你這里過(guò)夜?

12. put sb. or sth. out of the way ** 把(某物)從通道移開(kāi);除掉(某人)

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:把某人或某物放在遠(yuǎn)離[通道(way)]的地方

例 Put your toys out of the way before somebody trips over them. 把你的玩具拿開(kāi),以免有人被絆倒。

13. put sb. or sth. up *** 提升,舉高;住宿;保存(食物);提出(建議、借口等);參加競(jìng)選,提名,推薦;張貼;建造(房屋等);預(yù)付,支付;弄頭發(fā);進(jìn)行(戰(zhàn)斗等);擱置,放到一邊

解 短語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞;詞義溯源:把某人或某物置于[上方、不活動(dòng)、另外保存(up)]的狀態(tài)

例 We put some posters up around the neighborhood advertising our auction. 我們?cè)诟浇鼜堎N了一些海報(bào),為拍賣(mài)做宣傳。

When you've finished with toys, be sure to put them up. 你玩完玩具后,一定要把它們放到一邊。

14. put 〔lay〕 sth. by *** 把某物放在一邊;存儲(chǔ)(錢(qián)等);儲(chǔ)藏(食物等)

解 短語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞;詞義溯源:把某物放在[旁邊(by)]

例 It's a good idea for a nation to put some oil by to protect itself against any temporary oil shortage in the world markets. 國(guó)家儲(chǔ)備一些石油是非常好的,可以有效應(yīng)對(duì)國(guó)際市場(chǎng)的石油臨時(shí)短缺。

15. put 〔set〕 sth. down to sth. *** 歸因于

解 短語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞;詞義溯源:把某物[完全(down)]放到另一物處

例 The $4. 3 million loss was put down to the continuing economic recession. 430萬(wàn)美元的損失歸因于經(jīng)濟(jì)的持續(xù)衰退。

16. put sth. in / put in sth. *** 提交(某物);(在某事上)花時(shí)間

解 短語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞;詞義溯源:[向里面(in)]放置某物

例 The advertisement says you have to put in an application and resume by Friday. 廣告上說(shuō)必須在周五之前提交申請(qǐng)和簡(jiǎn)歷。

17. put sth. into print ** 付印,出版

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:把某物放進(jìn)[印刷(print)]里面

例 I want you to put into print the promises you are making me now so that I will have something to prove you made them later on if I need to. 我要你把你現(xiàn)在對(duì)我的承諾都打印出來(lái),這樣以后需要的時(shí)候就可以用它來(lái)證明你向我承諾過(guò)。

18. put sth. on the cuff ** 賒賬

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:把某物放在[袖口、褲邊(cuff)];on the cuff表示“以賒賬的方式”

例 My company has an account at this hotel, so whatever we eat or drink in their restaurant we can put on the cuff. 我們公司在這家酒店開(kāi)了賬戶,所以我們?cè)谒麄儾蛷d吃喝都可以賒賬。

19. put sth. over *** 使…被接受;欺騙

解 短語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞;詞義溯源:使某物[完全(over)]走過(guò)

例 Professor Tulonen used his usual eloquence to put the school's budget plans over to the visiting bank officials. 圖洛寧教授憑借自己一貫的口才,讓來(lái)訪的銀行官員接受了學(xué)校的預(yù)算。

20. put sth. over on sb. *** 欺騙;占便宜

解 短語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞;詞義溯源:把某物[翻過(guò)來(lái)(over)]放在某人身上

例 I've been fooled once by such a dirty scheme, and I swear nobody will put one over on me like that ever again. 我曾經(jīng)被一個(gè)非常卑鄙的計(jì)劃愚弄過(guò)一次。我發(fā)誓再也不會(huì)像那樣被欺騙了。

21. put sth. plainly ** 直白地說(shuō)

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:[明確地、坦率地(plainly)]說(shuō)出某事

例 The chairman put it plainly to the union leader: accept the contract or the company will close down and reorganize. 董事長(zhǎng)對(duì)工會(huì)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)說(shuō)得非常直白:要么接受合同,要么公司關(guān)閉重組。

22. put 〔set〕 sth. straight ** 整頓,收拾

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:使某物變成[整頓的(straight)]狀態(tài)

例 Residents have been allowed to return to their flood-damaged homes to begin the long process of putting their homes and their lives straight. 居民得到允許后返回了被洪水破壞的家園,開(kāi)始了重建家園與恢復(fù)生活的長(zhǎng)期過(guò)程。

23. put sth. through its paces ** 考查某物的性能

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:使某物[根據(jù)(through)]自己的[步調(diào)(paces)]前進(jìn)

例 There's an abandoned race track in Fairfield where Tommy takes his car to put it through its paces. 費(fèi)爾菲爾德有一條棄置的跑道,湯米開(kāi)著車(chē)去那里試驗(yàn)車(chē)的性能。

24. put 〔lay〕 sth. to rest ** 埋葬;完全消除,了結(jié);忘記,不再關(guān)心

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:使某物變成[睡眠、停止(rest)]的狀態(tài)

例 The sooner the nation can put this scandal to rest, the sooner it can continue with its excellent economic progress. 國(guó)家越快平息丑聞,就能越快使經(jīng)濟(jì)持續(xù)快速增長(zhǎng)。

25. put that in one's pipe and smoke it ** 好好想想吧;得面對(duì)不愉快的事情

解 習(xí)語(yǔ);詞義溯源:把那個(gè)放進(jìn)[煙斗(pipe)]吸

解 “I don't need you or your false love,”Mark shouted at his father,“So put that in your pipe and smoke it!” he continued. 馬克對(duì)他爸爸大聲喊道:“我不需要你,也不需要你虛假的愛(ài)。你自己好好琢磨琢磨吧!”

26. put the arm on sb. * (給某人)施加壓力

解 俚語(yǔ);詞義溯源:把[力量(arm)]放在某人身上

例 Several store owners have com-plained that Mega Computer has been putting the arm on them to buy more equipment by threatening to stop supplying them. 部分商店老板投訴美佳計(jì)算機(jī)公司威脅停止供貨,迫使他們購(gòu)買(mǎi)更多設(shè)備。

27. put the bite 〔touch〕 on sb. * 向某人借錢(qián);向某人攤派(捐款或貸款);向某人敲竹杠

解 俚語(yǔ);詞義溯源:對(duì)某人附加[一筆費(fèi)用(bite)或討來(lái)的錢(qián)、被盜的錢(qián)(touch)]

例 Your brother-in-law has been putting the bite on me for some money to help him start his auto repair shop. 你小舅子一直向我借錢(qián),要我?guī)椭_(kāi)汽車(chē)維修店。

28. put the clamps on sb. / put the clamps on / put on the clamps * 鉗?。煌档?

解 俚語(yǔ);詞義溯源:給某人放上[夾子(clamps)]

例 The FDA has put the clamps on the release of the new diet pill until it can be proved safe. 美國(guó)食品和藥物管理局嚴(yán)格限制新減肥藥的推出,必須被證明是安全的才能投放使用。

29. put the kibosh on sth. * 使計(jì)劃徹底失敗;壓制

解 俚語(yǔ);詞義溯源:給某物附加[結(jié)束、終結(jié)(kibosh)]

例 The Senate voted 58 to 32 to put the kibosh on the peacekeeping oper-ation, effectively ending any hope for it the president may have had. 參議院以58票對(duì)32票否決了?;饏f(xié)議,使總統(tǒng)的希望徹底破滅。

30. put the skids on sth. / put the skids on * 使破滅,使失敗

解 俚語(yǔ);詞義溯源:給某物附加[打滑(skids)]

例 A lack of funding has put the skids on the renovation of the old church. 由于缺少資金,老教堂的翻新工作失敗了。

31. (be) put to it * 使為難

解 俚語(yǔ);詞義溯源:把某人放到[某事(it)]中

例 If your car breaks down in the middle of the desert, you're really going to be put to it. 如果你的汽車(chē)在沙漠中出現(xiàn)故障,那你會(huì)非常為難。


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