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LECTURE 186 基本介詞 IN 2





LECTURE 186 基本介詞 IN 2


1. in a vicious circle ** 陷入惡性循環(huán);一波未平一波又起

解 習語;詞義溯源:在[惡性循環(huán)(vicious circle)]里面

例 My parents scold me so much at home that I usually just stay over at my friend's house. Then they scold me for staying there too much. So I get upset and go to my friend's house again. We're in a vicious circle. I'd like to break this pattern, but I don't see any way out of it.

2. in accordance with sth. ** 遵循,根據

解 習語;詞義溯源:處于與某物[一致(accordance)]的狀態(tài)

例 Notice All Nurses of the Night Shift: I have received reports that night-shift nurses have been turning a blind eye to visitors who stay longer than the posted visiting hours. While I know it's difficult to force a person to leave when he's visiting a sick relative or friend, we must operate in accordance with the visitation policy as it is in the best interest of the health of the patients.

3. in advance of sb. or sth. / in advance ** 在…之前;提前

解 習語;詞義溯源:處于某人或某物的[前方、前面(advance)]

例 Congress is under pressure to ratify the treaty in advance of the next World Trade Organization conference scheduled next year. They have their work cut out for them though as recent polls show that a full 30% of the representatives are opposed to a hasty ratification.

4. in all probability ** 十有八九,很可能;基本確定

解 習語;詞義溯源:在[所有可能性(all probability)]里面

例 “In all probability, the Climate Bill will be ratified this year before Congress goes home for the Christmas holidays,” Senator Mitchell assured the press. He acknowledged the opposition, but predicted it would not prove to be a stumbling block.

5. in bad faith ** 不誠實,不誠懇;有惡意;欺詐

解 習語;詞義溯源:用[不誠實(bad faith)]的方式

例 Democrats have charged that the investigation is being conducted in bad faith. “The Republicans who have pushed for this investigation have an axe to grind ,”Senator Ted charged. “They're not interested in justice;slandering the President is their only motive.”


(A) in a vicious circle

(B) in accordance with

(C) in advance of

(D) in all probability

(E) in bad faith

1. A: Be careful. Used car salesmen are notorious for acting ______. B: What do you mean? You mean I can't trust them? A: Well, let's just say they have a reputation of being dishonest and insincere when dealing with customers.

2. A: Have you ever been in a situation where you try to get out of a bad situation, but by doing so you make the situation worse—which makes you try even harder to get out of the situation, and that only makes it even worse. So you try even harder and... B: Okay, okay—I've got it. I know what you're trying to say. I think they call that being ______. Is that the problem you have with Tracy?

3. A: I want you to get to the conference room ______ the delegation. B: Okay. If I leave here by 10:00, I'll arrive an hour earlier.

4. A: Are you sure you're cleaning that machine ______ the instructions for cleaning in the maintenance manual? B: Yes, I'm sure I'm doing it the way it's prescribed by the manual.

5. A: The weather's been pretty bad this year. It was so hot and dry in the summer that ______ the rice harvest will suffer a 20% loss. B: It's also very likely the quality of the rice will not be as good as usual.


1. (E)

2. (A)

3. (C)

4. (B)

5. (D)


I. 1. 在家的時候我父母總是責罵我,所以我經常去朋友家過夜。之后,他們又因為我經常待在朋友家而責罵我。所以我很難過,又去了朋友家。我和父母的關系陷入了惡性循環(huán)。我想打破這種格局,但是我不知道該如何解決。

2. 值夜班的護士請注意:我收到舉報,稱我們的夜班護士對超過規(guī)定時間探視的病人家屬睜一只眼閉一只眼。雖然我知道家屬來看他們生病的親人或朋友時,很難強迫他們離開,但是我們必須嚴格遵守探視規(guī)定,因為這是為病人的健康著想。

3. 國會要在來年的下一次世界貿易組織大會召開之前批準該協議,壓力很大。盡管目前的民意調查顯示,足足有30%的代表反對輕率批準協議,政府還在為此事準備。

4. “這項氣候法案很可能在今年國會議員們放假過圣誕節(jié)之前獲批?!弊h員米切爾向媒體證實了這條消息。他承認有反對意見,但預言這將不會成為批準法案的絆腳石。

5. 民主黨派控告稱,調查存在欺詐行為。參議員特德控訴道:“共和黨強烈要求調查是別有用心。他們不在乎公平正義;誹謗總統是他們唯一的動機?!?

II. 1. A:小心。二手車銷售員因存在欺詐行為而臭名昭著。 B:什么意思?你的意思是我不能相信他們? A:哦,這樣說吧,他們在跟顧客交易時,存在欺詐和不誠實的行為,這是出了名的。

2. A:你有沒有遇到過這種情況,就是你試圖走出困境,但是反而讓情況更糟,于是你又更加努力想要擺脫困境,但仍然只能讓事情變得更糟。于是,你又試圖更加努力,然后…… B:好了,好了,我知道你的意思了。這種情況叫做“惡性循環(huán)”。這就是你和特蕾西之間存在的問題嗎?

3. A:我想要你在代表團到達之前先到會議室。 B:好的,如果我十點從這里動身的話,能早一個小時到。

4. A:你確定你是按照維修手冊上的說明清洗機器的嗎? B:是的,我確定是按照維修手冊上描述的方法做的。

5. A:今年的天氣很糟糕。夏天又熱又干,這樣水稻的收成很可能會減少20%。 B:質量也很有可能沒有往年的好。


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