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LECTURE 189 基本介詞 IN 5





LECTURE 189 基本介詞 IN 5


1. (go) in one ear and out the other ** 左耳進右耳出,聽過即忘,當耳邊風(fēng)

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:進入一邊的[耳朵(ear)]里,從另一邊的耳朵出去;in可以用into替代

例 Obviously what I said to you the last time you appeared in this court room failed to make an impression on you, young man. I told you that if I ever saw you here again for stealing cars, I'd see to it you got the maximum time in prison. Do you remember that, or did it go in one ear and out the other?

2. in line ** 排隊的;聯(lián)機的

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:在[隊(line)]里面

例 Garretson says he was in line at the state Unemployment Agency when he got the bright idea to start his own private employment agency. “It was that simple. I saw hundreds of people coming to that office, most of whom were qualified, skilled laborers and decided I would make my living helping them to find a way to make theirs.”

3. in one's element ** 處于適宜的環(huán)境中;得心應(yīng)手

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:在自己的[適宜環(huán)境(element)]里面;參照out of one's element;in可以用into替代

例 It's amazing what a difference the change of jobs has made for Ms. Park. I used to think she was lazy and maybe even a little stupid when she worked in customer service. But since we moved her to accounting, she's shown I was wrong. She's the best girl in the department. I guess she's in her element now.

4. in one's spare time ** 在業(yè)余時間

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:在某人的[空閑時間(spare time)]里

例 I've heard that she even takes her training manuals home and studies them in her spare time. This just goes to show you that when people are doing the kind of work that's appropriate for them, they do so much better.

5. in plain language 〔English〕 ** 言簡意賅地,簡明扼要地;深入淺出地

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:用[簡單的、明了的(plain)][語言(language)或英語(English)]

例 Let me put it in plain language for you: get your ducks in a row ...no, that's not clear enough...okay,...uh...get organized before you come to the meetings. Organize your presentation, your reports—everything. You waste your time, my time and the time of your colleagues when you're not prepared. Understand?


(A) go in one ear and out the other

(B) in line

(C) in your element

(D) in your spare time

(E) in plain English

1. A: I'll have a word with our son about his terrible behavior if you want. B: Don't waste your time. He won't listen to you. Whatever you say to him will ______. A: He may disregard what I say, but I have to try at least.

2. A: It's the time I spend in my garden that I feel I'm in a situation suitable to my character, abilities and interests. I'm comfortable doing gardening. B: But you're so aggressive on the football field. Everybody thinks you're ______ on a cold, rainy day on a muddy field in a tough, close game.

3. A: What's this supposed to mean? “Persons desiring accommodations in the heretofore mentioned...” My God, can't you write this ______? B: I think it's already written in straightforward language that can be easily understood. The problem is yours!You're not educated enough!

4. A: Sir, could you please stand in this row of people and wait for your turn like everybody else is doing? B: I have $450,000 in this bank and you want me to wait ______ like a common customer? Ha!Let me talk to the manager!

5. A: Well, I use the time when I don't have to work and have no other responsibilities to work on my hobby—building a handmade airplane. B: That's a unique way to spend your leisure. Can you really build an airplane ______? I mean, doesn't it take a lot of time?


1. (A)

2. (C)

3. (E)

4. (B)

5. (D)


I. 1. 年輕人,很顯然,上次你出現(xiàn)在這個法庭上時,我跟你說的話你都沒有放在心上。我告訴過你,如果你再因為偷車而上法庭的話,我肯定會給你最重的判決。你還記得嗎?還是把我的話當成耳邊風(fēng)了?

2. 加勒森說,他在州立職業(yè)介紹所排隊時,突然有了一個好主意,即開一家私人的職業(yè)介紹所?!胺浅:唵危铱匆姅?shù)百人去那個介紹所,大多數(shù)是有學(xué)歷、有技術(shù)的人,我就決定幫他們介紹工作,同時也可以養(yǎng)活我自己?!?

3. 換工作給帕克小姐帶來的變化真是讓人驚訝。過去她做客服工作的時候,我覺得她很懶,甚至可能還有點蠢。但是自從我們把她調(diào)去做會計以后,她證明了我之前的想法是錯誤的。她是那個部門做得最好的女孩。我猜她現(xiàn)在做得得心應(yīng)手了。

4. 我聽說她甚至把培訓(xùn)手冊帶回家,在業(yè)余時間學(xué)習(xí)。這說明當人們做適合自己的工作時,就會做得更好。

5. 讓我跟你說明白點:把所有的事情都打理好……不,這還不夠清楚……好,嗯……來開會前把所有的事情都整理好。把你的發(fā)言、報告等一切都整理好。你沒準備好的話就是在浪費你自己的時間、我的時間和同事們的時間。明白嗎?

II. 1. A:如果你沒意見的話,我想跟咱們兒子談?wù)勊膼毫有袨椤?B:別浪費時間了,他是不會聽的。不管你對他說什么,他都會當耳邊風(fēng)。 A:他可以不把我的話當回事,但至少我得試試。

2. A:每次在花園里的時候,我都會覺得那種狀態(tài)最適合我的性格、能力和興趣。做園藝工作讓我覺得很舒服。 B:但是你在足球場上很勇猛。每個人都認為在寒冷的下雨天,在泥濘的場地上,在艱苦的、勢均力敵的比賽中,你能得心應(yīng)手。

3. A:這是什么意思?“之前所提到的,人們渴望有住房……”我的天,你就不能用簡明的語言寫嗎? B:我覺得我已經(jīng)寫得很直白、很容易懂了。這是你的問題!你的文化水平不行!

4. A:先生,你能不能像其他人那樣排隊按順序等待? B:我在這家銀行存了45萬美元,你要我像其他普通客戶一樣排隊嗎?哈!我要見你們經(jīng)理!

5. A:哦,在閑下來不工作的時間里我會做我喜歡的事情,手工造一架飛機。 B:那可真是度過空閑時間的一種獨特方式。你真的能在業(yè)余時間造一架飛機嗎?我的意思是,那不是要花很多時間嗎?


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