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LECTURE 199 基本介詞 TO 1





LECTURE 199 基本介詞 TO 1


1. to a great extent ** 在很大程度上

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:到[很大程度(a great extent)]

例 According to Maria Shoeller, a professional gardener who has written three books on home gardening, you don't have to have a green thumb to have a healthy, thriving garden in your backyard. “Oh no, not at all. Gardening, to a great extent is a science, not an art,” she explains.

2. to date ** 直到現(xiàn)在,迄今為止

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:到[今天、現(xiàn)在(date)]

例 Amnesty Month started on the first of the August and to date the police have collected 544 unlicensed guns of all sizes. During Amnesty Month anyone can turn in unlicensed weapon and the police will not ask any questions about it.

3. to no avail / of no avail ** 沒有效果,不起作用

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:沒有達到任何[作用、效果(avail)]

例 Reporters are camping outside the hotel in hopes of getting a photo of the superstar and his new wife. One even hired a fire department's ladder truck to lift him up to the window of the room Jackson is reported to be staying in. His efforts were to no avail though as the hotel's windows are darkened and covered with heavy curtains.

4. to one's heart's content ** 盡情地;心滿意足地

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:達到某人[內(nèi)心(heart)]的[滿足(content)]

例 The hotel's general manager says he is not concerned about the crowd. When asked whether he was losing business because of the commotion, he told an evening news reporter, “You all can stay out there to your heart's content.”

5. to some extent ** 在某種程度上

解 習(xí)語;詞義溯源:到[某種程度(some extent)]

例 Ms. Shoeller does admit however that to some extent having what she calls “a natural feeling about plants” is advantageous. “Yeah, plants do seem to respond to certain people better than others, but still the most important factor in gardening is simply looking after the plants properly.”


(A) to a great extent

(B) To date

(C) to no avail

(D) to our heart's content

(E) to some extent

1. A: These high prices are very much caused by the ignorance of consumers as to how much the things they buy cost in other countries. B: But the high cost of land is significant too. You have to admit that ______, land prices contribute to the high prices we have to pay for basic goods.

2. A: I could see some people about a mile away. I must have yelled to them for help for two hours ______. Since yelling was obviously unsuccessful, I tried blowing my scout whistle. B: Did that do the trick ? Did you get somebody's attention? A: No, that too had no effect.

3. A: While I don't like the design of the complex, ______ it is an efficient design. The architect obviously kept people in mind . B: So you admit there is a fair degree of efficiency. I was afraid you'd let your dislike keep you from admitting that.

4. A: How much money have we collected so far? B: ______? Well, let me see...uh...up to now, we have $467, I'm going to go around and take up a collection again this afternoon.

5. A: Jimmy! I've got a headache! Why don't you and your friend take your guitars to the park? You can sing as long and as much as you want there. B: All we want to? Mom, if we sang ______, we'd be singing until the world came to an end.


1. (A)

2. (C)

3. (E)

4. (B)

5. (D)


I. 1. 瑪麗亞·舒勒,專業(yè)園藝師,寫過三本有關(guān)家庭園藝的書,根據(jù)她的看法,要使你家后院花園的植物健康茂盛,你不必是一個園藝高手。她解釋說:“哦不,根本不必。很大程度上,園藝是一門科學(xué),而不是一門藝術(shù)?!?

2. 特赦月從8月1日開始,截至目前,警方已經(jīng)收繳了544支各種型號的槍支,這些槍支均為非法持有。在特赦月里,任何人都可以上繳非法持有的槍支,警察不會對此提出任何質(zhì)詢。

3. 為了能抓拍到這位超級巨星和他的新婚妻子,記者們在酒店外面露宿扎營。有一位記者甚至租用了消防隊的云梯消防車,把他升到報道中說的杰克遜下榻的酒店窗口外。盡管這樣他的努力也是徒勞,因為窗戶里面沒有燈光,還拉上了厚厚的窗簾。

4. 酒店總經(jīng)理說他不擔(dān)心人多。當(dāng)被問到他是不是擔(dān)心因人多混亂而影響生意時,他告訴晚報記者:“你可以一直待在那里直到你盡興?!?

5. 但是,舒勒女士確實承認,在某種程度上,懷有被她稱為“對植物的自然感情”是有好處的?!笆堑?,植物似乎對某些特定人群比對其他人的反應(yīng)更好,但是在園藝中最重要的依然是適當(dāng)?shù)卣樟现参?。?

II. 1. A:高物價主要是因為消費者忽視了他們購買的物品在其他國家的價格。 B:但是土地的高價也是非常重要的原因。你必須承認,在很大程度上,地價的上升助長了基本商品物價的上升。

2. A:我能看見一英里之外有人,我一直喊了足有兩個小時來求救,但都是徒勞。由于我的叫喊明顯不成功,我試著吹響了我的偵察哨。 B:你成功了嗎?有人注意到了嗎?A:沒有,那個也沒有用。

3. A:雖然我不太喜歡這座綜合建筑的設(shè)計,但是從某種程度上來說,這是個有效的設(shè)計。很顯然,它考慮到了人的因素。 B:那么,你也承認這個設(shè)計有一定程度的有效性。我還擔(dān)心你會因為不喜歡而不承認呢。

4. A:到目前為止我們籌到了多少錢? B:迄今為止?嗯,讓我看看……嗯……現(xiàn)在一共籌了467美元,我打算今天下午出去四處走走,再募捐一些。

5. A:吉米,我頭疼!你為什么不跟你的朋友到公園里去彈吉他呢?在那里你們想唱多久就唱多久,想怎么唱就怎么唱。 B:隨便我們怎么樣都行?媽媽,如果我們能盡情唱的話,我們會一直唱到世界末日。


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