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10 2017年九大熱門目的地,選一個規(guī)劃自己今年的旅行吧?

怕扎堆?要新意?這些目的地可以作為你2017年的dream destinations。

From the Himalayas to the Highlands, a panel of travel industry leaders pick the hottest destinations for the coming year.




Visitor numbers to the Himalayan nation grew strongly through the 1990s and 2000s — leaping from 385,000 in 2004 to 790,000 in 2014.But then came the April 2015 earthquake, killing almost 9,000 people, injuring 22,000 and leaving hundreds of thousands homeless.


After the rescue operations were completed, tourists found themselves in a quandary, anxious not to put added strain on resources, or seem insensitive, but also aware of the importance of tourism to the economy.Many decided to stay away: overall arrivals fell 32 per cent in 2015; the number of people visiting for trekking and mountaineering slumped 91 per cent.


“This year still felt too early to go back for many but 2017 will be the year to visit,” says Jarrod Kyte of Steppes Travel.Tim Greening of KE Adventure Travel agrees and reports that forward bookings are up 94 per cent compared with the same point last year.“The earthquake will never be forgotten, but next year tourism will be back to what it was in 2014, at least in the Annapurna and Everest regions,” he says.

“對很多游客來說,今年重回尼泊爾旅游仍言之過早,但今年將是旅游盛行之年?!盨teppes Travel旅行社產(chǎn)品總監(jiān)Jarrod Kyte說。KE Adventure Travel旅行社負責人Tim Greening持同樣看法,并說游客預訂量同比去年增加了94%?!按蟮卣饡坦倾懶模髂昴岵礌柕穆糜螛I(yè)會恢復至2014年的水準,至少安納普爾納大環(huán)線(Annapurna)與珠峰(Everest)地區(qū)是如此,”他說。

Tourists will still see earthquake damage, says Greening, who returned from the country last month, but infrastructure, hotels and transport are all operating normally, and the Nepalis are eager to welcome visitors back.Beyond the post-earthquake recovery and the release of pent-up demand, Nepal's tourism prospects are also being boosted by an expanding offering of destinations and activities.


New roads have eased access, and where once tourists were strictly corralled into a handful of permitted trekking areas, there are now numerous routes across the country.Mustang, a remote district with a strong Tibetan culture, is tipped by the panel, and will see several more upmarket lodges opening in 2017.For those eager to see the Himalayas without walking, Steppes has a helicopter tour that visits the base camps of all eight of Nepal's 8,000m peaks.





“With time-rich baby-boomers driving growth in adventure travel, we're increasingly seeing our clients take longer, once-in-a-lifetime trips, and nowhere is hotter right now than the countries of the Silk Road,” says Jonny Bealby of Wild Frontiers.

“隨著有充裕時間的嬰兒潮一代成為冒險游主力軍,歷時更長、一生一次的旅游甚囂塵上,而絲路沿線國家如今成為最熱門的旅游目的地。”Wild Frontiers旅行社創(chuàng)始人Jonny Bealby說。

He says demand has been boosted by recent books and television programmes, including Peter Frankopan's best-selling historical epic, The Silk Roads, Sam Willis' BBC series The Silk Road and comedian David Baddiel's Discovery Channel documentary, On the Silk Road.

他說絲路沿線國家旅游需求大幅增長,推波助瀾者是新近出版的旅游圖書與相關電視節(jié)目,其中就有Peter Frankopan的歷史巨著《絲綢之路》、Sam Willis主持的BBC紀錄片《絲綢之路》以及喜劇明星David Baddiel的探索頻道紀錄片《On the Silk Road》。

For those without the months needed to make a full journey along the route, Uzbekistan offers a convenient taste of some of the highlights — including the mosques, mausoleums, mosaics and minarets of the ancient trading cities of Khiva, Bukhara and Samarkand.However, the allure of such sites has always been tempered by the difficulties of getting a visa (until recently, for example, the London embassy would only accept payment by postal order, while travellers arriving overland have occasionally found the borders unexpectedly closed to mark public holidays).


With the passing in September of Islam Karimov, the strongman president who had ruled since 1990, there are signs the country may now open up.Shavkat Mirziyoyev was sworn in as Karimov's successor at the start of this month and already his government has announced a desire to see the “intensive development of tourism”.


To that end, from April 2017 citizens of 15 countries (including the UK, Australia, Canada and several European nations) will no longer require any sort of visa (though there's still a $50 entry fee).Citizens of a further 12 countries will also not need visas, but only if they are over 55 — presumably because Mirziyoyev, like Bealby, has identified wealthy baby-boomers as an important target market.




Like Nepal, another story of recovery rather than discovery.“It's had the perfect storm over the past four years,” says George Morgan-Grenville of Red Savannah — the kidnapping of tourists by Somali pirates in 2011, Al Shabaab's attacks, including the shootings in the Westgate shopping centre in Nairobi, then fears about the west African ebola outbreak (though there were actually no cases in Kenya).

與尼泊爾一樣,肯尼亞同樣是劫后重建而非“新大陸發(fā)現(xiàn)”?!斑^去四年,肯尼亞可以說禍不單行、災禍連連?!?Red Savannah創(chuàng)始人George Morgan-Grenville說——包括了2011年索馬里海盜綁架游客案、索馬里青年黨(al-Shabaab)發(fā)動包括內羅畢西門購物中心槍擊案在內的系列恐襲案以及而后的西非埃博拉病大爆發(fā)造成的大恐慌(盡管肯尼亞沒有發(fā)生一例病毒感染案例)。

Tourist arrivals by air fell from 1.26m in 2011 to 748,000 in 2015.“It's a shame because people on the safari circuit weren't acutally affected, but many tourism businesses have been to the brink of having to shut up shop,” says Morgan-Grenville.


Visitors began to return in 2016 as security fears eased and tour operators are hoping for a bounce back in the coming 12 months.The UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office and US State Department have relaxed travel warnings (though both still advises against visiting the north coast and areas along the Somali border).


The Kenyan authorities are keen to drive the tourism recovery: in Februrary Kenya will host a conference of 3,000 US travel agents — the US overtook the UK this year as the most important source of foreign visitors — and this month construction of a £2.8m cruise ship terminal began in Mombasa.Entry fees for safari parks have been cut, and in some cases abolished for children — “Big steps in the right direction when for most countries when it comes to park fees ‘the only way is up',” says Chris McIntyre of Expert Africa.

肯尼亞政府也熱切希望能重振旅游業(yè):該國下月將舉辦由3000名美國旅游代理參加的大會(美國今年已超過英國成為肯尼亞最大的外國游客來源國);耗資2800萬美元的游輪??磕父郾驹聦⒃诿砂退_破土動工。野生動物園門票部分減免,有些情況下兒童票則全免——“大多數(shù)國家公園門票‘只漲不跌'的情況下,肯尼亞政府采取上述措施實乃‘無比正確的大手筆'?!盓xpert Africa旅行社總經(jīng)理Chris McIntyre說。

He suggests visiting Saruni Rhino, due to open in February in the semi-arid Sera Conservancy, where visitors will be able to track the endangered black rhino on foot, an experience unique in East Africa.

他推薦游客游玩建在半干旱的塞拉保護區(qū)內、下月運營的Saruni Rhino酒店,游客屆時可徒步尋找瀕危黑犀牛,這種游歷在東非旅游中無與倫比。




Interest in the Nordic nations has grown strongly in recent years, fuelled by the international popularity of its cuisine, design and “Nordic noir” crime dramas and novels.And tourism is no longer restricted to the summer — the industry has coined a phrase for winter visitors who come for culture, northern lights, snowmobiling and other activities: the “icebreakers”.


2017 might be the year for Finland to step out of the shadow of its Nordic neighbours, as it celebrates the 100th anniversary of its independence.A new national park has been created to mark the occasion (Hossa, 11,000 hectares in the eastern Kainuu region that are ideal for hiking and camping), a new Moomin Museum opens in Tampere in June, and there will be a series of “nature days” throughout the year, when local organisations will lead visitors on forest walks, mushroom-hunting trips and so on.


Georgina Hancock of UK-based operator Discover the World reports that bookings are 27 per cent up on last year, helped by new flight routes into the country.Hancock suggests staying at Beana Laponia, a luxurious 11-room hotel that opened last winter in the wilderness north of Rovaniemi, or the new Aurora View Suites in Finnish Lapland, which offer private hot tubs from which to view the northern lights.

英國旅行社Discover the World營銷總監(jiān)Georgina Hancock說今年游客預訂量同比去年增加了27%,新辟至芬蘭的航線功不可沒。漢考克推薦游客入住北極荒漠地區(qū)羅瓦涅米的高檔酒店比納拉博尼亞或芬蘭拉普蘭的Aurora View Suites酒店。前者擁有11套客房,去年冬季正式營業(yè);后者則配有私人溫泉浴缸,游客可一邊泡熱水澡、一邊欣賞北極光美景。

5.Andaman Islands/安達曼群島



“This is on my personal bucket list,” says George Morgan-Grenville of Red Savannah.“There are not many places left that are genuinely untouched but this is one of them.” The 572 Andaman and Nicobar islands form an archipelago in the Bay of Bengal; most are part of India, with a few belonging to Myanmar, the closest neighbour to the east.

“安達曼群島是本人夢寐以求之地?!盧ed Savannah 旅行社創(chuàng)始人喬治·摩根-格林維爾說?!叭澜绫3衷鷳B(tài)風貌的地方已鳳毛麟角,安達曼群島則位列其中?!蔽挥诿霞永瓰车陌策_曼與尼科巴群島共有大小島嶼572座,它們組成了錯落有致的列島;大多數(shù)島嶼屬于印度,但部分屬于最接近遠東的國家緬甸。

The British established a naval base here in the 18th century, but many islands remain undeveloped and one, North Sentinel, is home to one of the world's few remaining uncontacted tribes.


Tourism is focused on Havelock Island, which offers white sand beaches, turquoise waters and excellent diving.It's the site of the Jalakara, a boutique hotel created by a British expat, which opened in October 2015.A former banana and betel nut plantation, it now has seven stylish bedrooms which raise the bar for the Andamans, as well as a jungle-fringed infinity pool.


Tour operators expect it will inspire other hoteliers to follow, establishing the islands as an alternative to Mauritius and the Maldives.Getting there involves flying from the Indian mainland to Port Blair, the Andaman capital, from where it is two hours by ferry to Havelock.Other options are becoming available, however — visitors can now cruise to the Andamans from Ranong in Thailand aboard the Meltemi, a sleek catamaran.The crossing takes two days, after which the ship spends a week weaving through the archipelago.





The key reason tour operators expect a rise in visitors to the UK in 2017 will be painfully obvious to Britons.“Even the 1 per cent love a good deal and, post-Brexit, it's never been cheaper for North Americans to head to the UK,” says Norman Howe of Toronto-based Butterfield & Robinson.

旅游經(jīng)營者預期2017年赴英游客數(shù)量會上升,主要原因對英國人來說是既苦澀又顯而易見:“甚至1%的富豪都喜歡劃算買賣,英國脫歐后,美國人與加拿大人到英國購物可謂史上最便宜,”總部位于多倫多的Butterfield & Robinson旅行社CEO Norman Howe說。

As well as the fall in value of sterling, he suggests television series Downton Abbey and The Crown have generated a renewed fascination with Britain's heritage.“We are seeing particular interest in the Cotswolds, and will be developing both biking and walking itineraries for 2017.Soho Farmhouse is creating some buzz, along with various other new properties, especially the celebrated restaurant-cum-inns like the Wild Rabbit [in Kingham, Oxfordshire].”

除了英鎊貶值外,他暗示《唐頓莊園》與《王冠》成功引發(fā)了新的英國傳統(tǒng)文化遺產(chǎn)熱。“我們看到游客對英國西南的科茨沃爾德丘陵地帶情有獨鐘,2017年我們會開發(fā)相應的自行車與徒步行路線。Soho Farmhouse高檔酒店與風格各異的其它新開酒店讓游客流連忘返,位于牛津郡金厄姆、餐廳酒館兼?zhèn)涞闹巴镁频暧仁苡慰颓嗖A。

Scotland is also attracting growing overseas attention, both for its vibrant cities and mountain wildernesses.Luke Bailes, chief executive of Singita (which runs a dozen lodges in southern Africa) suggests visitors travel to see the conservation efforts being undertaken by Danish retail magnate Anders Holch Povlsen on the Glen Feshie Estate in the CairngorMs..

蘇格蘭以生機勃勃的城市與荒涼寂寥的山野風光同樣吸引海外游客紛至沓來。頂級酒店Singita總經(jīng)理Luke Bailes建議游客造訪凱恩戈姆斯,實地感受丹麥零售巨擎Anders Holch Povlsen傾情改造格倫菲斯莊園的效果。

“They are making a profound difference, on a significant scale — replanting forests and reducing deer numbers in order to restore a balanced ecosystem and revert to what the land looked like some 200 years ago,” says Bailes.Visitors can stay at Povlsen's Killiehuntly Farmhouse, near Kingussie, where the bedrooMs.are in chic “Scandi-Scot” style.

“莊園修葺后面貌煥然一新——重新植樹造林與減少鹿群數(shù)量,目的是恢復生態(tài)系統(tǒng)以及重現(xiàn)大約200年前的原貌?!必惾R斯說。游客可下榻金尤西附近、波弗爾森名下的特色古堡農(nóng)莊Killiehuntly Farmhouse,農(nóng)莊臥室是獨具特色的“北歐+蘇格蘭”風情。



歌手Katy Perry受邀于聯(lián)合國兒童基金會,來到馬達加斯加,呼吁世界對這里婦女和兒童的關注。如今馬達加斯加的部分地區(qū)已經(jīng)成為高端度假勝地。

Christopher Wilmot-Sitwell of Cazenove and Loyd is one of several tour operators excited about the April opening of Miavana, a private island retreat just off Madagascar's north coast.It will offer lavish beach villas, designed by the team behind the Seychelles' North Island, alongside activities such as trekking, fishing, diving and kite surfing.

Christopher Wilmot-Sitwell是倫敦旅行社Cazenove+Loyd的聯(lián)合創(chuàng)始人,幾位贊不絕口Miavana私人度假小島的旅游經(jīng)營者中,他是其中之一。Miavana距馬達加斯加北部海岸近在咫尺,將于今年四月正式投入運營。Miavana屆時會推出超奢華的海灘別墅(打造者就是塞舌爾北島的設計團隊),此外還有徒步旅行、垂釣、潛水以及風箏沖浪等旅游項目。

But moreover, it is being seen as a marker of Madagascar's arrival as an upmarket destination rather than simply one for backpackers.“Miavana is not just one lodge, it is a sign of the times,” says Wilmot-Sitwell.Access has become easier after SA Airlink launched direct flights this year from Johannesburg to Nosy Be, Madagascar's key tourist area and close to some of the Indian Ocean's finest beaches.




“For the past couple of years the buzz has all been about Myanmar,” says George Morgan-Grenville, “but there's been a shift and it's migrating east to Cambodia.” Interest focuses on the coast and islands — the so-called “Cambodian riviera” — where a growing number of glamorous hotels are opening, offering the chance for a beach break after visiting Phnom Penh and the temples of Siem Reap.


“It makes a truly memorable combination,” says Jarrod Kyte of Steppes.He suggests staying at the recently opened Phum Baitang hotel at Siem Reap (where Angelina Jolie stayed while filming First They Killed My Father, due for release in 2017 and likely to garner further attention for the country), then taking the recently relaunched train from Phnom Penh to Sihanoukville, the jumping off point for the beaches and islands.

“如此完美搭配讓游客永生難忘?!盨teppes旅行社產(chǎn)品總監(jiān)Jarrod Kyte說。他建議游客下榻暹粒新近運營的蓬拜堂豪華酒店(安吉麗娜·朱莉執(zhí)拍《他們先殺死了我的父親》一片時一直入住于此,該片將于今年公映,該片有望讓柬埔寨獲得更大知名度),然后乘坐重新開通的火車從金邊前往西哈努克城,那是游覽美麗海灘與島嶼的理想出發(fā)點。

Song Saa Private Island was the first luxury hotel in the area when it opened in December 2011, but it's now being joined by others including an Alila Villas resort, due to launch in August close to a 2km-long beach on Koh Russey island, and a Six Senses resort scheduled for a December opening on the pristine 30-acre Krabey Island.

頌薩私人島酒店2011年12月正式運營時,是西哈努克城首家奢華酒店,但如今更多豪華酒店投入運營,其中就包括將于今年8月運營的Alila Villas度假別墅與12月正式投入運營的Six Senses度假酒店。前者毗鄰Koh Russey島一段2000米長的迷人海灘,后者則是建在占地30公頃的原生態(tài)小島甲米島上。

9.New Zealand/新西蘭


While some travellers will always yearn for the new and exotic, a sobering trend of 2016 and 2017 has been the retreat to “safe haven” destinations.“Basically anywhere travellers perceive there's no risk from Isis-linked terrorism is doing well — so Latin America, the Himalayas, the Canaries,” says Tim Greening of KE Adventure.

雖說有些游客常喜歡尋求新奇與異域風情的旅游目的地,但2016與2017年的“王道”卻一直是回歸“安全至上”的旅游。“總得說來,在游客認為無伊斯蘭國恐襲之虞的所有國家(地區(qū)),旅游業(yè)都是良性發(fā)展——拉美、喜馬拉雅山麓國家以及加那利群島莫不如此。”KE Adventure旅行社負責人Tim Greening說。

New Zealand is perhaps the prime example, but it's also benefiting from a wave of new accommodation combining luxury and remote wilderness locations as well as much-improved flight connections on American Airlines, United and Air New Zealand.“Together they have essentially doubled the flight offerings from North America — we're seeing New Zealand continue to boom,” says Norman Howe.

新西蘭也許是最佳例子,但它除了受益于美航、美國聯(lián)合航空公司以及新西蘭航空公司新辟航線外,還從大量新建度假地(它們把奢華酒店與人跡罕至的荒野地帶巧妙結合)大獲其利?!氨泵乐列挛魈m的航班數(shù)大約增加了一倍——我們看到新西蘭旅游持續(xù)火爆,”Norman Howe說。

Recent openings include Helena Bay, which launched in November, a collection of lavish two and three-bed villas overlooking the beach and surrounded by 800 acres of fields and forests, and Marlborough Lodge, a 10-bedroom boutique hotel in the heart of the Marlborough wine region.The British and Irish Lions rugby tour in June and July, and the World Masters Games in April, will also boost visitor numbers and generate overseas television coverage.

新近開放的度假區(qū)包括去年11月投入運營的海倫娜灣與馬爾堡酒店。前者是俯瞰海灘美景的2臥及3臥豪華別墅群,800公頃原野與森林圍繞四周;后者則是建于馬爾堡葡萄酒種植區(qū)腹地的一家10臥高端酒店。英國The British and Irish Lions橄欖球隊每年6、7月的巡回賽以及每年4月舉行的世界老運動員運動會也吸引了大量游客,并且增加了海外電視轉播收入。




Mirziyoyev, like Bealby, has identified wealthy baby-boomers as an important target market.


safari [s?'fɑ?r?]


Entry fees for safari parks have been cut, and in some cases abolished for children.


bucket list


“This is on my personal bucket list,” says George Morgan-Grenville of Red Savannah.

“安達曼群島是本人夢寐以求之地?!盧ed Savannah 旅行社創(chuàng)始人喬治·摩根-格林維爾說。

upmarket ['?p,mɑ:kit]


But moreover, it is being seen as a marker of Madagascar's arrival as an upmarket destination rather than simply one for backpackers.


in a quandary


After the rescue operations were completed, tourists found themselves in a quandary.



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