Look-and-Say words
Sound-and-Say words
bus held
please pipe
thank miss
1. One day Mother let Eve go with her in the bus, to see the shops. Pete, her playmate, went with them.
2. Eve and Pete liked the shops.
3. "Wait here for me," said Mother, "while I go into this shop to get a cake for each of you."
4. Pete held Eve by the hand, till Mother came out of the shop with the cakes.
5. "I hope you will like these," she said.
Thank you, said the chums, "they are nice."
6. "The bus is due to take us home," said Mother. "We must not miss it. Here it is!"
7. "Come, Eve and Pete. Take your seats."
8. As they drove home, Mother told Eve that she had a gift for Dad in her bag. It was a pipe.
9. "Oh, please let me give it to him, Mother," said Eve.
10. Dad was so glad when he got the pipe. "Thank you," he said. "I shall use it at once."