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【演講者及介紹】Kate Darling

凱特·達(dá)林(Kate Darling)——機(jī)器人倫理學(xué)家,研究人類與機(jī)器人之間的關(guān)系。



Translation by psjmz mz. Reviewed by XinranBi.


There was a day, about 10 years ago, when Iasked a friend to hold a baby dinosaur robot upside down. It was this toycalled a Pleo that I had ordered, and I was really excited about it becauseI've always loved robots. And this one has really cool technical features. Ithad motors and touch sensors and it had an infrared camera. And one of thethings it had was a tilt sensor, so it knew what direction it was facing. Andwhen you held it upside down, it would start to cry. And I thought this wassuper cool, so I was showing it off to my friend, and I said, "Oh, hold itup by the tail. See what it does." So we're watching the theatrics of thisrobot struggle and cry out. And after a few seconds, it starts to bother me alittle, and I said, "OK, that's enough now. Let's put him back down."And then I pet the robot to make it stop crying.



And that was kind of a weird experience forme. For one thing, I wasn't the most maternal person at the time. Althoughsince then I've become a mother, nine months ago, and I've learned that babiesalso squirm when you hold them upside down.






But my response to this robot was alsointeresting because I knew exactly how this machine worked, and yet I stillfelt compelled to be kind to it. And that observation sparked a curiosity thatI've spent the past decade pursuing. Why did I comfort this robot? And one ofthe things I discovered was that my treatment of this machine was more thanjust an awkward moment in my living room, that in a world where we'reincreasingly integrating robots into our lives, an instinct like that mightactually have consequences, because the first thing that I discovered is thatit's not just me.



In 2007, the Washington Post reported thatthe United States military was testing this robot that defused land mines. Andthe way it worked was it was shaped like a stick insect and it would walkaround a minefield on its legs, and every time it stepped on a mine, one of thelegs would blow up, and it would continue on the other legs to blow up moremines. And the colonel who was in charge of this testing exercise ends upcalling it off, because, he says, it's too inhumane to watch this damaged robotdrag itself along the minefield. Now, what would cause a hardened militaryofficer and someone like myself to have this response to robots?

2007年,華盛頓郵報(bào)報(bào)道稱,美國(guó)軍方 正在測(cè)試拆除地雷的機(jī)器人。它的形狀就像一只竹節(jié)蟲,用腿在雷區(qū)上行走,每次踩到地雷時(shí),它的一條腿就會(huì)被炸掉,然后繼續(xù)用其他腿去引爆更多的地雷。負(fù)責(zé)這次測(cè)試的上校后來取消了這個(gè)測(cè)試,因?yàn)樗f,看著這個(gè)機(jī)器人拖著殘破的身軀在雷區(qū)掙扎行走,實(shí)在太不人道了。那么,是什么導(dǎo)致了一個(gè)強(qiáng)硬的軍官和像我這樣的人 對(duì)機(jī)器人有這種反應(yīng)呢?


Well, of course, we're primed by sciencefiction and pop culture to really want to personify these things, but it goes alittle bit deeper than that. It turns out that we're biologically hardwired toproject intent and life onto any movement in our physical space that seemsautonomous to us. So people will treat all sorts of robots like they're alive.These bomb-disposal units get names. They get medals of honor. They've hadfunerals for them with gun salutes. And research shows that we do this evenwith very simple household robots, like the Roomba vacuum cleaner.






It's just a disc that roams around yourfloor to clean it, but just the fact it's moving around on its own will cause peopleto name the Roomba and feel bad for the Roomba when it gets stuck under thecouch.






And we can design robots specifically toevoke this response, using eyes and faces or movements that peopleautomatically, subconsciously associate with states of mind. And there's anentire body of research called human-robot interaction that really shows howwell this works. So for example, researchers at Stanford University found outthat it makes people really uncomfortable when you ask them to touch a robot'sprivate parts.






So from this, but from many other studies,we know, we know that people respond to the cues given to them by theselifelike machines, even if they know that they're not real.



Now, we're headed towards a world whererobots are everywhere. Robotic technology is moving out from behind factorywalls. It's entering workplaces, households. And as these machines that cansense and make autonomous decisions and learn enter into these shared spaces, Ithink that maybe the best analogy we have for this is our relationship withanimals. Thousands of years ago, we started to domesticate animals, and wetrained them for work and weaponry and companionship. And throughout history,we've treated some animals like tools or like products, and other animals,we've treated with kindness and we've given a place in society as ourcompanions. I think it's plausible we might start to integrate robots insimilar ways.



And sure, animals are alive. Robots arenot. And I can tell you, from working with roboticists, that we're pretty faraway from developing robots that can feel anything. But we feel for them, andthat matters, because if we're trying to integrate robots into these sharedspaces, we need to understand that people will treat them differently thanother devices, and that in some cases, for example, the case of a soldier whobecomes emotionally attached to the robot that they work with, that can beanything from inefficient to dangerous. But in other cases, it can actually beuseful to foster this emotional connection to robots. We're already seeing somegreat use cases, for example, robots working with autistic children to engagethem in ways that we haven't seen previously, or robots working with teachersto engage kids in learning with new results. And it's not just for kids. Earlystudies show that robots can help doctors and patients in health care settings.



This is the PARO baby seal robot. It's usedin nursing homes and with dementia patients. It's been around for a while. AndI remember, years ago, being at a party and telling someone about this robot,and her response was, "Oh my gosh. That's horrible. I can't believe we'regiving people robots instead of human care." And this is a really commonresponse, and I think it's absolutely correct, because that would be terrible.But in this case, it's not what this robot replaces. What this robot replacesis animal therapy in contexts where we can't use real animals but we can userobots, because people will consistently treat them more like an animal than adevice.



Acknowledging this emotional connection torobots can also help us anticipate challenges as these devices move into moreintimate areas of people's lives. For example, is it OK if your child's teddybear robot records private conversations? Is it OK if your sex robot hascompelling in-app purchases?






Because robots plus capitalism equalsquestions around consumer protection and privacy.



And those aren't the only reasons that ourbehavior around these machines could matter. A few years after that firstinitial experience I had with this baby dinosaur robot, I did a workshop withmy friend Hannes Gassert. And we took five of these baby dinosaur robots and wegave them to five teams of people. And we had them name them and play with themand interact with them for about an hour. And then we unveiled a hammer and ahatchet and we told them to torture and kill the robots.

這些還不是我們對(duì)待這些機(jī)器人的行為之所以重要的唯一原因。在我第一次見到這只小恐龍機(jī)器人的幾年后,我和朋友漢內(nèi)斯· 加瑟特 開展了一次研討會(huì)。我們拿了5個(gè)小恐龍機(jī)器人,把它們分給5隊(duì)人。我們讓他們?yōu)樗鼈內(nèi)∶?,陪伴它們一起互?dòng)大約一個(gè)小時(shí)。然后我們拿出了斧頭和錘子讓他們?nèi)フ勰ズ蜌⑺罊C(jī)器人。





And this turned out to be a little moredramatic than we expected it to be, because none of the participants would evenso much as strike these baby dinosaur robots, so we had to improvise a little,and at some point, we said, "OK, you can save your team's robot if youdestroy another team's robot."






And even that didn't work. They couldn't doit. So finally, we said, "We're going to destroy all of the robots unlesssomeone takes a hatchet to one of them." And this guy stood up, and hetook the hatchet, and the whole room winced as he brought the hatchet down onthe robot's neck, and there was this half-joking, half-serious moment ofsilence in the room for this fallen robot.






So that was a really interestingexperience. Now, it wasn't a controlled study, obviously, but it did lead tosome later research that I did at MIT with Palash Nandy and Cynthia Breazeal,where we had people come into the lab and smash these HEXBUGs that move aroundin a really lifelike way, like insects. So instead of choosing something cutethat people are drawn to, we chose something more basic, and what we found wasthat high-empathy people would hesitate more to hit the HEXBUGS.

那真是一個(gè)有趣的體驗(yàn)。它不是一個(gè)對(duì)照實(shí)驗(yàn),顯然不是,但這引發(fā)了我后來在麻省理工跟帕拉什 · 南迪和 辛西婭 · 布雷西亞爾做的研究,我們讓來到實(shí)驗(yàn)室的人們打碎這些 像活生生的昆蟲那樣移動(dòng)的遙控電子甲蟲。與選擇人們喜歡的可愛東西相比,我們選擇了一些更基本的東西,我們發(fā)現(xiàn)富有同情心的人們?cè)趽羲檫@些機(jī)器昆蟲時(shí)要更加猶豫。


Now this is just a little study, but it'spart of a larger body of research that is starting to indicate that there maybe a connection between people's tendencies for empathy and their behavioraround robots. But my question for the coming era of human-robot interaction isnot: "Do we empathize with robots?" It's: "Can robots changepeople's empathy?" Is there reason to, for example, prevent your childfrom kicking a robotic dog, not just out of respect for property, but becausethe child might be more likely to kick a real dog?



And again, it's not just kids. This is theviolent video games question, but it's on a completely new level because ofthis visceral physicality that we respond more intensely to than to images on ascreen. When we behave violently towards robots, specifically robots that aredesigned to mimic life, is that a healthy outlet for violent behavior or isthat training our cruelty muscles? We don't know ... But the answer to thisquestion has the potential to impact human behavior, it has the potential toimpact social norms, it has the potential to inspire rules around what we canand can't do with certain robots, similar to our animal cruelty laws. Becauseeven if robots can't feel, our behavior towards them might matter for us. Andregardless of whether we end up changing our rules, robots might be able tohelp us come to a new understanding of ourselves.

并且,這不只適用于兒童。這是一個(gè)關(guān)于暴力游戲的問題,但這個(gè)問題上升到了一個(gè)全新的水平,因?yàn)檫@種出于本能的物質(zhì)性行為要比我們對(duì)屏幕上的圖像反應(yīng)更強(qiáng)烈。當(dāng)我們對(duì)機(jī)器人,對(duì)專門設(shè)計(jì)來模擬生命的機(jī)器人表現(xiàn)出暴力行徑時(shí),這是暴力行為的健康疏導(dǎo)還是在培養(yǎng)我們實(shí)施殘忍行徑的力量?我們還不知道… 但這個(gè)問題的答案有可能影響人類行為,它有可能影響社會(huì)規(guī)范,可能會(huì)啟發(fā)我們制定對(duì)特定機(jī)器人能做什么和不能做什么的規(guī)則,就類似于我們的動(dòng)物虐待法。因?yàn)榧幢銠C(jī)器人不能感知,我們對(duì)待它們的行為也可能對(duì)我們有著重要意義。不管我們是否最終會(huì)改變我們的規(guī)則,機(jī)器人也許能幫助我們對(duì)自己有一個(gè)全新的認(rèn)識(shí)。


Most of what I've learned over the past 10years has not been about technology at all. It's been about human psychologyand empathy and how we relate to others. Because when a child is kind to aRoomba, when a soldier tries to save a robot on the battlefield, or when agroup of people refuses to harm a robotic baby dinosaur, those robots aren'tjust motors and gears and algorithms. They're reflections of our own humanity.



Thank you.






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