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【演講者及介紹】Eve Pearlman




翻譯 psjmz mz 校對 Jin Ge


So in the run-up to the 2016 election, Iwas, like most of us, watching the rise in discord and vitriol and nastiness inour public spaces. It was this crazy uptick in polarization. It was bothdisheartening and distressing. And so I started thinking, with a fellowjournalist, Jeremy Hay, about how we might practice our craft differently. Howwe might go to the heart of divides, to places of conflict, like journalistsalways have, but then, once there, do something really different. We knew wewanted to take the core tools of our craft -- careful vetting of information,diligent research, curiosity, a commitment to serving the public good -- toserving our democracy -- and do something new. And so we mapped out thisprocess, what we call dialogue journalism, for going to the heart of social andpolitical divides, and then, once there, building journalism-supportedconversations between people on opposite sides of polarizing issues.



But how actually to do this in a worldthat's so divided, so deeply divided -- when we live in a world in whichcousins and aunts and uncles can't talk to one another, when we often live inseparate and distinct news ecosystems, and when we reflexively and habituallymalign and dismiss those with whom we disagree? But we wanted to try. And soright after the 2016 election, in that time between the election and theinauguration, we partnered with the Alabama Media Group to do something reallydifferent. We brought 25 Trump supporters from Alabama together in conversationwith 25 Clinton supporters from California. And we brought them together in aclosed, moderated Facebook group that we kept open for a month. What we wantedto do was to give them a place to engage with genuine curiosity and openness.And we wanted to support them in building relationships, not just with eachother but with us as journalists. And then we wanted to supply facts andinformation -- facts and information that they could actually receive and processand use to undergird their conversations.

但如何在如此分裂,裂痕如此之深的世界中去做這樣的事? 當我們所處的世界 堂兄弟姐妹和他們的 父母不彼此交談,當我們常常生活在隔離 和不同的新聞生態(tài)系統(tǒng)中,并且當我們反射性地、習慣性地詆毀 和排斥那些與我們意見相左的人? 但我們?nèi)韵胍囋?。于是?016年大選后,在選舉和就職典禮之間那段時間,我們和阿拉巴馬媒體集團合作,做了一些非常不同的事情。我們從阿拉巴馬帶來了 25位川普的支持者,與來自加州的25位希拉里·克林頓的支持者進行對話。我們把他們放到一個封閉的有管理員的Facebook群組上,觀察了一個月。我們想要做的是給他們一個場所,保持真誠的好奇和開放態(tài)度。并且我們想要幫助他們建立關(guān)系,不僅在他們之間,并且和我們記者之間。然后我們想要提供事實和信息,讓他們可以節(jié)接受和思考,并可以用來增強他們的談資。


And so as a prelude to this conversation,the first step in what we call dialogue journalism, we asked what they thoughtthe other side thought of them. So when we asked the Trump supporters fromAlabama what they thought the Clinton supporters in California thought of them,this is some of what they said. "They think we are religious Biblethumpers." "That we're backwards and hickish, and stupid.""They think that we all have Confederate flags in our yards, that we'reracist and sexist and uneducated." "They think we're barefoot andpregnant, with dirt driveways." "And they think we're all prissybutts and that we walk around in hoop skirts with cotton fields in thebackground."



And then we asked that same question of theCalifornians: "What do you think the Alabamians think about you?" Andthey said this: "That we're crazy, liberal Californians." "Thatwe're not patriotic." "We're snobby and we're elitist.""We're godless and we're permissive with our children." "Andthat we're focused on our careers, not our family." "That we'reelitist, pie-in-the-sky intellectuals, rich people, Whole Foods-eating, very outof touch."



So by asking questions like this at thestart of every conversation and by identifying and sharing stereotypes, we findthat people -- people on all sides -- begin to see the simplistic and oftenmean-spirited caricatures they carry. And in that -- after that, we can moveinto a process of genuine conversation.



So in the two years since that launch --California/Alabama Project -- we've gone on to host dialogues and partnershipswith media organizations across the country. And they've been about some of ourmost contentious issues: guns, immigration, race, education. And what we found,remarkably, is that real dialogue is in fact possible. And that when given achance and structure around doing so, many, not all, but many of our fellow citizensare eager to engage with the other.



Too often journalists have sharpeneddivides in the name of drama or readership or in service to our own views. Andtoo often we've gone to each side quoting a partisan voice on one side and apartisan voice on the other with a telling anecdotal lead and a pithy finalquote, all of which readers are keen to mine for bias. But our dialogue-basedprocess has a slower pace and a different center. And our work is guided by theprinciple that dialogue across difference is essential to a functioningdemocracy, and that journalism and journalists have a multifaceted role t記者常常激化分歧,以因為戲劇化,迎合讀者口味 或做出一些主觀臆斷更吸引眼球。我們常常站在兩派的立場上,一邊引用一個黨派的聲音,另一邊引用另一個黨派的聲音,并加上軼事式的開場和精辟的結(jié)束語,所有的讀者都熱衷于挖掘偏見。但是,我們基于對話的過程節(jié)奏較慢,而且主題繁雜。我們的工作是基于這個原則:直面差異的對話對民主很關(guān)鍵,新聞業(yè)和記者可以發(fā)揮多方面的作用進行支持。o play in supporting that.


So how do we work? At every stage, we're astransparent as possible about our methods and our motives. At every stage, wetake time to answer people's questions -- explain why we're doing what we'redoing. We tell people that it's not a trap: no one's there to tell you you're stupid,no one's there to tell you your experience doesn't matter. And we always askfor a really different sort of behavior, a repatterning away from the reflexivename-calling, so entrenched in our discourse that most of us, on all sides,don't even notice it anymore.



So people often come into our conversationsa bit angrily. They say things like, "How can you believe X?" and"How can you read Y?" and "Can you believe that thishappened?" But generally, in this miracle that delights us every time,people begin to introduce themselves. And they begin to explain who they areand where they come from, and they begin to ask questions of one another. Andslowly, over time, people circle back again and again to difficult topics, eachtime with a little more empathy, a little more nuance, a little more curiosity.And our journalists and moderators work really hard to support this becauseit's not a debate, it's not a battle, it's not a Sunday morning talk show. It'snot the flinging of talking points. It's not the stacking of memes and gifs orarticles with headlines that prove a point. And it's not about scoringpolitical victories with question traps.



So what we've learned is that our state ofdiscord is bad for everyone. It is a deeply unhappy state of being. And peopletell us this again and again. They say they appreciate the chance to engagerespectfully, with curiosity and with openness, and that they're glad andrelieved for a chance to put down their arms. And so we do our work in directchallenge to the political climate in our country right now, and we do itknowing that it is difficult, challenging work to hold and support people inopposing backgrounds in conversation. And we do it knowing democracy depends onour ability to address our shared problems together. And we do this work byputting community at the heart of our journalistic process, by putting our egosto the side to listen first, to listen deeply, to listen around and through ourown biases, our own habits of thought, and to support others in doing the same.And we do this work knowing that journalism as an institution is struggling,and that it has always had a role to play and will continue to have a role toplay in supporting the exchange of ideas and views.



For many of the participants in our groups,there are lasting reverberations. Many people have become Facebook friends andin-real-life friends too, across political lines. After we closed that firstTrump/Clinton project, about two-thirds of the women went on to form their ownFacebook group and they chose a moderator from each state and they continue totalk about difficult and challenging issues. People tell us again and againthat they're grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this work, gratefulto know that people on the other side aren't crazy, grateful that they've had achance to connect with people they wouldn't have otherwise talked to.



A lot of what we've seen and learned,despite the fact that we call ourselves Spaceship Media, is not at all rocketscience. If you call people names, if you label them, if you insult them, theyare not inclined to listen to you. Snark doesn't help, shame doesn't help,condescension doesn't help. Genuine communication takes practice and effort andrestraint and self-awareness. There isn't an algorithm to solve where we are.Because real human connection is in fact real human connection. So lead withcuriosity, emphasize discussion not debate, get out of your silo, because realconnection across difference ... this is a salve that our democracy sorelyneeds.



Thank you.






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