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【演講人及介紹】Kathryn Bouskill

人類學(xué)家,社會(huì)科學(xué)家凱思琳·布斯基爾(Kathryn Bouskill)的工作探索了我們的健康如何被我們的生物學(xué)以及行為和文化背景所塑造。



翻譯者 Lipeng Chen 校對(duì) Jiasi Hao


Do you ever wonder why we're surroundedwith things that help us do everything faster and faster and faster?Communicate faster, but also work faster, bank faster, travel faster, find adate faster, cook faster, clean faster and do all of it all at the same time?How do you feel about cramming even more into every waking hour?



Well, to my generation of Americans, speedfeels like a birthright. Sometimes I think our minimum speed is Mach 3.Anything less, and we fear losing our competitive edge. But even my generationis starting to question whether we're the masters of speed or if speed ismastering us.

對(duì)于我這一代美國(guó)人來(lái)說(shuō),速度就像是與生俱來(lái)的權(quán)利。有時(shí),我覺得我們的最低速度就是 3 馬赫(3 倍音速,形容速度很快)。如果慢一點(diǎn),我們就會(huì)擔(dān)心失去我們的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)優(yōu)勢(shì)。但是,甚至我這一代也開始反問(wèn)到底我們是速度的主人,還是速度在主宰著我們。


I'm an anthropologist at the RandCorporation, and while many anthropologists study ancient cultures, I focus onmodern day cultures and how we're adapting to all of this change happening inthe world. Recently, I teamed up with an engineer, Seifu Chonde, to studyspeed. We were interested both in how people are adapting to this age ofacceleration and its security and policy implications. What could our worldlook like in 25 years if the current pace of change keeps accelerating? Whatwould it mean for transportation, or learning, communication, manufacturing,weaponry or even natural selection? Will a faster future make us more secureand productive? Or will it make us more vulnerable?

我是蘭德公司的一名人類學(xué)家,盡管許多人類學(xué)家研究古代文化,而我研究的是當(dāng)代文化,以及我們?nèi)绾芜m應(yīng)現(xiàn)在世界上正在發(fā)生的諸多變化。最近,我和工程師賽孚· 康德 在一起研究速度。我們對(duì)人類如何適應(yīng) 這個(gè)加速的時(shí)代 以及它的安全性 和政策建議非常感興趣。如果現(xiàn)在改變的步伐持續(xù)加速,那么我們的世界在 25 年后會(huì)變成什么樣子?對(duì)于交通,或是學(xué)習(xí)、通訊、制造、武器、甚至是自然選擇來(lái)說(shuō),這意味著什么?一個(gè)更快的未來(lái)會(huì)讓我們更安全、更有生產(chǎn)力嗎?還是會(huì)讓我們更脆弱?


In our research, people acceptedacceleration as inevitable, both the thrills and the lack of control. They fearthat if they were to slow down, they might run the risk of becoming obsolete.They say they'd rather burn out than rust out. Yet at the same time, they worrythat speed could erode their cultural traditions and their sense of home. Buteven people who are winning at the speed game admit to feeling a little uneasy.They see acceleration as widening the gap between the haves, the jet-setterswho are buzzing around, and the have-nots, who are left in the digital dust.

在我們的研究中,人們接受加速并將其視為不可避免的,既興奮,但又有失控之感。他們害怕如果他們慢下來(lái)了,就會(huì)面臨被淘汰的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)。他們說(shuō)他們寧愿累死也不愿意被淘汰。然而,在同時(shí),他們擔(dān)心速度會(huì)侵蝕他們的文化傳統(tǒng) 以及家庭觀念。但甚至是那些贏得了 速度賽跑的人們 也承認(rèn)他們感到一絲不安。他們認(rèn)為這種加速擴(kuò)大了 那些坐私人飛機(jī)四處環(huán)游的富人 和那些被覆蓋在 電子塵埃中的窮人之間的差距。


Yes, we have good reason to forecast thatthe future will be faster, but what I've come to realize is that speed isparadoxical, and like all good paradoxes, it teaches us about the human experience,as absurd and complex as it is.



The first paradox is that we love speed,and we're thrilled by its intensity. But our prehistoric brains aren't reallybuilt for it, so we invent roller coasters and race cars and supersonic planes,but we get whiplash, carsick, jet-lagged. We didn't evolve to multitask.Rather, we evolved to do one thing with incredible focus, like hunt -- notnecessarily with great speed but with endurance for great distance. But nowthere's a widening gap between our biology and our lifestyles, a mismatchbetween what our bodies are built for and what we're making them do. It's aphenomenon my mentors have called "Stone Agers in the fast lane."






A second paradox of speed is that it can bemeasured objectively. Right? Miles per hour, gigabytes per second. But howspeed feels, and whether we like it, is highly subjective. So we can documentthat the pace at which we are adopting new technologies is increasing. Forexample, it took 85 years from the introduction of the telephone to when themajority of Americans had phones at home. In contrast, it only took 13 yearsfor most of us to have smartphones. And how people act and react to speedvaries by culture and among different people within the same culture.Interactions that could be seen as pleasantly brisk and convenient in somecultures could be seen as horribly rude in others. I mean, you wouldn't goasking for a to-go cup at a Japanese tea ceremony so you could jet off to yournext tourist stop. Would you?

第二個(gè)關(guān)于速度的矛盾在于速度是用客觀標(biāo)準(zhǔn)來(lái)衡量的。對(duì)吧?每小時(shí)幾英里,每秒多少千兆字節(jié)。但是對(duì)于速度的感知,以及我們是否喜歡速度,都是高度主觀的。我們的文件記錄到:我們采用新技術(shù)的速度正在加快。例如,從電話問(wèn)世到大多數(shù)美國(guó)家庭擁有電話花了 85 年的時(shí)間。相反,我們中大部分擁有智能手機(jī)只花了 13 年的時(shí)間。人們?nèi)绾螒?yīng)對(duì)這種速度對(duì)于不同文化,以及對(duì)于同一文化中的不同人來(lái)說(shuō)都存在差異。在某些文化中被視為輕松活躍的互動(dòng)可能在某些文化看來(lái)是相當(dāng)粗魯?shù)?。我想說(shuō)的是,你不會(huì)在日本茶道儀式上要一杯外帶的茶,以便趕快到達(dá)下一個(gè)旅游景點(diǎn)吧。你會(huì)這么做嗎?


A third paradox is that speed begets speed.The faster I respond, the more responses I get, the faster I have to respondagain. Having more communication and information at our fingertips at any givenmoment was supposed to make decision-making easier and more rational. But thatdoesn't really seem to be happening.



Here's just one more paradox: If all ofthese faster technologies were supposed to free us from drudgery, why do we allfeel so pressed for time? Why are we crashing our cars in record numbers,because we think we have to answer that text right away? Shouldn't life in thefast lane feel a little more fun and a little less anxious? German speakerseven have a word for this: "Eilkrankheit." In English, that's"hurry sickness." When we have to make fast decisions, autopilotbrain kicks in, and we rely on our learned behaviors, our reflexes, ourcognitive biases, to help us perceive and respond quickly. Sometimes that savesour lives, right? Fight or flight. But sometimes, it leads us astray in thelong run.



Oftentimes, when our society has majorfailures, they're not technological failures. They're failures that happen whenwe made decisions too quickly on autopilot. We didn't do the creative orcritical thinking required to connect the dots or weed out false information ormake sense of complexity. That kind of thinking can't be done fast. That's slowthinking. Two psychologists, Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, started pointingthis out back in 1974, and we're still struggling to do something with theirinsights.

很多時(shí)候,我們的社會(huì)出現(xiàn)的嚴(yán)重問(wèn)題 并不是技術(shù)性失誤,而是當(dāng)我們依賴反射 快速做出決定時(shí) 而造成的錯(cuò)誤。我們沒有進(jìn)行必要的 創(chuàng)造性或批判性思考,連接信息節(jié)點(diǎn),濾除錯(cuò)誤信息,厘清復(fù)雜狀況。這種思考模式是不能快速完成的。這是慢思考。兩位心理學(xué)家,丹尼爾· 卡尼曼 和阿莫斯 · 特沃斯基 在 1974 年就指出了這一點(diǎn),而我們?nèi)栽谒麄兊亩匆娤聮暝?/p>


All of modern history can be thought of asone spurt of acceleration after another. It's as if we think if we just speedup enough, we can outrun our problems. But we never do. We know this in our ownlives, and policymakers know it, too. So now we're turning to artificialintelligence to help us make faster and smarter decisions to process thisever-expanding universe of data. But machines crunching data are no substitutefor critical and sustained thinking by humans, whose Stone Age brains need alittle time to let their impulses subside, to slow the mind and let thethoughts flow.

整段當(dāng)代歷史都可以被視為一場(chǎng)接一場(chǎng)的加速。就好像是我們覺得只要我們的速度夠快,我們的問(wèn)題就可以迎刃而解。但事實(shí)從來(lái)不是這樣的。我們從自己的生活中領(lǐng)悟到這一點(diǎn),政策制定者也知道這一點(diǎn)。如今,我們正寄希望于人工智能幫助我們做出更快、更聰明的決策,來(lái)處理這體量不斷擴(kuò)大的數(shù)據(jù)。但是依靠機(jī)器分析數(shù)據(jù)并非是人類進(jìn)行批判性和可持續(xù)思考 的替代品,我們的石器時(shí)代大腦 需要一些時(shí)間來(lái)平息沖動(dòng),來(lái)放慢思考,來(lái)讓思想發(fā)展。


If you're starting to think that we shouldjust hit the brakes, that won't always be the right solution. We all know thata train that's going too fast around a bend can derail, but Seifu, theengineer, taught me that a train that's going too slowly around a bend can alsoderail.

如果你開始考慮——我們就應(yīng)該立即停下腳步,這并不總是正確的解決方案。我們都知道在彎道處開得太快的火車會(huì)脫軌,但是工程師賽孚告訴我在彎道 開得太慢的火車也會(huì)脫軌。


So managing this spurt of accelerationstarts with the understanding that we have more control over speed than wethink we do, individually and as a society. Sometimes, we'll need to engineerourselves to go faster. We'll want to solve gridlock, speed up disaster relieffor hurricane victims or use 3-D printing to produce what we need on the spot,just when we need it. Sometimes, though, we'll want to make our surroundingsfeel slower to engineer the crash out of the speedy experience. And it's OK notto be stimulated all the time. It's good for adults and for kids. Maybe it'sboring, but it gives us time to reflect. Slow time is not wasted time.

所以要掌控這種加速度,需要從一個(gè)正確的認(rèn)識(shí)開始——我們對(duì)速度的控制能力超乎想象,不論是個(gè)體還是整個(gè)社會(huì)。有時(shí),我們需要工程師更快一點(diǎn)。我們想要解決交通堵塞問(wèn)題,加快颶風(fēng)災(zāi)民的災(zāi)后安置,或僅僅在我們需要某個(gè)東西的時(shí)候利用 3D 打印現(xiàn)場(chǎng)生產(chǎn)。但有時(shí),我們卻想讓周遭慢下來(lái),處理速度帶來(lái)的雜亂無(wú)章。我們完全可以不用時(shí)時(shí)刻刻都緊繃著。這對(duì)成人還有兒童來(lái)說(shuō)都很好。也許這很無(wú)聊,但是這給了我們時(shí)間去反思。放慢速度不是浪費(fèi)時(shí)間。


And we need to reconsider what it means tosave time. Culture and rituals around the world build in slowness, becauseslowness helps us reinforce our shared values and connect. And connection is acritical part of being human. We need to master speed, and that means thinkingcarefully about the trade-offs of any given technology. Will it help youreclaim time that you can use to express your humanity? Will it give you hurrysickness? Will it give other people hurry sickness? If you're lucky enough todecide the pace that you want to travel through life, it's a privilege. Use it.You might decide that you need both to speed up and to create slow time: timeto reflect, to percolate at your own pace; time to listen, to empathize, torest your mind, to linger at the dinner table.



So as we zoom into the future, let'sconsider setting the technologies of speed, the purpose of speed and ourexpectations of speed to a more human pace.



Thank you.






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