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【演講者及介紹】Safeena Husain

社會(huì)企業(yè)家Safeena Husain與南美洲、非洲和亞洲的農(nóng)村和城市服務(wù)不足的社區(qū)進(jìn)行了廣泛的合作?;氐接《群螅x擇了最貼近自己內(nèi)心的議程——女童教育——并創(chuàng)立了“女童教育”。



翻譯者Jiasi Hao 校對(duì)者 psjmz mz


The world today has many problems. Andthey're all very complicated and interconnected and difficult. But there issomething we can do. I believe that girls' education is the closest thing wehave to a silver bullet to help solve some of the world's most difficultproblems. But you don't have to take my word for it.



The World Bank says that girls' educationis one of the best investments that a country can make. It helps to positivelyimpact nine of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Everything from health,nutrition, employment -- all of these are positively impacted when girls areeducated. Additionally, climate scientists have recently rated girls' educationat number six out of 80 actions to reverse global warming. At number six, it'srated higher than solar panels and electric cars.

世界銀行說(shuō),對(duì)一個(gè)國(guó)家而言,女童教育是最好的投資之一。它能夠積極地影響17個(gè)可持續(xù)發(fā)展目標(biāo)中的9個(gè)目標(biāo)。一切事情,健康、營(yíng)養(yǎng)、就業(yè)——當(dāng)女孩們得到教育,所有這些都能被積極地影響,另外,氣候科學(xué)家最近將女童教育排在 逆轉(zhuǎn)全球變暖的80項(xiàng)舉措中的第6位。這個(gè)排名比太陽(yáng)能板和電動(dòng)汽車還要高。


And that's because when girls are educated,they have smaller families, and the resulting reduction in population reducescarbon emissions significantly. But more than that, you know, it's a problem wehave to solve once. Because an educated mother is more than twice as likely toeducate her children. Which means that by doing it once, we can close thegender and literacy gap forever.



I work in India, which has made incredibleprogress in bringing elementary education for all. However, we still have fourmillion out-of-school girls, one of the highest in the world. And girls are outof school because of, obviously poverty, social, cultural factors. But there'salso this underlying factor of mindset. I have met a girl whose name was NaraazNath. Naaraaz means angry. And when I asked her, "Why is your name 'angry'?"she said, "Because everybody was so angry when a girl was born."Another girl called Antim Bala, which means the last girl. Because everybodyhoped that would be the last girl to be born. A girl called Aachuki. It meanssomebody who has arrived. Not wanted, but arrived. And it is this mindset thatkeeps girls from school or completing their education. It's this belief that agoat is an asset and a girl is a liability.

我在印度工作,那里在全民初等教育的方面已經(jīng)取得了不可思議的進(jìn)步。但是,我們依舊有 400萬(wàn)失學(xué)女孩,是世界上失學(xué)女童人數(shù)最多的國(guó)家之一。女孩們失學(xué),顯然因?yàn)樨毨?,社?huì)和文化因素,但也有思維方式的根本性因素。我遇見過(guò)一個(gè)叫 Naraaz Nath 的女孩,“Naraaz”是“生氣”的意思。我問(wèn)她:“為什么你的名字有‘生氣’?”她說(shuō):“因?yàn)楫?dāng)出生的是女孩時(shí),每個(gè)人都很生氣。”另一個(gè)女孩叫 Antim Bala,意思是“最后一個(gè)女孩”。因?yàn)槊總€(gè)人都希望這是最后一個(gè)女兒。一個(gè)叫 Aachuki 的女孩,名字是“某人到達(dá)”的意思。不是“被需要”,而是“到達(dá)”。就是這樣的思維模式讓女童們失學(xué),或是無(wú)法完成學(xué)業(yè)。這樣的信念認(rèn)為:羊是資產(chǎn),女孩是負(fù)債。


My organization Educate Girls works tochange this. And we work in some of the most difficult, rural, remote andtribal villages. And how do we do it? We first and foremost find young,passionate, educated youth from the same villages. Both men and women. And wecall them Team Balika, balika just means the girl child, so this is a team thatwe are creating for the girl child. And so once we recruit our communityvolunteers, we train them, we mentor them, we hand-hold them. That's when ourwork starts. And the first piece we do is about identifying every single girlwho's not going to school.

我的組織“教育女童(Educate Girls)”旨在改變這個(gè)思維模式。我們?cè)谝恍┥顥l件最艱苦,最偏遠(yuǎn)的的村莊里工作。我們是怎么做的?首先就是要 尋找來(lái)自同一村莊的年輕、熱情,受過(guò)教育的年輕人,包括男性和女性。我們叫他們 Balika 團(tuán)隊(duì),Balika 是小女孩的意思,所以這是一個(gè)我們?yōu)榕瘎?chuàng)建的小組。一旦招到了社區(qū)志愿者,我們會(huì)訓(xùn)練他們,輔導(dǎo)他們,手把手教他們。我們的工作就此展開。第一步就是識(shí)別每個(gè)失學(xué)的女孩的身份。


But the way we do it is a little differentand high-tech, at least in my view. Each of our frontline staff have asmartphone. It has its own Educate Girls app. And this app has everything thatour team needs. It has digital maps of where they're going to be conducting thesurvey, it has the survey in it, all the questions, little guides on how bestto conduct the survey, so that the data that comes to us is in real time and isof good quality. So armed with this, our teams and our volunteers godoor-to-door to every single household to find every single girl who may eitherwe never enrolled or dropped out of school.

但是我們的方法有一些不同,我們使用了高科技手段,至少在我看來(lái)是這樣。我們每個(gè)前線的員工都有一個(gè)智能手機(jī),裝有我們組織的 app。這個(gè) app 能滿足我們團(tuán)隊(duì)所有的工作需要:它有數(shù)字地圖功能,可以顯示團(tuán)隊(duì)將開展調(diào)研的地方,它存有問(wèn)卷和所有的問(wèn)題,還會(huì)提供如何進(jìn)行最佳有效調(diào)查的指南,這樣一來(lái),高質(zhì)量的數(shù)據(jù)就能夠?qū)崟r(shí)地傳給我們。有了如此裝備,我們團(tuán)隊(duì)和志愿者們開始每家每戶登門拜訪,去尋找每個(gè)從未入學(xué)或半路輟學(xué)的女孩。


And because we have this data andtechnology piece, very quickly we can figure out who the girls are and wherethey are. Because each of our villages are geotagged, and we can actually buildthat information out very, very quickly. And so once we know where the girlsare, we actually start the process of bringing them back into school. And thatactually is just our community mobilization process, it starts with villagemeetings, neighborhood meetings, and as you see, individual counseling ofparents and families, to be able to bring the girls back into school. And thiscan take anything from a few weeks to a few months.



And once we bring the girls into the schoolsystem, we also work with the schools to make sure that schools have all thebasic infrastructure so that the girls will be able to stay. And this wouldinclude a separate toilet for girls, drinking water, things that will help themto be retained. But all of this would be useless if our children weren'tlearning. So we actually run a learning program. And this is a supplementarylearning program, and it's very, very important, because most of our childrenare first-generation learners. That means there's nobody at home to help themwith homework, there's nobody who can support their education. Their parentscan't read and write. So it's really, really key that we do the support of thelearning in the classrooms.



So this is essentially our model, in termsof finding, bringing the girls in, making sure that they're staying andlearning. And we know that our model works. And we know this because a mostrecent randomized control evaluation confirms its efficacy. Our evaluator foundthat over a three-year period Educate Girls was able to bring back 92 percentof all out-of-school girls back into school.

這就是我們整個(gè)項(xiàng)目的模型,從尋找失學(xué)女童,帶她們返回校園,到確保她們能夠留下并且學(xué)習(xí)。我們知道這個(gè)模型是有用的。我們知道,是因?yàn)橐粋€(gè)最近的隨機(jī)對(duì)照評(píng)估證實(shí)了模型的有效性。我們的評(píng)估人發(fā)現(xiàn),在三年中,"教育女童"幫助了 92% 的失學(xué)女孩返回校園。





And in terms of learning, our children'slearning went up significantly as compared to control schools. So much so, thatit was like an additional year of schooling for the average student. And that'senormous, when you think about a tribal child who's entering the school systemfor the first time.



So here we have a model that works; we knowit's scalable, because we are already functioning at 13,000 villages. We knowit's smart, because of the use of data and technology. We know that it'ssustainable and systemic, because we work in partnership with the community,it's actually led by the community. And we work in partnership with thegovernment, so there's no creation of a parallel delivery system. And sobecause we have this innovative partnership with the community, the government,this smart model, we have this big, audacious dream today. And that is to solvea full 40 percent of the problem of out-of-school girls in India in the nextfive years.

我們有一個(gè)有效的模型,而且我們知道這是可規(guī)?;?,因?yàn)槲覀円呀?jīng)在 13000 個(gè)村莊實(shí)行了該項(xiàng)目。而且在數(shù)據(jù)和技術(shù)的輔助下,我們的方法也是智能的。我們知道這是可持續(xù)且系統(tǒng)化的,因?yàn)槲覀兣c社區(qū)的合作事實(shí)上是由社區(qū)主導(dǎo)的。我們也和政府合作,因此沒有平行運(yùn)作系統(tǒng)的存在。正因?yàn)檫@種和社區(qū)、政府之間創(chuàng)新的合作關(guān)系和模型,我們今天才能大膽設(shè)想,在未來(lái)5年,解決 40% 的印度失學(xué)女童問(wèn)題。





And you're thinking, that's a little ...You know, how am I even thinking about doing that, because India is not a smallplace, it's a huge country. It's a country of over a billion people. We have650,000 villages. How is it that I'm standing here, saying that one smallorganization is going to solve a full 40 percent of the problem? And that'sbecause we have a key insight. And that is, because of our entire approach,with data and with technology, that five percent of villages in India have 40percent of the out-of-school girls. And this is a big, big piece of the puzzle.Which means, I don't have to work across the entire country. I have to work inthose five percent of the villages, about 35,000 villages, to actually be ableto solve a large piece of the problem. And that's really key, because thesevillages not only have high burden of out-of-school girls, but also a lot ofrelated indicators, right, like malnutrition, stunting, poverty, infantmortality, child marriage. So by working and focusing here, you can actuallycreate a large multiplier effect across all of these indicators. And it wouldmean that we would be able to bring back 1.6 million girls back into school.

你可能在想,這個(gè)數(shù)字并不大……然而,如果我告訴你,我甚至在想要如何完成這一目標(biāo),因?yàn)橛《炔皇且粋€(gè)小地方,而是一個(gè)大國(guó),是一個(gè)擁有十多億人口的大國(guó)。我們有 65 萬(wàn)個(gè)村莊。那么我現(xiàn)在站在這里,說(shuō)我們一個(gè)小小的組織將要解決整整 40% 的問(wèn)題,你又會(huì)作何感想?這是因?yàn)槲覀冇幸粋€(gè)關(guān)鍵的洞察,那就是,依靠我們這一整套和數(shù)據(jù)與技術(shù)相結(jié)合的方法,我們知道印度 5% 的村莊有 40% 的失學(xué)女童。這是整個(gè)拼圖中很大很大的一片。這意味著,我并不需要在整個(gè)國(guó)家實(shí)行該項(xiàng)目,只要集中精力在那 5% ,也就是大概 35000 個(gè)村莊,就能夠在實(shí)質(zhì)上解決大部分問(wèn)題。這真的很關(guān)鍵,因?yàn)檫@些村莊不僅背負(fù)著失學(xué)女童的重?fù)?dān),也同時(shí)面臨很多相關(guān)問(wèn)題,比如營(yíng)養(yǎng)不良,生長(zhǎng)遲緩,貧困,高嬰兒死亡率,和童婚。那么,通過(guò)聚焦工作于此,你實(shí)際上也可以在這些問(wèn)題指標(biāo)上創(chuàng)造很大的倍數(shù)效應(yīng)。這就意味著,我們能將 160 萬(wàn)女孩送進(jìn)校園。





I have to say, I have been doing this forover a decade, and I have never met a girl who said to me, you know, "Iwant to stay at home," "I want to graze the cattle," "Iwant to look after the siblings," "I want to be a child bride."Every single girl I meet wants to go to school. And that's what we really wantto do. We want to be able to fulfill those 1.6 million dreams.

我想說(shuō),我做這件事已經(jīng)超過(guò)十年了,我從來(lái)沒碰到過(guò)一個(gè)女孩說(shuō)“我想呆在家里”,“我想要放?!?,“我想要照看弟弟妹妹”,“我想要做兒童新娘”。每一個(gè)我遇到的女孩,都想要去學(xué)校。而這正是我們真正想要做的:我們想幫助 那 160 萬(wàn)女孩完成她們的夢(mèng)想。


And it doesn't take much. To find andenroll a girl with our model is about 20 dollars. To make sure that she islearning and providing a learning program, it's another 40 dollars. But todayis the time to do it. Because she is truly the biggest asset we have. I amSafeena Husain, and I educate girls.

這個(gè)項(xiàng)目的實(shí)施成本并不高。利用我們的模型,找到并注冊(cè)一個(gè)女孩的花費(fèi)只有約 20 美金。確保她在學(xué)習(xí)并且提供學(xué)習(xí)項(xiàng)目,只需要再花費(fèi) 40 美金。但今天就要開始行動(dòng)了。因?yàn)樗齻兇_實(shí)是我們擁有的最大的資產(chǎn)。我是 Safeena Husain,我以教育女童為己任。


Thank you.






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