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【演講者及介紹】Katharine Wilkinson

凱瑟琳?威爾金森 正在改變我們看待地球和與地球聯(lián)系的方式。作為一名作家和信使,她用人性和心靈迎接氣候變化的挑戰(zhàn),并號(hào)召我們?cè)谏钌鐓^(qū)中保持清醒,成為積極的參與者。



Translated by Yolanda Zhang. Reviewed by TED Translators Admin


There are two powerful phenomena unfolding on earth: the rise of global warming and the rise of women and girls. The link between them is often overlooked, but gender equity is a key answer to our planetary challenge. Let me explain.

地球上正在出現(xiàn)兩種強(qiáng)大的現(xiàn)象: 全球變暖的出現(xiàn) 以及婦女和女孩地位的提高。它們之間的聯(lián)系常常被忽視,但性別平等是應(yīng)對(duì)我們 全球挑戰(zhàn)的關(guān)鍵答案。我來解釋一下。


For the last few years, I have been working on an effort called "Project Drawdown." Our team has scoured humanity's wisdom for solutions to draw down heat-trapping, climate-changing emissions in the atmosphere -- not "someday, maybe, if we're lucky" solutions, the 80 best practices and technologies already in hand: clean, renewable energy, including solar and wind; green buildings, both new and retrofitted; efficient transportation from Brazil to China; thriving ecosystems through protection and restoration; reducing waste and reclaiming its value; growing food in good ways that regenerates soil; shifting diets to less meat, more plants; and equity for women and girls. Gender and climate are inextricably linked. Drawing down emissions depends on rising up.

在過去的幾年里,我一直在努力進(jìn)行一項(xiàng) 名為 “縮減項(xiàng)目” 的工作。我們的團(tuán)隊(duì)已經(jīng)探索了人類的智慧,試圖找到解決方案,以減少 大氣中的熱捕獲,導(dǎo)致氣候變化的 氣體排放—— 不是那種 “幸運(yùn)的話,問題 總會(huì)解決的” 的解決方案,我們已經(jīng)掌握了 80 種 最佳實(shí)踐和技術(shù): 清潔、可再生能源,包括太陽能和風(fēng)能; 綠色建筑,無論是 新建的還是改建的; 從巴西到中國的高效交通; 通過保護(hù)和恢復(fù)性措施 使生態(tài)系統(tǒng)蓬勃發(fā)展; 減少浪費(fèi),回收再利用; 以健康可持續(xù)的方式種植糧食; 將飲食轉(zhuǎn)向少肉、多素食; 讓婦女和女童享有平等的權(quán)利。性別與氣候密不可分。減少排放取決于其他因素的進(jìn)步。


First, a bit of context. We are in a situation of urgency, severity and scope never before faced by humankind. So far, our response isn't anywhere close to adequate. But you already know that. You know it in your gut, in your bones. We are each part of the planet's living systems, knitted together with almost 7.7 billion human beings and 1.8 million known species. We can feel the connections between us. We can feel the brokenness and the closing window to heal it. This earth, our home, is telling us that a better way of being must emerge, and fast.

首先給大家介紹一下 問題的大背景。我們正處在一個(gè)人類前所未有的 緊迫、嚴(yán)峻且影響廣泛的局勢(shì)中。到目前為止,我們的 應(yīng)對(duì)措施還遠(yuǎn)遠(yuǎn)不夠。但是你已經(jīng)知道了。你對(duì)這個(gè)問題的了解 深入骨髓。我們是地球生命系統(tǒng)的一部分,與將近 77 億人類 和 180 萬已知的物種交織在一起。我們可以感覺到我們之間的聯(lián)系。我們可以感覺到這種聯(lián)系的破碎 而且難以痊愈。這個(gè)地球,我們的家園,正在告訴我們,對(duì)一個(gè)更好的 生活方式的需求已經(jīng)迫在眉睫。


In my experience, to have eyes wide open is to hold a broken heart every day. It's a grief that I rarely speak, though my work calls on the power of voice. I remind myself that the heart can simply break, or it can break open. A broken-open heart is awake and alive and calls for action. It is regenerative, like nature, reclaiming ruined ground, growing anew. Life moves inexorably toward more life, toward healing, toward wholeness. That's a fundamental ecological truth. And we, all of us, we are life force.

根據(jù)我的經(jīng)驗(yàn),睜大眼睛,你會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn) 這個(gè)世界的變化讓你心碎。雖然我的工作依靠聲音的力量,但是這種悲傷卻難以言說。我提醒自己,人心很容易破碎,或者它可以因破碎而敞開。一顆破碎的,敞開的心是清醒的,鮮活的,不會(huì)無動(dòng)于衷。它是可再生的,就像大自然,讓受損的大地重新生長。生命無可阻擋地催生更多的生命,走向愈合,走向完整。這是一個(gè)基本的生態(tài)真理。而我們,我們所有人,我們都是生命力。


On the face of it, the primary link between women, girls and a warming world is not life but death. Awareness is growing that climate impacts hit women and girls hardest, given existing vulnerabilities. There is greater risk of displacement, higher odds of being injured or killed during a natural disaster. Prolonged drought can precipitate early marriage as families contend with scarcity. Floods can force last-resort prostitution as women struggle to make ends meet. The list goes on and goes wide. These dynamics are most acute under conditions of poverty, from New Orleans to Nairobi. Too often, the story ends here. But not today. Another empowering truth begs to be seen. If we gain ground on gender equity, we also gain ground on addressing global warming. This connection comes to light in three key areas, three areas where we can secure the rights of women and girls, shore up resilience and avert emissions at the same time.

從表面上看,婦女、女孩和 變暖的世界之間的主要聯(lián)系 不是生命,而是死亡。人們漸漸認(rèn)識(shí)到,鑒于現(xiàn)有的脆弱性,氣候影響 對(duì)婦女和女孩的沖擊最大。她們?cè)谧匀粸?zāi)害中 流離失所的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)更大,受傷或死亡的可能性更高。長期干旱會(huì)導(dǎo)致家庭因資源匱乏,從而促成早婚。洪水可能迫使婦女 被迫賣淫,以維持生計(jì)。這樣的例子不勝枚舉。從美國新奧爾良到肯尼亞內(nèi)羅畢,這些事件在貧困中最為突出。故事往往在這里結(jié)束,但是今天不同。另一個(gè)強(qiáng)大的真理也值得注意。如果我們?cè)谛詣e平等方面取得進(jìn)展,我們也能在應(yīng)對(duì) 全球變暖方面取得進(jìn)展。這種聯(lián)系凸顯在三個(gè)關(guān)鍵的領(lǐng)域—— 在這三個(gè)領(lǐng)域中,我們能夠 確保婦女和女孩的權(quán)利,增強(qiáng)抵御風(fēng)險(xiǎn)的能力,同時(shí)避免氣體排放。


Women are the primary farmers of the world. They produce 60 to 80 percent of food in lower-income countries, often operating on fewer than five acres. That's what the term "smallholder" means. Compared with men, women smallholders have less access to resources, including land rights, credit and capital, training, tools and technology. They farm as capably and efficiently as men, but this well-documented disparity in resources and rights means women produce less food on the same amount of land. Close those gaps, and farm yields rise by 20 to 30 percent. That means 20 to 30 percent more food from the same garden or the same field. The implications for hunger, for health, for household income -- they're obvious. Let's follow the thread to climate.

婦女是世界上主要的農(nóng)民。在低收入國家,她們生產(chǎn)了 60% 至 80% 的糧食,通常在不到 5 英畝的土地上經(jīng)營。這就是“小農(nóng)”這個(gè)術(shù)語的含義。與男性相比,女性小農(nóng)獲得資源,包括土地權(quán)、 信貸和資本、培訓(xùn)、 工具和技術(shù)的機(jī)會(huì)較少。她們能夠與男性一樣 干練和高效地耕作,但這種有據(jù)可查的 資源和權(quán)利差距 意味著女性在同樣面積的 土地上生產(chǎn)的糧食較少??s小這些差距,農(nóng)業(yè)產(chǎn)量就可以提高 20% 至 30%。這意味著同一花園或同一田地 會(huì)多出20% 到 30% 的食物。這一改變對(duì)饑餓、健康、 家庭收入的影響 是顯而易見的。我們?cè)倏纯礆夂騿栴}。


We humans need land to grow food. Unfortunately, forests are often cleared to supply it, and that causes emissions from deforestation. But if existing farms produce enough food, forests are less likely to be lost. So there's a ripple effect. Support women smallholders, realize higher yields, avoid deforestation and sustain the life-giving power of forests. Project Drawdown estimates that addressing inequity in agriculture could prevent two billion tons of emissions between now and 2050. That's on par with the impact household recycling can have globally. Addressing this inequity can also help women cope with the challenges of growing food as the climate changes. There is life force in cultivation.

我們?nèi)祟愋枰恋胤N植糧食。不幸的是,森林常常 被砍伐用作農(nóng)田,這就導(dǎo)致了因毀林 造成的氣體排放。但是,如果現(xiàn)有的農(nóng)場(chǎng)能夠生產(chǎn) 足夠的糧食,森林就不太可能被毀。所以存在一個(gè)漣漪效應(yīng)。支持女性小農(nóng)戶,實(shí)現(xiàn)更高的產(chǎn)量,避免砍伐森林,并維持森林賦予生命的力量?!翱s減項(xiàng)目”估計(jì),從現(xiàn)在到 2050 年。解決農(nóng)業(yè)中的不平等問題 可以防止 20 億噸的氣體排放。這相當(dāng)于全球家庭回收 所產(chǎn)生的影響。解決這種不平等問題 還可以幫助婦女 應(yīng)對(duì)氣候變化帶來的 糧食種植挑戰(zhàn)。耕作中也孕育著生命力。


At last count, 130 million girls are still denied their basic right to attend school. Gaps are greatest in secondary school classrooms. Too many girls are missing a vital foundation for life. Education means better health for women and their children, better financial security, greater agency at home and in society, more capacity to navigate a climate-changing world. Education can mean options, adaptability, strength. It can also mean lower emissions. For a variety of reasons, when we have more years of education, we typically choose to marry later and to have fewer children. So our families end up being smaller. What happens at the individual level adds up across the world and over time. One by one by one, the right to go to school impacts how many human beings live on this planet and impacts its living systems. That's not why girls should be educated. It's one meaningful outcome.

根據(jù)最近的一次統(tǒng)計(jì),仍然有1.3 億女孩 被剝奪了上學(xué)的基本權(quán)利。中學(xué)教室的差距最大。太多的女孩缺少 維持生活的重要基礎(chǔ)。教育意味著女性及其 子女會(huì)更加健康、 有更好的財(cái)政保障、 在家庭和社會(huì)中發(fā)揮更大的作用,更有能力在氣候不斷 變化的世界中生存。教育可以意味著選擇,適應(yīng)性,力量,也意味著更低的排放。由于種種原因,當(dāng)我們受到更多的教育,通常就會(huì)選擇晚婚,少生孩子,于是我們的家庭會(huì)變小。在個(gè)人層面上發(fā)生的事情會(huì)隨著 時(shí)間推移在世界范圍內(nèi)而累積起來。一個(gè)接一個(gè)的,上學(xué)的權(quán)利會(huì)影響到 有多少人生活在這個(gè)星球上,并影響到它的生命系統(tǒng)。這不是女孩應(yīng)該接受教育的原因。這是一個(gè)有意義的結(jié)果。


Education is one side of a coin. The other is family planning: access to high-quality, voluntary reproductive health care. To have children by choice rather than chance is a matter of autonomy and dignity. Yet in the US, 45 percent of pregnancies are unintended. Two hundred and fourteen million women in lower-income countries say they want to decide whether and when to become pregnant but aren't using contraception. Listening to women's needs, addressing those needs, advancing equity and well-being: those must be the aims of family planning, period. Curbing the growth of our human population is a side effect, though a potent one. It could dramatically reduce demand for food, transportation, electricity, buildings, goods and all the rest, thereby reducing emissions. Close the gaps on access to education and family planning, and by mid-century, we may find one billion fewer people inhabiting earth than we would if we do nothing more. According to Project Drawdown, one billion fewer people could mean we avoid nearly 120 billion tons of emissions. At that level of impact, gender equity is a top solution to restore a climate fit for life. At that level of impact, gender equity is on par with wind turbines and solar panels and forests. There is life force in learning and life force in choice.

教育是一枚硬幣的一面。硬幣的另一面是計(jì)劃生育—— 獲得高質(zhì)量的自愿生殖保健。依靠選擇,而非計(jì)劃之外的懷孕,是一個(gè)關(guān)乎自主和尊嚴(yán)的問題。然而在美國,45%的懷孕是意外懷孕。低收入國家中有 2.14 億女性表示,她們想自己決定 是否懷孕以及何時(shí)懷孕,但卻沒有使用避孕措施。傾聽女性的需要, 滿足這些需要, 促進(jìn)公平和福祉: 這些必須是計(jì)劃生育的目標(biāo)。沒有任何商量的余地。遏制人口的增長 是一個(gè)副作用,盡管 這是一個(gè)強(qiáng)有力的作用。它可以大大減少 對(duì)糧食、交通、電力、 建筑物、貨物和其他 所有產(chǎn)品的需求,從而減少排放??s小在獲得教育和 計(jì)劃生育方面的差距,到本世紀(jì)中葉,我們可能 就會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)地球上居住的人口 比順其自然的發(fā)展要少十億。根據(jù)“縮減項(xiàng)目”,減少 10 億人口可能意味著我們避免了 可意味著我們避免了 近 1200 億噸的排放。在這一影響程度上,性別平等是恢復(fù)宜居 環(huán)境的首要解決方案。在這一影響程度上,性別平等的作用不亞于風(fēng)力渦輪機(jī)、 太陽能電池板和森林。學(xué)習(xí)和選擇中 也有生命力。


Now, let me be clear: this does not mean women and girls are responsible for fixing everything.

我要強(qiáng)調(diào)一下: 這并不意味著婦女和女孩 有責(zé)任處理所有問題,





Though we probably will.









Equity for women in agriculture, education and family planning: these are solutions within a system of drawdown solutions. Together, they comprise a blueprint of possibility. And let me be even clearer about this: population cannot be seen in isolation from production or consumption. Some segments of the human family cause exponentially greater harm, while others suffer outsized injustice. The most affluent -- we are the most accountable. We have the most to do.

婦女在農(nóng)業(yè)、教育和 計(jì)劃生育方面的平等: 這些都是縮減解決方案 體系內(nèi)的解決方案。它們共同構(gòu)成了一個(gè)可能性的藍(lán)圖。我還要進(jìn)一步澄清一下: 對(duì)人口的審視不能脫離生產(chǎn)或消費(fèi)。人類大家庭的某些部分 造成了指數(shù)倍的傷害,而另一些部分則遭受著 嚴(yán)重的不公正待遇。最富裕的那部分人—— 我們應(yīng)該是最負(fù)責(zé)任的,我們需要做的事情最多。


The gender-climate connection extends beyond negative impacts and beyond powerful solutions. Women are vital voices and agents for change on this planet, and yet we're too often missing or even barred from the proverbial table. We're too often ignored or silenced when we speak. We are too often passed over when plans are laid or investments made. According to one analysis, just 0.2 percent of philanthropic funds go specifically towards women and the environment, merely 110 million dollars globally, the sum spent by one man on a single Basquiat painting last year. These dynamics are not only unjust, they are setting us up for failure. To rapidly, radically reshape society, we need every solution and every solver, every mind, every bit of heart, every set of hands.

性別和氣候的聯(lián)系 不僅限于消極影響 和強(qiáng)有力的解決辦法。女性是地球變革的 重要聲音和推動(dòng)者。然而,我們往往缺席,甚至被拒之門外。我們?cè)诎l(fā)言時(shí)經(jīng)常被忽視或阻止。在制定計(jì)劃或進(jìn)行投資時(shí),我們也常常被無視。根據(jù)一項(xiàng)分析,只有 0.2% 的慈善資金 專門用于解決女性和環(huán)境問題,全世界加起來才 1.1 億美元,去年一個(gè)人在一幅名人的 繪畫作品上就花了這么多錢。這一切不僅是不公正的,而且使我們無法實(shí)現(xiàn)目標(biāo)。為了迅速地從根本上重塑社會(huì),我們需要群策群力,需要每一個(gè)大腦,每一顆心靈,每一雙手的參與。


We often crave a simple call to action, but this challenge demands more than a fact sheet and more than a checklist. We need to function more like an ecosystem, finding strength in our diversity. You know what your superpowers are. You're an educator, farmer, healer, creator, campaigner, wisdom-keeper. How might you link arms where you are to move solutions forward?

我們經(jīng)??释粋€(gè)簡(jiǎn)單的行動(dòng)號(hào)召,但是這一挑戰(zhàn)需要的 不僅僅是讓人們了解真相,也不僅僅是制定計(jì)劃。我們更需要像生態(tài)系統(tǒng)一樣運(yùn)作,在我們的多樣性中尋找力量。你最了解自己的長處。你是一個(gè)教育家,農(nóng)民,治療師,創(chuàng)造者,運(yùn)動(dòng)家,智慧守護(hù)者。要如何肩并肩一同推進(jìn) 解決方案的發(fā)展?


There is one role I want to ask that all of you play: the role of messenger. This is a time of great awakening. We need to break the silence around the condition of our planet; move beyond manufactured debates about climate science; share solutions; speak truth with a broken-open heart; teach that to address climate change, we must make gender equity a reality. And in the face of a seemingly impossible challenge, women and girls are a fierce source of possibility.

我想詢問的是一個(gè) 你們都在扮演的角色: 信使的角色。這是一個(gè)偉大的覺醒時(shí)刻。我們需要打破地球環(huán)境的沉默; 超越關(guān)于氣候科學(xué)的人為辯論; 分享解決方案; 帶著一顆破碎但開放的心說真話; 教育別人,為了應(yīng)對(duì)氣候變化,我們必須實(shí)現(xiàn)性別平等。面對(duì)一個(gè)看似十分艱巨的挑戰(zhàn),婦女和女孩身上具備 最豐富的可能性。


It is a magnificent thing to be alive in a moment that matters so much. This earth, our home, is calling for us to be bold, reminding us we are all in this together -- women, men, people of all gender identities, all beings. We are life force, one earth, one chance. Let's seize it.

在一個(gè)如此重要的時(shí)刻,活著是一件偉大的事。這個(gè)地球,我們的家園,正呼吁我們勇往直前,提醒我們要同舟共濟(jì)—— 女人,男人,所有性別的人,所有人。我們都是生命力,一個(gè)地球,一次機(jī)會(huì)。讓我們抓住它吧。


Thank you.






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