? 我肚子疼。I have a stomachache.
同類表達 I suffer from the abdominal pain. 我腹痛。
My stomach aches very badly. 我肚子疼得厲害。
? 我有點反胃。I have an upset stomach.
同類表達 I feel nauseous.
I feel sick to my stomach.
? 我上吐下瀉。I have vomiting and diarrhea.
同類表達 I feel like vomiting. 我快吐了。
這樣提問 What symptoms do you have?
? 按這里會痛嗎?Does it hurt when I press here?
這樣回答 I have a dull pain. 隱隱作痛。
I have a sharp pain. 鉆心地疼。
I have a throbbing pain. 一跳一跳地疼。
I have a piercing pain. 像針扎似地疼。
? 我的胃從來沒有這么痛過。I have never had such a serious stomachache.
同類表達 It's beyond my tolerance. 痛到我無法忍受。
It's the most serious stomachache I have ever had. 這是我胃痛最嚴重的一次。
? 我早上打籃球時腳踝受傷了。I hurt my ankle when playing basketball this morning.
同類表達 My ankle got injured. 我腳踝受傷了。
I sprained my ankle. 我崴腳了。
I tripped and scraped my knees. 我絆倒了,擦傷了膝蓋。
? 你雙腿有多處割傷和擦傷。You have got cuts and bruises on your legs.
同類表達 If the injured area is dirty, clean it first. 如果傷口不干凈,要先清洗。
? 我們需要有人獻血給他。We need somebody to donate blood to him.
同類表達 He needs blood donation. 他需要有人獻血給他。
? 第一步要先拍X光片確定是哪一類骨折。The first step is to take an X-ray to see what the fracture pattern is.
同類表達 Let's get your arm X-rayed and see whether it is broken or not. 我們給你的手臂拍一下X光片,看看它是不是斷了。
? 我的腿嚴重刺痛。I have a sharp pain in my leg.
同類表達 My left ankle swelled up. 我的左腳踝腫了。