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初中·課本中不會教你的 介詞與冠詞 正誤速辨





介詞與冠詞 正誤速辨

1 臨河有一些新房子。

誤  There are some new houses at the river.

正  There are some new houses on/by the river.

評  on這里表示“臨近”,也可用by。

2 老師昨天到我家進(jìn)行了家訪。

誤  The teacher called on my house yesterday.

正  The teacher called at my house yesterday.

評  訪問某場所要用call at,訪問某人用call on。

3 我們在聽一首新歌。

誤  We are listening a new song.

正  We are listening to a new song.

評  listen為不及物動詞,后有賓語時,要加to。

4 你請。/請。/請先走。

誤  First , please.

誤  You first go , please.

正  After you .

評  請別人先行、先進(jìn)門等要說After you。

5 他20年前在一個農(nóng)場里工作。

誤  He worked in a farm twenty years ago.

正  He worked on a farm twenty years ago.

評  “在農(nóng)場里”要說on a/the farm。

6 他住在黃河以北的一座小城里。

誤  He lives in a town in the north of the Yellow River.

正  He lives in a town on the north of the Yellow River.

評  on表示“相鄰”,in表示在某范圍內(nèi)。

7 他用電話跟她交談。

誤  He talked with her by the phone.

正  He talked with her on the phone.

正  He talked with her over the phone.

評  使用或通過電話、電視等時,一般要用on或over。

8 我可以看看你的新車嗎?

誤  May I look your new car?

正  May I look at your new car?

評  look表示“看,瞧”,為不及物動詞,要加at后接賓語。

9 我在廣播里聽到這個消息的。

誤  I heard the news from the radio.

正  I heard the news over the radio.

評  “在廣播里(聽)”要用over/on/upon the radio。

10 他看見墻上有一個洞。

誤  He saw a hole on the wall.

正  He saw a hole in the wall.

評  洞在墻體內(nèi),故用in。on表示在某物表面上。

11 該吃晚飯了。

誤  It's time to supper .

正  It's time for supper .

正  It's time to have supper .

評  表示“該是……的時候了”用It's time for sth./to do sth.。

12 這瓶子里裝滿了油。

誤  The bottle is full with oil.

正  The bottle is full of oil.

正  The bottle is filled with oil.

評  表示“充滿”,用be full of或be filled with。

13 她日夜照料這些孩子們。

誤  She looked these children after day and night.

正  She looked after these children day and night.

評  look after后可接賓語,但不可拆開使用。

14 課文的注釋在38頁上。

誤  The notes of the text is on page 38.

正  The notes to the text is on page 38.

評  問題的答案、門的鑰匙等要用to。

15 讓我看看你的新書。

誤  Let me have a look your new book.

正  Let me have a look at your new book.

評  have a look表示“看一看”,可單獨(dú)使用。后接賓語要加at。

16 他騎馬去那兒的。

誤  He went there by horseback.

正  He went there on horseback.

評  “騎馬”要說on horseback。

17 他周末常去釣魚。

誤  He often goes fishing in weekend .

正  He often goes fishing at weekends .

評  “在周末”英式英語用at,美式英語用on。

18 她用鉛筆寫了那封信。

誤  She wrote the letter with pencil.

正  She wrote the letter in pencil.

評  in表示用某種材料,或就字跡而言。with表示書寫的工具。

19 我媽媽今天在家。

誤  My mother is in home today.

正  My mother is at home today.

正  My mother is in today.

評  “在家”英語中常用be at home或be in。

20 他看見一些警察站在街上。

誤  He saw some policemen stand at the street.

正  He saw some policemen stand in/on the street.

評  “站在街上”可以說stand in/on the street,不可用at。

21 它看上去像一只猴子。

誤  It likes a monkey.

誤  It looks a monkey.

正  It looks like a monkey.

評  “看上去像”要用look like。

22 他們在用英語交談。

誤  They are talking with English .

正  They are talking in English .

評  用某種語言要用in。用某種工具要用with。

23 他是委員會成員。

誤  He is in the committee.

正  He is on the committee.

正  He sits on the committee.

評  表示某人為委員會的一個成員,用on。

24 湯姆今天早上6點鐘起的床。

誤  Tom got up at six in this morning .

正  Tom got up at six this morning .

評  this morning/afternoon/evening之前不用介詞,the morning/afternoon/evening前要用in。

25 那小女孩拉著母親的手。

誤  The little girl took her mother from/on the hand.

正  The little girl took her mother by the hand.

評  拉著/抓?。兆∮胻ake/seize/hold/catch...by。

26 這是中國最長的一條河。

誤  It is the longest river of China .

正  It is the longest river in China .

評  在含有最高級的句子中,in短語表示“在某范圍內(nèi)”。

27 你如果喜歡這支鋼筆,就送給你。

誤  If you like the pen, you can have it of your own.

正  If you like the pen, you can have it for your own.

評  for one's own中的for表示目的。of one's own則表示“某人自己的”。

28 他的事業(yè)會成功的。

誤  He will succeed with/on his business.

正  He will succeed in his business.

評  “在……成功,做……成功”要用succeed/success in。

29 他大約在8點鐘離開家的。

誤  He left home about at eight o'clock.

正  He left home at about eight o'clock.

評  “大約在幾點鐘”要用“at about+鐘點”。

30 聽到這個消息我非常吃驚。

誤  I am much surprised for/with the news.

正  I am much surprised at the news.

評  be surprised at表示“對……吃驚(驚訝)”,為習(xí)慣搭配。

31 星期一上午我們將有兩節(jié)英語課。

誤  We'll have two English classes in Monday morning .

正  We'll have two English classes on Monday morning .

評  表示“星期幾/某個日期的上午、下午、晚上要用介詞on。

32 她花了100元錢買書。

誤  She spent 100 yuan for/in books.

正  She spent 100 yuan on books.

評  “花時間/錢”要用on sth.,“花時間做某事”,要用in doing sth.。

33 他把門上的鑰匙丟了。

誤  He lost the key of the door.

正  He lost the key to the door.

34 他以每小時150公里的速度開車。

誤  He drove with a speed of 150 kilometres an hour.

正  He drove at a speed of 150 kilometres an hour.

評  at a speed of表示“以……速度”,為習(xí)慣搭配。

35 會議將從9點鐘開始。

誤  The meeting will begin from nine o'clock.

正  The meeting will begin at nine o'clock.

評  表示“從某個時刻開始”要用begin at。

36 他向敵人射擊。

誤  He shot to the enemy.

正  He shot at the enemy.

評  at表方向,“向/對……”。

37 他躲藏在門后。

誤  He hid himself after the door.

正  He hid himself behind the door.

評  after用于指動態(tài)的、次序的先后。behind用于指位置的后面,表示靜態(tài)。

38 我對未來抱有信心。

誤  I am confident in/with the future.

正  I am confident of the future.

評  be/feel confident of表示“對……確信”,為習(xí)慣搭配。

39 老師走進(jìn)了教室。

誤  The teacher walked in the classroom.

正  The teacher walked into the classroom.

評  in表“在內(nèi),在……里面”,指一種狀態(tài)。into表示動態(tài),指動作的方向。

40 我信任她。

誤  I have confidence to/for/with her.

正  I have confidence in her.

評  have confidence in表示“信任”,為習(xí)慣搭配。

41 新鮮空氣對健康有益。

誤  Fresh air is good to our health.

正  Fresh air is good for our health.

評  be good for表示“對……有益”。be good to表示“對……和藹”。

42 他在地上挖一個坑。

誤  He dug a hole on the road.

正  He dug a hole in the road.

評  表示坑和洞在物的內(nèi)部,均要用in。

43 他上班從不遲到。

誤  He is never late to work.

正  He is never late for work.

評  be late for意為“……遲了”,為固定搭配,不可改用to。

44 她每天早晨照鏡子。

誤  She looks at herself on/at the mirror every morning.

正  She looks at herself in the mirror every morning.

評  “照鏡子”要說look at oneself in the mirror,為習(xí)慣搭配。

45 請給他捎個口信。

誤  Please take a message to him.

正  Please take a message for him.

評  take a message for sb.意為“給某人捎個口信”,for不可改為to。

46 張老師對我們要求很嚴(yán)。

誤  Mr. Zhang is very strict on/at us.

正  Mr. Zhang is very strict with us.

評  be strict with sb.表示“對某人要求嚴(yán)”,為習(xí)慣搭配。

47 這部車同那部車的顏色不同。

誤  This car is different with that car in colour.

正  This car is different from that car in colour.

評  A is different from B表示“A與B不同”,不能用with。

48 我祝賀你們的勝利。

誤  I congratulate you for your victory.

正  I congratulate you on your victory.

評  congratulate sb. on/upon sth.表示“祝賀某人……”,為習(xí)慣搭配。

49 長江以南種水稻。

誤  People grow rice in the south of the Yangtze River.

正  People grow rice to the south of the Yangtze River.

評  in the south/north of表示在某一范圍內(nèi)的南部/北部等。in the south of表在某范圍的南部,to the south of表在某范圍和領(lǐng)域之外的南部。

50 謝謝你幫助我學(xué)習(xí)英語。

誤  Thank you to help me with my English study.

正  Thank you for helping me with my English study.

評  “謝謝某人做某事”要說thank sb. for doing sth.,而不可說thank sb. to do sth.。

51 我確信他會成功。

誤  I am sure for his success.

正  I am sure of his success.

評  be sure/certain of意為“確信,相信”,為習(xí)慣搭配。

52 他等了她兩個小時。

誤  He waited her for two hours.

正  He waited for her for two hours.

評  “等待某人”要用wait for sb.。

53 這里冬天的氣溫通常在零下20攝氏度。

誤  The temperature here is usually 20℃ under zero in winter.

正  The temperature here is usually 20℃ below zero in winter.

評  “在零上多少度”要用above,不用over?!霸诹阆露嗌俣取币胋elow,不用under。

54 他用20美元買了一部收音機(jī)。

誤  He bought a radio at twenty dollars.

正  He bought a radio for twenty dollars.

評  購買某物,提到所付出的實際金額,用for。但如果論尺寸或重量講價,金額后有a meter, a dozen, a jin 等,則要用at。

55 她為一位老大爺補(bǔ)衣服。

誤  She mended the clothes to an old man.

正  She mended the clothes for an old man.

評  mend/repair sth. for sb.意為“為某人修理/修補(bǔ)某物”,要用介詞for,不用to。

56 我不能用這樣的價格買這輛自行車。

誤  I can not buy the bike for such a price.

正  I can not buy the bike at such a price.

評  指沒有確定、講妥的價格前,用at。

57 別為她的健康擔(dān)心。

誤  Don't worry her health.

正  Don't worry about her health.

評  “為……擔(dān)心”要用worry about或be worried about。

58 教室的盡頭有一架鋼琴。

誤  There is a piano in the end of the classroom.

正  There is a piano at the end of the classroom.

59 我將在家一直待到下星期一。

誤  I'll stay at home to next Monday.

正  I'll stay at home till next Monday.

評  till/until表示“直到”,用于時間。to用于距離、方向。

60 在去學(xué)校的路上,我看見了一只奇怪的鳥。

誤  In the way to school I saw a strange bird.

正  On the way to school I saw a strange bird.

評 ?、佟霸谌ァ穆飞稀币fon the way to。in the/sb.'s way表示“妨礙,擋住去路”。

61 一個小女孩站在我們辦公室的門口。

誤  A little girl is standing to the door of our office.

正  A little girl is standing at the door of our office.

評  at表示靜止?fàn)顟B(tài)或位置。to表示從一地到另一地的運(yùn)動。

62 她朝孩子們微笑著。

誤  She smiled the children.

誤  She smiled to the children.

正  She smiled at the children.

評  “朝……微笑”要說smile at,at不可省。同樣,“嘲笑某人”要說laugh at sb.。

63 我不懷疑他的能力。

誤  I have no doubt for his ability.

正  I have no doubt of his ability.

評  have no doubt of/about表示“對……毫不懷疑”,為習(xí)慣搭配。

64 她經(jīng)常幫他學(xué)習(xí)英語。

誤  She often helps him in his English study.

正  She often helps him with his English study.

評  “在某方面幫助別人”用with?!皫椭橙俗瞿呈隆背S胔elp sb. (to) do sth.。

65 這些鳥在朝同一方向飛翔。

誤  These birds are flying to the same direction.

正  These birds are flying in the same direction.

評  “在/朝同一方向”要用in the same direction。

66 我將步行去那里,而不乘公共汽車。

誤  I'll go there on foot instead by bus.

正  I'll go there on foot instead of by bus.

評  instead of意為“代替,頂替”,后可跟名詞、代詞、介詞短語等。

67 盜賊是從窗戶進(jìn)來的。

誤  The thief got in from the window.

正  The thief got in through the window.

評  “從窗戶”意為“通過窗戶”,要用through,表示“穿窗而過”。

68 他從衣袋里拿出一個錢包。

誤  He took a purse out from his pocket.

正  He took a purse out of his pocket.

評  “把某物從……中拿出來”要用take sth. out of。

69 他從下午就有空了。

誤  He will be free from the afternoon.

正  He will be free in the afternoon.

評  這里的“從下午”表示“在下午”,要用in。

70 我同意你。

誤  I agree you.

正  I agree with you.

評  agree是不及物動詞,表示“同意某人/某人的話、安排”,要加with。

71 那貓在玩一只耗子。

誤  That cat is playing a mouse.

正  That cat is playing with a mouse.

評  表示“玩弄”要用play with。

72 我為你的成功而感到高興。

誤  I am glad with your success.

正  I am glad of your success.

評  可以說be glad of或be glad about,但glad后不可用with。

73 她聽見有人敲窗。

誤  She heard someone knocking the window.

正  She heard someone knocking at the window.

評  表示“敲門/窗”要用knock at/on the door/the window。

74 他將離開南京去上海。

誤  He is leaving Nanjing to Shanghai.

正  He is leaving Nanjing for Shanghai.

評  表示朝某個地方出發(fā)/去常用for,不用to。

75 昨天中午最熱。

誤  It was the hottest in the noon yesterday.

正  It was the hottest at noon yesterday.

評  “在中午”要說at noon,noon前不可加定冠詞the。

76 他上學(xué)期數(shù)學(xué)考試不及格。

誤  He failed from maths last term.

正  He failed in maths last term.

評  在某方面“失敗,不及格”要用fail in。

77 我已經(jīng)付了她100元錢。

誤  I've paid for her 100 yuan .

正  I've paid her 100 yuan .

評  pay是及物動詞,后直接跟某人,再接錢款。不能直接跟所買物品,要在前加for。

78 他嫉妒你的成功。

誤  He is jealous for your success.

正  He is jealous of your success.

評  “對……嫉妒”要說be jealous of,為習(xí)慣搭配。

79 醫(yī)生們正在為一位病人動手術(shù)。

誤  The doctors are operating a sick man.

正  The doctors are operating on a sick man.

評  “為……動手術(shù)”要用operate on/upon sb.。

80 他們以大米為主食。

誤  They live with/from rice.

正  They live on rice.

評  live on/upon表示“靠……生活,以……為食”,為習(xí)慣搭配。

81 瓶子里盛滿了水。

誤  The bottle is full with water.

正  The bottle is full of water.

正  The bottle is filled with water.

評  表示“充滿,盛滿,擠滿”可用be full of或be filled with。

82 我以我的祖國自豪。

誤  I am proud for my motherland.

正  I am proud of my motherland.

評  “對……感到自豪”應(yīng)說be proud of,為習(xí)慣搭配。

83 他們倆面面相覷。

誤  They are looking each other.

正  They are looking at each other.

評  each other是相互代詞,通常作賓語,不可作狀語。

84 我對結(jié)果感到滿意。

誤  I am satisfied for/to the result.

正  I am satisfied with the result.

評  表示“對……感到滿意”用be satisfied with,為習(xí)慣搭配。

85 請在字典里查這個詞。

誤  Please look for the word in the dictionary.

誤  Please find the word in the dictionary.

正  Please look up the word in the dictionary.

評  “查尋”某詞或資料,要用look up,look for“尋找(人或物),find“找到”。

86 他的襯衫同我的很相似。

誤  His shirt is quite similar with mine.

正  His shirt is quite similar to mine.

評  similar to表示“與……相似”,為習(xí)慣搭配。

87 我錯把他當(dāng)成日本人了。

誤  I mistook him as a Japanese.

正  I mistook him for a Japanese.

評  mistake A for B意為“把A錯認(rèn)為B”,為習(xí)慣表達(dá)法,for不可改用as。

88 他能游過那條河。

誤  He can swim cross the river.

正  He can swim across the river.

評  cross意為“穿過”,動詞。across是介詞,同go, walk, swim, run等連用。

89 我喜歡這幅畫勝過那幅畫。

誤  I prefer this picture over that picture.

正  I prefer this picture to that picture.

評  prefer...to表示“喜歡……勝過……”,為習(xí)慣搭配。

90 有一條穿過森林的小路。

誤  There is a pass across the forest.

正  There is a path through the forest.

評  ①across指從某個平面上從一邊到另一邊。②through指從物體中間穿過。

91 那人因犯罪而受到了懲罰。

誤  The man was punished with his crime.

正  The man was punished for his crime.

評  punish sb. for表示“因……懲罰某人”,為習(xí)慣搭配。

92 河上的那座橋是去年建成的。

誤  The bridge on the river was built last year.

正  The bridge over/across the river was built last year.

評  over或across,表示“橫跨”。on表平面上接觸。

93 他用橘子款待朋友。

誤  He treated his friends with oranges.

正  He treated his friends to oranges.

評  treat sb. to sth.表示“以某物款待某人”,為習(xí)慣搭配。

94 他指著那幅畫。

誤  He pointed the picture.

正  He pointed at/to the picture.

評  point作動詞表示“指向,指著”時,為不及物動詞,要同at/to連用。

95 老師講關(guān)于良好習(xí)慣的問題。

誤  The teacher spoke for good habits.

正  The teacher spoke about good habits.

評  speak about意為“講到,說起”。speak for意為“為……說話/辯護(hù)”。

96 多虧獵人的幫助,他走出了森林。

誤  Thanks for the hunter's help, he walked out of the forest.

正  Thanks to the hunter's help, he walked out of the forest.

評  thanks to“多虧,由于”,thanks for“感謝”。

97 我媽從上周五以來一直忙著。

誤  My mother has been busy from last Friday.

正  My mother has been busy since last Friday.

評  since用在表示具體時間的詞和短語前。from后面也跟表示具體時間的詞,但常用于from...to或from...till結(jié)構(gòu)。

98 他把馬拴在樹上。

誤  He tied the horse on a tree.

正  He tied the horse to a tree.

評  表示“把……拴/系/捆/在上”要用tie...to,為習(xí)慣搭配。

99 他們昨天進(jìn)行了一場英語考試。

誤  They had an examination of English yesterday.

正  They had an examination in English yesterday.

評  examination表“某學(xué)科的考試”,后用介詞in;表對某物的“檢查,審查”,后用of。

100 在吉姆的幫助下,杰克按時完成了那項工作。

誤  Under Jim's help , Jack finished the work on time.

正  With Jim's help , Jack finished the work on time.

評  “在……幫助下”要說with sb.'s help或with the help of sb.。

101 湯姆在理發(fā)店。

誤  Tom is in the barber's.

正  Tom is at the barber's.

評  表示“在某人家,在某個地點”用at。

102 他因公去了南京。

誤  He has gone to Nanjing for business.

正  He has gone to Nanjing on business.

評  表示“因公出差,因商務(wù)出差”,要用on business。

103 他一直跑到大街的盡頭。

誤  He ran till/until the end of the street.

正  He ran to the end of the street.

評  till和until表示“直到”,常用于指時間,不指距離。

104 他終于走出了森林。

誤  He walked out of the forest at the end .

正  He walked out of the forest in the end .

105 山腳下有一個農(nóng)場。

誤  There is a farm under the foot of the hill.

正  There is a farm at the foot of the hill.

評  at the foot of...表示“在……腳下”,為固定搭配,不可用under。

106 人們通常簡稱他Andy。

誤  People usually call him Andy of short.

正  People usually call him Andy for short.

評  for short意為“簡稱”,為習(xí)慣說法。

107 那男孩扔了一塊石頭打狗。

誤  The boy threw a stone to the dog.

正  The boy threw a stone at the dog.

評  “扔/擲某物打……”用at,“把某物扔給……”用to。

108 今天的報紙上有一條重要新聞。

誤  There is a piece of important news on today's newspaper.

正  There is a piece of important news in today's newspaper.

評  印在報紙上的內(nèi)容,用in。表示“在報紙上面”,用on。

109 她坐在她母親身邊。

誤  She sat besides her mother.

正  She sat beside her mother.

評  beside表示“在……旁”。besides表示“除外……(還有)”。

110 她學(xué)習(xí)英語已經(jīng)3年了。

誤  She has studied English since three years.

正  She has studied English for three years.

評  since同表示過去某一時間點的詞或詞組連用。for同表示一段時間的詞或詞組連用。

111 他將在2小時后到達(dá)。

誤  He will arrive after two hours.

正  He will arrive in two hours.

評  in后接一段時間。after后接一個時間點。

112 黃河是中國第二條最長的河。

誤  Huanghe River is the second longest river in China.

正  The Huanghe River is the second longest river in China.

評  表示河流、山脈的專有名詞前常用定冠詞。

113 午飯后我們?nèi)ビ斡景桑?/b>

誤  Let's go for swim after lunch!

正  Let's go for a swim after lunch!

評  go for a swim(去游泳)為慣用短語,不定冠詞a不可省。

114 這些鳥冬天往南飛。

誤  These birds fly south in the winter .

正  These birds fly south in winter .

評  spring, summer, autumn, winter單純表示季節(jié)時,不加定冠詞。

115 他們努力按時完成工作。

誤  They made effort to finish the work on time.

正  They made an effort to finish the work on time.

正  They made efforts to finish the work on time.

評  make an effort和make efforts均表示“努力”,但不可漏缺或誤用。

116 他生病住院了整整1個月。

誤  He was in the hospital for a whole month.

正  He was in hospital for a whole month.

評  in hospital表示“(生?。┳≡骸?,go to hospital表示“(生病)入院”。in the hospital表示“在醫(yī)院里”,指地點,go to the hospital表示“到那所醫(yī)院去”,但不一定住院。

117 這只鳥怎么了?

誤  What's matter with the bird?

正  What's the matter with the bird?

評  what's the matter with...為常用句型,意為“怎么了,出了什么事”,定冠詞the不可省。

118 不要再犯同樣的錯誤。

誤  Don't make same mistake again.

正  Don't make the same mistake again.

評  same前一般要加定冠詞the,或加this, that, these, those等。

119 士兵們排成一列。

誤  The soldiers stood in a line .

正  The soldiers stood in line .

評  in line表示“成一直線,整齊”,不加不定冠詞。

120 這是一件有用的工具。

誤  It is an useful tool.

正  It is a useful tool.

評  u是元音字母,但讀作[ju:]時,前面要用不定冠詞a。u發(fā)[?]時,前面用an。

121 今天是元旦。

誤  Today is the New Year's Day .

正  Today is New Year's Day .

評  節(jié)日名稱前通常不加定冠詞。但中國的“春節(jié)”要說the Spring Festival。

122 他常在晚上散散步。

誤  He usually takes a walk in evening .

正  He usually takes a walk in the evening .

評  “在晚上”要用in the evening?!霸谝估铩币胊t night,不加the。

123 瞧那月亮!多么明亮?。?/b>

誤  Look at moon ! How bright it is!

誤  Look at a moon ! How bright it is!

正  Look at the moon ! How bright it is!

評  moon, sun, earth, Milky Way(銀河)等表示世界上獨(dú)一無二的事物,前面通常要加定冠詞。

124 他們的房子在右邊。

誤  Their house is on right .

正  Their house is on the right .

評  right和left等表示方位的習(xí)慣說法,定冠詞the不可省。right和left也可用作副詞,這時前面不加the。

125 他們在聚會上玩得很愉快。

誤  They had good time at the party.

正  They had a good time at the party.

評  have a good time意為“玩得愉快,過得好”,為慣用短語,不定冠詞a不可省。

126 我從沒見過這么高的山。

誤  I have never seen a such high mountain.

正  I have never seen such a high mountain.

評  不定冠詞a/an要放在修飾名詞的such和what后。

127 學(xué)生們正在上課。

誤  The students are in the class now.

正  The students are in class now.

評  “在上課,在課堂上”要說in class。in the class表示“在班級里”。

128 床上有一些玩具。

誤  There are some toys in/on bed .

正  There are some toys in/on the bed .

評  表示“在床上”,要說in/on the bed;表示“臥病在床,躺在床上”要說in bed。

129 有位王先生在外面等你。

誤  Mr. Wang is waiting for you outside.

正  A Mr. Wang is waiting for you outside.

評  這里用a表示“某一個”,指不知道王先生是哪一位,只知道姓王。

130 他在一所大學(xué)讀書。

誤  He studies in an university.

正  He studies in a university.

評  u雖然是元音字母,但在university一詞中發(fā)音為[ju:],[j]為輔音音素,故用a。

131 這是新學(xué)期的第一天。

誤  It is first day of the new term.

正  It is the first day of the new term.

評  序數(shù)詞前一般要加定冠詞,但序數(shù)詞前有形容詞性物主代詞或名詞所有格修飾時,則不用。

132 他們談了一個小時。

誤  They talked for a hour.

正  They talked for an hour.

評  hour讀作[a??],為元音音素開頭,故用an。

133 老師把課文又讀了一遍。

誤  The teacher read the text the second time .

正  The teacher read the text a second time .

評  序數(shù)詞前可加不定冠詞a/an,表示“又(一),再(一)”。

134 上個月有一天我看見一只猴子。

誤  A day last month I saw a monkey.

正  One day last month I saw a monkey.

評  “某一天,有一天”要用one day。a day表示“一天”的時間。

135 我每天早晨騎自行車上學(xué)。

誤  I go to school by the bike every morning.

正  I go to school by bike every morning.

正  I go to school on a bike every morning.

評  英語中表示使用某種交通工具的習(xí)慣說法是不加冠詞的。

136 他給了我一把小刀,這把小刀很鋒利。

誤  He gave me a knife. A knife is very sharp.

正  He gave me a knife. The knife is very sharp.

評  第一次提到一個人或物用不定冠詞a/an,再提到時就要用定冠詞the。

137 橘子是橘黃色的。

誤  Orange is orange.

正  An orange is orange.

評  a/an可以表示類別,還可用名詞的復(fù)數(shù)形式。

138 我昨晚10點鐘睡覺的。

誤  I went to the bed at ten last night.

正  I went to bed at ten last night.

評  go to bed意為“睡覺,就寢”,表抽象概念。

139 我只有一支鋼筆,不能借給你。

誤  I have only a pen. I can't lend it to you.

正  I have only one pen. I can't lend it to you.

評  數(shù)詞one強(qiáng)調(diào)數(shù)量,而不定冠詞a/an強(qiáng)調(diào)類別。

140 他們通常下午打籃球。

誤  They usually play the basketball in the afternoon.

正  They usually play basketball in the afternoon.

評  表示球類運(yùn)動的名詞前不用定冠詞。

141 那是琳達(dá)的書包。

誤  That's the Linda's school-bag.

正  That's Linda's school-bag.

評  英語中的專有名詞前一般不可再加冠詞。

142 她在南方的一座小城里上學(xué)。

誤  She is at the school in a small town in the south.

正  She is at school in a small town in the south.

評  at school意為“在上學(xué)”,強(qiáng)調(diào)在校學(xué)習(xí),為固定短語,不可加the。

143 這兩位老人有時候下棋。

誤  The two old men sometimes play the chess .

正  The two old men sometimes play chess .

評  游戲名詞前一般不加冠詞。

144 吉姆有一本圖畫書,但杰克有兩本圖畫書。

誤  Jim has a picture book, but Jack has two.

正  Jim has one picture book, but Jack has two.

評  不定冠詞a,an和one均可表示“一個”,兩者有時可換用,但如果是表示數(shù)量的對比,則只能用one。

145 墻上有塊黑板。

誤  There is the blackboard on the wall.

正  There is a blackboard on the wall.

評  表示泛指的單數(shù)名詞前要加不定冠詞a/an。

146 他是個誠實的人。

誤  He is a honest man.

正  He is an honest man.

評  a用在以輔音音素開頭的名詞前;an用在以元音音素開頭的名詞前。


147 有些學(xué)生考試不及格。

誤  Some of students failed in the exam.

正  Some of the students failed in the exam.

評  some of/all of/each of/both of/one of+the+復(fù)數(shù)名詞/代詞,為常用表達(dá)法,指特定的范圍,有時the也可換成these或those。

148 那是什么?那是鳥。

誤  What's that? That's bird .

正  What's that? That's a bird .

評  英語中的單數(shù)名詞,表示泛指前面要用不定冠詞a/an修飾。

149 他在那兒等了半個小時。

誤  He waited there for half hour .

正  He waited there for half an hour .

評  “half a/an+名詞”表示“一半……”,為固定搭配。

150 她父親在美國工作。

誤  Her father works in the America .

誤  Her father works in USA .

正  Her father works in America .

正  Her father works in the USA .

評  表示國名的專有名詞前不加定冠詞;但由普通名詞構(gòu)成的專有名詞,則要加定冠詞。


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