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初中英語必考2000詞 B baby→bye





初中英語必考2000詞 B baby→bye

baby [?be?bi ] n. 嬰兒

拓  babe n. 嬰兒;天真幼稚的人

babyhood n. 嬰兒時代

配  have a baby 生孩子

例  A woman with a baby in her arms is trying to open the door, but fails. 手上抱著一個嬰兒的女人試著開門,但是沒能成功。(2011·黃岡)

babysit [?be?b??s?t ] vi. 臨時受雇照顧小孩 vt. 臨時受雇照顧

構(gòu)  baby(n. 嬰兒)+sit(v. 坐)

拓  babysitter n. (嬰幼兒)保姆,照看嬰兒的人

例  A favorite job for many teenagers is babysitting , and they can start before the age of 14 if their parents agree. 對于許多青少年來說,臨時照看嬰兒是份很理想的工作,只要父母同意,他們可以在14歲前開始從事這份工作。(2011·淄博)

back [b?k ] ad. 回;向后 n. 背(部),反面;背

拓  backward a. 向后的;反向的;發(fā)展遲緩的

配  go back 回去;追溯

turn one's back on 不理睬

back and forth 來回;往復(fù)

例  He's gone to London. But he'll be back next week. 他去倫敦了,但是他下周會回來。(2011·烏魯木齊)

background [?b?kɡra?nd ] n. 背景

構(gòu)  back(n. 背后)+ground(n. 場景)

配  in the background 在后面,在幕后

cultural background 文化背景

例  This unusual background made him wonder who he was. 不一般的背景使他開始奇怪他究竟是誰。(2009·煙臺)

Teachers with background in computer skills preferred(優(yōu)先). 具備計(jì)算機(jī)使用能力背景的教師優(yōu)先。(2009·河北)

bad [b?d ](worse,worst)a. 壞的;有害的

拓  badly ad. 非常,很;嚴(yán)重地,厲害地;惡劣地

badness n. 壞,惡;不良;惡劣狀態(tài)

配  be bad at 不善于

feel bad 不舒服;為……感到難過

be bad for 對……不利;對……有害

not so bad 并不壞;還湊合

in a bad mood 心情不好;處在不好的情緒中

例  The kids with bad manners should be punished. 行為不端的孩子應(yīng)該被懲罰。(2009·哈爾濱)

Allowing pet cats to go outside is not just bad for birds and wildlife. 允許寵物貓外出對于鳥類和野生動物而言無礙。(2011·包頭)

badly [?b?dli ] ad. 非常,很;嚴(yán)重地;惡劣地

構(gòu)  bad(壞)+ly(副詞詞尾)

例  I fell down and hurt my legs badly .(2011·烏魯木齊)

Droughts can badly affect people and the land. 干旱會嚴(yán)重影響國家以及人們的生活。(2009·哈爾濱)

bag [b?ɡ ] n. 書包,提包,袋

配  handbag 手提袋,手提包

例  Yes, I'm afraid I left my handbag on a taxi this morning. 是的,今天早上我恐怕把手提包掉在出租車上了。(2011·上海)

bake [be?k ] vt. 烤、烘焙 vi. 使烤,使烘焙

拓  baked a. 烤的;烘焙的 bakery n. 面包店

baker n. 面包師;烘爐

例  This bake box is suitable for baking cakes and bread. 這個烤箱適合烤制面包糕餅類食品。

bakery [?be?k?ri ] n. 面包房,面包店

構(gòu)  bake(v. 烘烤)+ry(名詞后綴表示場所)

例  On the way, they came by a bakery . 回來的路上他們順路去了面包店。(2009·青海)

balance [?b?l?ns ] n. 平衡,均勢 vt. 使平衡 vi. 保持平衡;相稱

拓  balanced a. 平衡的;和諧的

配  keep a balance 保持平衡

例  We had better make a list of all the things we wish to do and try hard to keep a balance between work and play. 我們最好列出我們想做的事情并努力保持工作與休息的平衡。(2012·鹽城)

It can be stressful to balance school, homework, and a part-time job. 在學(xué)習(xí)、家務(wù)和兼職工作方面達(dá)到平衡很緊張。(2011·淄博)

ball [b??l ] n. 球;(盛大、正式的)舞會

配  a ball of 球狀, 團(tuán)狀(量詞)

例  One of the rules is that a team must move the ball forward(向前)at least ten yards. 一條規(guī)則是球隊(duì)向前運(yùn)球必須超過十碼。(2011·廈門)

He stole away from the ball without telling anybody. 他沒和任何人打招呼就從舞會上溜走了。

balloon [b??lu?n ] n. 氣球(v. 乘氣球上升;激增

配  hot-air balloon n. 熱氣球

例  Then, in 1863, he wrote a story called Five Weeks in a Balloon . 1863年他創(chuàng)作了《氣球上的五星期》這部小說。(2008·南京)

bamboo [b?m?bu? ]([復(fù)]~s) n. 竹

配  bamboo shoot 竹筍 bamboo leaf 竹葉

例  Some reserves need to be joined together by planting bamboo between them to make “corridors”. 一些保護(hù)區(qū)需要連起來,以種植竹子作為間隔。(2010·蘭州)

banana [b??nɑ?n? ] n. 香蕉

配  banana skin 香蕉皮;尷尬事

例  Help yourself to some bananas . 吃點(diǎn)香蕉吧。(2009·吉林)

bank [b??k ] n. (河、海、湖的)岸,堤;銀行

拓  banker n. 銀行家;銀行業(yè)者

配  bank book 銀行存折

例  Excuse me, is the bank far from here? 請問附近有銀行嗎?(2009·寧夏)

barber [?bɑ?b? ] n. (為男子服務(wù)的)理發(fā)師

構(gòu)  barb(拉丁詞根胡子)+er(指人的后綴)→barber(剃胡須的人,理發(fā)師)

配  barbershop n. 理發(fā)店

例  The boy is having his hair cut at the barber's . 男孩子正在理發(fā)店理發(fā)。(2009·長春)

baseball [?be?s?b??l ] n. 棒球

構(gòu)  base(n. 地面)+ball(n. 球)

例  But I'm not very good at baseball . 我不擅長棒球運(yùn)動。(2011·安徽)

basic [?be?s?k ] a. 基本的

拓  basement n. 地下室

basically ad. 主要地,基本上

例  Where did he develop the BASIC language for the first microcomputer? 他在哪里學(xué)的微型計(jì)算機(jī)的BASIC語言?(2011·南寧)

But the basic idea is that each team tries to move the football across the goal line of the other team. 但是基本概念是每個隊(duì)努力使足球射進(jìn)對方的球門。(2011·廈門)

basket [?bɑ?sk?t ] n. 籃子;(籃球比賽的)得分

例  He also enjoys himself in a basket , so he has another name: Basket Cat. 他同樣很喜歡待在籃子里,所以他有另一個名字:籃子貓。(2011·沈陽)

basketball [?b?sk?tb??l ] n. 籃球

構(gòu)  basket(n. 籃子)+ball(n. 球)

配  basketball player 籃球運(yùn)動員

例  The park would even have basketball courts. 這個公園甚至還會有籃球場。(2011·南京)

bat [b?t ] n. 蝙蝠;球棒;球拍;vt. 用球棒擊球

配  pingpong bat 乒乓球拍

例  “Ping”meant the sound of the bat hitting the ball? “呯”是不是擊球的聲音?(2009·西寧)

bath [bɑ?θ ] n. 浴缸 浴盆 vt. & vi. 洗澡(盆?。?/b>

拓  bathroom n. 浴室;廁所;盥洗室

配  take a bath 洗個澡

例  We had to clean clothes and take a bath every day. 我們每天都要洗澡洗衣服。(2011·黃岡)

bathe [be?e ] vt. 沐??;用水洗 vi. 洗澡;沐浴 n. 洗澡;游泳

構(gòu)  bath(n. 洗澡)+e(動詞后綴)

配  sunshine bathe 陽光浴

例  But she taught him how to bathe three times each morning and how to sing her song. 但是她教他怎樣每天早上沐浴三次,怎樣唱歌給她聽。(2011·南京)

bathroom [?b?θr?m ] n. 浴室,盥洗室

構(gòu)  bath(n. 洗澡)+room(n. 房間)

例  The floor of the bathroom is covered with water. 浴室的地板上都是水。(2007·武漢)

BBC abbr. 英國廣播公司

拓  英國廣播公司 British Broadcasting Corporation 簡稱

例  Every day, BBC News on TV, radio and online brings you stories from across the world. 每天,電視、電臺和網(wǎng)上的 BBC 新聞都在告訴我們?nèi)澜绨l(fā)生的事情。(2012·廣東)

be [bi? ](is,am,are) v. 是(原形,其人稱和時態(tài)形式有 am,is,are,was,were, being,been)無詞義,用于進(jìn)行時態(tài)和被動語態(tài)

例  The more healthily you eat, the healthier you will be . 你吃得越健康,身體也將更健康。(2011·大慶)

beach [bi?t? ] n. 海濱,海灘

拓  coast n. 海岸

配  on the beach 在海灘上;失業(yè)的;潦倒的

例  You can go swimming in the sea or have a walk on the beach . 你可以在海里游泳或者在沙灘上散步。(2011·包頭市)

A group of swans flew down to a beach where a crow(烏鴉)was jumping around. 一群天鵝飛落在沙灘,那里有只烏鴉跳來跳去。(2010·常州)

bear [be? ] n. 熊 vi. 承受;結(jié)果實(shí) vt. 忍受;具有;支撐

拓  born a. 天生的

bearable a. 可忍受的;支持得住的

配  bear/keep in mind 記住

例  I suggest buying her a Teddy Bear for her birthday. 我打算給她買一只泰迪熊作為生日禮物。(2011·青島)

beat [bi?t ] vt. (beat,beaten)敲打;跳動 vi. (心臟等)跳動 n. (音樂的)節(jié)拍

拓  beaten a. 被打敗了的;精疲力竭的

配  heart beat 心跳

beat sb. to pieces 把某人打得落花流水

beat it 逃走;離開,走開

例  In a surprising result, the No. 69 Middle School girls' football team yesterday beat their school's boys' team. 昨天,六十九中足球女隊(duì)打敗了男隊(duì),這個結(jié)果讓人大跌眼鏡。(2011·金華)

It seemed that nothing could beat her.看起來沒什么可以擊倒她。(2010·哈爾濱)

beautiful [?bju?t?f ] a. 美麗的,出色的

構(gòu)  beaut(y)(n. 美麗)+iful(形容詞后綴)

拓  beautifully ad. 美麗地 beauty n. 美麗

例  Our school is as beautiful as a garden with lots of green trees all year round. 我們的學(xué)校就像綠樹環(huán)繞的花園一樣漂亮。(2010·常州)

beauty [?bju?ti ] n. 美,美麗,優(yōu)美

拓  beautiful a. 美麗的

beautify vi & vt. 美化,使變美

配  beauty salon 美容院

sense of beauty 美感;審美感

例  They believed that the best things in life were free: sunshine, laughing, walks in the beauty of the country, friends and music. 他們認(rèn)為生命中最珍貴的東西都是免費(fèi)的:陽光、歡笑、在美麗的地方散步、友誼和音樂。(2009·哈爾濱)

because [b??k??z ] conj. 因?yàn)?/b>

拓  for conj. 因?yàn)椤ince conj. 因?yàn)? 既然

配  because of 由于,因?yàn)?/p>

例  Because he knew that trees were important to forests and to the animals that lived in them. 因?yàn)樗靼?,樹木對森林以及生活在森林的動物的重要性。?011·南京)

Roads are usually closed because of road work or dangerous conditions. 道路經(jīng)常由于修路或行路危險(xiǎn)而被關(guān)閉。(2011·常州)

become [b??k?m ] vi. (became,become)變得;成為

構(gòu)  be(動詞前綴使)+come(v. 來)

拓  turn into 變成

例  Many young people become discouraged when they know their unpleasant qualities—selfishness, laziness, etc. 當(dāng)許多年輕人了解了他們的缺點(diǎn)——自私、懶惰等,他們會開始變得泄氣。(2011·常州)

bed [bed ] n. 床;基礎(chǔ) vt. 使睡覺;安置 vi. 上床;分層

拓  bedsheet n. 床單

配  in bed 在床上;臥床 go to bed 上床睡覺 on the bed 在床上

例  And you need a good rest in bed . 你需要上床好好休息。(2012·陜西)

They wanted me to get out of bed very early, and be ready for the day's activities soon. 他們希望我很早起床,馬上為白天的活動做準(zhǔn)備。(2011·長春)

bedroom [?bedr?m ] n. 寢室,臥室

構(gòu)  bed(n. 床)+room(n. 房間)

例  German scientists have found sleeping with roses in your bedroom may bring pleasant dreams. 德國科學(xué)家發(fā)現(xiàn)在臥室放置玫瑰,可以助人安眠。(2009·長春)

bee [bi? ] n. 蜜蜂,蜂;勤勞的人

拓  honeybee n. 蜜蜂 beekeeper n. 養(yǎng)蜂人

beehouse n. 養(yǎng)蜂場

配  as busy as a bee 像蜜蜂一樣忙碌,忙得不可開交

例  For me it was so difficult without you, as for a bee without a flower. 我離開你,就好像蜜蜂離開了花朵。(2010·茂名)

beef [bi?f ] n. (pl. beeves[bi?vz ])牛肉

拓  ox n. 公牛 cow n. 母牛

配  beef steak 牛排 dried beef 牛肉干

例  Yes. I'd like fifteen beef dumplings and a glass of orange juice. 是的,我要十五個牛肉餃子和一杯橙汁。(2012·陜西)

beer [b?? ] n. 啤酒 vi. 喝啤酒

拓  wine n. 酒

例  How many days does the Beer Festival last? 啤酒節(jié)舉辦幾天?(2012·武漢)

before [b??f?? ] prep. 在……以前;在……前面 ad. 以前 conj. 在……之前

構(gòu)  be(在……周圍、附近)+(fore prep. 前面)→before(在……以前;在……前面)

拓  after ad. & prep. & conj. 在……之后

配  before long 不久以后 long before 很久以前

例  The Browns have never had a pet before . 布朗一家之前從未養(yǎng)過寵物。(2006·武漢)

Last year, my mother went there to care for him because his health is not as good as before . 去年我母親去照顧他,因?yàn)樗纳眢w沒有以前好了。(2012·廣州)

beg [beg ] vt. 乞討;懇求;回避正題 vi. 乞討;請求

拓  beggar n. 乞討者

配  beg for 乞求

beg your pardon 對不起,請?jiān)?;請某人再說一遍

go begging 行乞

例  “Oh, please, Tom,”begged Ben. “I can do it.”“哦,湯姆,我能做到,請讓我來吧!”本懇求道。(2012·鹽城)

begin [b??g?n ] v. (began,begun) 開始,著手

拓  beginning n. 開始;起點(diǎn) beginner n. 初學(xué)者;新手;創(chuàng)始人

配  begin with 以……開始;開始于……

begin to do/doing 開始做某事

begin as 作為……開始

例  It can begin as early as first grade. 可以從一年級開始。(2012·河北)

I don't know how to begin a talk with Betty. 我不知道怎么和貝蒂開始談。(2011·包頭)

behavior [b??he?vj? ] n. 行為,舉止,表現(xiàn)

構(gòu)  behave(e) vi. 表現(xiàn)+ior(名詞后綴)

拓  behave vi. 表現(xiàn);舉止端正

例  We should pay attention to our behavior and try to be good citizens. 我們應(yīng)該注意言行舉止,做一個好公民。(2011·揚(yáng)州)

behave [b??he?v ] vi. 表現(xiàn);(機(jī)器等)運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn);舉止端正;(事物)起某種作用

構(gòu)  be(動詞前綴表示使)+have(v. 有)

拓  behavior n. 行為,舉止;態(tài)度;反應(yīng)

配  behave oneself 使舉止規(guī)矩

behave well 表現(xiàn)好;舉止得體;行為檢點(diǎn);表現(xiàn)良好

behave yourself 請檢點(diǎn)一點(diǎn),行為規(guī)矩些

例  The most important thing is to keep safe and behave yourselves on the way. 最重要的是注意安全,路上行為守規(guī)矩。(2011·陜西)

behind [b??ha?nd ] prep. (表示位置)在……后面 ad. 在后面;向后

配  fall behind 落后

from behind 從……后面

drop behind 落……之后;落伍

go behind 進(jìn)一步斟酌;探究

例  With your help,I didn't fall behind others.由于你的幫助,我沒有落后于其他人。(2010·呼和浩特)

Their scores fell behind a lot. 他們的比分大為落后。(2010·大連)

believe [b??li?v ] v. 相信,認(rèn)為

構(gòu)  be(動詞前綴使)+lieve(詞根表示愛,欲望)

拓  belief n. 相信;信念,信仰

配  believe in 信仰;信任

believe it or not 信不信由你

例  If I believe in myself, I will be successful. 只要我相信自己,我一定能成功。(2009·烏魯木齊)

bell [bel ] n. 鐘,鈴;鐘形物

配  ring the bell 鳴鐘;按門鈴

alarm bell 警鐘;警鈴

ring a bell 使某人想起某事,使人回憶起

例  Sometimes we are the blind horse being guided by the little ringing bell of those in our lives. 有時候我們就像瞎了的馬,被生命中的小鈴鐺所指引。(2010·大連)

The center of the church was like a bell . 教堂的中心像個鐘。(2009·煙臺)

belong [b??l?? ] vi. 屬于……之財(cái)產(chǎn);是(社團(tuán)、家庭等)的成員

拓  belonging n. 所有物;行李;附屬物

配  belong in 應(yīng)歸入

belong to 屬于

例  Sometimes I have troubles on my job, but one thing is for sure, they don't belong to my wife and my son. 有時候我工作有困難,但有一件事可以肯定,這些問題不屬于我的妻子和孩子。(2011·長春)

Those who consider sports the only way of losing weight also belong to this group. 那些認(rèn)為運(yùn)動是減肥的唯一方法的人,屬于這個群體。(2010·青島)

below [b??l?? ] prep. 在……下面 ad. 在下面

拓  under prep. 在……之下

配  far below 遠(yuǎn)低于

例  They could see the enemy entering the village in the valley below . 他們可以看到敵軍進(jìn)了峽谷下面的村莊。(2010·茂名)

bench [bent? ] n. 長凳;工作臺;替補(bǔ)隊(duì)員 vt. 給……以席位;為……設(shè)置條凳 n. 條凳,長凳

拓  stool n. 凳子

例  They studied together, sat on the same bench and became good friends. 他們一起學(xué)習(xí),一起同桌,成為好朋友。(2011·徐州)

beside [b??sa?d ] prep. 在旁邊;靠近;與……相比

構(gòu)  be(在)+side(n. 邊、旁)

配  beside the point 離題的;不相關(guān)的;不相干的

beside oneself 極度興奮,神志失常

例  Don't stand beside someone who coughs or sneezes. 不要站在咳嗽或打噴嚏的人的旁邊。(2011·蘇州)

You only need to follow the bright traffic signs beside the highway and it will take you where you wish to go. 你只需跟著高速公路旁鮮明的交通標(biāo)志的指示走,你就會到達(dá)想去的地方。(2011·無錫)

besides [b??sa?dz ] prep. 除……以外(還有)ad. 還有,此外

拓  except 除……以外

例  Besides , Shenzhen owns 2 million local vehicles, and about 300,000 vehicles from other places also run on the local roads every day. 除此之外,每天有深圳本地的200萬輛車,以及其他地方的30萬輛車也穿梭在深圳的馬路上。(2012·深圳)

best [best ] a. 最好的;ad. 最好地;n. 最好的人或物

拓  good/well 的最高級形式

配  at (the) best 充其量,至多

do/try one's best 盡力,努力

make the best of 充分利用,妥善處理

例  One way is being unselfish,not wanting everything your own way or asking for the best share of everything. 一種不再自私的方法,即不再想用自己的方式得到所有東西或者不再要求得到最好的。(2011·常州)

better [?bet? ] n. 較好者 ad. 更好地;更多地;較大程度地 a. 較好的 vt. 改善;勝過 vi. 變得較好

拓  good/well 的比較級形式

配  for the better 好轉(zhuǎn),改善

had better 最好還是,應(yīng)該

例  It is possible to act in such a way that other people will like us better . 用他人會更喜歡我們的方式來行動是有可能的。(2011·常州)

Luckily, increasing(增加)our word power can make us own the skills we need to communicate better with others and can also help us get better results in our study. 幸運(yùn)的是,增加詞匯量不僅能讓我們擁有更好的溝通技能,也能幫助我們更好地促進(jìn)學(xué)習(xí)。(2011·鎮(zhèn)江)

between [b??twi?n ] prep. 在(兩者)之間,在……中間

拓  among prep. 在(三者)之間,在……中間

配  in between 在中間

例  Healthy snacks between meals are fine. 餐間吃些健康的零食是很好的。(2011·青島)

beyond [b??j?nd ] prep. (表示位置)在……的那邊,遠(yuǎn)于;(指時間)遲于;(指范圍)超出

配  go beyond v. 超出;勝過

例  No, that's beyond you. Let's have a flying competition. 不,你們不會,讓我們來進(jìn)行一場展示真正飛翔本事的比賽吧?。?010·常州)

bicycle [?ba?s?kl ] n. 自行車 vi. 騎腳踏車

構(gòu)  bi(前綴表示兩個)+cycle(n. 圓圈)

拓  bicyclist n. 騎腳踏車者

配  by bicycle 騎腳踏車

例  In the 1830s, the first bicycle was invented. 19世紀(jì)30年代,第一輛自行車問世。(2010·南寧)

big [b?g ] a. 大的;重要的;量大的;ad. 大量地;順利;夸大地

拓  large a. 大的

例  John doesn't know her big brother. 約翰不了解她哥哥。(2009·江西?。?/p>

Use these skills, and you will have a big weight loss. 運(yùn)用這些技巧,你能減去很多的重量。(2009·寧波)

bike [ba?k ] n. (=bicycle) 自行車,腳踏車

配  by bike 騎自行車;騎單車

例  He usually goes to work by bike . 他經(jīng)常騎自行車上班。(2012·煙臺)

bill [b?l ] n. 賬單;法案,議案;〈美〉鈔票,紙幣

例  She paid with a hundred-dollar bill . 她拿出一百美元付賬。(2011·廣州)

So Mrs Smith still doesn't know who made the phone bill very high. 所以史密斯夫人仍然不知道誰打出了這樣高的電話賬單。(2008·成都)

biology [ba???l??i ] n. 生物學(xué),生態(tài)學(xué)

構(gòu)  bio(前綴表示生命)+(o)logy(名詞后綴表示學(xué)科)

拓  biologist n. 生物學(xué)家

例  We went to the Biology class instead of attending the English lesson. 我們?nèi)ド仙镎n而不去上英語課。

bird [b?:d ] n. 鳥

拓  bird's-eye 鳥瞰的

例  Thousands of trees were cut down. And many birds lost their home. 成千上萬棵樹被砍倒,許多鳥失去了它們的家。(2011·邵陽)

birth [b?:θ ] n. 出生,誕生

拓  birth-rate n. 出生率

配  give birth to 生,產(chǎn)生;引起

例  Sadly for Mary, their first child died soon after birth in Italy. 令瑪麗傷心的是他們的第一個孩子在意大利出生后不久就死了。(2011·廣州)

Some fishes give birth in warm water and move to cold water to feed. 一些魚類在溫水中誕生然后移動到冷水中飼養(yǎng)。(2009·寧夏)

birthday [?b??θde? ] n. 生日

構(gòu)  birth(n. 出生)+day(日)

配  birthday party 生日宴會

例  Tomorrow is the boy's seventh birthday . 明天是這男孩7歲生日。(2011·柳州)

biscuit [?b?sk?t ] n. 餅干

拓  cracker(美)n. 餅干

例  She pours the tea and I take a chocolate biscuit . 她倒上了茶,我拿起一塊巧克力餅干。

b?t [bit ] n. 一點(diǎn),一些,少量

配  a bit (of)有點(diǎn)

例  I feel a bit hungry now. 我現(xiàn)在覺得有點(diǎn)餓了。(2011·廣州)

bitter [?b?t? ] a. 有苦味的;痛苦的;嚴(yán)酷的

拓  bitterness n. 苦味,苦難 sweet a. 甜的

例  I like all kinds of chocolate, especially bitter chocolate. 我喜歡各式各樣的巧克力,尤其是苦巧克力。(2011·河南)

black [bl?k ] n. 黑色 a. 黑色的

拓  white n. 白色 a. 白色的

配  as black as ink/ coal 墨黑,極黑

black sheep 害群之馬

call/make white black 顛倒黑白;混淆是非

black and white 白紙黑字

例  I have two cats. One is black , and the other is white. 我有兩只貓,一只白色,一只黑色。(2011·聊城)

Look at the man in black over there. 看那邊那個著黑色衣服的男人。(2011·遵義)

blackboard [?bl?kb??d ] n. 黑板

構(gòu)  black(n. 黑色)+board(n. 木板)

拓  chalkboard n. 黑板

例  I can't see the blackboard clearly. Two tall boys are sitting in front of me. 我看不清黑板。前面有兩個高個子男孩。(2011·畢節(jié))

blind [bla?nd ] a. 失明的,瞎的 vt. 使失明

拓  blindly ad. 盲目地 blindness n. 失明,盲目性

配  go blind 失明

例  The ORBIS volunteers were proud to help so many blind people in need. 奧比斯眼科醫(yī)院的志愿者們都因幫助了那么多需要幫助的盲人而感到自豪。(2012·鹽城)

Most of us would give up if we were blinded at such a young age. 如果我們在很小的時候失明,我們大多數(shù)都可能會感到無望。(2012·武漢)

blood [bl?d ] n. 血,血液

拓  bloody a. 血腥的 bloodless a. 不流血的

例  Blood pressure(血壓)and body temperature are directly shown on computers. 血壓和體溫都直接顯示在電腦上。(2011·河北)

blow [bl?? ] n. 擊;猛攻;吹風(fēng) v. (blew, blown) 吹;刮風(fēng)

配 blow out 吹滅

例 Smokejumpers in the U.S. for example, must be 54 to 91 kilograms, so they don't get hurt when they land, or get blown by strong winds. 例如,在美國,空降滅火員的體重必須在54至91公斤之間,只有這樣他們不會在降落著地的時候受傷或被強(qiáng)風(fēng)吹走。(2012·北京)

Though winds sometimes blow strongly in spring, it is quite warm. 盡管春天風(fēng)有時很大但很暖和。(2010·哈爾濱)

blue [blu? ] n. 藍(lán)色 a. 藍(lán)色的;悲傷的,沮喪的

配  look blue 神色沮喪;臉色發(fā)青

out of the blue 完全出于意外

例  Which sweater do you like better, the red one or the blue one? 你喜歡哪件毛衣,紅色還是藍(lán)色的?(2009·吉林)

board [b??d ] n. 木板;布告牌;董事會 v. 上(船、火車、飛機(jī))

拓  aboard ad. 在船(飛機(jī)、車)上,上船(飛機(jī)、車)

配  on board 在船(車,飛機(jī))上

例  He put up a board in the garden facing the road. The board said, “No Parking”. 他在花園朝馬路的門口掛起一個大牌子,牌子上寫著“嚴(yán)禁停車”。(2009·遼寧)

boat [b??t ] n. 小船,船

拓  ship 大船

配  Dragon Boat Festival 端午節(jié)

例  What good weather! Let's go boating on the lake. 天氣真好!我們到湖上去劃船吧。(2007·北京)

body [?b?di ] n. 身體

拓  body-building n. 加強(qiáng)體質(zhì),健美運(yùn)動

配  body and soul 全心全意

in body 親自,自行

例  When you are eating, notice how your body feels. 當(dāng)您吃的時候,請注意您的身體感覺如何。(2009·包頭)

boil [b??l ] vi. 沸開 vt. 煮,燒煮 n. 沸,沸騰

拓  boiled a. 煮沸的;煮熟的

例  Add enough water and boil it for about 15 to 20 minutes. 加足夠的水煮15到20分鐘。(2011·深圳)

bone [b??n ] n. 骨,骨頭

拓  flesh n. 肉

配  make no bones 毫不猶豫,毫不隱諱地直言

例  She then took the chicken bones home and made soup out of them. 然后她把雞骨頭打包回家,做成了湯。(2010·沈陽)

book [b?k ] n. 書 vt. 預(yù)訂(房間、座位、車票等)vi. 預(yù)訂

拓  bookcase n. 書柜 bookmark n. 書簽 bookshelf n. 書架 reserve v. 預(yù)訂,預(yù)約

例  I want to book a double room from June 23-25. 我想預(yù)訂一間雙人間,時間是從6月23日至25日。(2012·黃石)

Harry Potter is so interesting a book that lots of teenagers like to read it. 《哈利·波特》這本書很有趣,以至于很多年輕人都喜歡讀它。(2011·青島)

border [?b??d? ] n. 國界,邊界,邊緣

拓  boundary n. 邊界,分界線

配  on the border of 在……的邊界上,將要

例  He thought a simple card with a border would be a great way to send a note. 他認(rèn)為一張加上飾邊的簡單卡片是寄送短箋的好方式。(2011·河北)

bored [b??d ] a. (人)感到無聊的

構(gòu)  bore(v. 令人厭煩)+(e)d(形容詞后綴表示感到)

拓  bore v. 令人厭煩

例  We would probably be bored to death. 我們會無聊至死。(2012·濟(jì)南)

The young man was very bored and felt very disappointed. 這個年輕人感到乏味又失望。(2010·烏魯木齊)

boring [?b??r?? ] a. 乏味的,無聊的

構(gòu)  bor(e)(v. 令人厭煩)+ing(形容詞后綴表示令人覺得)

拓  bore v. 令人厭煩

例  —Is the film interesting?

— I thought it would be. But in fact, it's very boring .



born [b??n ] a. 出生的;天生的

拓  bear v. 生產(chǎn),結(jié)(果實(shí))

配  be born in/into/to 降生到某家庭

be born with 天賦;命運(yùn)

be born to do 生而為……;生來就是

例  About two-thirds of the students in our class were born in the 1990s. 我們班三分之二的學(xué)生都出生在1990年代。(2011·綏化)

She was born deaf, so tonight was the best time she ever heard me play the piano. 她天生耳聾,所以今晚是她聽我彈鋼琴的最好的時機(jī)。(2011·淄博)

borrow [?b?r?? ] v. (向別人)借用,借

拓  lend v. 借出

配  borrow …from…從……借

例  The university student borrowed some money from his friends to start his own business. 這個大學(xué)生從他的朋友那兒借錢開始自己的事業(yè)。(2011·上海)

boss [b?s ] n. 領(lǐng)班;老板,上司

拓  bossy 老板作風(fēng)的;跋扈的

例  The boss made him work 14 hours a day. 老板要他一天工作14小時。(2011·河源)

both [b??θ ] a. & ad. (兩者)都 pron. 兩者,雙方

拓  neither 兩者都不

配  both…and…兩者都,既……又……

both of ……中的兩者

例  —What do you think of the two backpacks?

—Both of them are very nice.



bottle [?b?tl ] n. 瓶子

拓  bottled a. 瓶裝的

配  a bottle of 一瓶

例  Han Fang wants to buy two pieces of bread, a bottle of orange juice and an ice cream. 韓方想買兩片面包、一瓶果汁與一個冰激凌。(2011·崇左)

bottom [?b?t?m ] n. 底部,底

拓  bottomless a. 無底的, 難解的

配  at the bottom of 在……底部

Bottoms up. 干杯!

例  Your friend's face appears on the screen,and the Chinese words appear at the bottom . 你朋友的頭像出現(xiàn)在屏幕上,中文字顯示在下面。(2009·吉林)

bow [b?? ] n. 弓,鞠躬 vt. 鞠躬,低頭 vi. 鞠躬,低頭

拓  bowknot n. 蝴蝶結(jié)

配  bow down 鞠躬,服從

bow out 由……退出

例  Archery has a 10,000-year history, when bows and arrows were first used for hunting and war. 射箭的歷史可追溯到一萬年前,最初弓箭是用于狩獵和戰(zhàn)爭。(2011·廣州)

bowl [b??l ] n. 碗 v. 打保齡球

拓  bowling n. 保齡球

配  a bowl of 一碗

例  Use a plate or bowl when you eat. 吃的時候用盤子或碗。(2011·青島)

box [b?ks ] n. 盒子,箱子

拓  boxer n. 拳擊者

配  a box of 一盒

例  The box was too heavy for me to carry, so I pulled it into my room. 對我來說這個箱子太重了,以至于拿不動,所以我把它推到我的房間里了。(2011·沈陽)

I have bought a box of chocolates for them. 我買了盒巧克力給他們。(2011·溫州)

boy [b?? ] n. 男孩

拓  boyhood n. 少年時代  boyfriend n. 男朋友

例  Bill, who's the little boy in the picture? 比爾,照片里那個小男孩是誰?(2011·湘潭)

brain [bre?n ] n. 腦,頭腦

拓  brainless a. 沒有頭腦的

brainy a. 聰明的;有頭腦的

配  rack one's brains 絞盡腦汁

例  You know that your brain is connected to every part of your body through your nervous system.你知道你的大腦通過神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)和身體的每一部分聯(lián)系在一起。(2012·濟(jì)南)

brave [bre?v ] a. 勇敢的

拓  bravery n. 勇氣

配  (as) brave as a lion 勇猛如獅

例  The girl was brave and strong-minded. 這個女孩勇敢而且意志堅(jiān)強(qiáng)。(2012·陜西)

bread [bred ] n. 面包

配  bread and butter 生計(jì),謀生之道

例  I'm hungry, is there any bread in the fridge? 我餓了,冰箱里有面包嗎?(2011·安徽)

break [bre?k ] vt. (broke, broken)打破,使碎裂 vi. 破裂 n. 中斷;休息

拓  breakable a. 會破的,易碎的

配  break down 損壞,分解,瓦解

break away (from) 脫離,逃跑

break in 強(qiáng)行進(jìn)入,闖入;打斷,插嘴

break into 闖入

break out 突然發(fā)生,爆發(fā)

break through 突破

break up 終止,結(jié)束;打碎,拆散

例  Drivers shouldn't be allowed to drive after drinking, or they will break the law. 駕駛員不允許酒后駕車否則就是違法。(2011·山西)

Ask your friends to give you a break and not to make fun of you. 請朋友們饒你一次,不要笑話你。(2012·長沙)

breakfast [?brekf?st ] n. 早餐

構(gòu)  break(n. 中斷)+fast(n. 節(jié)食)

拓  dinner 正餐 supper 晚餐

例  As I was having breakfast the newspaper arrived. 我正吃早飯的時候報(bào)紙來了。(2011·廣州)

breast [brest ] n. 胸部;乳房

拓  bosom n. 胸部

配  at the breast(嬰兒)在吃奶的

beat one's(或the)breast 捶胸悲嘆,表示內(nèi)疚、懊悔、懺悔或自責(zé)

例  He made a clean breast of the whole secret. 他把所有秘密全盤托出。

breath [breθ ] n. 氣息,呼吸

拓  breathe vi. 呼吸 breath-taking a. 驚人的

配  draw/take a long (deep) breath 深深吸一口氣

out of breath 喘不過氣來,上氣不接下氣

例  I am out of breath . I can't go any further. 我已經(jīng)喘不過氣了,我走不動了。(2011·常州)

He thought for only a moment before taking a deep breath and saying,“Yes, I'll do it if it will save Lisa.”他只思考了一會兒然后深深地吸一口氣說:“好,如果能救莉薩我愿意做這件事?!保?010·佛山)

breathe [bri?e ] vi. 呼吸

構(gòu)  breath(n. 呼吸)+e(動詞后綴)

拓  breathing n. 呼吸

例  The trees and other plants in the forest help to make the air that we breathe . 樹和森林里的其他植物幫助制造了我們呼吸的空氣。(2012·鹽城)

bridge [br?? ] n. 橋

拓  overbridge n. 天橋

例  Each of us has a few life goals, which will guide us to a bridge future. 我們中的每個人都有幾個生活目標(biāo),指引我們構(gòu)架未來。(2011·哈爾濱)

bright [bra?t ] a. 明亮的;聰明的;(顏色)鮮艷的

拓  brightly ad. 明亮地 brighten v. (使)變亮

例  The moonlight goes through the window and makes the room bright . 月光穿過窗戶使房間明亮起來。(2011·濰坊)

bring [br?? ] vt. (brought,brought) 拿來,帶來,取來

拓  bringing-up n. 教養(yǎng)

配  bring about 帶來,造成

bring down 打倒,挫傷;降低

bring forth 產(chǎn)生,提出

bring forward 提出

bring up 教育,培養(yǎng),使成長

例  —Oh! I came in a hurry and forgot to bring food.

—It doesn't matter. You can have ours.



Britain [?br?tn ] n. 不列顛,英國

拓  The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯(lián)合王國(英國的正式名稱,簡稱U.K.)

例  Franklin told them all how happy he was to be in Britain again. 富蘭克林告訴他們大家能再一次來到英國他非常開心。(2011·杭州)

British [?br?t?? ] a. 大不列顛的;英國的;英國人的 n. (總稱)英國人

構(gòu)  Brit(ain)(n. 英國)+ish(加在民族、國家、地方等名稱后,表示某國的或某民族的,兼作名詞后綴用,表示某國的語言)

例  Most British high school children wear uniforms at school. 大多數(shù)英國中學(xué)生在學(xué)校穿校服。(2011·濟(jì)寧)

brother [?br?e? ] n. 兄;弟

拓  brotherhood n. 兄弟關(guān)系

brotherly a. 兄弟的,親兄弟般的

例  In the piano contest, my brother didn't play well and I did even worse. 在鋼琴比賽中,我兄弟沒有發(fā)揮好,我表現(xiàn)更差。(2011·青島)

brown [bra?n ] n. 褐色,棕色 a. 褐色的,棕色的

配  brown bread 黑面包

例  Which tie is better for my new shirt, the brown one or the blue one? 哪條領(lǐng)帶適合我新買的襯衣,褐色還是藍(lán)色的?(2012·重慶)

brush [br?? ] vt. 刷;擦 n. 刷子;畫筆

配  tooth brush 牙刷 brush up 重溫,再練

例  Don't keep water running when you are brushing your teeth or washing your hands, Jack. 杰克,當(dāng)你刷牙或洗手時不要讓水不停地流淌。(2011·樂山)

build [b?ld ] v. (built,built) 建筑,建造

拓  building n. 建筑物

配  build up 積累;逐步建立;鍛煉

例  A Disneyland Park will be built in Shanghai Pudong New Area in the near future.在不久的將來,一個迪士尼樂園將在上海浦東新區(qū)建成。(2012·濟(jì)南)

building [?b?ld?? ] n. 建筑物,房屋,大樓

構(gòu)  build(v. 建筑,建造)+ing(名詞后綴)

配  building site 建筑工地

例  The thief was noticed to enter the office building by the back door on the screen. 在屏幕上,那個賊被看到從后門進(jìn)入辦公大樓。(2011·大慶)

burn [b?:n ] v. 燃,著火;使燒焦;使曬黑 n. 燒傷;曬傷

拓  burnable a. 燃燒的,可燃的,灼傷的

配  burn out 燒掉

burn up 燒起來,旺起來;燒完,燒盡

例  Is this wood dry enough to burn ? 木柴干得可以燒了嗎?(2012·蘇州)

bus [b?s ] n. 公共汽車

配  by bus 乘公共汽車 at the bus stop 在公交車站

例  I often go to school by bus . 我經(jīng)常乘公交車上學(xué)。(2011·湘西)

business [?b?zn?s ] n. (本分)工作,職業(yè);生意;事業(yè)

構(gòu)  busy(a. 忙的)+ness(名詞后綴)

拓  businessman n. 商人

配  on business 因公,因事

Mind your own business. 少管閑事。

例  Nowadays two thirds of business letters are written in English. 如今有三分之二的商務(wù)信函是用英語寫的。(2011·呼和浩特)

As the Internet becomes more popular, many older media businesses are dying out. 隨著互聯(lián)網(wǎng)的日益普及,許多傳統(tǒng)媒體的業(yè)務(wù)正在消失。(2012·河北)

busy [?b?zi ] a. 忙碌的,繁忙的

拓  busily ad. 忙碌地 free a. 空閑的

配  be busy (in) doing something 忙著做…… be busy with 忙于……

例  The woman is very busy so she seldom watches TV. 這位女士很忙所以她很少看電視。(2011·雅安)

but [b?t ] conj. 但是,可是

拓  however 然而,但是 yet 可是

配  all but 除……外全部

not only…but also…不僅……而且……

例  In many places in China, the old over 90 are taken good care of not only by their family but also by the government. 在中國的許多地方,超過90歲的人不僅受到家人的好好照顧還被政府照顧著。(2011·蘭州)

butter [?b?t? ] n. 黃油,奶油 vt. 涂黃油于拓 bread and butter 生計(jì)

例  You may find the bread and butter is free,and if you order coffee,you may get a free refill. 你會發(fā)覺,面包與黃油都是免費(fèi)的,如果你點(diǎn)咖啡,你可以免費(fèi)續(xù)杯。(2010·呼和浩特)

butterfy [?b?t?fa? ] n. 蝴蝶

拓  butterfly stroke 蝶泳

配  (as) light as a butterfly 輕浮,輕佻

break a butterfly on(/upon) a (/the) wheel 殺雞用牛刀;小題大做;浪費(fèi)力氣

例  Do you think butterfly is a type of insect? 你認(rèn)為蝴蝶是一種昆蟲嗎?

buy [ba? ] vt. (bought, bought) 購買 vi. 購物

拓  buyer n. 買主,顧客 sell v. 賣

配  buy back 買回

例  I'm expecting a digital camera for long, but dad has no time to buy one for me. 我一直想要一臺數(shù)碼相機(jī),但爸爸沒有時間給我買一臺。(2011·舟山)

by [ba? ] prep. 靠近,在……旁;不遲于;被;經(jīng)……,由……;乘(車)

配  by the way 順便說一下

one by one 一個一個地

by accident 偶然地

by all means 想盡辦法

by no means 絕不

by oneself 獨(dú)自

例  It takes us an hour or more to go to my hometown by train. 我們乘火車花了一個多小時回到我的家鄉(xiāng)。(2011·呼和浩特)

By the way, we don't use the word“subway”here. 順便說一下,我們這里不用“subway”這個詞。(2012·陜西)

She learned to play the piano all by herself. 她靠自學(xué),學(xué)會了彈鋼琴。(2011·河北)

bye [ba? ] int. 再見,再會

拓  Goodbye 再見 Bye 再見


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