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初中英語必考2000詞 C cabbage→cycle





初中英語必考2000詞 C cabbage→cycle

cabbage [?k?b?? ] n. 卷心菜,洋白菜;無精打采的人,呆頭呆腦的人

配  Chinese cabbage 大白菜

例  I think I can probably find some cabbage . 我想我也許能找到一些卷心菜。(2009·武漢)

cage [ke?? ] n. 籠子;獸籠

配  bird cage 鳥籠

例  Most animals are kept in cages that are too small for them. 大多數(shù)動物都被關(guān)在狹小逼仄的籠子里。(2011·上海)

cake [ke?k ] n. 蛋糕,糕點,餅

配  birthday cake 生日蛋糕

a piece of cake 輕而易舉的事情

moon cake 月餅

例  It was Mom who bought the cake with the candles on it for me to blow out. 是媽媽給我買了蛋糕,上面還插上了蠟燭讓我吹滅。(2009·沈陽)

call [k??l ] n. 喊,叫;通話 v. 稱呼;呼喚;喊,叫

拓  caller n. 訪客;呼叫者;打電話者

配  make a phone call 打電話

call for 要求;需要;提倡;邀請;為……叫喊

call on 訪問,拜訪;號召,請求

call in 召集;召來

call back 回電;收回

call at 拜訪,訪問;停靠(車站)

例  We use cell phones to call our friends, send text messages, play games,and even take photographs. 我們用手機給朋友們打電話、發(fā)短信、玩游戲,甚至照相。(2009·遼寧)

The cat is called Nicolas. 這只貓叫做尼古拉斯。(2009·長春)

calm [kɑ?m ] a. 沉著的;鎮(zhèn)定的;安靜的,平靜的

拓  calmly ad. 冷靜地;平靜地

配  calm down 平靜下來;鎮(zhèn)定下來

keep (stay) calm 保持冷靜

例  After shouting and shutting her door, she calms down enough to go through her notes. 在大叫大喊關(guān)上門后,她冷靜得足以瀏覽筆記了。(2012·北京)

If you are robbed, keep calm . 如果你被搶劫,要保持冷靜。(2011·烏魯木齊)

camel [?k?m?l ] n. 駱駝

配  the straw that broke the camel's back 壓垮駱駝背的最后一根稻草

例  They have camels , goats, sheep and other animals. 他們有駱駝、山羊、綿羊和其他動物。(2010·年呼和浩特)

camera [?k?m?r? ] n. 照相機;攝像機

拓  cameraman n. 攝影師

配  digital camera 數(shù)字?jǐn)z像機;數(shù)字照相機

例  You must learn how to use a video camera , to write reports, and to speak to the camera. 你必須要學(xué)會如何使用攝像機,如何寫報告和對著攝像機說話。(2010·大連)

cameraman [?k?m?r??m?n ] n. 攝影師;照相師;攝影記者

構(gòu)  camera(n. 攝像機)+man(n. 人)

配  news cameraman 新聞攝影員

例  The cameraman panned down the camera. 攝影師降下鏡頭拍攝全景。

camp [k?mp ] n. (夏令)營;野營 vi. 野營,宿營

拓  camping n. 露營;野營

camper n. 露營者,野營者

配  training camp 集訓(xùn)營

summer camp 夏令營

camp fire 營火

例  These include fun activities such as holiday camps and discos. 這包括了一些有趣的活動比如假期夏令營和迪斯科。(2007·南京)

We decided to give up the camping trip because all of us had been very tired. 我們決定不去野營了,因為大家都很累了。(2012·河北)

can [k?n, k?n ] v. aux. 能,能夠;可能;會;可以 n. 罐頭,聽

拓  canned a. 罐裝的

例  It can happen if a child turns off TV just one night for reading at home. 孩子在家關(guān)掉電視閱讀書籍的情況,哪怕只有一個晚上,也是有可能發(fā)生的。(2012·河北)

Canada [?k?n?d? ] n. 加拿大

拓  Canadian a. 加拿大的;加拿大人的 n. 加拿大人

例  There are hundreds of artisans from across Canada selling jewellery, pottery, glass, ironwork and clothing. 來自加拿大的成百手藝工匠在售賣首飾、陶器、玻璃、鐵制品和服裝。(2012·煙臺)

Canadian [k??ne?dj?n ] a. 加拿大的;加拿大人的 n. 加拿大人

構(gòu)  Canada(n. 加拿大)+ian(指人后綴)

拓  Canadianize v. (使)加拿大化

例  What about the Canadian policy? 那么加拿大的政策呢?

cancel [?k?ns?l ] vt. 取消;刪去 vi. 取消;相互抵消 n. 取消,撤銷

配  cancel out 消除;勾銷;取消

例  Can I cancel this ticket? 我可以取消這張票嗎?

cancer [?k?ns? ] n. 癌

配  cancer cell 癌細(xì)胞

例  The doctors in the hospital are trying a new treatment for cancer . 醫(yī)院的醫(yī)生們正在嘗試攻克癌癥的新療法。(2011·無錫)

candle [?k?ndl ] n. 蠟燭;燭光;燭形物

拓  candlelight n. 燭光;燈光

配  burn the candle at both ends 過分浪費精力

例  People lighted candles in memory of the dead. 人們點燃蠟燭,紀(jì)念死者。(2008·蘭州)

candy [?k?ndi ] n. 糖果

拓  sweets n. 糖果

例  While other kids ate candy for breakfast, I had to have porridge, eggs or toast. 當(dāng)其他孩子們可以把吃糖作為早餐時,我卻只能喝粥和雞蛋或吐司。(2011·黃岡)

cap [k?p ] n. 便帽;(表示職業(yè)等的)帽子;(鋼筆等的)筆套

配  cap in hand 畢恭畢敬地;謙恭地

例  Chris went over to the kangaroo and put his baseball cap on its head. 克里斯走到袋鼠身旁,將棒球帽戴在它的頭上。(2011·貴陽)

capital [?k?p?tl ] n. 首都,省會;資金;大寫字母 a. 首都的;重要的;大寫的

拓  capitalist a. 資本家的 capitalism n. 資本主義

配  capital city 首都

provincial capital 省會

例  With the coming of China's 60th birthday, students are eager to help make the capital a more pleasant place. 隨著新中國成立60周年的到來,學(xué)生們都渴望能幫著首都變得很宜人。(2009年·呼和浩特)

And make sure those capital letters are written properly. 還要檢查大寫字母是否寫正確了。(2011·重慶)

captain [?k?pt?n ] n. (海軍)上校;船長;隊長

例  My sister is captain of the school tennis team. 我的姐姐是校網(wǎng)球隊隊長。(2009·大連)

car [kɑ? ] n. 汽車,小汽車

配  by car 乘汽車

car accident 車禍;交通事故

sports car n. 跑車

drive a car 駕車;開小汽車

例  May I put my car here? 我可以把車停這兒嗎?(2009·遼寧)

card [kɑ?d ] n. 卡片;名片;紙牌

配  business card 名片;商務(wù)名片

credit card 信用卡;記賬卡

ID card 身份證(等于identity card)

greeting card 賀卡

green card(美)綠卡(指允許外國人進(jìn)入美國工作、生活的綠色許可證)

例  A robot reads your credit card and then gives you what you want. 機器人會讀你的信用卡,然后給你想要的。(2011·沈陽)

care [ke? ] n. 照料,保護(hù) v. 介意;關(guān)心

拓  careful a. 仔細(xì)的,小心的 careless a. 粗心的;無憂無慮的

配  take care 注意;小心

take care of 照顧;注意;撫養(yǎng)

take good care of 照顧好;好好照看

care about 擔(dān)心,關(guān)心

care for 關(guān)心,照顧;喜歡

don't care 不管,不在意

例  The film Modern Times (1936) shows his care about the modern industry workers. 1936年出品的電影《摩登時代》顯示出對現(xiàn)代產(chǎn)業(yè)工人的關(guān)注。(2011·安徽)

We should thank all our teachers for their help, care and love during the past three years. 我們要感謝老師們在過去的三年,對我們的幫助、關(guān)心和愛。(2011·南京)

careful [?ke?f ] a. 小心的,仔細(xì)的

構(gòu)  care(n. 關(guān)心)+ful(形容詞詞尾)

拓  careless a. 粗心的;無憂無慮的

配  be careful about 當(dāng)心,注意

例  Be careful when you are cycling. 騎自行車要小心。(2011·常州)

You will need to read certain pages rapidly and then slow down and do more careful reading when you come to important ideas. 有些頁面只需快速瀏覽,但到了重要的論點部分,則需要慢慢閱讀并仔細(xì)思考。(2011·無錫)

careless [?ke?l?s ] a. 粗心的,漫不經(jīng)心的,疏忽的

構(gòu)  care(n. 關(guān)心)+less(表否定的形容詞詞尾)

拓  carelessly ad. 粗心地;不注意地;無憂無慮地

carelessness n. 粗心大意

配  careless mistake 粗心錯誤,疏忽

careless about 對……粗心

例  Many accidents are caused by careless driving. 許多交通意外是由疏忽駕駛造成的。(2012·蘇州)

carpet [?kɑ?p?t ] n. 地毯 vt. 在……上鋪地毯

拓  rug n. (?。┑靥海瑝|子

配  red carpet(迎接貴賓用的)紅地毯;隆重的接待

magic carpet(《一千零一夜》中載人飛行的)魔毯

例  We dragged the carpet out of the room. 我們費力地把地毯拖出房間。

carrot [?k?r?t ] n. 胡蘿卜

例  I want to order some mutton and carrot dumplings. 我想來點胡蘿卜羊肉餃子。(2009·包頭)

carry [?k?ri ] vt. 運載;傳送 vi. 被攜帶;被搬運

拓  carriage n. 運輸;四輪馬車;客車廂

配  carry out 實行;實現(xiàn);完成

carry on 繼續(xù)

carry away 運走;使失去自制力

例  We have to carry it on, since we've got everything ready. 既然我們做好了一切準(zhǔn)備,就得繼續(xù)完成。(2012·蘇州)

However, it's no fun if you have a large backpack full of books to carry . 當(dāng)然,這一點也不有趣如果你背著一個裝滿了書的雙肩包的話。(2011·貴陽)

cartoon [kɑ??tu?n ] n. 卡通,動畫片 vt. 為……畫漫畫 vi. 畫漫畫

拓  cartoonist n. 漫畫家

例  What is your favorite cartoon ? 你最喜歡哪部卡通動畫片?(2010·呼和浩特)

carve [kɑ?v ] vt. 刻;雕刻

拓  carved a. 有雕刻的

carving n. 雕刻;雕刻品;雕刻術(shù)

配  carve out 雕刻出;劃出;開辟道路;為自己創(chuàng)立事業(yè)

例  Artists carve beautiful things out of soft stones, because they can be shaped easily. 藝術(shù)家們在軟石上雕刻,因為它易于改變形狀。(2009·河北)

case [ke?s ] n. 盒子,箱子;情況,實例 vt. 包圍;把……裝于容器中

配  in case 萬一;假使

in the case of 至于,在……的情況下

in case of 萬一;如果發(fā)生;假設(shè)

in this(that)case 既然這(那)樣,假若(那)樣

in any case 無論如何

in some case 在某種情況下

in no case 決不

例  Both expressions are said just in case you didn't cover your mouth in time and the spirits were able to enter your body. 當(dāng)你沒有及時把嘴閉上而讓幽靈可能進(jìn)入身體,人們會經(jīng)常說這兩句話。(2011·蘇州)

Whose pencil case is this?這是誰的文具盒?(2011·寧波)

cash [k?? ] n. 現(xiàn)金

拓  cashier 出納員,收銀員;(超市)收銀臺

配  in cash 用現(xiàn)金,有現(xiàn)款

cash register 現(xiàn)金出納機,收銀機

例  The child does not receive the money in cash . 這孩子不收現(xiàn)金。(2011·上海)

Customers liked the card because they didn't have to carry a lot of cash with them. 顧客愛用卡,這樣就不用隨身帶很多現(xiàn)金。(2011·陜西)

cassette [k??set ] n. 盒式錄音帶

配  cassette tape 盒式錄音帶,盒式磁帶

例  I think I've broken your cassette recorder. 我想我已弄壞了你的盒式磁帶錄音機了。

castle [?kɑ?sl ] n. 城堡;象棋中的車

配  castle in the air 空中樓閣;白日夢

例  She never sits in a castle waiting for a prince to come and save her. 她從未坐在城堡里等待王子來救她。(2010·深圳)

cat [k?t ] n. 貓

配  cats and dogs(下雨)猛烈地;大量地

例  Sometimes, a cat likes to play with a small animal it catches. 有時候,貓喜歡戲弄已經(jīng)逮到的獵物。(2010·常州)

catch [k?t? ](caught,caught) vt. 抓?。蝗旧希膊。﹙i. 接??;鎖住

拓  catcher n. 捕手,捕捉者;接球手

配  catch up 趕上;把……纏住

catch up with 趕上,追上;逮捕;處罰

catch the train 趕火車

catch up on 趕上;得到……消息;彌補

catch fire 著火

catch hold of 抓住;擁有

catch the eye 引人注目

例  When fish swim nearby, you can catch them easily with your hands. 魚游到附近時,你甚至能輕易用手捉住。(2008·成都)

He started running to catch the bus. 他開始跑步趕公交車。(2011·徐州)

cause [k??z ] n. 原因,起因 vt. 促使,引起,使發(fā)生

配  cause of 起因;屬……原因

cause for ……的原因

例  It's actually so dangerous to people's health that it may cause cancer. 這種可致癌物質(zhì),的確威脅人類的健康。(2011·廈門)

CD [?si??di? ](compact disk的縮寫)激光唱片,光盤

配  CD player CD 播放器;激光唱機

CD ROM 光盤只讀存儲器;只讀型光盤

例  First of all, I will give my father a CD of Beethoven's music as a gift and I'm sure he will love that, because he loves classical music. 首先我會送給爸爸一張貝多芬的光盤作為禮物,我相信他一定會喜歡,因為他愛聽古典樂。(2009·佛山)

ceiling [?si?l?? ] n. 天花板,頂棚

拓  roof n. 屋頂

例  The ceiling of the church was painted by a famous artist. 教堂天花板上的圖案是由一位著名藝術(shù)家創(chuàng)作的。(2009·煙臺)

celebrate [?sel?bre?t ] vt. 慶祝

拓  celebration n. 慶祝,慶祝會

配  celebrate with 慶祝

例  Many countries celebrate World Book Day. 許多國家在慶祝世界讀書日。(2012·煙臺)

cent [sent ] n. 美分,分幣(100 cents=1 dollar)

配  not worth a red cent [美口]一文不值,毫無用處

例  Rainforests cover six per cent of the Earth's surface. 熱帶雨林覆蓋了地球表面的百分之六。(2012·鹽城)

centre [?sent? ](美center)n. 中心,中央

拓  central a. 中心的,中央的;主要的

配  in the centre of 在……的中心

例  They believed that it would be better for everybody if only bicycles were allowed in the city centre . 人們都認(rèn)為,如果市中心只允許自行車通行,這會對每個人都更有益。(2011·南京)

century [?sent??ri ] n. 世紀(jì);百年

配  the twentieth century 20世紀(jì) turn of the century 世紀(jì)之交 century park 世紀(jì)公園

例  Close contacts between Japan and the rest of the world were created in the twentieth century . 日本和世界其他各國的緊密關(guān)系于二十世紀(jì)開始。(2011·無錫)

certain [?s?:tn ] a. (未指明真實名稱的)某……;確定的

拓  certainly ad. 當(dāng)然;行(用于回答);必定

certainty n. 必然;確實;確實的事情

配  a certain extent 一定程度上

a certain degree 到某種程度

例  It showed that it was quite safe for a man to be outside the spaceship for a certain period of time.(研究)表明,在一定的時間內(nèi),宇航員離開太空船是安全的。(2009·黃岡)

certainly [?s?:tnli ] ad. 當(dāng)然;行(用于回答);必定

構(gòu)  certain(a. 確定的)+ly(副詞詞尾)

例  The answer is certainly “No”. 回答當(dāng)然是“不行”。(2009·寧夏)

chair [t?e?, t?e?(r) ] n. 椅子;講座;(會議的)主席位

拓  chairperson n. 主席 chairman n. 主席,會長

chairwoman n. 女主席;女會長;女議長

配  sit on two chairs 腳踏兩只船

take a chair 入座,就座

take the chair 做主席,主持會議,開會

例  when it is warm enough, he sometimes takes his chair into the garden. 等到天氣夠暖和了,有時他會把椅子搬到花園去坐坐。(2005·寧夏課改實驗區(qū))

chairman [?t?e?m?n ](pl. chairmen)n. 主席;會長;議長

構(gòu)  chair(n. 主席位)+man(n. 人)

配  board chairman n. 董事長

例  Glyn Ford is chairman of the committee which produced the report. 格林·福特是撰寫該報告的委員會的主席。

chairwoman [?t?e??w?m?n ] n. 女主席;女會長;女議長

構(gòu)  chair(n. 主席位)+woman(n. 女人)

例  The new chairwoman was very well-spoken. 新上任的女主席很會說話。

chalk [t???k ] n. 粉筆

拓  chalkboard n. 黑板;粉板

配  chalk up 用粉筆記下(分?jǐn)?shù),貨賬等);歸咎于;得分

例  We've come a long way from blackboards and chalk . 現(xiàn)在已遠(yuǎn)不是僅僅用黑板和粉筆教學(xué)的時代。(2010·常州)

challenge [?t??l?n? ] n. 挑戰(zhàn),決斗 vt. 向……挑戰(zhàn)

拓  challenging a. 挑戰(zhàn)的;引起挑戰(zhàn)性興趣的

challenger n. 挑戰(zhàn)者

配  meet the challenge 迎接挑戰(zhàn);滿足要求

例  One of the swans, a strong young male, took up the challenge . 一只年輕健壯的雄天鵝,迎接了挑戰(zhàn)。(2010·常州)

But it was really a challenge to be a reporter. 做一名記者確實是一項挑戰(zhàn)。(2009·廈門)

champion [?t??mpi?n ] n. 冠軍;擁護(hù)者

拓  championship n. 錦標(biāo)賽;冠軍稱號

例  she became a skating champion when she was ten. 她十歲時成為了滑冰冠軍。(2009·寧波)

chance [t?ɑ?ns ] n. 機會,可能性 vt. 偶然發(fā)生 vi. 碰巧

配  by chance 偶然;意外地

have a chance 有機會;有希望

take a chance 冒險

by any chance 萬一

例  There is a good chance for you to go back to London, Mary. 瑪麗,現(xiàn)在有個回倫敦的好機會。(2012·長沙)

If by any chance Peter comes to us, please ask him to leave a message. 如果萬一彼得回來找我們,請讓他留口信。(2012·武漢)

change [t?e?n? ] v. 改變,變化;更換,兌換 n. 變化;找回的零錢

拓  changeable a. 無常的;可改變的;易變的

配  changing room 試衣間

change in 在……方面改變

change from 變化

例  When the waitress returned with the change the lady was gone. 當(dāng)服務(wù)員拿著零錢回來時,那位女士已經(jīng)離開了。(2011·廣州)

A drug can change the way your mind or body works. 毒品會改變你的意識或身體的機能。(2011·海南)

changeable [?t?e?n??bl ] a. 無常的,可改變的;易變的

構(gòu)  change(v. 改變)+able(形容詞后綴)

拓  changeably ad. 易變地,不穩(wěn)定地,可變地

例  In England, the changeable weather is a topic which is much talked about. 在英國,變化無常的天氣是一個談?wù)摰煤芏嗟脑掝}。

chant [t?ɑ?nt ] n. 圣歌,贊美詩 v. 吟唱,頌揚

拓  sing v. 唱

例  There is a suggestion to make kids chant it at schools. 現(xiàn)在正有關(guān)于讓孩子在學(xué)校唱圣歌的提議。

character [?k?r?kt? ] n. 性格,品質(zhì);特性;角色 vt. 印,刻;使具有特征

拓  characteristic a. 典型的;特有的 n. 特征,特色

配  main character 主要人物;主要角色

例  He will be remembered for his character and what he did as a baseball player. 人們記住了他的品質(zhì)和他作為棒球運動員所做的一切。(2010·烏魯木齊)

A man should not be judged by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character . 不應(yīng)以膚色而是通過他的性格來判斷一個人。(2009·煙臺)

charity [?t??r?ti ] n. 慈善事業(yè),慈善團體(常用復(fù)數(shù)[charities]);救濟金,施舍物

配  in charity 出于惻隱之心

例  Taking part in charity is not just for grown-up people. 不是只有成年人才從事慈善活動。(2012·大連)

He didn't tell any of his friends and gave $100,000 of his money to a charity that helped poor children to live better lives. 他在一個朋友也沒告訴的情況下,捐了十萬美元給一個慈善團體,用來幫助改善貧困兒童的生活條件。(2011·上海)

cheap [t?i?p ] a. 便宜的,廉價的

拓  cheaply ad. 便宜地;廉價地

cheapskate n. 小氣鬼;吝嗇鬼

例  If people only wear clothes to keep warm or to cover their bodies, most clothing will be simple and cheap . 如果服裝只起到御寒蔽體的作用,大多數(shù)服裝將是設(shè)計簡單且便宜的。(2009·大連)

cheat [t?i?t ] n. & v. 欺騙;作弊

拓  cheating a. 欺騙的 n. 行騙,欺騙行為

cheater n. 騙子;背叛者

配  cheat on vt. 對……不忠

例  Some students cheat because they're busy or lazy. 一些學(xué)生因忙碌或懶惰而考試舞弊。(2010·宜昌)

check [t?ek ] n. 檢查;核對;〈美〉支票(同 cheque)v. 校對;核對;檢查

拓  check-up n. 檢查,體格檢查

配  check in 酒店入住;(辦理)登機(手續(xù))

check out 退房

例  Check with the library for the dates, times, and places of the demonstrations. 請與圖書館核對集會的日期、時間和地點。(2009·大連)

“Wasn't my check any good?”“我的支票有問題嗎?”(2009·寧夏)

checkout [?t?eka?t ] n. 檢驗;簽出;結(jié)賬臺;檢出

構(gòu)  check(n. 檢查;核對)+out(n. 外面)

配  checkout counter 收款臺;收銀臺

checkout time 退房時間;檢查時間

例  Finally he came to the checkout counter and reached into his pocket for his money. 最后他來到收銀臺,掏錢付款。(2011·河南)

cheer [t???(r),t??r ] n. 振奮;喝彩 vi. 感到高興;歡呼 vt. 使高興;向……歡呼

拓  cheerful a. 快樂的;愉快的;高興的

配  cheer up 使高興;高興起來;使振奮

cheer for 為……歡呼,喝彩;給……加油

例  It can bring you happiness and cheer you up when you are sad. 當(dāng)你悲傷時,它能帶給你快樂和鼓舞。(2011·寧波)

cheers [t???z ] n. 干杯;歡呼

例  The crowd burst into cheers . 人群中爆發(fā)出一片歡呼聲。

cheese [t?i?z ] n. 奶酪

拓  cheeseburger n. 夾干酪和碎牛肉的三明治, 放有干酪的肉餅

例  He used some cheese to trap the rat. 他用了些乳酪誘捕耗子。

chemistry [?kem?stri ] n. 化學(xué),化學(xué)藥品(常用復(fù)數(shù))

構(gòu)  chemi(詞根表示化學(xué))+(s)try(名詞后綴)

拓  chemist n. 化學(xué)家,藥劑師

chemical a. 化學(xué)的 n. 化學(xué)制品,化學(xué)藥品

例  Of all the subjects, chemistry seems to be the most difficult for me. 就我而言,化學(xué)是所有科目中最難學(xué)的。(2011·河北)

chess [t?es ] n. 棋;國際象棋

拓  chessboard n. 棋盤

配  play chess 下棋 Chinese chess 象棋

例  My roommate often asks me to teach her to play chess . 我的室友經(jīng)常叫我教她下棋。(2009·山西)

chest [t?est ] n. 箱子;衣柜;胸部

配  chest pain 胸痛

on one's chest[口語]心中有事,郁積在心,有心事

play it /something close to the/one's chest 把某事藏在心中,對某事保守秘密

例  Another of Osti's inventions has a design of the company's trademark on the chest , which disappears when you breathe on it. Osti的另一個發(fā)明是服裝胸口處的公司商標(biāo)設(shè)計,如果你輕吹一口氣,商標(biāo)便會消失。(2008·泉州)

chicken [?t??k?n ] n. 小雞;雞肉

拓  chick n. 小雞

配  fried chicken 炸雞

例  How often do you have hamburgers or fried chicken ? 你多久吃一次漢堡和炸雞?(2009·重慶)

child [t?a?ld ](pl. children [?t??ldr?n ]) n. 孩子,兒童

拓  childish adj 幼稚的,孩子氣的

childhood n. 童年時期;幼年時代

配  only child 獨生子女

例  No one in New York is going to let their child go to school without a cell phone. 紐約市民都讓孩子帶著手機上學(xué)。(2007·長沙)

China [?t?a?n? ] n. 中國

配  people's republic of China 中華人民共和國

communist party of China 中國共產(chǎn)黨

例  I like traveling and I have traveled a lot around China . 我愛好旅游,已經(jīng)去過了中國的很多地方。(2012·廣州)

china [?t?a?n? ] n. 瓷器

例  Today,when we think of Western tea culture,we often think of the English and beautiful china tea cups. 現(xiàn)在,當(dāng)我們想到西方的茶文化時,我們通常會聯(lián)想起英國人和他們漂亮的瓷質(zhì)茶杯。(2007·南京)

Chinese [t?a??ni?z ] a. 中國的;中國人的;漢語的 n. 中國人;漢語,中文

配  overseas Chinese 華僑

例  He is good at treating flu (fever, cough etc.) in both traditional Chinese and western medicine ways. 他在中西醫(yī)結(jié)合治療流感方面(咳嗽發(fā)燒癥狀等)的經(jīng)驗豐富。(2012·廣州)

chocolate [?t??k?l?t ] n. 巧克力

例  The first chocolate was eaten by people in South America hundreds of years ago. 幾百年前,南美人首次食用巧克力。(2006·南京)

choice [t???s ] n. 選擇,抉擇

構(gòu)  cho(ose)(vt. 選擇,挑選)+ice(名詞后綴)

拓  choose v. 選擇,挑選

配  have no choice 沒有選擇的余地

make a choice 做出選擇

例  I have no choice but to do it. 我別無選擇,只能(這樣)做。(2012·廣州)

choose [t?u?z ] vt. (chose,chosen)選擇,挑選

拓  choice n. 選擇

配  choose from 挑選,從……中選擇

例  It took Mark over 45 minutes to choose his presents. 馬克花了45分鐘時間挑禮物。(2011·河南)

chopsticks [?t??pst?ks ](pl. ) n. 筷子

構(gòu)  chop(n. 砍)+stick(n. 棍,棒,條狀物)

例  It's not polite pointing at anyone with chopsticks at the dinner table. 在餐桌上用筷子指著他人是不禮貌的。(2009·青島)

chore [t???(r) ] n. 家庭雜務(wù);日常的零星事務(wù);討厭的或累人的工作

拓  choreman n. 做短工的工人,打雜工

例  So how should we share the chore ? 我們該怎樣分擔(dān)這些家務(wù)呢?

Christmas [?kr?sm?s ] n. 圣誕節(jié)

構(gòu)  Christ(n. [基督教]救世主(特指耶穌基督))+mas(詞根表示彌撒)

配  merry Christmas 圣誕快樂

Father Christmas 圣誕老人

例  You can come to the show twice a year, in spring and at Christmas . 這個展覽你可以一年來看兩次,春天一次,圣誕一次。(2012·煙臺)

church [t??:t? ] n. 教堂;教會

配  go to church(去教堂)做禮拜

例  It has a bar, a church , a shop and a small theater. 這里有一個酒吧、一個教堂、一個商店和小電影院。(2012·陜西)

cigarette [?s?g??r?t ] n. 香煙

拓  cigar n. 雪茄

例  Excuse me, could you please put out your cigarette ? 不好意思,請熄滅手里的煙頭好嗎?(2009·寧波)

cinema [?s?n?m? ] n. 電影院;電影

配  go to the cinema 去看電影

at the cinema 在電影院

例  Excuse me! Could you tell me how to get to the cinema ? 打擾了,請問去電影院怎么走?(2005·寧夏)

circle [?s?:kl ] vt. 環(huán)繞 vi. 盤旋 n. 圈,環(huán)狀物

配  business circle 商界,企業(yè)界

circle around 環(huán)繞四周

例  During the meal time, the group of people sat down in a circle and started to chat about what happened to the two mice. 用餐期間,這群人圍坐在一起,開始談?wù)撈鹉莾芍焕鲜蟮脑庥?。?009·武漢)

citizen [?s?t?zn ] n. 公民;市民;老百姓

構(gòu)  cit(y)(n. 城市)+zen(名詞后綴)

拓  citizenship n. [法]公民身份;國籍;公民權(quán)

例  Creating happy citizens who have good social skills is seen as more important than high achievements at school or the needs of business. 培養(yǎng)出快樂的、有良好的社交技巧的公民比要求他們在?;蛟谏馍媳憩F(xiàn)優(yōu)異更重要。(2012·北京)

city [?s?ti ] n. 市,城市

拓  city-born a. 出生于城市中的

city-bred a. 在城市長大的

例  The theme of the Expo 2010 is“Better City , Better Life.”2010世博會的主題是“城市,讓生活更美好”。(2011·黃岡)

clap [kl?p ] vt. 拍(手),鼓(掌) vi. 拍手,鼓掌 n. 拍手(聲)

拓  clapper n. 拍手者

配  clap one's hands 拍手

a clap of thunder 一聲霹靂

例  Everyone clapped and cheered. 大家都鼓掌歡呼起來。(2011·南京)

class [klɑ?s ] n. (學(xué)校里的)班;課;階級

拓  classmate n. 同班同學(xué)

配  in class 在課堂上;上課中

first class 頭等,第一流;最高級

training class 培訓(xùn)班

例  I had the highest score in the class . 我在課上得了最高分。(2011·武漢)

classmate [?klɑ?sme?t ] n. 同班同學(xué)

構(gòu)  class(n. 班級)+mate(n. 伴侶)

例  One day, when I was playing football with my classmates on the playground,I fell down and hurt my legs badly. 一天,我和同學(xué)在球場踢足球,我摔倒了,腿也因此嚴(yán)重受傷。(2010·烏魯木齊)

classroom [?klɑ?sru?m ] n. 教室

構(gòu)  class(n. 班級)+room(n. 房間)

例  How many students are there in the classroom ? 這個教室里有多少名學(xué)生?(2010·武漢)

clean [kli?n ] vt. 打掃,把……弄干凈 vi. 打掃 a. 干凈的

拓  cleaning n. 清洗;清除;去污

配  clean up 清理;大撈一筆

keep it clean 使不弄臟;使不失體統(tǒng),使不粗野

例  It's our duty to keep our city clean . 保持城市衛(wèi)生是我們的職責(zé)。(2009·重慶)

Senator Nelson needed to get support from Americans to clean up the earth. 納爾遜參議員需要贏得美國人的支持來治理地球污染。(2009·青島)

clear [kl?? ] a. 清晰的;清白的 vt. 清掃;清除

拓  clearly ad. 清楚地,無疑地

配  make clear 顯示;解釋清楚 clear of 清除,掃清

例  Instead of trying to deny your anger, make it clear to yourself and accept it. See your anger for what it is and quickly deal with it. 與其試圖否認(rèn)你在生氣,不如先坦然接受。找到生氣的原因,并解決它。(2009·河北)

Hopefully, in the near future, humans can enjoy the clear and beautiful sky again and all the wildlife will live a peaceful and undisturbed life, too. 希望在不久的將來,人們可以再一次享受到美麗明凈的天空,所有的野生動物也能過上平靜和不受騷擾的生活。(2009·常州)

clearly [?kl??li ] ad. 清楚明白地;無疑地;當(dāng)然地

構(gòu)  clear(a. 清晰的;清白的)+ly(副詞詞尾)

例  Across the way, the woman sitting by her window was clearly visible. 向街對面望去,可以清楚看見那位坐在窗邊的女人。(2008·武漢)

One day a man saw an old lady standing by her expensive car, clearly in need of help. 一天,一個人看見一位老婦人站在她昂貴的車旁,顯而易見她需要幫助。(2011·廣州)

clerk [klɑ?k ] n. 職員,辦事員;店員;書記;記賬員

拓  clerical a. 書記的;牧師的;辦事員的

配  bank clerk 銀行辦事人員

desk clerk 接待員,接待人員

sales clerk 售貨員

office clerk 職員

例  She's a bank clerk , but she wants to be a policewoman. 她是一名銀行職員,但是她想當(dāng)警察。(2011·黃岡)

clever [?klev? ] a. 聰明的,伶俐的

拓  cleverly ad. 聰明地

例  Dolphins are a kind of clever animals. 海豚是一種聰明的動物。(2011·長春)

climb [kla?m ] v. 爬,攀登

拓  climbing n. 攀登 climber n. 登山者

配  climb up 爬上去 climb mountains 爬山

例  Jordan has already climbed the highest mountains of six other continents. 喬丹已經(jīng)登上了其余六大洲的最高峰。(2010·沈陽)

clock [kl?k ] n. (時)鐘

拓  clockwise a. 順時針方向的

配  alarm clock 鬧鐘

例  Our school day starts at 8 o'clock , but I usually get to school at about 7 o'clock . 上課的日子學(xué)校8點上課,但我通常大約7點到校。(2009·大連)

clone [kl??n ] n. 克隆,(無性)繁殖 vt. 使無性繁殖,克隆

拓  cloning n. 克隆

例  English scientists have cloned a sheep by changing DNA. 英國科學(xué)家通過改變DNA的方式克隆出了一只綿羊。(2008·蘭州)

close [kl??s ] a. 親密的;接近的

拓  closely ad. 緊密地;接近地;嚴(yán)密地;親近地

配  pay close attention to 密切注意

close by 在附近;接近于;在……近旁

come close 接近

例  I never knew my grandfather, but now I feel very close to him. 我從來不了解我祖父,但現(xiàn)在我感到和他很親密。(2012·蘇州)

close [kl??z ] vt. 關(guān),關(guān)閉

拓  closed a. 關(guān)著的;不公開的

配  close down 關(guān)閉;停止播音

close up 關(guān)閉;愈合;靠近

例  The centre is closed every Tuesday. 中心每周二不開放。(2012·河北)

clothes [kl??ez ] n. 衣服;各種衣物;(復(fù)數(shù) clothes)

例  Some people sold used things such as bikes, toys, and clothes . 一些人賣二手貨,比如自行車、玩具和衣服。(2012·武漢)

clothing [?kl??e?? ] n. (總稱)衣服

配  clothing industry 服裝工業(yè);制衣業(yè);縫紉業(yè)

例  Doing laundry correctly is important. You should first read the instructions on clothing , and then check the pockets of the clothes. 正確的干洗方式很重要。你要先閱讀衣服上的洗滌說明,然后檢查口袋是否有物品。(2011·長春)

cloud [kla?d ] n. 云;陰影

拓  cloudy a. 多云的,陰天的

配  in the clouds 空想的;想象的

例  When you look at clouds , you will notice that there are many different kinds. Some clouds are high and thin, some are white and fluffy, and others look dark and heavy. 如果仔細(xì)觀察天上的云,你會注意到它們有不同的形態(tài)。有的又高又細(xì),有的白而蓬松,還有一些烏黑而濃重。(2011·廈門)

cloudy [?kla?di ] a. 多云的,陰天的

構(gòu)  cloud (n. 云;陰影)+y(形容詞后綴)

例  People often say they feel good when the sun is shining and sad when it is cloudy . 人們通常說陽光燦爛的時候心情不錯,而陰天覺得憂郁。(2010·常州)

club [kl?b ] n. 俱樂部

配  health club 健身俱樂部

例  Then they take part in club activities or play sports. 他們參加俱樂部活動或做運動。(2009·重慶)

coach [k??t? ] n. (體育等)教練,指導(dǎo);長途車 vt. 訓(xùn)練,指導(dǎo)

配  head coach 主教練;總教練

assistant coach 助理教練

例  One of his friends felt sorry for him and introduced him to a headmaster, whose school was just in need of swimming coach . 他的一個朋友為他感到可惜,于是把他介紹給了一位校長。學(xué)校正好需要一名游泳教練。(2011·深圳)

coal [k??l ] n. 煤,煤塊

配  coal mining 煤礦開采 coal gas 煤氣

例  The government introduced new laws to stop smog from coal fires and factories and the situation improved a lot. 政府頒布了新的法律,禁止燃煤企業(yè)和工廠排放煙霧,局面有了很大改善。(2012·鹽城)

coast [k??st ] n. 海岸,海濱

拓  coastal 沿海的;海岸的

配  west coast 美國西海岸

along the coast 沿著海岸

例  Children aged 10 to 14 are invited to take part in the“Event of the Summer”at Sun Valley Amusement Park, the most popular amusement park on the East Coast . 10至14歲的少年被邀請參加太陽谷游樂場的夏日主題節(jié),太陽谷是東海岸最受歡迎的游樂場。(2012·北京)

coat [k??t ] n. 上衣;外套 vt. 給……穿外套;涂上

拓  raincoat n. 雨衣

配  cut one's coat according to one's cloth 量體裁衣;量入為出;量力而行

例  Your coat looks very nice. 你的外套看起來很漂亮。(2011·黃岡)

cock [k?k ] n. 公雞;龍頭

拓  cocky a. 自大的;過于自信的

配  fighting cock 斗雞;好斗的人

cock up 把……弄得一團糟;豎起

例  The cock has crowed for the third time. 雞唱三遍。

coffee [?k?f ] n. 咖啡;咖啡豆;咖啡色

拓  café咖啡館

配  coffee shop 咖啡店(等于coffee house)

black coffee 黑咖啡

coffee bar 咖啡館

coffee bean 咖啡豆

instant coffee 速溶咖啡

例  Would you like some juice or coffee ? 想來點果汁還是咖啡?(2011·成都)

I'm sorry for breaking your coffee cup. 對不起,打碎了你的咖啡杯。(2011·廈門)

coin [k??n ] n. 硬幣

配  the other side of the coin 反面,反面意見

例  Why is he so important that he is featured on the back of a coin ? 為什么他如此重要,被印在硬幣背面的顯著位置?(2011·南京)

Every coin has two sides. 凡事都有兩面性。

coke [k??k ] n. 可口可樂;可卡因

例  OK. Let's go and buy some coke . 好吧,我們?nèi)ベI可樂。(2008·泉州)

cold [k??ld ] a. 冷的,寒冷的 n. 寒冷;感冒

拓  cold blooded a. 冷血的 coldhearted a. 冷酷無情的 coldly ad. 冷淡地;不友好地

配  catch a cold 感冒

cold war 冷戰(zhàn)

bad cold 重感冒;重傷風(fēng)

have a cold 感冒,受涼;患感冒

例  She's got a cold and feels tired. 她感冒了,感覺很疲憊無力。(2007·武漢)

Some frogs like the Common Wood Frog have a special ability to live in very cold places. 有些種類的青蛙比如俗樹蛙,具備即便在非常寒冷的地區(qū)也能生存的特殊能力。(2012·溫州)

collect [k??lekt ] v. 收集,采集

拓  collection n. 收藏品,收集物

配  collect call 對方付費電話

例  In Australia, the government has encouraged people to collect rainwater and recycle water from showers for a second use. 澳大利亞政府鼓勵人們收集雨水或洗澡水進(jìn)行二次利用。(2011·陜西)

college [?k?l?? ] n. (綜合大學(xué)中的)學(xué)院;學(xué)會

配  in college 在大學(xué)

college student 大學(xué)生

college entrance examination 高考;大學(xué)入學(xué)考

例  A freshman is a first-year college student. 新生是指大學(xué)一年級的學(xué)生。(2012·蘇州)

colour(美color) [?k?l? ] n. 顏色 vt. 給……著色,涂色

拓  colourful a. 鮮艷的;生動的 colorless a. 無色的;不生動的

配  colour television 彩色電視

例  And her skin colour turned back to normal day by day. 她的膚色一天天回到正常樣子。(2011·徐州)

colorful [?k?l?f ] a. 富有色彩的,顏色鮮艷的

構(gòu)  color(n. 顏色)+ful(形容詞詞尾)

拓  colorless a. 無色的;不生動的

例  It is said that words cannot describe the beauty of the colourful corals. 據(jù)說,珊瑚的美無法用語言來形容。(2006·南京)

come [k?m ] vi. (came,come)來,來到;出現(xiàn);發(fā)生;變成;到達(dá)

拓  go vi. 走

配  come true 實現(xiàn),成真;成為現(xiàn)實

come from 來自;出生于

come back 回來;記起;重新流行

come out 出現(xiàn);出版;結(jié)果是

come into 進(jìn)入;得到

come on 快點;跟著來

come in 進(jìn)來

come up with 提出;想出;趕上

come down 下來,降落

come over 過來;順便來訪;抓住

come across 偶遇

例  In many ways these differences come from different educational ideas. 許多情況下,這些差異來源于教育理念的不同。(2006·南京)

After much work he and his brother Orville Wright made this dream come true. 通過許多努力之后,他和他的兄弟奧維爾·懷特終于夢想成真了。(2012·煙臺)

comedy[?k?m?di ] [復(fù)數(shù)comedies] n. 喜?。幌矂⌒?;有趣的事情

拓  tragedy n. 悲劇

配  Divine Comedy 神曲(意大利詩人但丁作的敘事詩)

例  I like action movies best, but I don't like comedies and documentaries. 我最喜歡動作片,不喜歡喜劇片和紀(jì)錄片。(2009·廈門)

comfortable [?k?mf?t?bl ] a. 舒服的,安逸的;舒暢的

構(gòu)  comfort(n. 舒服)+able(形容詞詞尾表示“可以,可能”)

拓  comfort n. 安慰;安慰者 vt. 安慰;使(痛苦等)緩和

例  He had a big smile, making me feel comfortable . 他大笑起來,讓我感覺自在了些。(2010·武漢)

common [?k?m?n ] a. 共同的;普通的;一般的;通常的 n. 普通;平民;公有地

拓  commonly ad. 一般地;通常地;普通地

配  in common 共同的;共有的

in common with 與……一樣

common sense (knowledge) 常識

例  “Havoc in Heaven”has become a common expression used by a parent or a boss when they return to the house or office and see a mess.“大鬧天宮”成為父母回到家或老板回到辦公室看到一片狼藉的常用語。(2010·大連)

Today the potato is one of the most common and popular foods in the world! 如今,土豆成為了全世界最常見和最受歡迎的食物之一。(2009·呼和浩特)

communicate [k??mju?n?ke?t ] v. 交際;傳達(dá)(感情、信息等)

配  communicate with 溝通;通話

communicate in 用……語言溝通

例  Do you think you can communicate without words? 你認(rèn)為你可以不借助語言進(jìn)行溝通嗎?(2009·上海)

The way in which we communicate with others can be greatly improved by building a better vocabulary. 我們與他人溝通的方式可以通過更多的詞匯量得到很大的提高。(2011·常州)

communication [k??mju?n??ke??n ] n. 交際,交往;通訊,書信

構(gòu)  communicat(e)(v. 交際;傳達(dá))+(t)ion(名詞后綴)

配  communication with 與……交流;與……通訊

例  Just as in face-to-face communication , there are some basic rules of behavior(行為)that should be followed on the Internet. 就像當(dāng)面交流一樣,網(wǎng)上交流也需要遵守一些基本的行為規(guī)范。(2009·蘭州)

company [?k?mp?ni ] n. 公司,商號;同伴 拓 firm n. 公司

配  limited company 有限公司;(英)股份有限公司(等于limited-liability company)

company with 奉陪;與……一起

keep sb. company 陪伴

例  He made her vice-president of the toy company . 他任命她為玩具公司的副總裁。(2011·烏魯木齊)

compare [k?m?pe? ] vt. 比較,對照 vi. 比較;相比

構(gòu)  com(詞根表示共同)+pare(詞根表示相等)

拓  comparative a. 比較的;相當(dāng)?shù)?/p>

comparable a. 可比較的;比得上的

配  compare with 與……相比較

compare to 比擬,比作

例  Public transport, restaurants and hotel rooms all tend to be expensive compared to many other European countries. 公共交通、餐飲和酒店服務(wù)比起其他歐洲的許多國家來說顯得昂貴一些。(2011·南京)

compete [k?m?pi?t ] vi. 比賽,競爭

拓  competition n. 競爭;比賽,競賽

competitor n. 競爭者,對手

配  compete with 與……比賽,與……競爭,與……對抗

例  In 1992, Jordan competed in the Barcelona Olympics and helped his team to win the gold medal for basketball. 1992年,喬丹出戰(zhàn)巴塞羅那奧運會,并幫助他的隊伍拿到了籃球項目的金牌。(2009·沈陽)

competition [?k?mp??t??n ] n. 比賽,競爭

構(gòu)  compet(e)(v. 競爭)+tion(名詞詞尾)

拓  competitive a. 競爭的;比賽的

例  Who's won the first prize in the competition ? 誰在競賽中拿了一等獎?(2009·煙臺)

complain [k?m?ple?n ] vi. 抱怨 訴苦 vt. 抱怨,訴苦

拓  complaint n. 抱怨;訴苦

配  complain about 抱怨 complain of 抱怨;抗議

例  Teenagers often complain that their parents do not understand them. 青少年經(jīng)常抱怨父母不理解他們。(2011·海南)

complete [k?m?pli?t ] a. 完整的,完全的 vt. 完成,使完整,使完美

拓  completely ad. 完全地,徹底地;完整地

例  Having many helpers makes a task easier and faster to complete . 有了許多的幫手,任務(wù)能很快地輕松完成。(2011·蘇州)

composition [?k?mp??z??n ] n. 作文;作曲

構(gòu)  compos(e)(v. 作曲)+(i)tion(名詞詞尾)

拓  composer n. 作曲家;作家,著作者;設(shè)計者

compose vi. 組成;作曲;排字

例  One day, his teacher asked him to write a composition about his dream. 一天,他的老師要他寫一篇關(guān)于夢想的作文。(2009·海南)

computer [k?m?pju?t? ] n. 計算機,電腦

構(gòu)  comput(e)(v. 計算,估計,用計算機計算)+er(名詞后綴)

拓  computerized a. 電腦的;用電腦處理的

compute vi. 計算;估算

例  Email is a way of using your computer to send and receive messages. 電子郵件是一種利用電腦收發(fā)信息的方式。(2012·大連)

concentrate [?k?ns?ntre?t ] vt. 集中,專心 vi. 集結(jié),集中

拓  concentrated a. 集中的;濃縮的;全神貫注的

concentration n. 濃度;集中;專心

配  concentrate on 集中精力于;全神貫注于

例  We are deeply impressed that he still concentrates on his study even though he is blind. 盡管雙目失明,他仍然專心學(xué)習(xí),給我們留下了深刻印象。(2008·成都)

concert [?k?ns?t ] n. 音樂會,演奏會

配  concert hall 音樂廳

go to the concert 去聽音樂會

例  What time will the concert begin? 音樂會什么時候開始?(2009·蘭州)

condition [k?n?d??n ] n. 環(huán)境;條件,狀況

拓  airconditioner 空調(diào)

配  good condition 狀態(tài)良好

例  Today, a fifty-year-old Barbie in good condition might cost more than twenty-seven thousand dollars. 現(xiàn)在,一個已經(jīng)“50歲”的完好的芭比娃娃可能值兩萬七千美元。(2009·福州)

conference [?k?nf?r?ns ] n. (正式的)會議;討論會;協(xié)商討論

配  conference room 會議室,會議廳

例  The APEC conferences were held successfully in Shanghai. APEC 會議在上海成功召開。(2011·上海)

connect [k??nekt ] vt. 連接;把……與……聯(lián)系起來

拓  connection n. 連接物;聯(lián)系

connected a. 連接的;有聯(lián)系的

配  connect with 連接;與……聯(lián)系

例  Cell phones connect children with their families when they are outside. 手機可以使孩子們在外面也能和家人聯(lián)系。(2007·長沙)

Many televisions can connect to the Internet and record programs. 許多電視機可以連接互聯(lián)網(wǎng)和錄制電視節(jié)目了。(2012·河北)

consider [k?n?s?d? ] vt. 考慮;認(rèn)為;細(xì)想 vi. 考慮;認(rèn)為;細(xì)想

拓  considerable a. 相當(dāng)大的;重要的,值得考慮的

considered a. 經(jīng)過深思熟慮的;被尊重的

consideration n. 考慮;關(guān)心

配  consider as 認(rèn)為(把……看作)

consider doing sth. 考慮做某事

例  I was quite surprised, because I don't consider myself a pushy parent. 我很驚訝,因為我不認(rèn)為自己是那種望子成龍心切的家長。(2012·北京)

But there are problems that should be considered . 但是有些問題必須考慮。(2011·揚州)

contest [k?n?test ] n. 競賽 比賽

構(gòu)  con(詞根表示共同)+test(來自拉丁詞testari作證,“相互作證”轉(zhuǎn)為“比賽”)

拓  contestant n. 競爭者;爭辯者

配  speech contest 演講比賽

例  Mei will represent our class in the English Speech Contest . 梅將代表我們班參加英語演講比賽。(2011·黃岡)

continue [k?n?t?nj? ] vi. 繼續(xù) vt. 使繼續(xù)

拓  continued a. 繼續(xù)的;持久的

配  continue to do 繼續(xù)做某事

continue doing 一直做(同一件事)

to be continued 未完待續(xù)

例  After saying goodbye, the lady continued down the road until she reached a small café where she decided to stop for something to eat. 道別后,這位女士繼續(xù)走到一家咖啡館,決定吃點東西。(2011·廣州)

control [k?n?tr??l ] vt. & n. 控制,支配

拓  controllable a. 可操縱的,可控制的

配  under control 處于控制之下;情況正常

out of control 失去控制

例  It is important for parents to understand how their use of control must change as their children grow older. 對于父母而言很重要的是要認(rèn)識到,隨著孩子的長大,父母對于孩子的控制也應(yīng)該要隨之改變。(2011·宜昌)

How you feel is controlled by many things. 你的感受如何,是由許多事情支配的。(2010·常州)

conversation [?k?nv??se??n ] n. 談話,交談,會話

構(gòu)  convers(e)(vi. 談話,交談)+(a)tion(名詞詞尾)

拓  conversational a. 對話的;健談的

配  get/enter into conversation with 和……攀談

have/hold a conversation with 和……交談

例  However, he could hear clearly the conversation between his mother and the teacher. 可是,他能很清楚地聽到他母親和老師的談話。(2009·黃岡)

The courses include grammar, written English, conversation and listening skills. 課程包括語法、英語寫作、口語和聽力。(2012·長沙)

convincing [k?n?v?ns?? ] a. 令人信服的,有說服力的

構(gòu)  convinc(e)(vt. 使信服,使確信)+ing(分詞)

拓  convinced a. 確信的;深信的

convince vt. 說服;使確信,使信服

配  convincing evidence 令人信服的證據(jù)

例  But I am not persuaded that he, or anybody else, offers convincing answers. 但我不相信,他或其他任何人能夠給出令人信服的答案。

cook [k?k ] n. 炊事員,廚師 vt. 烹調(diào),做飯

拓  cooking a. & n. 烹調(diào)用的,烹飪 cooker n. 炊具

配  dry cook 干蒸 over cook 過煮,糊煮

例  She was good at cooking . 她擅長烹飪。(2012·溫州)

We had to wash dishes, make beds, and learn to cook and all sorts of things at home. 我們不得不學(xué)著洗碗、鋪床、做飯以及其他家務(wù)事。(2011·黃岡)

cooker [?k?k? ] n. 炊具

構(gòu)  cook(vt. 烹調(diào),做飯)+er(名詞后綴)

例  The cooker was electric. 這個炊具是用電的。

cool [ku?l ] a. 涼的,涼爽的 vt. 使……冷卻;使……平靜下來 vi. 變涼;平息

拓  cool-headed a. 頭腦冷靜的

配  stay cool 保持冷靜 so cool 真酷

cool down 冷卻;平靜下來

例  He looks cool with curly hair. 他留卷發(fā)看起來挺酷。(2012·長沙)

Cool water and clean air always make him happy. 涼爽的水和潔凈的空氣讓他很快樂。(2011·吉林)

copy [?k?pi ] n. 抄本,副本 vt. 復(fù)印;〈計算機〉拷(備份盤)

拓  copying n. 復(fù)制;謄寫 copyist n. 抄寫員;抄襲者

配  a copy of 一份,一本

copy from vt. 臨?。环滦?/p>

copy down 抄下來,記下來

例  You can copy them or write down the most important facts of all in class. 你可以復(fù)印或手抄課上的重點。(2012·大連)

corner [?k??n? ] n. 角落;(街道)拐角

配  in the corner 在角落;在角落里;在拐角內(nèi)

around the corner 在拐角處;即將來臨

at the corner 在拐角處(外)

例  He put ten mantou in the corner of a room and then locked the student in it. 他將十個饅頭放在房間的角落,然后將學(xué)生鎖在房間里。(2011·山西)

I went to the English Corner and spoke English as much as possible. 我去了英語角,盡可能多練習(xí)英語。(2010·蘭州)

correct [k??rekt ] vt. 改正,糾正 a. 正確的,對的

拓  corrected a. 修正的;校正的

配  correct errors 改正錯誤

correct sb. for sth. 因某事而懲戒某人

例  At the same time, if you find you are wrong, be sure to correct yourself and apologize to those that you have offended. 同時,如果你錯了,一定要改正,并向你冒犯過的人道歉。(2009·蘭州)

Which is the correct way to act in an earthquake? 哪些是應(yīng)對地震時的正確方式?(2009·寧夏)

cost [k?st ] n. 價格;成本 vt. (cost,cost)價錢為……;使付出(代價)

拓  costly a. 昂貴的;代價高的

配  at the cost of 以……為代價

例  Tickets are a little dear—they cost thirty yuan each. 票有點貴——每張30元。(2009·揚州)

How much does it cost to build the school library? 建學(xué)校圖書館需要多少費用?(2007·南京)

cotton [?k?tn ] n. 棉花 a. 棉花的

配  cotton cloth 棉布

例  It's made of cotton . 這是由棉花制成的。(2008·泉州)

cough [k?f ] n. & vi. 咳嗽

配  cough out/up 咳出;強迫交出,勉強說出,供出

例  In fact, we should also take care not to cough or sneeze loudly in public. 事實上,我們應(yīng)該注意不要在公共場合咳嗽或打噴嚏。(2009·黃岡)

could [k?d, k?d ] v. aux. (can的過去式)能,能夠;(表示許可或請求)可以……

配  could be 可能是;有可能

could have 本能夠;本來也可以

could have done 本來能做成的(卻沒做成)

could not help 禁不住,忍不住

例  Well, I'd be glad if you could find me another book. 嗯,你要是能幫我再找本書,我會很開心的。(2009·煙臺)

Excuse me, could you tell me where I can buy the book about aliens? 不好意思,請問您能告訴我在哪里可以買到關(guān)于外星人的書嗎?(2009·寧波)

count [ka?nt ] v. 數(shù),點數(shù);計算

拓  countable a. 可計算的 countless a. 無數(shù)的,數(shù)不盡的

配  count on 指望;依靠

count for 有價值,有重要性

count in 把……計算在內(nèi)

count as 視為;算是;看成

例  I shall count up to ten and then we can begin. 我數(shù)到十然后我們就開始。

Please count me in on this project. 請把我也算入這項計劃的參加者。

country [?k?ntri ] n. 國家;農(nóng)村,鄉(xiāng)下

拓  countryside n. 鄉(xiāng)下地方,鄉(xiāng)下居民

配  developing country 發(fā)展中國家

developed country n. 發(fā)達(dá)國家

across the country 遍布全國;祖國各地

all over the country 遍及全國

例  He was so well-known for his wide knowledge of almost everything that lots of people from all over the country came to learn things from him. 他因博學(xué)無所不知而聲名大振以至于人們從四面八方來向他請教。(2005·寧夏)

countryside [?k?ntrisa?d ] n. 鄉(xiāng)下,農(nóng)村地區(qū)

構(gòu)  country(a. 鄉(xiāng)下的, 鄉(xiāng)村的)+side(n. 邊)

例  And then in the Art Room, we saw many pictures of the countryside . 在美術(shù)室,我們見到了許多農(nóng)村畫。(2012·陜西)

couple [?k?pl ] n. 夫婦;一對,一雙

拓  coupled a. 連結(jié)的,聯(lián)系的

配  a couple of 三兩個……;一對……

couple with 與……相結(jié)合,伴隨

例  A young couple viewing the paintings ahead of me chatted nonstop between themselves. 一對在我前面觀畫的年輕夫婦一直不停地聊著什么。(2012·武漢)

A couple of years ago, I went to Australia for a meeting with my friend, Chris. 幾年前,我和我朋友克里斯去過澳大利亞開會。(2011·貴陽)

courage [?k?r?? ] n. 勇氣;膽量

拓  courageous a. 有膽量的,勇敢的

配  take courage 鼓起勇氣

have the courage to 有勇氣去

keep up one's courage 不泄氣,不喪膽,不氣餒

lose courage 喪失勇氣

例  Sometimes it requires courage to tell the truth. 有時候需要勇氣講真話。(2012·無錫)

Her mother said,“Don't be afraid, honey. Take courage !”她的媽媽說:“寶貝,不要害怕,要勇敢!”(2010·武漢)

course [k??s ] n. 過程;經(jīng)過;課程

配  of course 一定,當(dāng)然

in the course of 在……過程中;在……期間

main course 主菜;主要課程

例  Of course , I'm lucky enough. 當(dāng)然,我夠幸運。(2010·海南)

It reminds you of the course of history. 它使你回憶起歷史的進(jìn)程。(2010·昆明)

cousin [?k?zn ] n. 堂(表)兄弟,堂(表)姐妹

拓  cousin-in-law n. 表姐[妹]夫,表嫂,表弟媳,堂姐[妹]夫,堂嫂,堂弟媳

配  call cousins with 攀親戚;稱兄道弟

例  How far is your cousin 's home from here? 你表哥的家離這里有多遠(yuǎn)?(2009·重慶)

cover [?k?v? ] n. 蓋子 vt. 覆蓋,遮蓋

拓  covered a. 隱蔽著的,有屋頂?shù)?/p>

covering n. 遮蓋物

配  under cover 隱藏著;秘密地

cover up 掩蓋,蓋住 cover with 覆蓋

例  Rainforests cover six per cent of the Earth's surface. 熱帶雨林的面積占地球面積的6%。(2012·鹽城)

The magazine must be Lily's, for we can find her name on the cover . 雜志一定是麗莉的,因為我們可以看到封面上的名字。(2011·青島)

cow [ka? ] n. 母牛,奶牛

拓  cowboy n. 〈美〉牛仔,牧童,美國西部牧人

例  A cow has six stomachs. 牛有六個胃。(2009·煙臺市)

cowboy [?ka?b?? ] n. 牛仔;莽撞的人

構(gòu)  cow(n. 母牛,奶牛)+boy(n. 男孩)

拓  cowgirl n. 女牛仔

例  One day a strong cowboy was traveling on his horse when he saw a bar. 一天,一個強壯的牛仔騎著馬旅行,這時他看見了一個酒吧。(2011·長春)

crayon [?kre??n ] n. 蠟筆,有色粉筆 vt. 以蠟筆作畫,用顏色粉筆畫

配  colored crayon 色粉筆

marking crayon 標(biāo)記色筆

wax crayon 蠟筆

例  He coloured the picture with crayon . 他用蠟筆給畫上色。

crazy [?kre?zi ] a. 瘋狂的;狂熱的,著迷的

拓  crazily ad. 發(fā)狂地;狂熱地

craziness n. 愚蠢;狂熱;搖搖晃晃

配  crazy about 熱衷,著迷;狂熱的

go crazy 發(fā)瘋;瘋狂

be crazy for 渴望;對……瘋狂

例  Young readers are crazy about Guo Jingming's books. 年輕人對郭敬明的作品十分著迷。(2011·鹽城)

I have forgiven him, but I am angry with the phone company as they are encouraging this crazy behaviour. 我已經(jīng)原諒他了,但是對于電話公司縱容這種瘋狂的行為感到十分生氣。(2009·佛山)

cream [kri?m ] n. 奶油,乳脂;精華;面霜;乳酪

配  ice cream 冰淇淋

例  The English usually make tea in tea-port and drink it with cream and sugar. 英國人經(jīng)常用茶壺來煮茶,并加糖加奶。(2009·遼寧?。?/p>

create [kri?e?t ] vt. 創(chuàng)造,創(chuàng)作;產(chǎn)生

拓  creative a. 創(chuàng)造性的

creation n. 創(chuàng)造,創(chuàng)作;創(chuàng)作物,產(chǎn)物

例  The energy can be used to heat water, produce electricity, and even create fresh air for the home. 能源可以燒水、發(fā)電甚至為家制造新鮮空氣。(2011·沈陽)

Create your own life and then go out and live it. 創(chuàng)造屬于自己的生活,邁出腳步,去享受生活。(2011·河北)

creature [?kri?t?? ] n. 動物,生物;人;創(chuàng)造物

構(gòu)  creat(e)(v. 創(chuàng)造)+ure(名詞后綴)

例  Actually snakes are very shy and gentle creatures . 事實上蛇是很害羞而且溫和的動物。(2012·蘇州)

crop [kr?p ] n. 產(chǎn)量;農(nóng)作物;莊稼 vt. 種植;收割 vi. 收獲

配  in crop 在耕種, 種有莊稼

out of crop 未耕種

under crop 在耕種, 種有莊稼

poor crop 歉收

例  The land is out of crop . 這塊土地未種莊稼。

cross [kr??s ] n. 交叉,十字 vi. 交叉;橫過 vt. 越過,穿過 a. 易怒的;交叉的

拓  cross-country a. 橫穿全國的,越野的

cross-cultural a. 跨文化的

crossing n. 十字路口;雜交;橫渡;橫道

配  red cross 紅十字會

cross over 橫渡;壓步;交叉點

例  This signal means you can cross the street along with pedestrians. 這個標(biāo)志意味著你可以與行人一起過馬路。(2011·常州)

The recitation was kind of boring and I liked the cross talk better. 背誦有些枯燥,我更喜歡互動的對話。(2011·上海)

crossing [?kr??s?? ] n. 十字路口 v. 橫越(cross的現(xiàn)在分詞)

構(gòu)  cross(vi. 交叉;橫過;vt. 越過,穿過)+ing(名詞后綴)

例  Walk along this road and turn right at the second crossing .沿著這條路向前走,在第二個十字路口右拐。(2009·哈爾濱)

crossroad [?kr??sr??d ] n. 十字路口;交叉路;岔道

構(gòu)  cross(a. 交叉的)+road(n. 道路)

配  at the crossroads 在十字路口

例  If there are pedestrians or vehicles in or near the crossroad , you must stop. 如果有行人或機動車在十字路口或其附近,你必須停車。(2011·常州)

crowd [kra?d ] n. 群眾,一伙;一堆;大眾 vt. 擠滿,將……塞進(jìn) vi. 擠,擁擠,聚集

拓  crowded a. 擁擠的;塞滿的

配  a crowd of 一大群;許多的

crowd into 涌入;擠入

例  The king looked at Ling and then said loudly to the crowd . 國王看了玲一眼,然后大聲對著人群說話。(2009·大連)

I think there must be a big crowd of people there. 我想一定有很多人在那里。(2011·哈爾濱)

crowded [?kra?d?d ] a. 擁擠的;塞滿的構(gòu) crowd(vi. 擠,擁擠,聚集)+ed(分詞)

例  However, the subway is expensive and can be very crowded during rush hour. 然而,地鐵出行昂貴而且在高峰期可能很擁擠。(2011·貴陽)

cruel [?kru??l ] a. 殘忍的,殘酷的,無情的

拓  cruelly ad. 殘酷地;非常

cruelty n. 殘酷;殘酷的行為

例  In western culture, the cat is often used to describe a women who is cruel . 在西方文化中,貓經(jīng)常用來形容殘忍的女人。(2011·黃岡)

cruelty[?kru??lti] [復(fù)數(shù) cruelties ] n. 殘酷;殘忍;殘酷的行為

構(gòu)  cruel(a. 殘忍的)+ty(名詞后綴)

例  We must all fight against unfairness and cruelty . 我們大家必須與不公正和殘暴作斗爭。

cry [kra? ] n. 叫喊;哭聲 v. 喊叫;哭

拓  crying a. 叫喊的,顯著的,嚎哭的

配  cry for 迫切需要;懇求;吵著要

cry out 大聲呼喊;大聲抱怨

例  I started to cry and told her the truth. 我開始哭泣,告訴她真相。(2010·常州)

There came a cry for help from the river, and it attracted my attention. 從河里傳來的呼救聲引起了我的注意。(2011·烏魯木齊)

cultural [?k?lt??r?l ] a. 文化的;教養(yǎng)的

構(gòu)  cultur(e)(n. 文化)+al(形容詞后綴)

拓  culture n. 文化

culturally ad. 從文化角度,文化意義上

配  cultural background 文化背景

例  This is because of cultural differences between Japanese and Western society. 這是因為日本和西方社會的文化差異造成的。(2011·無錫)

Many students go on cultural exchange trips. 許多學(xué)生踏上文化交流的旅程。(2010·桂林)

cup [k?p ] n. 杯子;獎杯;酒杯

配  world cup n. 世界杯 a cup of 一杯……

cup of tea n. 命運;心愛之人或物

例  Mum, please take a rest and have a cup of tea. 媽媽,請休息下,喝杯茶。(2010·海南)

Going to South Africa for the World Cup makes me excited,for I am a football fan.去南非看世界杯讓我十分興奮,因為我是一個足球迷。(2010·昆明)

curly [?k?:li ] a. 卷曲的;卷毛的

拓  curl n. 卷曲;卷發(fā)

配  curly hair 卷發(fā)

例  The boy with curly hair is my new classmate Tom. 那個卷發(fā)的男孩是我的新同學(xué)湯姆。(2009·青海)

custom [?k?st?m ] n. 習(xí)慣;風(fēng)俗;海關(guān)

拓  customary a. 習(xí)慣的;通常的

customized a. 定制的;用戶化的

例  It's a traditional custom in China. 這是中國的傳統(tǒng)習(xí)俗。(2010·桂林)

customer [?k?st?m? ] n. 顧客,主顧

構(gòu)  custom(v. 經(jīng)常光顧)+er(名詞后綴表示人)

配  regular customer 常客

例  Gloria has always remembered the pride she felt in having helped her customer . 格洛里亞一直記得她在幫助了顧客后感到多么自豪。(2008·南京)

cut [k?t ] v. (cut,cut) 切,割 n. 切,剪,割

配  cut off 切斷;剝奪繼承權(quán)

cut down 削減;砍倒

cut in 插嘴;超車

cut into 打斷;侵犯

cut out 切斷;關(guān)掉

例  Sometimes, ancient techniques can also help cut down energy use. 有時,古老的技術(shù)也能縮減能源消耗。(2011·沈陽)

Then people started to cut down trees, and they built more houses. 隨后人們開始砍伐樹木,建造更多的房屋。(2011·長沙)

cute [kju?t ] a. 可愛的;漂亮的;聰明的,伶俐的

拓  cutely ad. 精明地,伶俐地

例  The Smiths have a cute girl,and she is the apple of their eye.史密斯夫婦有一個可愛的女兒,被視作掌上明珠。(2010·昆明)

cycle [?sa?kl ] n. 循環(huán);周期;自行車 vt. 使循環(huán);使輪轉(zhuǎn) vi. 循環(huán);騎自行車;輪轉(zhuǎn)

拓  cycling n. 騎腳踏車消遣;騎腳踏車兜風(fēng)

配  life cycle 壽命周期;生存期

cycle time 周期;循環(huán)時間

例  Some cities now have special bicycle paths and many people cycle to work. 一些城市已經(jīng)有了自行車專行道,許多人騎自行車上班。(2012·鹽城)


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