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初中英語必考2000詞 D dad→DVD





初中英語必考2000詞 D dad→DVD

dad [d?d ]=daddy n. 爸爸

拓  daddy n. 爸爸 father n. 父親 mum n. 媽媽

例  Kate and I are going to the concert this weekend.Dad will take us there.我和凱特打算這周末去聽音樂會,爸爸會帶著我們?nèi)ツ抢?。?011·麗水)

daily [?de?li ] a. 每天的;日常的 ad. 每天 n. 日報

構(gòu)  da(y)(n. 天,日子)+(i)ly(形容詞、副詞后綴表示“每……”)

拓  everyday a. 每天的

配  daily routine 日常工作;每天的例行公事

例  Computers are used widely in our daily life. 計算機在日常生活中得到廣泛應(yīng)用。(2011·宜賓)

I read China Daily every day. 我每天讀《中國日報》。(2011·泰安)

dance [dɑ?ns ] n. & vi. 跳舞,舞蹈

拓  dancer n. 舞者

配  dance with 與……共舞

例  Would you like to dance with me? 你愿意和我跳舞嗎?(2011·江津)

Instead of wasting time being alone,go out to dance and sing together with others to develop friendship. 與其獨自一人浪費時間,不如和其他人出去跳跳舞,唱唱歌,增進(jìn)一下友誼。(2010·哈爾濱)

danger [?de?n?? ] n. 危險

拓  dangerous a. 危險的 safety n. 安全

配  in danger 在危險中

out of danger 脫離危險

run the danger of 冒……的危險

例  Keep off the drugs, or you and your family will be in great danger ? 遠(yuǎn)離毒品,否則你和你的家人將會很危險。(2011·蘭州)

Thanks to the doctors, the most beautiful teacher Zhang Lili is out of danger . 多虧了醫(yī)生,最美老師張麗莉脫離了生命危險。(2012·宜昌)

dangerous [?de?n??r?s ] a. 危險的,不安全的

構(gòu)  danger(n. 危險)+ous(形容詞后綴)

拓  dangerously ad. 危險地

例  How dangerous ! She was driving the car with one hand and holding an ice cream with the other. 多危險??!她一只手駕車而另一只手拿著冰淇淋。(2011·廣州)

dare [de? ] vt. & v. aux. (后接不帶to的不定式;主要用于疑問、否定或條件句)敢,敢于

拓  daring a. 大膽的

配  I dare say [作插入語用]我想,大概,可能,或許

例  All the rest of the afternoon, I didn't dare to look at Father. 接下去整個下午我都不敢看父親。(2011·河南)

Jessie hurried to the other side of the road, though few people dared cross such a busy road. 杰西匆忙走到馬路對面,盡管很少有人敢穿過這么繁華熱鬧的馬路。(2007·北京)

dark [dɑ?k ] n. 黑暗,暗處 a. 黑暗的,暗的

拓  darkness n. 黑暗,漆黑

配  in the dark 在暗處,秘密,暗中

keep/leave sb. in the dark 不讓某人知道

dark horse 黑馬(比賽中出人意料得勝的馬)

例  Some animals can even see things clearly in the dark . 一些動物甚至在黑暗中看事物都能看得很清楚。(2012·廣東)

Would you mind turning on the light? It's too dark here. 這里太黑了,你介意把燈打開嗎?(2011·襄陽)

date [de?t ] n. 日期;約會;棗

拓  dated a. 有日期的

dating a. 介紹約會的,婚介的

配  be/go out of date 過時

date back to 可追溯到

例  We all know when young people are out on a date these days, they spend most of that time answering their mobile phones. 我們都知道,現(xiàn)在年輕人出去約會的時候,他們大部分時間都在接電話。(2012·蘇州)

The fish smells bad! It must be out of date ! 魚聞起來很糟糕,一定是過期了。(2011·淄博)

daughter [?d??t? ] n. 女兒

拓  daughter-in-law n. 兒媳婦

例  He didn't want to see the same thing happen to his daughter . 他不想看到同樣的事情發(fā)生在她女兒身上。(2012·陜西)

day [de? ] n. (一)天,(一)日;白天

拓  daylight n. 白天 daytime n. 白天

配  day after day 日復(fù)一日(=day by day)

day after night 日以繼夜

day and night (=night and day)日夜,晝夜,整天

the other day 前幾天

例  Today is the happiest day in my life, because I won the first prize in the competition. 今天是我人生中最高興的一天,因為我在競賽中獲了一等獎。(2011·安順)

dead [ded ] a. 死的,無生命的

拓  deadly a. 致命的

配  in the dead of night 在夜深人靜時

in the dead of winter 在隆冬

例  Frankenstein is one of the world's most famous horror stories. It's about a doctor who creates a new man from the body parts of dead people and brings it to life. 《弗蘭肯斯坦》是世界上最著名的恐怖小說之一,講述了一個醫(yī)生的故事,他用不同死人的身體部件創(chuàng)造了一個新人并給予它生命。(2011·廣州)

deaf [def ] a. 聾的

拓  deaf-aid n. 助聽器

配  deaf and dumb 聾啞的

turn a deaf ear to 充耳不聞

例  At the age of seven, she went to a school for the deaf and dumb. 七歲時,她去聾啞學(xué)校上學(xué)。(2009·呼和浩特)

deal [di?l ] n. 數(shù)量;交易 vi. (dealt,dealt) 處理;涉及

拓  dealer n. 經(jīng)銷商,商人 dealing n. 行為,交易

配  deal with 應(yīng)付,對付;處理;做生意

That's a deal.= It's a deal. 就這么辦,一言為定

a great deal of 很多的,大量的

例  Your body can help your mind deal with stress. 你的身體可以幫助你的頭腦來應(yīng)對壓力。(2012·濟南)

He put a great deal of his heart into the project and the next day he handed it in to his teacher. 他花了好大心血把報告完成,第二天交給了老師。(2011·杭州)

dear [d?? ]int. (表示驚愕等)哎呀!唷!a. 親愛的;貴的

拓  dearly ad. 深愛地,非常地 costly a. 昂貴的 expensive a. 昂貴的

配  Dear me!= Oh, dear!哎呀!好家伙?。ū硎就?、焦急、驚訝)

例  Dear students, please read every sentence carefully. 親愛的同學(xué)們,請仔細(xì)閱讀每一句話。(2011·邵陽)

The new kind of car is much too dear , I don't have too much money. 這種新車太貴了,我沒有足夠的錢。(2011·安順)

death [deθ ] n. 死,死亡

構(gòu)  d(i)e(v. 死)+(a)th(名詞后綴表示“動作”或“該動作的對應(yīng)物體)

拓  deathblow n. 致命的一擊 deathless a. 不死的,永恒的 deathly ad. 死一樣地 a. 致死的

配  to death 到無法容忍的程度;極度地

例  Texting while driving or walking can cause injuries and even death . 開車或走路的時候發(fā)短信可能會導(dǎo)致受傷甚至死亡。(2011·溫州)

December [d??semb? ] n. 12月(縮寫Dec.)

配  December bonus 年終獎金

例  More and more young people In China celebrate on Christmas Day December 25th . 越來越多的中國年輕人在12月25日慶祝圣誕節(jié)。(2011·湘潭)

decide [d??sa?d ] v. 決定,下決心

構(gòu)  de(前綴表示離開)+cide(表示切)

拓  decider n. 決定者,裁決者

decided a. 確定的,堅決的

determine v. 決定

配  decide on/upon 對……作出決定

例  Both of the two story books are very interesting, so I can't decide which one to choose. 兩本故事書都很有趣,因此我不能決定選哪一本。(2011·菏澤)

I won't decide on the place until the end of this month. 我要這個月底才能決定地點。(2012·宜昌)

decision [d??s??n ] n. 決定,決心

構(gòu)  deci(de)(v. 決定)+sion(名詞后綴)

拓  decisive a. 決定性的

配  make (come to/arrive at/reach/take) a decision 作決定

例  It will be two days before the decision is made. 在下決心之前,將有兩天的時間。(2011·包頭)

deep [di?p ] a. 深的 ad. 深,深厚

拓  deeply ad. 深深地 deepen v. 加深,深化

depth n. 深,深度

配  deep down 在內(nèi)心深處;根本上

例  Between the two hills is a deep river. 一條很深的河在兩山之間。(2012·煙臺)

deer [d?? ] n. 鹿

拓  doe n. 雌鹿

例  The Taiwan spotted deer , Fan Xing and Dian Dian, were sent to the Chinese mainland on April 16, 2011. 臺灣梅花鹿“繁星”和“點點”在2011年4月16日被送到中國大陸。(2011·濱州)

degree [d??gri? ] n. 程度;度數(shù);學(xué)位

配  to some degree/to a large degree/ to a certain degree 在一定/很大/某種程度上

例  In Finland, in winter it is sometimes 40 degrees below zero. 在芬蘭,冬天氣溫有時會達(dá)到零下40度。(2011·昆明)

A beautiful girl with a master's degree went through a lot of challenges and her name was on the list. 一位漂亮的小姐,碩士畢業(yè),經(jīng)歷了諸多考驗之后最終進(jìn)了入選名單。(2009·寧波)

delicious [d??l???s ] a. 美味的,可口的

拓  tasty a. 美味的,可口的

例  They said the food I cooked was very delicious and they want to stay in my house again. 他們說我燒的菜很美味,他們想再來我家。(2012·溫州)

dentist [?dent?st ] n. 牙科醫(yī)生

構(gòu)  dent(詞根表示牙)+ist(名詞后綴表示人)

拓  dental a. 牙齒的,牙科的

例  Dr. Liu, one of the best dentists in Guangdong General Hospital, has great skills in fixing bad teeth and communicating with kids to win their trust. 劉醫(yī)生是廣東省人民醫(yī)院最好的牙科醫(yī)生之一,她擅長整牙并且善于和孩子們交流并贏得他們的信任。(2012·廣州)

depend [d??pend ] vi. 依靠,指望;取決于

拓  dependent a. 依靠的,依賴的 dependable a. 可靠的 dependence n. 依靠,信任

配  depend on/upon 依靠,依賴

例  If our parents do everything for us children, we won't learn to depend on ourselves 如果我們的父母為我們孩子做一切事情的話,我們將不會學(xué)會依靠我們自己的。(2011·十堰)

describe [d??skra?b ] vt. 描寫,敘述;形容

構(gòu)  de(前綴表示下)+scribe(后綴表示寫)→


拓  description n. 描述,描寫;形容

配  describe as 描述為

例  Many of his films describe the poor life and hard time of the working people during that period. 他的很多電影描述的是那個時期勞動人民的貧苦生活和艱苦歲月。(2011·安徽)

desert [dez?t ] n. 沙漠,荒漠

拓  dessert n. 甜點

例  The animals are useful to the desert people in many ways.The desert people eat the meat and drink the milk of the animals.對于沙漠居民來說,動物在很多方面對他們都很有用。沙漠居民吃動物的肉,喝動物的奶。(2010·呼和浩特)

desk [desk ] n. 書桌,辦公桌,寫字臺

拓  deskmate n. 同桌

例  There is a pencil on the desk . 桌子上有一支鉛筆。(2011·梧州)

dessert [d??z?:t ] n. 甜點

拓  appetier n. 開胃菜 soup n. 湯 entrée n. 主菜 main course 主菜

例  Don't eat desserts full of sugar. 不要吃富含糖的甜點。(2012·蘇州)

develop [d??vel?p ] vi. 發(fā)展;生長;開發(fā) vt. 開發(fā)(資源等);沖洗(照片)

構(gòu)  de(動詞前綴表離開)+velop(詞根表包囊)

拓  developer n. 開發(fā)者 developing a. 發(fā)展中的

配  develop oneself to 獻(xiàn)身于

例  Most students think they should have more time and energy to develop their own interests. 大部分的學(xué)生認(rèn)為他們應(yīng)該有更多的時間和精力來發(fā)展自己的興趣。(2011·濟寧)

He wanted to send documents to other scientists, so he developed the World Wide Web. 他想給其他科學(xué)家發(fā)送文件,于是研發(fā)了萬維網(wǎng)。(2012·大連)

Dr. Yang has developed a new treatment to help patients give up drinking. 楊醫(yī)生已經(jīng)研制出幫助患者戒酒的新療法。(2012·廣州)

development [d??vel?pm?nt ] n. 發(fā)展;發(fā)育;開發(fā)

構(gòu)  develop(v. 發(fā)展;生長;開發(fā))+ment(名詞后綴)

配  be under development 在發(fā)展中

例  Shenzhen's fast development has made it become China's most crowded city! 深圳的快速發(fā)展已經(jīng)使它成為中國最擁擠的城市。(2012·深圳)

Therefore, the researchers say, it may be good for brain development in young people. 因此,研究者說,這可能對年輕人的大腦發(fā)育有好處。(2011·淄博)

dialogue [?da??l??g ](美 dialog) n. 對話

構(gòu)  dia-(前綴表示在……之間;隔開)+logue(詞根表示談話)

拓  conversation n. 會話, 交談

例  Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear. 根據(jù)你聽到的對話和問題,選出最恰當(dāng)?shù)拇鸢?。?011·上海)

diary [?da??ri ] n. 日記

配  keep a diary 記日記

例  These days, a Chinese girl's travel diary has become a hit online. 日前,一位中國女孩的旅游日志風(fēng)靡網(wǎng)絡(luò)。(2011·舟山)

dictionary [?d?k??nri ] n. 詞典,字典 構(gòu) diction(n. 措辭)+ary(名詞后綴)

配  consult a dictionary 查字典

例  You'd better not always look up the new words in the dictionary while reading. Sometimes we need to guess. 你最好不要總是用字典查新詞,有時候我們需要猜單詞的意思。(2010·濱州)

die [da? ] vi. 死;(草木)枯萎 vt. (后接同源名詞)遭受(某種形式的死亡)

拓  dying a. 垂死的,臨終的 live v. 活著

配  die from 因某事而死

die of 死于

die out 滅絕,逐漸消失

例  Steve Jobs was born in 1955 and died last year. 史蒂夫·喬布斯1955年出生,于去年去世了。(2012·衢州)

Sea turtles always get lost and die from tiredness. 海龜經(jīng)常迷路,死于疲勞。(2009·常州)

difference [?d?fr?ns ] n. 不同(之處),差別

構(gòu)  differ(v. 不同)+ence(名詞后綴)

拓  similarity n. 相同,相似(之處)

配  make a difference/make a great difference/make a great deal of difference 有很大差別, 有很大不同

make no difference 沒有差別,毫無影響

例  So what's the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web? 那么因特網(wǎng)和萬維網(wǎng)的區(qū)別在哪里呢?(2012·大連)

We have all been gifted with the ability to make a difference . 我們都擁有創(chuàng)造非凡的天賦。(2012·鹽城)

different [?d?fr?nt ] a. 不同的,有差異的

構(gòu)  differ(v. 不同)+ent(形容詞后綴)

拓  same a. 相同的

配  be different from 與……不同

例  Some people have different ideas, saying that homework prepares kids for doing better in high school. 一些人有不同的想法,認(rèn)為家庭作業(yè)有助于孩子們在高中表現(xiàn)更出色。(2011·沈陽)

differently [?d?fr?ntli ] ad. 不同地,有區(qū)別地

構(gòu)  different(a. 不同的,有差異的)+ly(副詞后綴)

拓  similarly ad. 同樣地,類似于

例  I didn't want to be treated differently from anyone else. 我不想被區(qū)別對待。(2011·揚州)

difficult [?d?f?k?lt ] a. (困)難的,艱難的

構(gòu)  di(前綴表示”不”)+(f)ficult(詞根表示容易)

拓  hard a. 困難的 easy a. 容易的

例  Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it. 只要你用心,沒有什么是困難的。(2011·衢州)

difficulty [?d?f?k?lti ] n. 困難

構(gòu)  difficult(a. 難的,艱難的)+y(名詞后綴)

拓  ease n. 不費力

配  find /find difficulty in 對……有困難

with difficulty 困難地;吃力地

without difficulty 容易地,毫不費力地

例  There will be difficulties on the road to your dreams. 在實現(xiàn)你夢想的道路上一定會有困難。(2012·煙臺)

Another thing foreign businessmen have difficulty in understanding is when a Japanese means“Yes”or“No”. 另外一件讓外國商人很難理解的事就是當(dāng)日本人表達(dá)“是”或“不是”的時候。(2011·無錫)

dig [d?g ] v. (dug,dug) 挖(洞、溝等);掘

拓  digging n. 挖掘

配  dig up 挖起;挖出

dig out 挖掘出,探索;尋找;發(fā)現(xiàn)

dig into 挖掘;全力以赴地干

例  I think I'll dig up all these weeds. 我想我會挖光這所有的野草。(2010·常州)

dinner [?d?n? ] n. 正餐,晚餐

拓  breakfast n. 早餐 supper n. 晚餐

配  be at dinner 在用餐

例  I know that I promised to take you dinner , but I won't finish working until ten o'clock. 我知道我答應(yīng)過帶你去吃晚餐,但是我要10點才能結(jié)束工作。(2012·江西)

dining [?da?n?? ] n. 進(jìn)餐,吃飯

構(gòu)  din(e)(v. 吃飯,進(jìn)餐)+ing(名詞后綴)

拓  dining room 飯廳,餐廳,餐室

dining hall 大餐廳,食堂

例  Yesterday, all of the hopefuls went to the dining hall after school. 昨天,所有有希望入選的人放學(xué)后去了食堂。(2012·北京)

direct [d??rekt ] vt. 指揮;監(jiān)督;導(dǎo)演(電影)a. 直接的,直截了當(dāng)?shù)?/b>

構(gòu)  di(前綴表示強調(diào))+rect(詞根表示直的)

拓  indirect a. 間接的 directly ad. 直接地

配  direct to 把(注意力、精力)貫注在……上

例  Animals United is a 3D German cartoon which is directed by Reinhard Klooss and Holger Tappe. 《動物總動員》是一部由雷恩哈德·克洛澤和胡戈爾·坦普導(dǎo)演的德國3D 動畫電影。(2012·大連)

It might seem that speaking politely is more difficult than being direct . 似乎客氣委婉的說話比直接表達(dá)更難。(2011·貴陽)

direction [d??rek?n ] n. 方向,方位;(常用復(fù)數(shù))指引,說明

構(gòu)  direct(vt. 指引方向)+ion(名詞后綴)

配  give directions 予以指示

in all/every directions 四面八方;各方面

under the direction of 在……指導(dǎo)下

例  The problem is that the cockroaches don't always move in the right direction . 問題是這些蟑螂往往不朝正確的方向移動。(2012·蘇州)

Although the flight lasted only 12 seconds, it moved the course of history in a new direction . 盡管這次飛行只持續(xù)了12秒,但卻使歷史進(jìn)程進(jìn)入一個新的方向。(2012·煙臺)

director [d??rekt? ] n. 所長,處長,主任

構(gòu)  direct(vt. 導(dǎo)演)+or(名詞后綴)

例  It's reported that the director of the Provincial Education Department of Jiangsu, was interviewed by 11 primary school students about some present issues. 據(jù)報道,江蘇省教育廳廳長就一些當(dāng)前問題接受了11位小學(xué)生采訪。(2011·南京)

directory [d??rekt?ri ] n. 姓名地址錄;目錄

構(gòu)  direct(vt. 指引方向)+ory(名詞后綴表示物)

例  Her name is listed in the telephone directory . 她的名字被列在了電話號碼簿上。

dirty [?d?:ti ] a. 臟的

構(gòu)  dirt(n. 污垢)+y(形容詞后綴)

拓  dirt n. 污物;灰塵

例  Dirty water shouldn't be poured into rivers. 臟水不應(yīng)該被注入河流。(2011·連云港)

disability [d?s??b?l?ti ] n. 無力,無能,殘疾

構(gòu)  dis(前綴表示無)+ability (n. 能力)

配  disability payments 殘疾救濟金

例  He believes having a disability shouldn't stop anyone from achieving his or her success. 他認(rèn)為殘疾不會阻礙一個人取得成功。(2011·沈陽)

disabled [d?s?e?bld ] a. 肢體有殘疾的

構(gòu)  disable(v. 使殘廢)+d(形容詞后綴)

拓  disable v. 使殘廢,使失去能力,喪失能力

例  I didn't cry when I learned I was the parent of a disabled child. 當(dāng)我知道我是一位殘疾兒童家長的時候我沒有哭。(2011·武漢)

disagree [?d?s??gri? ] vi. 不一致,意見不同

構(gòu)  dis(前綴表示不)+agree(v. 同意)

拓  disagreeable a. 不愉快的,不為人喜的,厭惡的

配  disagree with 不同意,不一致,不適合

例  But it isn't very polite to disagree so strongly, so the other person might say“I'm not sure.”但是如此強烈的反對是非常不禮貌的,于是一些人會說“我不確定”。(2011·烏魯木齊)

disagreement [?d?s??gri?m?nt ] n. 意見不合,不一致,分歧

構(gòu)  disagree(vi. 不一致,意見不同)+ment(名詞后綴)

例  When she told her father that she wanted to leave school, he expressed his disagreement in a special way. 當(dāng)她告訴父親她想輟學(xué)的時候,父親用特別的方式表示他的不贊成。(2011·貴陽)

disappear [d?s??p?? ] vi. 消失,失蹤,不見

構(gòu)  dis(前綴表示不)+appear(v. 出現(xiàn))

拓  disappearance n. 不見,消失

例  He was sleeping when the UFO arrived. He didn't wake until the UFO disappeared . UFO到達(dá)時他正在睡覺,直到UFO消失時他才醒來。(2011·棗莊)

disappointed [?d?s??p??nt?d ] a. 失望的,掃興的

構(gòu)  disappoint(vt. 使失望)+ed(形容詞后綴表示感到)

拓  disappoint vt. 使失望 disappointedly ad. 失望地

配  be disappointed with 對……感到失望

例  Justin Bieber might feel disappointed when he arrived at Hong Kong airport. 賈斯汀·比伯抵達(dá)香港機場時可能感到失望。(2011·深圳)

disappointing [?d?s??p??nt?? ] a. 令人失望的,掃興的

構(gòu)  disappoint(vt. 使失望)+ing(形容詞后綴表示令人)

拓  disappointment n. 失望

例  Canada pop star Justin. Bieber got a hugely disappointing greeting when he arrived in Hong Kong on Wednesday. 加拿大流行明星賈斯汀·比伯周三抵達(dá)香港機場時受到了非常令人失望的禮遇。(2011·深圳)

discover [d?s?k?v? ] vt. 發(fā)現(xiàn),發(fā)覺

構(gòu)  dis(前綴表示去掉)+cover(n. 蓋子)

拓  discoverer n. 發(fā)現(xiàn)者

例  It was set up by UNESCO in 1955 to encourage people, especially teenagers, to discover the pleasure of reading. 為鼓勵人們,尤其是青少年發(fā)現(xiàn)閱讀的樂趣,聯(lián)合國教科文組織于1955年提出設(shè)立世界讀書日。(2012·煙臺)

discovery [d?s?k?v?ri ] n. 發(fā)現(xiàn);被發(fā)現(xiàn)的事物(或有才能的人)

構(gòu)  discover(vt. 發(fā)現(xiàn),發(fā)覺)+y(名詞后綴)

拓  Discovery Day (=Columbus Day) 哥倫布發(fā)現(xiàn)美洲紀(jì)念日

例  Asking questions is the first step to make discoveries and find interesting answers. 問問題是發(fā)現(xiàn)和獲得有意思答案的第一步。(2011·鹽城)

discuss [d?s?k?s ] vt. 討論,議論

構(gòu)  dis(否定前綴)+cuss(詞根表示敲打、怨恨)

拓  discusser n. 討論者

配  discuss with sb. 和某人討論

例  Please come over to my office tomorrow morning to discuss our new plan. 明天上午請到我辦公室來討論我們的新計劃。(2012·煙臺)

You can also encourage your children to join the Reading Challenge Club and discuss the books they are reading together. 你也可以鼓勵你的孩子們參加閱讀挑戰(zhàn)俱樂部,共同討論他們一起閱讀的書。(2011·寧波)

discussion [d?s?k??n ] n. 討論,辯論

構(gòu)  discuss(vt. 討論,議論)+ion(名詞后綴)

配  under discussion 在討論中

have a discussion about 對某事進(jìn)行討論

例  We didn't start our discussion until everybody arrived. 直到每個人都到齊了我們才開始討論。(2011·上海)

disease [d??zi?z ] n. 病,疾病

構(gòu)  dis(否定前綴表示不)+ease(n. 舒適)

拓  diseased a. 患病的,敗壞的,有病

例  She aslo does well in curing diseases caused by drinking. 她在治愈由酗酒引起的疾病方面也很出色。(2012·廣州)

dish [d?? ] n. 盤,碟;一道菜

拓  plate n. 盤子,碟

例  If you add some lemonade and sugar, the dish will be much tastier. 如果你加些檸檬水和糖,這道菜會更好吃。(2011·常州)

Mum, must I wash the dishes right now? 媽媽,我必須現(xiàn)在洗這些盤子嗎?(2012·北京)

dismiss [d?s?m?s ] vt. 讓……離開,解散;解雇 vi. 解散

拓  dismissal n. 免職,解雇,不予考慮

配  dismiss from v. 解雇,開除,消除

例  I had to dismiss him, he lost so much time. 我不得不把他解雇,他浪費的時間太多了。

disturb [d?s?t?:b ] vt. 擾亂,打擾

構(gòu)  dis(前綴加強語氣)+turb(are)(拉丁詞表示煩惱)

拓  disturbed a. 擾亂的

配  disturb the peace 擾亂治安

例  The principal was busy writing at his desk, so we didn't disturb him. 校長正在伏案疾書,所以我們沒有驚動他。(2011·無錫)

divide [d??va?d ] vt. 分,劃分

拓  divided a. 分開的 division n. 分開, 分割

配  divide sth. into 把某物分成

例  Hurricanes have been divided into five categories by scientists, based on wind speeds. 根據(jù)風(fēng)速,科學(xué)家將颶風(fēng)分成五個類別。(2011·南京)

do [du? ](did, done) don't=do not v. aux. 做,干(用以構(gòu)成疑問句及否定句;第三人稱單數(shù)現(xiàn)在時用does)不做,不干

拓  do-it-yourself n. 自己做

配  do away with 廢除,弄死

do one's best 盡全力

do one's duty 盡職責(zé)

do well in 成績好,……做得好

例  How long does it take us to go to your hometown from here? 我們從這里到你老家需要多久?(2011·呼和浩特)

Studying in groups is necessary if you want to do well in school. 如果你想在學(xué)校做得很好,團(tuán)隊學(xué)習(xí)是必要的。(2012·河北)

doctor [?d?kt? ] n. 醫(yī)生,大夫;博士

拓  doctoral a. 博士的

配  doctor's degree 博士學(xué)位

例  I have two brothers. One is a teacher, the other is a doctor . 我有兩個哥哥,一位是老師,另一位是醫(yī)生。(2011·宜賓)

Dr. Li got a doctor 's degree in traditional Chinese and western medicine. 李醫(yī)生獲得了中西醫(yī)學(xué)博士學(xué)位。(2012·廣州)

dog [d?g ] n. 狗

拓  hunting dogs 獵犬

配  lead a dog's life 過著潦倒的生活

例  Peter, what have done with the poor dog ? He is wet through! 彼得,你是怎樣處理那只狗的?它渾身都濕透了?。?011·貴州)

doll [d?l ] n. 玩偶

配  doll (oneself) up 打扮得漂漂亮亮

例  Since then, Barbie doll, as everyone called her, has become the most successful toy doll in history. 自那以后,芭比娃娃——每個人都這么稱呼她,已經(jīng)成為歷史上最成功的玩具娃娃。(2012·廣州)

dollar [?d?l? ] n. 元(美國、加拿大、澳大利亞等國貨幣單位)

拓  buck n. (口)美元

例  Fifty dollars for such a T-shirt! You must be joking! 這樣一件T恤要50美元,你一定在開玩笑?。?011·南京)

door [d?? ] n. 門

拓  doorbell n. 門鈴

door-to-door a. 挨戶訪問的, 按戶達(dá)的

配  out of doors 在戶外

from door to door 逐家

例  I knocked on the door but nobody answered. 我敲門,但是沒人開。(2011·北京)

double [?d?bl ] a. 兩倍的;雙的 n. 兩個,雙

拓  doubled v. 兩倍,加倍努力

例  —You've dropped an“s”in the word“necessary”.

—Oh, the letter“s”is doubled .



doubt [da?t ] n. & v. 懷疑,疑惑

拓  doubtful a. 可疑的

配  no doubt 無疑,必定

without doubt 無疑地,肯定地

doubt about 懷疑

例  I sometimes doubt whether this book is worth reading. 我有時懷疑這本書是否值得一讀。(2012·蘇州)

There is no doubt but that he will win the election. 毫無疑問,他將在競選中獲勝。

down [da?n ] prep. 沿著,沿……而下 ad. 向下

拓  downtown ad. ?。ㄔ冢┦兄行膮^(qū)

配  write down 寫下來

go down(船)下沉,(物價)下跌

turn down 拒絕,把音量調(diào)小

例  Write down the phone number, or you'll forget it. 寫下電話號碼,否則你會忘記的。(2011·山東)

Bill, please turn down the music, both Mom and Dad are sleeping. 比爾,請將音樂音量調(diào)小點,爸爸和媽媽都在睡覺。(2012·四川)

download [?da?nl??d ] v. 下載

構(gòu)  down(下)+load(v. 裝載)

拓  upload v. 上傳 unload vi. 卸貨

例  I was helping my friend download the movie Kung Fu PandaⅡ when the telephone rang. 電話響的時候我正在幫我的朋友下載電影《功夫熊貓2》。(2011·哈爾濱)

downstairs [?da?n?ste?z ] ad. 在樓下,到樓下

構(gòu)  down(下)+stairs(n. 樓梯)

拓  upstairs ad. 在樓上,上樓

例  Sam, come downstairs , please. I need your help. 薩姆,請下樓來,我需要你幫助。(2012·陜西)

dozen [?d?zn ] n. 十二個;幾十;許多

配  dozens of 幾十個(件);許多的

例  They hold mobile phones in hands all day long, send dozens of messages each day, and even text while driving or walking. 他們成天手里拿著手機,每天發(fā)幾十條短信,甚至還邊開車或邊走路邊發(fā)短信。(2012·溫州)

draw [dr?? ] v. (drew, drawn)繪畫,繪制;拉,拖;提?。ń疱X)

拓  drawing n. 繪畫;素描畫

配  draw in(火車/汽車)到站

draw on 動用,利用

draw up 寫出,畫出

例  Jack is good at drawing . I think no one draws better. 杰克擅長畫畫,我想沒有人比他畫得更好了。(2011·安徽)

Though the Internet is popular in the world, television continues to draw more and more people all over the world to many of its programs. 雖然互聯(lián)網(wǎng)在全球都很流行,但是電視憑借它的節(jié)目繼續(xù)吸引著全球越來越多的人。(2012·河北)

drawer [?dr??? ] n. 抽屜

構(gòu)  draw(v. 拉)+er(名詞后綴)

拓  drawerful n. 一抽屜之量, 大量

例  She looked into her drawer and drew out a pair of men's leather gloves. 她朝抽屜里看了看,拿出一副男士皮手套。(2012·深圳)

dream [dri?m ] n. & vt. (dreamt, dreamt/~ed,~ed)夢,夢想

拓  dreamland n. 夢境

配  dream of 夢見……

例  If you don't work hard enough, I don't think your dream will come true. 如果你不好好努力,我認(rèn)為你的夢想將不會實現(xiàn)。(2011·蘇州)

Xia Jie dreams to be a businessman. 夏潔夢想成為一個企業(yè)家。(2012·溫州)

dress [dres ] n. 女服,連衣裙;(統(tǒng)指)服裝 v. 穿衣;穿著

配  dress up 穿上盛裝,打扮得漂漂亮亮

例  What do you think of the dress ? 你覺得這件衣服怎么樣?(2011·河南)

So I dressed him, put on his shoes, carried him on my back and walked out. 于是我給他穿好衣服和鞋,背著他出了門。(2011·舟山)

dresser [?dres? ] n. 梳妝臺

構(gòu)  dress(v. 穿著,打扮)+er(名詞后綴)

例  The lamp is on the dresser . 臺燈在梳妝臺上。

drink [dr??k ] n. 飲料 v. (drank, drank) 喝,飲

拓  drunk a. 喝醉了的,陶醉的

配  drink up 喝光

drink deeply of 痛飲

例  Soft drinks are offered to children for free in some restaurants on Children's Day. 一些餐館在兒童節(jié)為孩子們提供免費的軟飲料。(2011·河南)

Would you please pass me something to drink ? 你可以給我點喝的嗎?(2011·舟山)

drive [dra?v ] v. (drove, driven)駕駛,開(車);驅(qū)趕 n. 駕車;驅(qū)趕;動力

拓  driveway n. 車道

配  drive sb. mad 使某人發(fā)瘋

例  Please drive slowly when you pass a school. 當(dāng)經(jīng)過學(xué)校時,請開慢一點。(2012·濟南)

He had a testing drive on the open ground. 他在空曠處試駕了一把。(2012·無錫)

driver [?dra?v? ] n. 司機,駕駛員

構(gòu)  driv(e)(v. 駕駛,開(車))+er(名詞后綴表人)

配  driver's license 駕駛執(zhí)照

例  Drivers must wear the safety belt when driving. 司機駕駛時必須系好安全帶。(2012·麗水)

Martin learned very quickly, and received his driver 's license just before his eighteenth birthday. 馬丁學(xué)得很快,在18歲生日前拿到了駕照。(2012·無錫)

drop [dr?p ] n. 滴 v. 掉下,落下

拓  drop-out n. 中途退學(xué)的人

配  drop by/in 順便來訪

drop off 減弱,減少

drop out 退出,離隊

例  I know we must save every drop of water. 我知道我們必須節(jié)約每一滴水。(2011·樂山)

She dropped the plate and it broke into pieces. 她一失手,盤子掉下摔成碎片了。(2012·蘇州)

drug [dr?g ] n. 藥,藥物;毒品

拓  pill n. 藥丸 medicine n. 藥

配  The State Food and Drug Administration 國家食品藥品監(jiān)督管理局

例  Because teens don't know much about drugs , they might want to try them. 因為許多青少年不了解毒品,他們可能想嘗試吸毒。(2011·海南)

drugstore [?dr?gst?? ] n. 雜貨店,藥店構(gòu) drug(n. 藥,藥物)+store(n. 商店)

例  There is a drugstore on the second floor. 在二樓有一個藥店。(2012·煙臺)

drum [dr?m ] n. 鼓

拓  drumbeat n. 鼓聲,打鼓 drummer n. 鼓手

例  She beat the drum slowly. 她慢慢地敲鼓。

dry [dra? ] v. 使……干,弄干 a. 干的,干燥的

拓  wet a. 濕的

配  dry up v. 干涸, 枯竭

例  Teresa likes crispy cookies. They are hard, dry and easily broken. 特里薩喜歡松脆的餅干,這些餅干既硬又干而且易碎。(2011·貴陽)

We send greenhouse gases into the air when we watch TV, turn on lights, dry hair, play video games, wash or dry our clothes or drive cars. 當(dāng)我們看電視、開燈、吹干頭發(fā)、玩電子游戲、洗衣服或烘干衣服或開車的時候我們都在將溫室氣體排放到空氣中。(2010·南寧)

duck [d?k ] n. 鴨子

配  like a duck to water 如魚得水

例  The duck meat is put in a big oven to cook it. 鴨肉被放進(jìn)大爐子烹制。(2009·河北)

dumpling [?d?mpl?? ] n. 餃子;(有肉餡的)湯團(tuán)

配  apple dumplings 蘋果布丁

meat dumpling 肉湯團(tuán),肉餡水餃

例  We went to the Dumpling House. 我們?nèi)チ孙溩羽^。(2009·吉林)

during [?dj??r?? ] prep. 在……期間,在……過程中

例  But my mother says she'll teach me during my summer holiday.但是媽媽說她會在暑假期間教我。(2012·貴州)

In China it is a custom to give kids lucky money especially during the Spring Festival. 在中國,尤其是春節(jié)期間給孩子壓歲錢成為一個傳統(tǒng)了。(2011·麗水)

duty [?dju?ti ] n. 責(zé)任,義務(wù)

拓  duty-free a. & ad. 免稅的[地]

配  off duty 下班 on duty 值班,上班

例  As young adults, it is our duty to try our best to deal with each challenge in our education with the help of our teacher. 作為未成年人,在老師的幫助下盡力處理好教育方面的每次挑戰(zhàn)是我們的責(zé)任。(2011·菏澤)

People who raise a young cat have the duty to let it play inside.養(yǎng)小貓的人有義務(wù)讓貓在里面玩。(2011·包頭)

DVD [?di??vi??di? ](digital versatile disk) 數(shù)碼影碟

拓  VCD abbr. 視頻高密光盤

例  I would recommend that you buy a DVD player instead a VCR. 我建議你買一臺 DVD 機而不是錄像機。


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