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初中英語必考2000詞 G game→gymnast





初中英語必考2000詞 G game→gymnast

game [ge?m ] n. 游戲;運動;比賽 vi. 賭博

拓  gamble v. 賭博

配  play the game 玩游戲;遵守比賽規(guī)則

football game 足球賽

例  Late one night, David's mother found him playing computer games in his room. 一天深夜,大衛(wèi)的媽媽發(fā)現(xiàn)他在房間里玩電腦游戲。(2012·陜西)

garden [?gɑ?dn ] n. 花園,果園 vt. 栽培花木 vi. 從事園藝;在園中種植

拓  gardener n. 園丁 gardening n. 園藝

配  in the garden 在花園里

例  Regent's Park has a lake,several public gardens , some sports grounds and three children's playgrounds.(倫敦)攝政公園里有一片湖,幾個向公眾開放的花園,一些運動場,還有三個供孩子們玩耍的操場。(2010·哈爾濱)

gate [ge?t ] n. 大門,出入口

拓  door n. 門

配  school gate 校門;學(xué)校大門

Golden Gate 金門海峽(美國)

例  My flight number is CA7492. Which gate should I go to? 我的航班號是CA7492,請問我應(yīng)該去哪個登機口?(2009·江西)

general [??en?r?l ] a. 大體的,籠統(tǒng)的 n. 將軍

拓  generally ad. 通常;普遍地,一般地

配  in general 總之,通常;一般而言

general manager 總經(jīng)理

例  It is normal to compliment people for their clothes, hair or taste in general . 稱贊對方的衣著或總體品味是常見的情況。(2009·青島)

At sixteen, students take their GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) exams in about five to ten subjects.(英國)16歲的中學(xué)生參加普通中等教育證書的考試,考試包含大約5到10門科目。(2009·青海)

gentle [??entl ] a. 輕柔的,柔和的,輕輕的

拓  gently ad. 輕輕地;溫柔地,溫和地

例  “No,”Sue said, “He's never bitten anyone. He's always gentle and friendly.”“不是的,”蘇說,“它從來不咬人。它總是對人很溫和友好?!保?008·武漢)

gentleman [??entlm?n ](pl. gentlemen) n. 紳士,先生;有身份(教養(yǎng))的人

構(gòu)  gentle(a. 柔和的)+man(n. 人)

配  ladies and gentleman 女士們先生們

例  He developed the character of a homeless gentleman which became very popular. 他豐富發(fā)展了人物角色,使得這個無家可歸流浪漢的形象深入人心。(2011·安徽)

geography [?i??gr?f ](pl. geographies) n. 地理學(xué),地形

構(gòu)  geo(詞根表示地)+graphy(n. 書寫)

例  Last week our geography teacher told us to get more information about how to protect the environment. 上周,地理老師讓我們多了解一些如何保護環(huán)境的信息。(2008·南京)

gesture [??est?? ] n. 姿勢;手勢

拓  body language 身體語言

配  make a gesture 做手勢,表示

例  This gesture mimes the closing of the mouth. 這個手勢模仿的是嘴巴的閉合。

get [get ] vt. (got,got) 成為;得到;到達 vi. 到達;變得;成為

拓  get-together n. 聯(lián)歡會

配  have got 有

get along 進展,過得

get back 取回

get on 上車,上馬

get out 離開

get over 克服

get off 脫下,下車

get rid of 擺脫;排除;處理掉

get used to 習(xí)慣于……

get up 起床

get to 到達

例  It's difficult for the village children to cross the river to get to school. 對于村里的孩子來說,過河上學(xué)實在太危險了。(2012·貴州)

The next morning,Dad was in the kitchen when Cassie got up.第二天早上,卡西起床時爸爸在廚房。(2012·濟南)

gift [g?ft ] n. 贈品,禮物;天賦

拓  gifted a. 有天賦的;有才華的

present n. 贈品,禮物

配  have a gift for 對……有天賦

例  When I was eleven years old, God gave me a gift of happiness. 在我十一歲的那一年,上帝送給我了一份幸福的禮物。(2012·鹽城)

giraffe [???rɑ?f ](pl. giraffes 或giraffe) n. 長頸鹿

例  The giraffe is characterized by its very long neck.


girl [g?:l ] n. 女孩

拓  girlfriend n. 女朋友

例  I hear the tall girl wearing glasses is your new classmate. 我聽說那個帶著眼鏡的高個子女孩是你的同學(xué)?(2011·廣州)

give [g?v ] vt. & vi. (gave, given)遞給;付出;給予

拓  given a. 贈予的 prep. 考慮到

配  give up 放棄;交出

give out 分發(fā),發(fā)出

give in 屈服;讓步;交上

give it away[澳大利亞俚語] 放棄;停止

give attention to 考慮;注意;關(guān)心

give away 放棄;泄露;分發(fā);出賣

give sb. a call 給某人打電話

give an example 舉例

give me a hand 幫我一下

例  Dr. Green decided to give up the treatments. 格林夫人決定放棄治療。(2011·烏魯木齊)

With the help of the book, you will be confident to know how to give your speech. 在這本書的幫助下,你將會有信心知道如何演講。(2011·鹽城)

glad [gl?d ] a. 高興的,樂意的

拓  gladly ad. 樂意地;高興地;歡喜地

配  be glad of 對……感到高興

例   I'm very glad you are coming to visit me. 我很高興你來看我。(2011·長沙)

glass [glɑ?s ] n. 玻璃杯;玻璃 (pl. ) 眼鏡

配  a glass of 一杯

例  David fell down and his glasses went flying.大衛(wèi)摔倒地上,他的眼鏡也被撞飛了。(2009·哈爾濱)

He held up a glass of water and asked the class, “How heavy do you think this glass of water is?”他拿起一杯水問全班:“大家認為這杯水多重?”(2009·揚州)

globe [gl??b ] n. 球狀物;地球

拓  globalization n. 全球化

global a. 全球的

例  No air, water, or any other material entered or exited the globe . 空氣、水或者任何一種物質(zhì)都不能出入這個球體。

glove [gl?v ] n. 手套

例  Overspending was one thing, but compared to the difficult experience of choosing gifts —running around at the last minute to get a tie for Uncle Harry and a pair of gloves for Grandma. 花錢超過預(yù)算還是其次,選擇禮物更難——我四處奔走,直到最后一刻才為哈利叔叔選中了一條領(lǐng)帶,給奶奶選了副手套。(2012·武漢)

go [g?? ] vi. (went,gone) 去;駛;通到;到達

配  going on 進行,發(fā)生

go home 回家

let go 放開;釋放

go up 增長;上升

go on 繼續(xù);發(fā)生

go wrong 出毛??;發(fā)生故障

go well 進展順利

例  I go swimming once a week and play tennis twice a month. 我每周游一次泳,半個月打一次網(wǎng)球。(2012·重慶)

I don't want to go to my parents for suggestions, for they will get worried about me. 我不想問父母的建議,他們會為我擔心的。(2011·黃岡)

goat [g??t ] n. 山羊

拓  sheep n. 綿羊

例  Little goat says: Spring is green grass. 小山羊說:春天是綠綠的草地。

god [g?d ] n. 神;(大寫)上帝

拓  goddess n. 女神

配  god bless 上帝保佑 thank god 謝天謝地,幸虧

例  There is an old saying, “Friends are God 's way of taking care of us.”常言道:“朋友是上帝照顧我們的一種方式。”(2009·呼和浩特)

gold [g??ld ] n. 黃金 a. 金的,黃金的

拓  goldfish n. 金魚 golden a. 金色的;珍貴的

配  gold medal 金牌;金質(zhì)獎?wù)?/p>

silence is gold 沉默是金

gold medalist 金牌獲得者;冠軍

例  Michael Phelps won eight gold medals at the Beijing Olympic Games. 邁克爾·菲爾普斯在北京奧運會上奪得8枚金牌。(2009·西寧)

golden [?g??ld?n ] a. 金(黃)色的

構(gòu)  gold(n. 黃金)+en(形容詞后綴)

配  golden age 黃金時代 golden time 黃金時代 golden wedding 金婚

例  I'm a tall boy with golden hair and sunglasses. 我是個高、金發(fā)的男孩,戴了副太陽鏡。(2011·沈陽)

How long is it since the Golden Weeks began? 黃金周的出現(xiàn)已經(jīng)有多久了?(2009·宜昌)

golf [g?lf ] n. 高爾夫球運動

拓  golfing n. 打高爾夫球

golfer n. 打高爾夫球的人

配  golf course n. 高爾夫球場

golf club 高爾夫俱樂部

play golf 打高爾夫球

例  He also enjoys playing golf and bridge. 他也愛打高爾夫和橋牌。(2011·南寧)

good [g?d ] a. (比較級better,最高級best)好的,優(yōu)良的 n. 好處;善行;

拓  good-looking a. 漂亮的

good-mannered a. 有禮貌的

配  good at 善于

good for 有效的

as good as 和……幾乎一樣,實際上等于……

do good 對……有好處;有用處

feel good 感覺舒服,感覺良好

例  Tele-medicine will do good to patients because doctors from different places can see them and give their medical advice. 遠程醫(yī)療對病人而言有好處,因為來自其他地方的醫(yī)生可以與病人面對面,給予治療的建議。(2011·河北)

I hope you will have a good time here. 我希望你在這兒玩得愉快。(2011·長沙)

goodbye [?g?d?ba? ] int. 再見 n. 告別

拓  bye-bye int. 再見 See you later. 再見。

配  say goodbye 說再見;告別

wave goodbye to 向……揮手告別

例  I was very sad to say goodbye . 要道別了,我很難過。(2011·無錫)

goodness [?g?dn?s ] n. 善良,仁慈,美德;優(yōu)良,優(yōu)秀 int. 天哪

構(gòu)  good(a. 好的,優(yōu)良的)+ness(名詞后綴)

拓  badness n. 惡劣

配  thank goodness 謝天謝地;幸虧

例  I had seen the love and goodness of others all around me. 我看到了周圍人的善良和愛。(2009·常州)

goods [g?dz ](pl. goods) n. 商品,貨物

配  choice goods 精選品

例  That afternoon, I went to a local sporting goods store and bought different kinds of wrestling helmets and shoes. 那天下午我去了當?shù)匾患殷w育用品商店,買了不同樣式的摔跤用的頭盔和鞋子。(2012·武漢)

goose [gu?s ](pl. geese) n. 鵝配 as stupid as a goose 蠢極了

例  The best balls are said to be made from the feathers of the left wing of a goose . 聽說最好的球,是用鵝左邊的羽毛做成的。(2011·廣州)

good-looking [?g?d?l?k?? ] a. 好看的;漂亮的

拓  ugly-looking a. 丑陋的,難看的

例  People like good-looking people. 人們喜歡長得好看的人。

government [?g?v?nm?nt ] n. 政府

構(gòu)  govern(v. 統(tǒng)治,支配,管理)+ment(名詞后綴)

配  Chinese government 中國政府

federal government 聯(lián)邦政府

local government 地方政府

central government 中央政府

例  The government introduced new laws to stop smog from coal fires and factories and the situation improved a lot. 政府頒布了新的法律,禁止火煤企業(yè)和工廠排放廢煙,情況有了很大的改善。(2012·鹽城)

grade [gre?d ] n. 等級;(中小學(xué)的)學(xué)年;成績,分數(shù)

拓  grading n. 等級

配  up to grade 夠標準,合格

例  It can begin as early as first grade. 這可以從一年級就開始進行。(2012·河北)

He worked very hard and always got good grades . 他學(xué)習(xí)非常努力,成績一直很好。(2012·陜西)

gram [gr?m ] n. (重量或質(zhì)量單位)克[C]

拓  kilogram 千克

例  That a mouse expends more energy per gram than an elephant does is well known. 每克體重,老鼠比大象消耗更多能量是眾所周知的。

grammar [?gr?m? ] n. 語法

例  However, in order not to offend people, learning about the language etiquette is just as important as learning grammar or vocabulary. 但是,為了不冒犯他人,學(xué)習(xí)一些禮貌語言和學(xué)習(xí)語法詞匯一樣重要。(2011·貴陽)

grandchild [?gr?ndt?a?ld ](pl. grandchildren) n.(外)孫或(外)孫女;孫輩

構(gòu)  grand(前綴表示“隔一代的(親戚關(guān)系)”之義)+child(n. 孩子,兒女,子孫)

例  Along with two sons, a daughter-in-law, a grandchild and her husband, Shareen has a menagerie of pets. 除了丈夫、兩個兒子、一個兒媳和一個孫子之外,謝林還養(yǎng)了一群寵物。

granddaughter [?gr?n?d??t? ] n. (外)孫女

構(gòu)  grand(前綴表示“隔一代的(親戚關(guān)系)”之義)+daughter(n. 女兒)

例  My granddaughter , 10, was very happy the day before yesterday because her mother and the mother of one of her classmates took them to a park and a Pizza Hut to celebrate Children's Day. 我十歲的孫女,前天非常開心,因為她媽媽和她同學(xué)的媽媽那天帶著她們倆去逛公園、去必勝客吃比薩慶祝兒童節(jié)了。(2009·寧夏)

grandfather [?gr?nd?fɑ?e? ] n. 爺爺,祖父,外祖父

構(gòu)  grand(前綴表示“隔一代的(親戚關(guān)系)”之義)+father(n. 父親,祖先)

拓  granddaddy n. 祖父;外公;爺爺

例  My grandfather went to the dentist and had one bad tooth pulled out. 我的祖父去看了牙醫(yī),把一個壞了的牙齒拔掉了。(2009·寧波)

grandma [?gr?ndmɑ? ]=grandmother[?gr?nd?m?e? ] n. 奶奶;外婆

拓  grandmam(m)a n. 奶奶,外婆

例  My grandma is in her eighties, but she can still take care of herself. 我祖母已經(jīng)八十多歲了,但她仍然可以照顧自己。(2012·蘇州)

grandpa[?gr?ndpɑ? ]=grandfather [?gr?nd?fɑ:e? ] n. 爺爺;外公

拓  grandpapa n. 爺爺,外公

例  I'll be back home to visit my grandpa . 我要回家看望我的爺爺。(2010·海南)

grandparent [?gr?nd?pe?r?nt ] n. 祖父母;外祖父母

例  So find an adult you trust—a parent, grandparent or teacher; a coach or counselor —and ask them to help you stay on track to meet your goals. 找到一個你可以相信的成年人,他可以是你的父母、祖父母、老師、教練或是顧問,向他們請求幫助,以使你能夠?qū)崿F(xiàn)自己的既定目標。

grandson [?gr?nds?n ] n. (外)孫子

例  A fashionable man in 1780 looked very different from his—grandson in 1860. 1780年的時髦男人看起來和他1860年的孫子的形象就很不一樣。(2009·大連)

granny [?gr?ni ](pl. grannies) n. 老奶奶;祖母;外婆

拓  grandma n. 祖母,老太婆

例  When they were passing a nursing home, she saw an old granny sitting in a chair. 她們途經(jīng)養(yǎng)老院的時候,她看見一位老奶奶坐在扶手椅上。(2009·青島)

grape [gre?p ] n. 葡萄

配  grape wine 葡萄酒

grape juice 葡萄汁

sour grapes 酸葡萄(指把得不到的東西說成是不好的,聊以自慰)

例  It grows a lot of fruits, including oranges, pears, and grapes , and it makes wine. 這個國家種植了很多水果,如橘子、梨、葡萄,同時還釀酒。(2009·寧夏)

grass [grɑ?s ] n. 草;草場;牧草

拓  grassless a. 無草的

配  on the grass 在草地上 green grass 綠色草,青草

例  When the kidnappers saw the policemen they stopped the taxi, jumped into the grass , and ran away. 綁匪看到警察,放棄了出租車,跳進了草叢,逃之夭夭。(2006·武漢)

grasshopper [?grɑ?s?h?p? ] n. 蚱蜢

構(gòu)  grass(n. 草;草場)+hopper(n. 單足跳者)

例  Once there was a grasshopper , who was the best hopper in the world. 有一天,有一只蚱蜢,是世界上最棒的跳躍者。(2009·常州)

great [gre?t ] a. 偉大的;好極了 ad. 〈口〉好極了

拓  greatness n. 偉大;巨大

配  great deal 大量

a great deal of 大量

Great Wall 萬里長城

of great importance 有著重要意義

great success 巨大成功

例  When James returned, the family held a big dinner for his great success. 詹姆斯回到家,他的家人為他取得的巨大成功做了一頓盛大的晚餐作為慶祝。(2009·寧波)

People say Bruce Lee (1940—1973) was one of the greatest arts(wushu) masters of the 20th century. 人們認為李小龍是20世紀最偉大的武術(shù)宗師之一。(2009·包頭)

grateful [?gre?tf ] a. 感激的,感謝的

構(gòu)  grat(e)(詞根表示高興)+ful(形容詞后綴表示充滿……的)

拓  gratefully ad. 感激地;感謝地

配  be grateful for 為……而感謝

例  We were pleasantly surprised and very grateful . 我們既驚喜又非常感激。(2011·蘇州)

We were grateful for the help like this, but it was the kindness of a total stranger that meant so much more to us. 我們感激這樣的幫助,但是一個完全陌生的人的善意對我們來說意義更大。(2011·蘇州)

Greece [gri?s ] n. 希臘

拓  Greek a. 希臘的,希臘人的,希臘語的 n. 希臘人,希臘語

配  ancient Greece 古希臘

例  Athens, the capital of Greece , is knows as the birthplace of Western civilization. 雅典是希臘的首都,以其是西方文明的發(fā)源地而聞名。(2008·南京)

green [gri?n ] a. 綠色的;青的 n. 綠色

拓  greenhouse n. 溫室,花房

配  green hand 生手,沒有經(jīng)驗的人

green tea 綠茶

green food 綠色食品

例  In fact,green is my favorite,but the salesgirl said the green ones had been sold out.其實我最喜歡綠色,但是銷售員說那款綠色的已經(jīng)賣完了。(2009·揚州)

greenhouse [?gri?nha?s ] n. 溫室,暖房

配  greenhouse gas 二氧化碳、甲烷等導(dǎo)致溫室效應(yīng)的氣體

greenhouse effect 溫室效應(yīng)

例  A few days later after it is dealt with, the water is brought into a greenhouse filled with plants and fish. 處理過幾天后,水被引入了滿是植物和魚的溫室。(2012·北京)

greet [gri?t ] vt. 問候;相迎;迎接

拓  greeting n. 問候,招呼;祝賀

配  greet something with something 對某事作出某種反應(yīng)

例  It's reported that 67% young people like to send messages to greet each other. 據(jù)報道,67%的年輕人喜歡彼此發(fā)短信問候?qū)Ψ健#?011·溫州)

greeting [?gri?t?? ] n. 祝賀,問候

構(gòu)  greet(vt. 歡迎,迎接;致敬,致意)+ing(名詞后綴)

配  greeting card 賀卡

season's greeting 新年祝福;節(jié)日問候

例  He nodded to me in greeting when I entered the room. 當我走進房間,他朝我點了下頭當做問候。(2011·無錫)

ground [gra?nd ] n. 地面

拓  underground a. 地下的,秘密的 n. [英] 地鐵

playground n. 運動場,操場

配  on the ground 在地上;當場

in the ground 在地下(掩埋著的);在土里

ground floor 底層,基層;第一層樓

on ground 在地面

open ground 開闊地,露天地

例  While we were running on the playground, Jack suddenly stopped and lay on the ground , so we all stopped running to see what was wrong with him. 我們正在操場上跑步時,杰克突然停下來躺在地上,我們都停下來看他出什么事兒了。(2011·成都)

group [gru?p ] n. 組,群

拓  grouping n. 分組,分類

配  a group of 一組,一群

in group 成組;成群

group leader 組長;團體領(lǐng)袖

例  One day, Tomas Jefferson, the president of the USA, was crossing a river with a group of travelers. 一天,美國總統(tǒng)托馬斯·杰斐遜與一群游客一起過河。(2011·蕪湖)

grow [gr?? ] v. (grew,grown) 生長;種植

拓  growth n. 增長;生長

配  grow up 成長,逐漸形成

grow in 增加;在……方面成長

grow old 變老

例  Cells grow and make new cells.細胞成熟,分裂出新細胞。(2010·哈爾濱)

When I grow up,I want to be a scientist. 我長大了想做一名科學(xué)家。(2009·長春)

guard [gɑ?d ] n. 防護裝置;警戒 vt. 守衛(wèi),看守

拓  bodyguard n. 保鏢,護衛(wèi)

配  guard against 警戒;提防;預(yù)防

on guard 警惕;站崗

off guard 不提防;不警惕

例  Check your work thoroughly in order to guard against mistakes. 徹底檢查你的工作,以防出錯。

guess [ges ] vi. 猜

配  guess what 猜怎么了;猜猜看;猜怎么著

guess who 猜猜是誰

by guess 憑猜測,推測

例  He guessed that they might play some tricks on him, but he said nothing and continued to drink. 他猜他們一定對他玩了什么把戲,但是他什么也沒說,繼續(xù)喝酒。(2011·長春)

I haven't finished my homework, I guess I can't join you. 我想我不能加入你們,因為我還沒有完成作業(yè)。(2011·河北)

guest [gest ] n. 客人,賓客

配  guest room 客房

guest house 賓館

special guest 特別來賓;貴賓

例  In Mexico, however, guests are expected to keep their hands on the table throughout a meal. 而在墨西哥,吃飯過程中,客人應(yīng)把手一直放桌子上。(2009·廣東)

guitar [g??tɑ? ] n. 吉他;六弦琴

配  play the guitar 彈吉他,玩吉他

guitar player 吉他手

例  I'm good at playing the guitar . 我擅長彈吉他。(2009·長春)

gun [g?n ] n. 槍,炮

拓  gunner n. 炮手,槍手;經(jīng)常投籃的投手

配  machine gun 機關(guān)槍

例  The gun went off, and the bullet went into Jerry's right knee. 他們開槍了,子彈打入了杰瑞的右膝。(2009·杭州)

gym [??m ]=gymnasium[??m?ne?z??m ] n. 體操;體育館;健身房

拓  fitness club 健身俱樂部

配  go to the gym 去健身房

例  When does the man go to the gym every day? 那個男人每天什么時候去健身房?(2012·北京)

gymnast [???mn?st ] n. 體操運動員

拓  gymnastic a. 體操的

例  Nora was an excellent gymnast in this country. 諾拉是這個國家卓越的體操運動員。


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