a comic opera 喜劇歌劇
a grand opera 大歌劇
a light opera 輕歌劇
a soap opera 廣播/電視的連續(xù)劇,肥皂劇
an evening at the opera 在歌劇院度過的一個晚上
actor ['?kt?] 男演員
actress ['?ktr?s] 女演員
adapt for 改編
admission ticket 入場券
aisle ['a?sl] 過道,座席間走廊
amateur ['?m?t?] 業(yè)余的,業(yè)余從事者
amateur company 業(yè)余劇團
announcer/master of ceremonies 報幕員
answer curtain call 謝幕
art theatre 藝術(shù)劇院
artist ['ɑ?t?st] 文藝工作者,藝術(shù)家
artistic level/artistry 藝術(shù)性
balcony ['b?lk?n?] /gallery 樓座
ballet theatre 芭蕾舞戲院
ballet-dancer ['b?le? dɑ?ns?] 芭蕾舞演員
benefit performance/play 義演
book a seat 訂座
bowl (美)/amphitheatre (英)['?mf?θ??t?] 圓形劇場
box/balcony ['b?lk?n?] 包廂
box-office clerk 售票員
box-office 售票處
budding actor ['b?d??] 初登舞臺的演員
cast [kɑ?st] 演員表,演員班子
character ['k?r?kt?] 人物
chief actor 主要演員
children theatre 兒童劇場
circle ['s??kl] 樓廳后座
cloak-room/check-room 衣帽間
clown [kla?n] 小丑
comedian [k?'mi?d??n] 喜劇演員
composer [k?m'p??z?] 作者,作曲家
costume ['k?stju?m] 服裝
denouement [?de?nu?'m??] 結(jié)局
director [d?'rekt?] 導(dǎo)演
drama theatre/play house 話劇院
dress-circle 樓廳前座
emergency exit 太平門
entrance ['entr?ns] 入口
exist ['eks?t] 出口
fictitious character [f?k't???s] 虛構(gòu)人物
go to a play/the theatre 去看戲
go to the opera 去看歌劇
hall/auditorium [??d?'t??r??m] 演出大廳
hit play 賣座
house full/full house 客滿
interval ['?nt?vl] 間歇,間隔,幕間休息
leading actor 主角演員
leading/principal/title part 主要角色
life-like character 真實人物
lobby ['l?b?] 休息室
make guest performance 訪問演出
matinee ['m?t?ne?] /day show 日場
mature actor [m?'tj??] 成熟的演員
mobile troupe [tru?p] 巡回演出隊
movie theatre 影劇院
musical hall 音樂廳
negative character ['neɡ?t?v] 反面人物
open-air theatre 露天劇場
opera ['?p?r?] 歌劇,歌劇院
opera singer 歌劇演員
opera theatre/house 歌劇院
part/role [r??l] 角色
perform/stage an opera 演出 歌劇
performer [p?'f??m?] 演出者,藝人
play the character 扮演人物
playwright ['ple?ra?t] 劇作家
plot [pl?t] 情節(jié)
positive character ['p?z?t?v] 正面人物
premiere ['prem?e?] /opening performance 首演
present bouquet [b?'ke?] 獻花
professional company [pr??'fe?nl] 專業(yè)劇團
puppet theatre ['p?p?t] 木偶戲院
rear stalls 正廳后座
refreshment bar/room 小食部
rehearsal [r?'h??sl] 排演,排練
repertory theatre ['rep?tr?] 定期更換劇目的劇院
row [r??] 排,座
set/scene-setting 布景
stage actor 舞臺演員
street performer 街頭藝人
talk shows 訪問性節(jié)目,脫口秀
the first cast 甲組演員
the second cast 乙組演員
the ticket office at a theatre 劇院售票處
theatrical troupe 劇團,戲班
troupe [tru?p] 演出隊/團,戲班
understudy ['?nd?st?d?] 候補演員
usher ['???] 引座員
usher/show/take sb. to his (her)seat 領(lǐng)……入座
variety theatre 雜耍戲院