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所屬教程:書蟲5級 理智與情感




1. The Dashwood family

For very many years there had been Dashwoods living in Sussex, in the south of England. The family owned a large area of land around their country house, Norland Park. Recently the head of the family, an unmarried man of great age, had invited into his home his nephew, who was expected to inherit the house and land, with his wife and children. The nephew, Mr Henry Dashwood, and his wife behaved kindly and thoughtfully towards the old gentleman, not from interest in his fortune, but from goodness of heart, so that he was able to spend his last years comfortably with these pleasant and cheerful companions.

By his first wife Mr Henry Dashwood had one son, John; by his present wife, three daughters. John, a respectable, serious young man, had received a large inheritance from his mother, and had also added to his wealth by his own marriage. To him, therefore, the Norland fortune was not as important as to his sisters, who had very little money of their own.

When the old gentleman died, it was discovered that he had not left his fortune to Henry Dashwood to do what he liked with, but only to use during his lifetime. On Henry Dashwood's death, the inheritance would pass to his son John, and to John's son, a child of four years old. The old man had become fond of the small boy on his occasional visits to Norland, and so a spoilt child was preferred to Henry Dashwood's gentle wife and daughters, in spite of their years of loving care. No unkindness had been intended, however, and as a sign of his affection for the girls, the old gentleman left them one thousand pounds each.

At first Mr Henry Dashwood was bitterly disappointed, as he had wanted the fortune more for his wife and daughters than for himself. But he soon realized that if he was careful with money in the next few years, he could save enough to provide generously for his family. Unfortunately, he did not live to carry out this plan, as he survived his uncle by only one year, and ten thousand pounds was all that remained for his widow and daughters.

Just before his death he sent for his son, and begged him to take care of his stepmother and sisters. Mr John Dashwood had not the strong feelings of the rest of the family, but such a request at such a time naturally had an effect on him, so he promised to do everything he could to make his father's family comfortable. He was not a bad young man, but rather cold-hearted, and rather selfish, although he was, in general, well respected. If he had married a pleasanter woman, he would probably have been even more respected and perhaps have become pleasanter himself, but his wife was colder and more selfish than he was.

As soon as his father was dead and buried, Mrs John Dashwood arrived unexpectedly at Norland with her child and her servants. She wished to make it clear that, as the house belonged to her husband from the moment of his father's death, she did not need any invitation from her mother-in-law. To a widow in Mrs Dashwood's situation, this appeared unforgivable. In fact, Mrs Dashwood, a sensitive and generous woman, felt so strongly about her daughter-in-law's unpleasant behaviour that she would have left the house immediately, if her eldest daughter had not begged her to reconsider.

Elinor, this eldest daughter whose advice was so useful, had a great deal of intelligence and common sense and, although only nineteen, frequently acted as her mother's adviser. To the advantage of the whole family, she was often able to persuade Mrs Dashwood to hold back the violent enthusiasms which were likely to lead them all into difficulties. Elinor had an excellent heart, full of affection, and although her feelings were strong, she knew how to control them. This was something which her mother had not yet learnt to do, and which Marianne, one of her sisters, had decided never to learn.

Marianne was, like Elinor, generous, clever, and sensitive, but, unlike Elinor, she was eager in everything; her feelings were always strongly felt and expressed. In this, she was very similar to her mother. Elinor saw with concern how little her sister could control her feelings, but her mother loved Marianne for her sensibility. Now, after Mr Henry Dashwood's death, Mrs Dashwood and Marianne encouraged each other in the violence of their unhappiness, becoming more and more miserable as they remembered the past and thought bitterly of the future. Elinor, too, suffered deeply, but she could still make an effort to discuss business with her brother, be polite to her sister-in-law, and try to persuade her mother to be calmer.

The youngest sister, Margaret, was a pleasant girl of thirteen, but as she already had some of Marianne's sensibility and not much of her intelligence, she seemed likely to grow up without her sisters' advantages.

Mrs John Dashwood now made sure that everyone knew she was mistress of Norland, and that her mother-in-law and sisters-in-law were there as visitors. Her husband, however, reminded her of the promise he had given to his dying father, that he would take care of his stepmother and sisters.

I had thought, my dear,' he added, 'of giving the girls one thousand pounds each. It would certainly be a generous present for them.'

Mrs John Dashwood did not at all, approve of this. It would mean taking three thousand pounds from the fortune of their dear little boy. She begged her husband to think again. How could he rob his child, and his only child too, of so much money? And how could the Miss Dashwoods, who were related to him only by half blood, which she considered no relation at all, possibly expect him to be so generous?

It was my father's last request to me,' replied her husband. 'I must keep my promise to him. I must do something for them when they leave Norland for a new home.'

Well, then, do something for them, but you need not give them three thousand pounds. Consider that when you have given the money, it will never come back. Your sisters will marry, and it will be gone from the family for ever.'

You are right, my dear,' said her husband seriously. 'Perhaps I should give them half that. Five hundred pounds would be a valuable present for them.'

Oh, beyond anything! What brother on earth would do half as much for his sisters, even if really his sisters! And as it is—only half blood!—But you have such a generous nature!'

I would not wish to do anything mean. It is better, on such occasions, to do too much, rather than too little. Even they themselves cannot expect more.'

There is no knowing what they may expect,' said the lady, 'but the question is, what you can afford to do.'

Certainly, and I think I can afford to give them five hundred pounds each. As it is, without my money, they will each have more than three thousand pounds on their mother's death; a very comfortable fortune for any young woman.'

Indeed it is, and in fact I begin to think they need no extra money at all. They will be able to live very comfortably together on the interest of their ten thousand pounds.'

That is very true, and therefore I wonder whether on the whole it would be more advisable to pay some money regularly to my stepmother during her lifetime, instead of giving money to the girls. A hundred a year would make her, and the girls while they live with her, perfectly comfortable.'

His wife hesitated a little over this plan. 'That is certainly better than giving fifteen hundred pounds all at once, but if Mrs Dashwood should live for longer than fifteen years, it would cost us more. She is very fit and healthy, and only just forty. And it is an unpleasant thing to have to pay the money out every year. One feels one's fortune is not one's own.'

I believe you are right, my love. Whatever I can give them occasionally will be of far greater assistance than a yearly allowance, because they would only live more expensively if they felt sure of receiving a larger income. If I give them a present of fifty pounds now and then, I will, I think, be keeping my promise to my father in the fullest manner.'

To be sure you will. Indeed, to tell the truth, I am certain your father had no idea of your giving them any money at all. The assistance he was thinking of was, I dare say, looking for a comfortable small house for them, helping them to move their furniture, and sending them occasional presents of fish and meat in season. Do consider, Mr Dashwood, how very cheaply they will live! No carriage, no horses, and only one or two servants! I cannot imagine how they will spend half their money, and it is foolish to think of giving them more. They will much more be able to give you something.'

I believe you are perfectly right,' said Mr Dashwood. 'Now I understand clearly what my father meant.' And he decided to offer no more to his father's widow and daughters than such neighbourly assistance as his wife suggested.

Meanwhile, his stepmother, impatient to leave Norland, which held so many memories for her, had been looking for a suitable house to move into, not too far away. Several houses which she would have approved had already been turned down by Elinor, as too large for their income, and the search continued. Six months passed, with the two families living at Norland. Mrs Dashwood came to dislike her daughter-in-law more and more, and would have found it impossible to live in the same house with her for so long, if something had not happened to make Mrs Dashwood want to keep her daughters at Norland for a while.

She had noticed a growing attachment between her eldest girl and Mrs John Dashwood's brother, a gentlemanly and pleasing young man, who had come to Norland soon after his sister's arrival, and who had spent the greater part of his time there since then. Edward Ferrars was the elder son of a man who had died very rich, but his future wealth was uncertain because the whole of his fortune depended on his mother's wishes. Neither of these facts influenced Mrs Dashwood; it was enough for her that he loved her daughter, and that Elinor returned his affection.

Edward Ferrars was not handsome, nor were his manners especially pleasing at first sight, but when he lost his shyness, his behaviour showed what an open, affectionate heart he had. His mother and sister wanted him to make a fine figure in the world in some way, but Edward was not ambitious. All his wishes were for home comforts and the quietness of private life. Fortunately he had a younger brother, Robert, who was more promising.

Mrs Dashwood completely approved of Edward, in spite of his quiet manner, which was so unlike the way she felt a young man should behave. As soon as she saw the smallest sign of love in his behaviour to Elinor, she considered their serious attachment as certain, and looked forward to their marriage in the near future.

In a few months, my dear Marianne,' she said, 'Elinor will be married. We shall miss her, but she will be happy.'

Oh mama! How shall we manage without her?'

My love, we shall live within a few miles of her, and see her every day. You will have a brother—a real, affectionate brother. But you look serious, Marianne. Do you disapprove of your sister's choice?'

Perhaps I am a little surprised, mama. He is very pleasant, but there is something missing. There is no fire in his eyes. And I am afraid, mama, he has no real taste. He does not seem very interested in music, and I think he knows little of drawing or painting. And he is so calm when we discuss or read beautiful writing! It breaks my heart to hear him talk so quietly and with so little sensibility about things that matter so much to me. I could not be happy with a man who does not share all my feelings. Elinor may be happy with him, as she has not my feelings. But mama, the more I know of the world, the more I am certain I shall never see a man I can really love.'

Remember, my love, you are not seventeen yet. It is too early in life to lose hope of happiness. Why should you be less fortunate than your mother?'

Elinor herself felt that Edward stood very high in her opinion. She believed that he also felt warmly towards her, but she was not sure enough of this to be comfortable with her sister's and mother's dreams of marriage for her. Edward sometimes appeared strangely depressed when he was with her, which worried her a little. She knew that his mother was making life difficult for him, and would perhaps disapprove of his marrying a woman with no great fortune. But sometimes she feared that he thought of her as no more than a friend.

Marianne and her mother had no such doubts, believing strongly that any intelligent young man must love Elinor, and that love itself would solve all problems. Marianne, indeed, was quite horrified when her sister cautiously described her feelings for Edward as liking and respect, rather that love.

Like him! Respect him!' she cried. 'Oh, cold-hearted Elinor! Why should you be ashamed of expressing love?'

Mrs John Dashwood had also noticed the attachment between her brother and Elinor. It made her uneasy, and she took the first opportunity of upsetting her mother-in-law by explaining her family's high ambitions for Edward and the importance of his marrying well, and the danger for any young woman attempting to trap him into marriage. Mrs Dashwood could not prevent herself from giving a sharp answer, and left the room at once, determined, in spite of the inconvenience, to remove herself and her daughters from Norland as soon as possible.

On the same day, she received a letter from Sir John Middleton, a gentleman who was a distant relation of hers. He wrote to offer her a small house near his home in Devonshire, where she and her girls could make their new home. Although it was only a cottage, he promised to do anything necessary to make it more comfortable. His letter was written in such a friendly way, and she was so anxious to leave Norland and her unfeeling daughter-in-law, that, after first asking Elinor's opinion, Mrs Dashwood wrote to accept Sir John Middleton's kind offer.

* * *

thoughtfully adv. always thinking of the things you can do to make people happy or comfortable 體貼地,關(guān)心地

inheritance n. money, property etc that you receive from someone who has died 繼承的遺產(chǎn)

spoilt adj. someone, especially a child who is spoilt is rude and behaves badly because their parents have always given them what they want and allowed them to do what they want 寵壞的

sensitive adj. easily hurt, upset, or offended by things that people say (感情)易受傷害的

mistress n. the female owner of a house 女主人

afford v. to have the financial means for 有經(jīng)濟(jì)實力于……

advisable adj. to be recommended; sensible 可取的,明智的

in season if vegetables or fruit are in season, it is the time of year when they are ready to eat (蔬菜、水果、肉類)當(dāng)令,應(yīng)時

make a fine figure to be outstanding 超群出眾

ambitious adj. determined to be successful, rich, powerful, etc 野心勃勃的

promising adj. showing signs of being successful in the future 很有前途的

taste n. someone's judgement about what is good or suitable when they choose clothes, music, etc (對衣服、音樂等的)鑒賞力,品味

horrify v. to make someone feel very shocked and upset or afraid 使震驚

sharp adj. severe, angry, and criticizing 尖銳的,嚴(yán)厲的










































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