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所屬教程:書蟲5級 理智與情感




6. Elinor and Marianne in London

Mrs Jennings now began to make plans to return to her house in London, and quite unexpectedly invited the elder Miss Dashwoods to stay with her there.

I've set my heart on it,' she said in her comfortable way. 'We shall have a very pleasant time together, I know, and if you do not like to go visiting with me, you can always go with one of my daughters. I have had such good luck finding husbands for my girls that I am sure your mother will think me a suitable person to look after you. If I don't get at least one of you married, it won't be my fault!'

Elinor was unwilling to accept, as she knew that her mother would miss her and Marianne very much. She was also aware that Edward and the Miss Steeles would be in London at that time, and wished to avoid meeting them. But Marianne's eagerness to see Willoughby, who would most likely be in town by then, gave Mrs Dashwood an excellent reason for insisting that they should accept Mrs Jennings' generous invitation, and so it was agreed.

During the three-day journey, Elinor had plenty of opportunity to compare Marianne's delightful expectations with her own acceptance of a cheerless future. It was clear from Marianne's bright eyes and happy smiles that she depended on finding Willoughby in London, and Elinor determined to find out more about his character and intentions.

On their arrival at Mrs Jennings' handsome house, the young ladies were given Charlotte's old room, a large and comfortable apartment. Elinor immediately sat down to write to her mother, and Marianne also sat down with pen and paper.

I am writing home, Marianne,' said Elinor. 'Perhaps you should put off writing for a day or two?'

I am not writing to mama,' replied Marianne quickly.

Elinor realized Marianne must be writing to Willoughby, and thought with pleasure that the fact of their corresponding must mean they were engaged.

The letters were finished, and sent to the post. During the rest of the evening, Marianne appeared very agitated. She ate almost nothing, and seemed to be anxiously listening to the sound of every carriage. Suddenly after dinner there was a knock on the front door, and Marianne jumped up, moving eagerly towards the sitting-room door. She could not help crying, 'Oh Elinor, it is Willoughby!' and seemed almost ready to throw herself into his arms, when Colonel Brandon entered.

It was too great a shock to bear with calmness, and she immediately left the room. Elinor greeted the colonel. She was particularly sorry that a man so in love with her sister should see that Marianne felt nothing but bitter disappointment in meeting him. He was clearly astonished and concerned to see Marianne leave the room in such a way.

Is your sister ill?' he asked anxiously.

Elinor answered unwillingly that she was, and talked of headaches, and over-tiredness, and anything that could reasonably explain her sister's behaviour. Their conversation continued on more impersonal subjects, until Mrs Jennings entered the room, with all her usual noisy cheerfulness.

Oh Colonel!' said she, 'I am so glad to see you! And you see I have brought two young ladies with me. Your friend Miss Marianne is here too—you will not be sorry to hear that. I don't know what you and Mr Willoughby will do about her, between you! But Colonel, where have you been since we saw you at Barton Park? Come, let's have no secrets among friends!'

He replied politely, but gave no real answer, and did not stay long. The ladies all agreed to go to bed early.

The next morning Marianne looked happy again. Yesterday's disappointment seemed forgotten in the cheerful expectation of what was to happen that day. They spent the morning shopping in a fashionable part of London with Mrs Palmer. During this time Marianne was restless and inattentive, always looking out at the street, and wildly impatient to be at home again. As soon as they returned, she ran in eagerly.

Has no letter been left for me?' she asked the servant.

No, miss,' he replied.

Are you quite sure? No card, or letter, or note? How very strange!' she said in a low, disappointed voice.

Strange indeed!' Elinor thought worriedly. 'If Willoughby is in town, why does he not come, or write? Oh my dear mother, you must be wrong to permit an engagement, between a daughter so young and a man so little known, to continue in such a doubtful and mysterious manner!' For the rest of the day Marianne seemed agitated, unable to concentrate on anything.

When they met at breakfast the next morning, Mrs Jennings said, 'If this sunny weather goes on much longer, Sir John will not want to leave Barton to come to London. It's a sad thing for a sportsman to lose a day's shooting.'

That is true,' cried Marianne, suddenly cheerful, 'I had not thought of that. This fine weather will keep many sportsmen in the country. But now it is January, it cannot last. I expect we shall have frosts soon, and then they will all come to town. Why, it may even freeze tonight!'

During the next few days, Elinor was both amused and saddened to see Marianne's new-found interest in the weather. 'The wind has changed, has it not, Elinor? I feel sure it is colder than this morning. I think we shall have a frost tonight.'

Mrs Jennings was always very kind to her two young guests. Her domestic arrangements were generous, and her friends were pleasant, if a little dull. Colonel Brandon visited them almost every day; he came to look at Marianne and talk to Elinor, who saw with concern his continued affection for her sister.

About a week after their arrival, they discovered Willoughby's card on the table when they returned from their morning's drive.

Good heavens!' cried Marianne. 'He has been here while we were out.' From this moment her mind was never quiet; the expectation of seeing him every hour of the day made her unfit for anything. She insisted on being left at home the next morning, when the others went out.

When a note was delivered the next day, she stepped quickly forward to take it. 'For me!' she cried. But it was for Mrs Jennings, and she was again disappointed.

You are expecting a letter then?' said Elinor, unable to keep silent any longer.

Yes! A little—not much.' There was a short pause.

You have no confidence in me, Marianne.'

Elinor, how can you say that? You, who have confidence in no one!'

Me!' replied Elinor in some confusion. 'Indeed, Marianne, I have nothing to tell.'

Nor I,' answered Marianne firmly. 'So our situations are alike. Neither of us has anything to tell; you, because you communicate nothing, and I, because I hide nothing.'

And Elinor, aware that she had promised not to tell Lucy Steele's secret, felt she could not demand greater openness from Marianne than she was herself ready to offer.

The next evening was spent at a dance at Lady Middleton's London home. Once Marianne realized Willoughby was not present, she took no interest in any of the guests, and complained that she found dancing too tiring. But worse was yet to come. On their return, Mrs Jennings told them that Willoughby had been invited, and expressed her surprise that he had not appeared. Marianne looked extremely hurt, and Elinor decided to write to their mother, asking her to find out the truth from Marianne.

Elinor had only just finished her letter the next morning, when Colonel Brandon arrived. Marianne, who hated visitors of any kind except one, left the room before he entered it, and Elinor found herself alone with him. He sat for a time without saying a word, and then asked her, in an agitated manner, whether he should congratulate her on gaining a brother-in-law. Elinor was not prepared for such a question, and asked him what he meant. He tried to smile as he continued, 'Your sister's engagement to Mr Willoughby is very generally known.'

Her own family do not know it,' Elinor answered.

Surprised, he said, 'I am so sorry, I fear you may think me impolite. I had not supposed any secrecy was intended, as they openly correspond. Just now, when the servant let me in, I saw an envelope in his hand, with Mr Willoughby's address on it in your sister's writing. I came to enquire, but I am afraid I know the answer. Is it impossible for me to...? But I would have no chance of succeeding. Tell me, I beg you, that it is all arranged. Then I shall have no choice but to hide my feelings.'

I—I am not astonished to hear of their correspondence,' replied Elinor, choosing her words carefully, 'and I am well aware of the affection they have for each other, although they have not yet informed us of the details of their engagement.'

He listened silently. 'I wish your sister all imaginable happiness, and I hope that Willoughby will try to deserve her,' he said in a voice full of feeling, and then rose to leave.

In the next few days, Willoughby neither came nor wrote. Marianne was losing hope, becoming depressed and careless of her appearance. She took no pleasure in dressing for a party she and Elinor were to attend with Lady Middleton. When they arrived in the hot, crowded room, she sank into a chair, not even looking at the other guests. Elinor, however, saw Willoughby standing nearby, in conversation with a very elegant young lady. She turned to Marianne, who noticed him at that moment. Her whole face shone with sudden delight, and she would have run to him at once, if her sister had not caught hold of her.

Good heavens!' Marianne cried. 'He is there! Oh, why does he not look at me? Why cannot I speak to him?'

I beg you, be calm,' said Elinor. 'Try to hide your feelings.'

But this was impossible for Marianne. She sat there, her anxiety and impatience written clearly on her face.

At last Willoughby turned round and looked at them both. Marianne jumped up and held out her hand affectionately to him. He came closer, and spoke to Elinor rather than her sister, asking in a hurried manner after Mrs Dashwood.

Marianne blushed deeply and cried, 'What is the meaning of this, Willoughby? Will you not shake hands with me?'

He could not avoid it then, but he held her hand only for a moment. 'I did myself the honour of calling on you last week, when you were unfortunately not at home.'

But have you not received my letters?' cried Marianne in the wildest anxiety. 'There must be some terrible mistake. Tell me, Willoughby, I beg you, what is the matter?'

He looked ashamed, but, on catching the eye of the young lady with whom he had been talking, his expression seemed to harden. 'Yes,' he said, 'I had the pleasure of receiving information of your arrival in town, which you were so good as to send me,' and turned away to join his friend.

Marianne, looking horribly white, was unable to stand, and Elinor helped her to a chair. Soon Willoughby was seen to leave the party, and as Marianne was clearly unwell, Elinor asked Lady Middleton to take them home. Nothing was said between the sisters, as Marianne was suffering too much to speak. Elinor now realized that for Willoughby the attachment was over, and she felt extreme distaste for his manner of ending it.

Neither sister slept much that night, and it was still dark when Elinor was woken by the sound of agitated sobbing. She saw Marianne, only half dressed, writing as fast as a constant flow of tears would permit her.

Marianne, may I ask?' said Elinor gently.

No, Elinor, ask nothing, you will soon know all.'

This was said with a sort of desperate calmness, which lasted only as long as she spoke. It seemed probable that she was writing for the last time to Willoughby.

The letter was given to a servant, to be delivered by hand, and the sisters went down to breakfast. Soon afterwards, a letter arrived for Marianne, who went deathly pale, and instantly ran out of the room. Mrs Jennings laughed comfortably.

Is that a love letter from Willoughby? Well, well, I never saw a young woman so passionately in love in my life. I hope he won't keep her waiting much longer!'

Eager to know what Willoughby had written, Elinor hurried to their room. Marianne was lying on her bed, sobbing violently. Elinor took her sister's hand, kissed her affectionately several times, and burst into tears herself. Marianne, although unable to speak, seemed to feel her sister's loving sympathy, and silently gave her Willoughby's letter to read.

My dear madam,

I have just had the honour of receiving your letter, for which I thank you. I am concerned to find there was anything in my behaviour last night that you did not approve of, and I beg your forgiveness. I shall always remember my former visits to your family with the most grateful pleasure, but I hope I have never given anyone reason to think that I felt more for you than I ever expressed. You will accept that I could never have meant more, when you understand that my affections have long been engaged, and it will not be many weeks before the lady and I are married.

I obey your orders to return your letters, and the lock of hair which you so kindly offered me.

Your obedient servant,

John Willoughby

Elinor was horrified. She had expected a confession, explanations and reasons, but not expressed in a manner so far from every honourable and gentlemanly feeling. How could Willoughby have written a letter so cruel, so hurtful? It was a relief to her that Marianne had escaped any connection with such a man. She turned to her sister, who now felt able to speak.

Poor Elinor! How unhappy I make you!'

I only wish there were anything I could do which might be of comfort to you.'

Oh Elinor, I am so miserable!' said Marianne, before her voice was completely lost in passionate and bitter sobbing.

Calm yourself, dear Marianne. Think of how much more you would have suffered if the discovery of his real character had come at the end of your engagement.'

Engagement!' cried Marianne. 'There has been no engagement. He has not made or broken any promise to me.'

But he told you that he loved you?'

Yes—no—never absolutely. He never said it in so many words, but every day I read it in his eyes. I felt myself as firmly engaged as if lawyers had written the agreement for us.'

Unfortunately, he did not feel the same.'

He did, Elinor, for weeks and weeks he did! This lock of hair, which he says I offered him—he begged and begged me for it on his knees! And now—Oh! Oh!'

Elinor was quite alarmed for her sister's health, as the violence of her sobbing grew, but she managed to persuade her to take some medicine to calm her restless pain of mind and body. Kind Mrs Jennings showed real concern when she visited the patient. She had heard that Marianne's rival was a Miss Grey, a young woman with fifty thousand pounds a year, and that Willoughby had seriously overspent on his carriages and horses, and needed money urgently. Mrs Jennings had no words hard enough to describe his behaviour. She was sincerely sorry she had joked so often about Marianne's attachment, but, with a return of her natural cheerfulness, hoped that it would be all for the best, because now Marianne could marry Colonel Brandon after all.

* * *

set one's heart on to be determined to do something or decide that you definitely to have it 下定決心

corresponding n. writing letters to someone and receive letters from them 通信

agitated adj. so nervous or upset that you are unable to keep still or think calmly 緊張不安的,焦慮的

impersonal adj. having no personal reference or connection 與個人無關(guān)的

confidence n. a feeling that you can trust in someone, so that you can tell them something and be sure they will not tell other people 信任

distaste n. a feeling of dislike for someone or something that you think is unpleasant or morally offensive 厭惡

rival n. a person, group, or organization that you compete with in sport, business, a fight, etc 對手,競爭者











































































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