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所屬教程:書蟲5級(jí) 理智與情感




8. Edward's engagement

Mrs Jennings was very busy at this time, as her daughter Charlotte had just had a baby and was clearly in need of a fond mother's advice. She visited Charlotte at least twice a day, and it was at the Palmers' house that she heard a most interesting piece of news. She hurried excitedly back to tell Elinor.

My dear Miss Dashwood, have you heard? Your sister-in-law is ill! Charlotte's doctor told me! And do you know why? It appears that Edward Ferrars, the young man I used to joke with you about, has been engaged for over a year to Lucy Steele! And no one knew a word of the matter except her sister Anne! Could you have believed such a thing possible? What happened was this. The Miss Steeles are staying with your brother and his wife, as you know. Anne, who is a kind creature but of no great intelligence, thought that there would be no difficulty, as Fanny Dashwood seemed to like Lucy so much, so she told her all about the engagement. Well, your sister-in-law fell on to the floor, and started sobbing and screaming so violently that your brother had to send for the doctor. Lucy and Anne were told to pack their bags and leave at once. Of course, the Ferrars family wanted Edward to marry that rich Miss Morton. But I have no pity for them. I cannot bear people who think money or greatness is important. There is no reason why Edward should not marry Lucy. She knows better than anyone how to make the most of everything, and if Edward's mother allowed him five hundred pounds a year, they could live comfortably.'

Mrs Jennings, to Elinor's relief, no longer suspected her of having any interest in Edward, but she could talk of nothing else. Elinor, knowing that Marianne would be fierce in her anger against Edward, was now anxious to tell her sister the truth and to prepare her to hear the subject discussed.

Marianne listened to Elinor's story with horror, and cried without stopping. For some time, Edward seemed a second Willoughby to her. She could not understand his behaviour, or accept that he could feel affection for such a person as Lucy.

How long have you known this, Elinor?' she asked.

Four months. Lucy told me of her engagement at Barton, and I promised to keep it secret.'

What! All the time you were looking after me in my misery, this has been on your heart? How could you bear it?'

By feeling that I was doing my duty. I had to keep Lucy's secret, and I did not want to worry my family and friends.'

Four months! And yet you loved him!'

Yes. But I loved my family too, and I was glad to spare them the sorrow of knowing how I felt. Now I no longer feel unhappy. I do not consider Edward has behaved badly in any way, and I wish him every happiness. He will always do his duty, and Lucy does not lack sense. They will marry, and time will teach him to forget that he ever thought another woman better than her.'

If such is your way of thinking, your self-control is perhaps a little less to be wondered at. I understand it better.'

I know you do not suppose I have ever felt much, but, Marianne, for four months I have had all this on my mind, and been unable to speak of it to a single creature. I was told about it by the person whose early engagement destroyed my hopes of happiness. She saw me as a rival, and was delighted to see me defeated. I have had to listen to her talking about Edward again and again; I have had to pretend to show no interest in him; I have had to bear the unkindness of his sister and the rudeness of his mother—without enjoying any of the advantages of an attachment to him. I know now that I shall be divided from Edward for ever. If you can ever think me capable of feeling, Marianne, surely you may suppose that I have suffered now.'

These words went straight to Marianne's heart. 'Oh, Elinor!' she cried. 'You have made me hate myself for ever. How unkind I have been to you, you who have been my only comfort!' And the two sisters fell sobbing into each other's arms.

Marianne was so sorry she had misjudged her sister that she promised to do anything Elinor wanted—to discuss the engagement in public without bitterness, to meet Lucy without showing any dislike, and even to talk to Edward himself, if chance brought them together, with her usual friendliness.

The next morning brought a test of her self-control, when John Dashwood came to visit Mrs Jennings and his sisters.

You have heard, I suppose,' said he, with a most serious expression, 'of our very shocking discovery yesterday.'

Silently, they all showed that they had; it seemed too awful a moment to speak.

Your sister-in-law,' he continued, 'has suffered terribly. So, too, has Mrs Ferrars. But I would not alarm you too greatly. The doctor says Fanny is strong, and will get better, in time. She says she will never think well of anybody again. And I cannot wonder at it, as she was so deceived! How ungrateful those young women were, after she had shown them so much kindness! "I wish with all my heart," says poor Fanny in her affectionate way, "that we had invited your sisters instead of them."'

Here he stopped to be thanked; then continued.

What poor Mrs Ferrars suffered cannot be described. She could not believe Edward was secretly engaged, when all the time she had been planning a most excellent marriage for him. She sent for him, and he came to see her. I am sorry to tell you what happened next. All our attempts to persuade Edward to end the attachment were useless. Even when his mother explained that if he married Miss Morton, she would generously allow him a thousand pounds a year, and even when she offered to make it twelve hundred pounds, he still insisted that he would not break the engagement. Mrs Ferrars then told him he would receive no money at all from her, and if he entered any profession, she would do her best to prevent him succeeding in it.'

Good heavens!' cried Marianne. 'Can this be possible!'

Your surprise is very natural, Marianne,' said her brother. 'It is astonishing that Edward could not be persuaded.'

Marianne, about to disagree fiercely, remembered her promises to Elinor, and said nothing.

Well,' cried Mrs Jennings, 'I think he has behaved like an honest man. He must keep his promise to marry Lucy Steele. If he broke it, the world would think him a worthless scoundrel.'

I respect your views, madam,' said John Dashwood politely, 'but I am afraid that a good, thoughtful mother like Mrs Ferrars, with such a very large fortune, cannot approve of her son's secret engagement to this most unsuitable young woman. I am sorry to say that it has all ended in a most unhappy separation. Mrs Ferrars told Edward to leave her house, and he obeyed at once. She does not wish to see him ever again, and has now decided, very understandably, that Robert, not Edward, should inherit her fortune when she dies. Poor Edward! His younger brother will be wealthy while he remains poor. I feel for him sincerely.'

John Dashwood left soon afterwards, and the three ladies immediately joined together in their firm disapproval of Mrs Ferrars' behaviour and their warm praise of Edward's.

The next morning, Elinor received a letter from Lucy.

I hope, my dear Miss Dashwood, you will not mind my writing to you. I know that, as a true friend, you will be pleased to hear my news. Edward and I, although we have suffered terribly in all our recent troubles, are quite well now, thank God, and happy in each other's love. We are very grateful to our friends, yourself not the least among them, for helping us through our many difficulties. I shall always remember your great kindness, and so will Edward. I am sure you will be glad to hear that I spent two happy hours with him yesterday. I offered him his freedom, and was ready to consider our engagement at an end, if that was what he wanted. But he would not hear of it, and said he did not care about his mother's anger, as long as he had my affections. Life will not be easy for us, it is true, but we must wait, and hope for the best. He will enter the Church soon, and if you ever have the opportunity to recommend him to anybody who can give him a living, I am sure you will not forget us. And dear Mrs Jennings too—I hope she will say a good word for us to any friend who may be able to help us. I beg you to remember me to her, most gratefully and respectfully, and to Sir John and Lady Middleton, and the dear children, and give my love to Miss Marianne.

Yours truly, Lucy Steele

Elinor felt sure that Lucy wanted the letter to be seen by Mrs Jennings, and showed it to her immediately.

Mrs Jennings was full of praise for Lucy's warm heart. 'How prettily she writes!' she said. 'She calls me dear Mrs Jennings, you see. I wish I could get him a living, with all my heart.'

The Miss Dashwoods had now been in London for more than two months, and Marianne was becoming more and more impatient to go home. She missed the air, the freedom, the quiet of the country. Elinor, although almost as anxious to leave as her sister, was aware of the difficulties of a long journey. This problem appeared to be solved when the Palmers invited Mrs Jennings and the Miss Dashwoods to their home in Somerset, only a day's journey away from Barton. They planned to travel there at the end of March. The invitation was gladly accepted; Elinor and Marianne would stay a week with the Palmers, and then continue their journey to Barton.

Soon after this arrangement had been made, Colonel Brandon called at Mrs Jennings' house and was told the news.

My dear colonel, I do not know what you and I will do without the Miss Dashwoods,' said Mrs Jennings. 'How lonely and dull we shall be!'

She hoped these words, and the sad picture they painted, would persuade him to make the offer of marriage which might prevent any loneliness or dullness in the future. And with delight, she saw that her plan had succeeded. When Elinor moved to a quiet corner of the room, Colonel Brandon joined her there, and talked very seriously to her for several minutes. Although Mrs Jennings was too honourable to listen, she could not help seeing that Elinor was blushing and looking agitated. Some of the colonel's words reached Mrs Jennings' ears, and astonished her greatly. 'I do apologize for the smallness of the house.' What could he mean? She knew very well that there were fifteen bedrooms and five sitting-rooms in his house at Delaford. 'I am afraid it cannot happen soon.' What an unlover-like thing to say! There could be no reason at all to delay their marriage.

In fact, the colonel was talking on a quite different subject. He had heard of Edward's difficulties, and, knowing him to be a friend of Elinor's, wished to help the young man. A living at Delaford had just become vacant, and the colonel was asking Elinor to offer it to Edward.

At least it would be a start for Mr Ferrars. The vicar's duties there are light, and there is a cottage that goes with the post, although I do apologize for the smallness of the house. The income is only two hundred pounds a year, so I am afraid his marriage cannot happen very soon.'

Elinor expressed her grateful thanks for the colonel's generous offer, and promised to tell Edward the good news.

When Colonel Brandon had left, Mrs Jennings spoke to Elinor with a knowing smile. 'Well, Miss Dashwood, I couldn't help overhearing the colonel's words, and I can tell you, I was never better pleased in my life!'

Yes,' said Elinor, 'it is a matter of great happiness to me. But I was so surprised when he spoke to me about it!'

My dear, I'm not in the least astonished by it. I wish you every happiness, and if I want to see a happy couple, I know where to look for them in future!'

At Delaford, I suppose,' said Elinor with a smile.

That's right, my dear, And I can tell you, you won't find the house small! Now, I must go out, but we'll continue our conversation later. I'm sure you want to tell your sister about it.'

Certainly, madam, but I shall not mention it to anyone else at present.'

Oh,' said Mrs Jennings, disappointed. 'Then you would prefer me not to tell Charlotte, or Sir John, or Lucy.'

Yes, madam, if you don't mind. I must speak to Mr Ferrars first, to arrange matters with him.'

This was, at first, extremely puzzling for Mrs Jennings, but after a moment's thought she had a happy idea. Edward must be the vicar they had chosen to carry out the wedding ceremony! She hurried excitedly off on her morning visits, aware of the important secret that she was not allowed to tell. By chance, as she left the house, she met Edward at the door. He had called only to leave a note, but Mrs Jennings insisted on his going in to see Miss Dashwood, who had particular news to give him.

Elinor had begun to write a letter to Edward when she looked up to find him standing in front of her. Her astonishment and confusion were very great. Edward too was confused, and for a few moments neither knew what to say to the other. At last, however, the colonel's offer was made, and Edward, although astonished at this kindness from a stranger, was deeply grateful for the opportunity. He soon realized that he owed more than he could express to Elinor, and also began to suspect that the colonel might have a particular reason for wishing to help any friend of hers. There was sadness in his eyes as he rose to say goodbye.

When I see him again,' said Elinor to herself, as the door shut behind him, 'I shall see him the husband of Lucy.'

When Mrs Jennings returned, she was eager to find out more. 'Well, my dear, and how soon will the young man be ready?'

In two or three months, I imagine,' replied Elinor.

Two or three months! My dear, how calmly you talk! Can the colonel wait so long? I know you wish to do a kindness to Mr Ferrars, but could you not find someone who is already a vicar?'

My dear madam, what can you be thinking of? The colonel's only intention is to be of use to Mr Ferrars.'

Good heavens, my dear! Surely you do not mean that the colonel only marries you in order to give ten pounds to Mr Ferrars as his vicar's fee for the ceremony!'

The confusion could not continue after this, and there was much amusement as Elinor explained. Mrs Jennings was just as delighted with the true situation, and looked forward to visiting Lucy and Edward in the vicar's house at Delaford in a few months' time. Elinor now knew that Edward's marriage to Lucy was certain; she herself had helped to smooth the path towards it.

* * *

fond adj. affectionate, tender 慈愛的

scoundrel n. a bad or dishonest man 惡棍,無賴

vicar n. a priest in the Church of England who is in charge of a church in a particular area 教區(qū)牧師

ceremony n. a formal or traditional set of actions used at an important social or religious event 典禮,儀式



































“我親愛的上校,我不知道兩位達(dá)什伍德小姐走后你和我有什么事可做,”詹寧斯夫人說,“我們將會(huì)多么寂寞和無聊?。 ?/p>























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