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The Woman Who Walked 10,000 Miles (No Exaggeration) in Three Years



A hundred years ago, when Robert Falcon Scott set out for Antarctica on his Terra Nova expedition, his two primary goals were scientific discovery and reaching the geographic South Pole. Arguably, though, Scott was really chasing what contemporary observers call a sufferfest. He set himself up for trouble: Scott brought Manchurian and Siberian ponies that quickly fell through the snow and ice; he planned, in part, for his crew to “man-haul,” meaning that the men would pull sleds full of gear, instead of relying on dogs. Even when Scott’s men faltered, they continued collecting specimens, including rocks. The expedition ended terribly; everybody who made the push to the pole died. Miserable, starving and frostbitten, one of Scott’s last four men killed himself by walking into a blizzard without even bothering to put on his boots.

一百年前,羅伯特·法爾康·司各特(Robert Falcon Scott)開(kāi)始特拉諾瓦之旅,啟程前往南極洲的時(shí)候,目標(biāo)有兩個(gè):一是科學(xué)發(fā)現(xiàn),二是達(dá)到地理意義上的南極點(diǎn)。然而我們可以說(shuō),司各特真的在追尋當(dāng)代觀(guān)察家所謂的“苦難迷戀”。他總是自找苦吃:出行時(shí)帶了滿(mǎn)族小馬和西伯利亞小馬,沒(méi)多久它們就墮入了冰雪;安排了“人拉雪橇”,也就是讓同行者全力拉動(dòng)雪橇,而不是依賴(lài)于狗。甚至當(dāng)司各特的隨從人員掙扎前行時(shí),依然要收集各種標(biāo)本,包括巖石。這場(chǎng)探險(xiǎn)的結(jié)果非常慘烈,這群拼命前往南極的人全都死了。司各特的最后四個(gè)同行者之一,因不堪悲慘、饑餓和凍傷,走進(jìn)暴風(fēng)雪自殺,連靴子都沒(méi)穿。

In the taxonomy of travelers, the word “explorer” suggests a morally superior pioneer, a man or woman who braves the battle against nature to discover new terrain, expanding our species’ understanding of the world. “Adventurer,” by contrast, implies a self-indulgent adrenaline junkie, who scares loved ones by courting puerile risk. The former, obviously, is the far better title, but it’s tough to claim these days. The world is Google-mapped. Reaching the actual virgin territory of space or the deep ocean requires resources that few possess. In short, the noble fig leaf of terra incognita has fallen away and laid bare the peripatetic, outsize bravado of Scott’s kindred spirits. The resulting itineraries are pretty strange. We now have guys like Felix Baumgartner sky-diving from a balloon-borne capsule at 128,100 feet.

在旅行者的分類(lèi)學(xué)中,“探索者”一詞意味著道德高尚的先鋒,是某個(gè)男人抑或女人,勇敢地與大自然搏斗,發(fā)現(xiàn)新的領(lǐng)地,拓展人類(lèi)對(duì)世界的了解。與之相比,“冒險(xiǎn)家”一詞則暗指一個(gè)自我放縱的為腎上腺素驅(qū)使的癮君子,總在追求幼稚的驚險(xiǎn),讓親人擔(dān)驚受怕。顯然,前者是個(gè)明顯褒義的頭銜,但近幾年來(lái),我們卻很難這樣區(qū)分。全世界都可以使用谷歌地圖了。達(dá)到太空中真正的處女地,或者潛入深海,所需的資源太多,不是某個(gè)個(gè)體所能擁有的。簡(jiǎn)言之,未知領(lǐng)域尊貴的無(wú)花果葉已經(jīng)隨風(fēng)飄逝,更凸顯出浪跡天涯的司各特精神是何等的可貴。從那以后,人類(lèi)的探險(xiǎn)路線(xiàn)已經(jīng)相當(dāng)不同?,F(xiàn)在,我們有了菲利克斯·鮑加特納 (Felix Baumgartner)這樣的勇敢者,能在128100英尺的高空,從熱氣球的小艙里跳下去。

Baumgartner falls squarely — and for more than four minutes, breaking the speed of sound — into the adventurer camp. But then there’s Sarah Marquis, who perhaps should be seen as an explorer like Scott, born in the wrong age. She is 42 and Swiss, and has spent three of the past four years walking about 10,000 miles by herself, from Siberia through the Gobi Desert, China, Laos and Thailand, then taking a cargo boat to Brisbane, Australia, and walking across that continent. Along the way, like Scott, she has starved, she has frozen, she has (wo)man-hauled. She has pushed herself at great physical cost to places she wanted to love but ended up feeling, as Scott wrote of the South Pole in his journal: “Great God! This is an awful place.” Despite planning a ludicrous trip, and dying on it, Scott became beloved and, somewhat improbably, hugely respected. Marquis, meanwhile, can be confounding. “You tell people what you’re doing, and they say, ‘You’re crazy,’ ” Marquis told me. “It’s never: ‘Cool project, Sarah! Go for it.’ ” Perhaps this is because the territory Marquis explores is really internal — the nature of fear, the limits of stamina and self-reliance and the meaning of traveling in nature as a female human animal, alone.

鮑加特納直接跳了下去,經(jīng)歷了超音速的4分多鐘,跳入了冒險(xiǎn)家的陣營(yíng)。然而,我們又有了莎拉·馬奎斯(Sarah Marquis),她或許應(yīng)該被視作一個(gè)司各特那樣的探索者,卻生不逢時(shí)。她42歲,瑞士人,在過(guò)去的四年中,用了三年時(shí)間,孤身徒步旅行了大約一萬(wàn)英里,從西伯利亞出發(fā),穿越戈壁沙漠、中國(guó)、老撾和泰國(guó),然后乘坐貨船到了澳大利亞布里斯班,又徒步橫跨了澳洲。一路上,她像司各特一樣,捱過(guò)了饑餓和嚴(yán)寒,也曾經(jīng)試過(guò)人拉雪橇。她強(qiáng)迫自己耗費(fèi)極大的體力到達(dá)了她本想熱愛(ài)卻最終只能略一感受的地方,正如司各特在日記中對(duì)南極點(diǎn)的描述:“偉大的上帝啊!這真是個(gè)糟糕的地方。”盡管司各特籌劃了那場(chǎng)荒謬的旅行并死在途中,但他卻因此深受熱愛(ài),有時(shí)候難以置信地獲得了極高的尊崇。同樣,馬奎斯也令人不解。“我跟人們說(shuō)起我的所作所為,他們會(huì)說(shuō),‘你瘋了。’”馬奎斯告訴我,“從來(lái)沒(méi)人說(shuō):‘真是個(gè)超酷的計(jì)劃,莎拉!去做吧!’”也許這是因?yàn)轳R奎斯探索的領(lǐng)域本質(zhì)上是內(nèi)在的——她探究的是恐懼的本質(zhì)、耐力和自我依賴(lài)的極限以及一個(gè)女性人類(lèi)個(gè)體孤身一人在荒野中旅行的意義。

Meeting Marquis is strange if you’ve only seen her trip photos. In those, she is filthy, her hair is a rat’s nest and her eyes are introspective, beseeching and very alert. In person, she’s beautiful and charming; she always has a smile for waiters and cabdrivers, and her bangs are so well cut that they make her seem French. (Marquis’s hairdresser squashed her idea of shaving her head for her recent trek, saying, “After all the work we’ve done?!”)


Marquis grew up in Montsevelier, a village of 500 people in the Jura Mountains, in what Marquis describes as “the northern part of Switzerland — it’s not the nice part.” Her father, who worked as an engineer, paid Marquis one franc for every 100 slugs she picked out of the family garden. She befriended the family ewe, Moumou, and trained the pet rabbit to come when called. She liked people less. “My mom had nine sisters, and my dad had eight sisters and brothers, and those aunts and uncles all had three or four kids, so it was a big, screaming family, and for me it was a nightmare,” Marquis told me when I met her last winter in Washington. At age 8 she ran into the woods with her dog and spent the night in a cave. Marquis’s mother called the police, but when Marquis returned, her mother didn’t scold. Fighting Marquis’s wanderlust was hopeless.


When she was 16, Marquis answered a classified ad for a train company that promised free travel. She loved the idea of seeing Paris and Milan, but once Marquis started work, her colleagues, almost all of whom were older men, harassed her relentlessly. On the first day one man claimed he could smell that Marquis had her period. The experience was a boot camp — punishing but character-strengthening. “I learned how to build myself,” she said. “I built the tough skin I needed for later on. I learned how men worked.”


Marquis’s desire to travel began to coalesce around the question of whether she could survive by herself in nature. First, she decided to ride a horse across Turkey. On that trip, she ate apricots off trees and slept with her head on her saddle. Muslim women bathed her in warm goat’s milk. But after that, Marquis’s itineraries veered away from romance and pleasure into solitude and suffering. In her early 20s she flew to New Zealand and set out on a four-day backpacking trip with some noodles, a huge radio and three or four books — “everything except what I needed.” The outing, by typical standards, was a fiasco. Day 1 it poured; Marquis didn’t know how to set up her tent, and she was freezing and bored because, she now said wryly, “at night there was nothing to do.” But near the end of the trip she had a sort-of epiphany. “Something happened,” she said. (Articulating her reasons for pursuing her travels is not one of Marquis’s strengths.) “Over the years I’ve had this feeling again and again.” Chasing that inexplicable sensation is why she walks.


Marquis spent the winter after that trip earning money by bartending in Verbier, a fancy off-piste ski resort in the Alps. The next summer she returned to New Zealand. This time she walked into the South Island’s Kahurangi National Park without food to see if she could survive for 30 days. That trip, too, was a trial. Marquis failed at spearfishing, consumed only mussels and lost 20 pounds. But she not only recaptured that inchoate feeling she craved; she also glimpsed the savageness of her desire. “That was the first time I actually got in touch with the wild,” Marquis said. “You know when you’re really, really hungry? You have to teach yourself that food is not a big issue. You just need sleep and sweet water.”


Marquis returned to Switzerland and embraced the cycle — work for money, then leave on some extreme challenge she devised for herself. She canoed through Canada’s Algonquin park without knowing how to portage; she was attacked by beavers camping near water in Patagonia; she hiked the 2,650-mile Pacific Crest Trail. She remained captivated by what she describes as “this wild call from inside me” and decided to walk 8,700 miles around Australia.


For that trip, Marquis lined up her first sponsor, the North Face. She doesn’t think she impressed the company by her pitch. She believes it gave her a few backpacks, a couple of tents and some clothes because, she said, “when I told them what I was going to do, they thought, We can’t let that little thing go out without gear.” To supplement the inadequate supply of noodles she could carry, Marquis brought a slingshot, a blow gun, some wire to make snares and a net for catching insects. In the warm months, Marquis ate goannas, geckos and bearded dragons. In the cold months, when the reptiles hid, she subsisted on an Aboriginal standby, witchetty grubs — white, caterpillar-size moth larvae that live in the roots of Mulga trees. (Raw, Marquis said, they taste like unsweetened condensed milk; seared in hot sand, they crisp up nicely.) Throughout, Marquis tried to minimize human contact. She hid her femininity with loose clothes, big sunglasses, hair piled up in a hat. When water was scarce, she collected condensation, either by digging a deep hole and lining the cool bottom with plastic or by tying a tarp around a bush. If those techniques didn’t yield enough liquid — and they rarely did — she drank snake blood. At night Marquis slept close to the trunks of trees, touching the bark in a way that she describes as “almost carnal.” She fell in love with a particular twisted and wind-bent Western myall tree on Australia’s Nullarbor Plain.

為了那趟旅行,馬奎斯聯(lián)系了自己的第一個(gè)贊助商,北面公司。她感覺(jué)自己的旅行經(jīng)歷并沒(méi)有讓這個(gè)公司刮目相看。她想北面給了她幾只背包、兩頂帳篷和一些衣服,因?yàn)樗f(shuō):“我告訴他們我的打算,他們想,我們可不能眼睜睜地看著這個(gè)小東西不帶裝備就出發(fā)。”馬奎斯隨身可以攜帶的面條不多,為了彌補(bǔ)食物的不足,她帶了彈弓、吹槍、制作繩套及結(jié)網(wǎng)的繩子用來(lái)捕食蟲(chóng)子。在溫暖的季節(jié)里,馬奎斯吃巨蜥、壁虎和鬃獅蜥。在寒冷的季節(jié),爬行動(dòng)物都藏了起來(lái),她就靠本土常見(jiàn)的巫蠐螬為食。那是一種白色的毛毛蟲(chóng)大小的蛾子幼蟲(chóng),生活在金合歡樹(shù)根周?chē)耐晾铩?馬奎斯說(shuō),這種蟲(chóng)子如果生吃,口味像是沒(méi)加糖的煉乳。在熾熱的沙地里烤過(guò)之后,變得酥脆可口。)自始至終,馬奎斯都盡量不與人類(lèi)社會(huì)接觸。她用寬松的衣服和大太陽(yáng)鏡遮住了自己的女性氣質(zhì),把頭發(fā)挽起藏在帽子里。缺水時(shí),她收集冷凝水,挖一個(gè)深坑,在陰涼的底部鋪上塑料袋,或者在灌木周?chē)ι戏浪迹占端?。如果這些技巧仍然不能帶來(lái)足夠的水——這種情況很少發(fā)生 ——她就喝蛇血。到了夜里,馬奎斯挨著樹(shù)干睡覺(jué),用一種她所謂的“幾近肉欲”的方式貼著樹(shù)皮。她愛(ài)上了澳大利亞納拉伯平原上一棵被風(fēng)吹彎的格外扭曲的西部垂枝相思樹(shù)。

On June 20, 2010, Marquis’s 38th birthday, she set out to walk from Siberia through Asia and, once back in Australia, trek to her beloved tree. The video of Marquis walking away from her starting point in Irkutsk feels like the setup for a horror film. “Hello, O.K., so here we are,” she said just before turning away from the camera. “Time to go now!” On her back is a 75-pound pack, and trailing behind her, overflowing with gear secured by bungee cords, is a custom-made cart that looks like a cross between a wheelbarrow and a giant roller bag — her dry-land sled. After Australia, Marquis couldn’t handle slaughtering more animals; she says it felt “like killing a friend.” So she decided to carry rice and hard biscuits (the latter inedible without “a nice, hot cup of tea”), which meant she would need to pull a cart. It now weighed 120 pounds.


To prepare for the expedition, Marquis spent two years walking or snowshoeing 20 miles a day, wearing 75 pounds. On the trip itself, she carried, among other things, five pairs of underwear, a large pocketknife, wide-spectrum antibiotics, tea-tree oil for massaging her feet, a solar-powered charger, a beacon, a BlackBerry, a satellite phone, Crocs, a compass, a tiny emergency stash of amphetamines (“that’s the backup backup backup of the backup; in case you lose a foot and you need to get out and not feel a thing”) and pink merino-wool pajamas (“you put them on and you feel good, you feel gorgeous”).

為了準(zhǔn)備這場(chǎng)遠(yuǎn)足,馬奎斯花費(fèi)了兩年時(shí)間,每天負(fù)重75磅,徒步或穿著雪地靴步行二十英里。在旅途中,除了其他物品,她還要攜帶五套內(nèi)衣褲、一把隨身大折疊刀、廣譜抗生素、用于腳部按摩的茶樹(shù)油、太陽(yáng)能充電器、信標(biāo)、黑莓手機(jī)、衛(wèi)星電話(huà)、洞洞鞋、指南針、僅為緊急情況準(zhǔn)備的一點(diǎn)點(diǎn)安非他命(她說(shuō): “這是最最最最無(wú)奈的備選方案。萬(wàn)一失去了一只腳,你需要毫無(wú)痛覺(jué)地走出困境。”)和一套粉色美利奴羊毛睡衣(“穿上以后感覺(jué)很好,覺(jué)得自己漂亮極了。”)。

The afternoon she departed from Irktusk, Marquis walked just a few miles and set down her load. “That first day I don’t even eat or do anything,” Marquis explains. “By that point, I’m so exhausted, it’s unbelievable.”


In truth, the first six months on Marquis’s trips are always harrowing. She describes it as “the washing machine”: endless agitation, physical pain, emotional pain, nonstop bargaining among opposing internal voices — the inner demons that whisper, Remember the delicious foam on the cafe latte? and the inner angels that reprimand, Coffee isn’t accessible now, so why talk about it? “You can’t move your hands, you can’t move your feet, you just want to die,” Marquis said. “You think about sleep all the time, because maybe sleep will set things straight.”


A few months into her journey, Marquis shot a video of herself in her sleeping bag. Like a hostage clutching a newspaper, she holds a thermometer that reads minus 20 Celsius. “I don’t sleep much these days. I do not know what time it is. Maybe midnight, or something like that?” In the next day’s video, she looks wrecked. The previous night a wind- and sandstorm ripped across the Mongolian plains. To keep the nylon of her tent from tearing, Marquis removed the metal poles holding it up. But she still feared the gales would blow away her gear, so she unzipped herself from her collapsed shelter and lay atop her pack, tent and cart.


Another night during those first months, while Marquis camped on a vast, overgrazed steppe that she describes as looking like an ugly golf course, she heard horses galloping toward her. The visitors turned out to be Mongol horsemen, all in traditional overcoat-like deels, making a vodka-fueled raid on her camp. After trying to steal her tent, they rode off. But for weeks, in the evenings, the men returned, treating Marquis, she said, as “the little entertainment.” To protect herself, she began waking before dawn, walking until midafternoon, then looking for a place to hide for the night — if possible, in a cement sewage pipe. “Everything is going on under those roads,” she said. “There is waste. There are dead sheep. But for me it was not a problem. I was safe.”


Eventually, however, Marquis passed out of Mongol territory. The washing-machine cycle ended. Her body changed, and her mind changed, too. Her senses sharpened to the point that she could smell shampoo on a tourist’s hair from a mile away. “One day you walk 12 hours, and you don’t feel pain,” Marquis said. The past and present telescope down to an all-consuming now. “There is no before or after. The intellect doesn’t drive you anymore. It doesn’t exist anymore. You become what nature needs you to be: this wild thing.”


As Francis Spufford writes in his history of British polar exploration, “I May Be Some Time,” for ages, men have wandered intentionally into extreme hardship, and they “are notoriously bad at saying why.” Marquis and her female peers — women who, say, walk across the Sahara alone with a camel or pull a 200-pound sled to the South Pole — don’t explain it much better. “People always ask, ‘Was it something in your childhood?’ ” says Felicity Aston, the first woman to ski solo across Antarctica. “I’ve thought about it endlessly: no.”

千秋萬(wàn)世以來(lái),人類(lèi)漫游的腳步總在有意踏入極限的艱險(xiǎn),而弗朗西斯·斯巴福德(Francis Spufford)在他的英倫極地探險(xiǎn)史一書(shū)中說(shuō),“可能在某些時(shí)候,我特別不擅長(zhǎng)說(shuō)清楚為什么”。馬奎斯和她的女性同好們——女人,孤身一人騎著駱駝穿過(guò)沙漠或拉著200磅的雪橇走到南極,也無(wú)法更好地解釋為何要這樣做。“人們總是問(wèn):‘你是不是有什么特殊的童年經(jīng)歷?’”第一位孤身滑雪穿過(guò)南極的女性菲麗西提·阿什頓(Felicity Aston)說(shuō)。“對(duì)這個(gè)問(wèn)題,我深思熟慮之后的回答是:沒(méi)有。”

The rest of Marquis’s trip was not all Zen bliss. Seven months into the walk, she lost a molar. Her gum abscessed, and the attendant infection, which couldn’t be controlled with the antibiotics, started moving down her neck, and she had to be evacuated from Mongolia. Marquis returned to the precise G.P.S. coordinates she left and made it to China, where, one day, some children followed her. She sang with them and taught them how to set up her tent — and then they stole her BlackBerry. In Laos, drug dealers descended on Marquis’s camp one night, firing their automatic weapons into the air. Soon after that, Marquis contracted dengue fever. She tied her left leg to a tree so she wouldn’t wander off in her delirium and drown herself in a river.


The trip smoothed out during the last year. Thailand was uneventful. Australia was lovely, despite the heat and the last couple of hundred miles, when Marquis’s legs cramped so badly that it was difficult to walk. She wrote a book about the experience, “Wild by Nature” (available only in French). The last page is profoundly anticlimactic. “I have arrived,” Marquis writes. “I touch the back of the tree with my right hand. ‘I’m back, darling.’ I sit down.”

這場(chǎng)旅行的最后一年漸漸順利起來(lái)。泰國(guó)之行波瀾不驚。澳大利亞十分可愛(ài),盡管酷熱難當(dāng),最后兩百英里時(shí),馬奎斯的雙腿嚴(yán)重抽筋,幾乎無(wú)法行走。她把這段經(jīng)歷寫(xiě)成了一本書(shū)——《生來(lái)狂野》(Wild by Nature,只有法語(yǔ)版)。最后一頁(yè)如此淡然。“我到達(dá)了,”馬奎斯寫(xiě)道。“我用右手的手背觸摸著樹(shù)干。‘親愛(ài)的,我回來(lái)了。’我坐了下來(lái)。”

In Washington last winter, Marquis met with people from the National Geographic Speakers Bureau, because that’s what explorers do (and pretty much have always done): come home and sell their stories. It was nine months after re-entry into mainstream life, and she was happy to return to some physical comforts: sleeping in a bed, taking two baths a day. But she found being among people overwhelming, and her senses remained so acute that even just sitting in a cafeteria was grating. “You hear the dishwasher?” Marquis asked me, pointing toward an unseen kitchen. I shook my head. Marquis said, resigned, “There’s a radio playing back there, too.”

去年冬天,馬奎斯在華盛頓與國(guó)家地理演講局(National Geographic Speakers Bureau)的工作人員見(jiàn)面,因?yàn)樘诫U(xiǎn)家就是這樣(他們基本都試過(guò)):回家,把自己的故事寫(xiě)成書(shū)賣(mài)掉。當(dāng)時(shí),她再次進(jìn)入主流生活已經(jīng)9個(gè)月了,很開(kāi)心身體能重新體驗(yàn)舒適的感覺(jué):睡在床上,每天洗兩次澡。但她發(fā)現(xiàn),身處人群讓她感覺(jué)壓抑,因?yàn)樗母泄偃允侨绱嗣翡J,僅僅是坐在餐廳里,都感覺(jué)是種折磨。“你聽(tīng)見(jiàn)洗碗機(jī)的聲音了嗎?”馬奎斯問(wèn)我,指著視野之外的廚房。我搖搖頭。馬奎斯無(wú)奈放棄了,說(shuō):“那里面還有廣播的聲音。”

Marquis plans to return to northwest Australia in 2016. She said it’s her “dream to go with just a sarong and a knife” — the ultimate test of survival. It’s hard not to wonder where these urges come from. Geneticists, neuroscientists, psychologists and religious scholars have all taken stabs at answering, with unsatisfying results. But perhaps the real reason to court a sufferfest — to explore or adventure, or whatever you want to call it — is that it makes a person feel alive. The literature of survival is weirdly upbeat. A few days before dying, in 1912, Robert Falcon Scott wrote a letter telling a friend that he wished that friend were with him “to hear our songs and the cheery conversation.” The day of his death, Scott said of his trip, “How much better has it been than lounging in too great comfort at home.”

馬奎斯打算2016年回到澳大利亞西北部。她說(shuō)她的夢(mèng)想是只穿一件紗籠、帶一把旅行刀去澳洲,那將是生存實(shí)驗(yàn)的終極挑戰(zhàn)。人們很難不好奇,這種沖動(dòng)究竟從何而來(lái)。這個(gè)問(wèn)題遺傳學(xué)家、生理學(xué)家、心理學(xué)家和宗教學(xué)者都曾試圖回答,結(jié)果卻都不令人滿(mǎn)意。但是,一個(gè)受虐狂去探索或冒險(xiǎn),真正的原因或許是—— 那會(huì)讓他們感到自己活著。歷險(xiǎn)主題的文學(xué)作品總是奇特而積極向上的。1912年,羅伯特·法爾康·司各特去世之前的幾天,寫(xiě)了一封信,告訴朋友他希望對(duì)方和自己在一起,“聆聽(tīng)我們的歡聲笑語(yǔ)”。去世那天,司各特說(shuō)起這場(chǎng)旅行,“這種感覺(jué),比呆在家里要美好得太多太多了啊!”


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