Trees, among their many other superpowers, help absorb some of the excess carbon dioxide humans have been adding to Earth's atmosphere lately. That's a valuable service, considering we still release about 2.57 million pounds of CO2 every second, on average, and the heat-trapping gas can linger in the sky for centuries.
We know Earth needs more trees. And although we are doing far too little about climate change in general, we are planting trees — so many, in fact, that global tree cover has reportedly increased by about 7% in the last 35 years.
Morning fog hangs over a tropical forest at Kaeng Krachan National Park in Thailand. (Photo: Stephane Bidouze/Shutterstock)
Tropical forests are especially important for many reasons, and stopping this destruction should be a high priority for humanity. But given the huge scale of climate change, that still won't be nearly enough to avert disaster. On top of stopping deforestation, we'll need to add a lot more trees in a lot more places.
Dead trees stand in a recently deforested section of the Brazilian Amazon in 2017. (Photo: Mario Tama/Getty Images)
Two new studies take a closer look at this issue. One looks at the possibility of planting trees virtually everywhere they could grow, estimating the maximum possible scope of reforestation in response to climate change. In the other, researchers focused on reforestation opportunities in the tropics, singling out "restoration hotspots" where newly planted forests are most likely to succeed.
This map shows areas that could support new forests, excluding existing forests as well as urban and agricultural areas. (Map: Bastin et. al./Science)
Climate change is making life harder and harder for many trees, especially in the tropics, and thus threatening their ability to help us remove our excess CO2 from the atmosphere. "We estimate that if we cannot deviate from the current trajectory, the global potential canopy cover may shrink by 223 million hectares by 2050, with the vast majority of losses occurring in the tropics," they write. "Our results highlight the opportunity of climate change mitigation through global tree restoration but also the urgent need for action."
The sun sets over Bwindi Impenetrable Forest in Uganda. (Photo: Dietmar Rauscher/Shutterstock)
They found about 863 million hectares of restorable area for forests overall, an area roughly the size of Brazil. They also assigned a "restoration opportunity score" (ROS) to various places, and determined that about 12% of the restorable area — about 101 million hectares — meets their criteria as a "restoration hotspot." Forests in these hotspots can not only hold lots of carbon and biodiversity, but they're also more likely to thrive than in other areas.
The two studies used different approaches and reached different conclusions, as science writer Gabriel Popkin points out in Mongabay, but both are part of a key shift from tracking the loss of forests to mapping out their potential comeback. And while forest restoration isn't a silver bullet, this research does suggest it may be our best hope for buying ourselves more time, as an author of the Science study tells Vox.
A rainforest stream flows through Masoala National Park in Madagascar. (Photo: Dennis van de Water/Shutterstock)
"The point is that [reforestation is] so much more vastly powerful than anyone ever expected," says Thomas Crowther, a researcher at the Swiss university ETH Zurich. "By far, it's the top climate change solution in terms of carbon storage potential."