In the human-animal relationship, the dog does not care if its owner resides in a mansion or on the street, what is their religion or the color of their skin. Love, care, affection and respect are enough to earn a dog’s trust. But even so, many of them are thrown to the streets as garbage. We will tell the story today of a big-hearted man who has decided to change his life … and many others.
When Sasha opened his shelter in 2008, he probably didn’t expect it to become so overcrowded
And by “overcrowded” we mean 750 dogs living there at this very moment
It all started in 2008, when Sasha Pesic was returning to his home in the Serbian city of Nis after a long day, and happened to meet four abandoned puppies along the way. The scene moved him to such an extent that even without financial conditions, he began a plan to help them. This small display of love, dedication and solidarity started something that eventually made him one of the leading defenders of animals in Serbia.
Sasha didn’t close the door to any of the poor four-legged friends that needed his help
Along with 6 volunteers, Sasha opened a shelter to provide home and food to all four-legged furry creatures without discrimination. All this, thanks to the contributions and donations he receives from various parts of the world. And if that wasn’t enough, he knows all of their names, vaccinates them, sterilizes them and even gives them an identification microchip.
Together with other volunteers they care of the dogs and make sure they all get vaccinated and sterilized
The shelter currently has over 750 dogs, has rescued 1,200 and about 400 of them have been adopted by people around the world. Pesic is an excellent example for your country and the world. But like any superhero … he has his enemies. And in this case, it is the landowners where the shelter is located who are requesting their departure.
Fortunately, a petition signed by thousands of people has led to the authorities giving up, and although the matter is not permanently settled, Pesic is grateful that his dogs still have a home. The shelter is overcrowded, as Sasha himself admits, but for now, he has no better alternative.
“I receive zero assistance from the government and some vets are actually charging me more than regular prices because they think I have a lot of money from donations. I’m all on my own and I cover the veterinary treatment and everything necessary out of donations and my own pocket.”
The total number of dogs that Sasha has saved is around 1200
People can visit Sasha’s Patreon page: patreon.com/sashashelter to become Patrons and help him to cover the huge fixed costs that he has each month. They go to up to $20k per month and that is the goal he is aiming for on Patreon. Sasha wants to build a sustainable income source so he can secure the future of the shelter.
More info: Instagram | Facebook | patreon.com
Image credits: sashashelterserbia