We are not here to vilify carbs — they're fuel for our bodies — but not all carbs are created equal. We look at the science behind why eating too much starch isn't good for you and share four tips to help you integrate grains into your diet.
1. Not all calories act the same in the body.
Just because two foods have the same number of calories doesn't mean they're equal health-wise. "We've known for decades, if not a century, that different foods affect the body differently, apart from their calorie content," says David Ludwig, a professor of nutrition at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and the founder of a weight loss center at Boston Children's Hospital.
If you take white bread and whole-grain wheat kernels that have about the same number of calories, the whole grain has so much more going for it. Eating minimally processed grain like wheat berries, whole oats, barley and rye is better for you than superprocessed white bread.
Ludwig says that's because they take longer to digest.
When you eat white bread, on the other hand, all the good-for-you stuff is processed out of the bread, leaving a bunch of starch, which can raise blood sugar and insulin, potentially stimulating hunger and maybe even slowing down your metabolism.
2. Refined carbs quickly turn to sugar in your body.
You've heard to cut back on sugar. But consider this: Ultra-refined grains (whether it's crackers, baguettes or white bread) are just one step away from turning into sugar in our bodies. And as we just outlined, ultra-processed, starchy foods can raise blood sugar and insulin.
Don't worry — you can still eat bread. There are just much better options than white bread. For example, traditional pumpernickel, sourdough or other whole grains.
3. Treat bread like dessert. (Eat it last.)
A study a few years back gave people bread rolls at the end of a meal versus the beginning of a meal. The researchers found, on average, that the people who ate those rolls at the end had about a 30% lower peak in their blood sugar. If you love breads and muffins, save them for the end of your meal.
4. Eat whole foods, healthy fats and protein.
Focus on reducing highly processed carbohydrates and replacing them with whole fruits, beans, nuts and a variety of healthy fats, making sure to get enough protein.