雙語·當(dāng)呼吸化為空氣 達(dá)爾文和尼采有一個(gè)觀點(diǎn)是一致的
教程:英語漫讀  瀏覽:215  
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    Years ago, it had occurred to me that Darwin and Nietzsche agreed on one thing: the defining characteristic of the organism is striving. Describing life otherwise was like painting a tiger without stripes. After so many years of living with death, I’d come to understand that the easiest death wasn’t necessarily the best. We talked it over. Our families gave their blessing. We decided to have a child. We would carry on living, instead of dying.

    Because of the medications I was on, assisted reproduction appeared to be the only route forward. So we visited a specialist at a reproductive endocrinology clinic in Palo Alto. She was efficient and professional, but her lack of experience dealing with terminally ill, as opposed to infertile, patients was obvious. She plowed through her spiel, eyes on her clipboard:

    “How long have you been trying?”

    “這個(gè)嘛,我們還沒試呢?!?br>“Well, we haven’t yet.”

    “Oh, right. Of course.”

    Finally she asked, “Given your, uh, situation, I assume you want to get pregnant fast?”

    “Yes,” Lucy said. “We’d like to start right away.”

    “I’d suggest you begin with IVF, then,” she said.

    When I mentioned that we’d rather minimize how many embryos were created and destroyed, she looked slightly confused. Most people who came here prized expedience above all. But I was determined to avoid the situation where, after I died, Lucy had responsibility for a half dozen embryos—the last remnants of our shared genomes, my last presence on this earth—stuck in a freezer somewhere, too painful to destroy, impossible to bring to full humanity: technological artifacts that no one knew how to relate to. But after several trials of intrauterine insemination, it was clear we needed a higher level of technology: we would need to create at least a few embryos in vitro and implant the healthiest. The others would die. Even in having children in this new life, death played its part.

    Six weeks after starting treatment, I was due for my first CT scan to measure the efficacy of the Tarceva. As I hopped out of the scanner, the CT tech looked at me. “Well, Doc,” he offered, “I’m not supposed to say this, but there’s a computer back there if you want to take a look.” I loaded up the images on the viewer, typing in my own name.

    The acne was a reassuring sign. My strength had also improved, though I was still limited by back pain and fatigue. Sitting there, I reminded myself of what Emma had said: even a small amount of tumor growth, so long as it was small, would be considered a success.(My father, of course, had predicted that all the cancer would be gone. “Your scan will be clear, Pubby!” he’d declared, using my family nickname.) I repeated to myself that even small growth was good news, took a breath, and clicked. The images materialized on the screen. My lungs, speckled with innumerable tumors before, were clear except for a one-centimeter nodule in the right upper lobe. I could make out my spine beginning to heal. There had been a clear, dramatic reduction in tumor burden.

    Relief washed over me.

      上一篇:雙語·當(dāng)呼吸化為空氣 這到底是勝利 還是落敗 下一篇:雙語·當(dāng)呼吸化為空氣 我的癌癥病情穩(wěn)定下來了


